path: root/library/SubcircuitLibrary
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
29 hoursMerge pull request #300 from Maanit491/masterHEADmasterSumanto Kar
Subcircuit files for different ICs
2 daysSN74351 is a Dual data selector with 3 state outputRachith-H
2 daysSN54180 is a 9 bit odd/even parity generatorRachith-H
2 daysSN54LS183 is a Dual carry save full addersRachith-H
2 daysHD74LS152 is a 1-of-8 Data Selector / MultiplexerRachith-H
2 daysCD4532B is a 8 bit priority encoderRachith-H
2 days74F350 is a 4-bit shifterRachith-H
8 daysSN55188 is a Dual Line Driver ICMaanit
8 daysSN55188_0, 1/4th of the subcircuit SN55188Maanit
8 daysTDA7050 is a Low-Power Audio Amplifier ICMaanit
8 daysMC1489A_0, 1/4th of the subcircuit MC1489AMaanit
8 daysMC1489 is a Quad Line Receiver ICMaanit
8 daysMC1489_0, 1/4th of the subcircuit MC1489Maanit
8 daysSN74LS00 is a Quad 2-Input NAND Gate ICMaanit
8 daysNAND Gate TTL required for SN74LS00Maanit
8 daysCA3080 is an Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) ICMaanit
2024-11-21TS391 is a low-power comparatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21TL331 is a single general-purpose comparatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21TL064 is a low-power JFET-input operational amplifierSumanto Kar
2024-11-21SN74LS148 is an 8-to-3 priority encoderSumanto Kar
2024-11-21SN5442A is a BCD-to-decimal decoder/driverSumanto Kar
2024-11-21SN54147 is a priority encoderSumanto Kar
2024-11-21RC4559N is a dual operational amplifierSumanto Kar
2024-11-21MC78L05 is a 5V positive voltage regulatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21MC3403 is a quad operational amplifierSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM78M05 is a 5V positive voltage regulatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM143 is a high-voltage operational amplifierSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM140L is a 3-terminal positive voltage regulatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LF147 is a low-noise JFET-input operational amplifierSumanto Kar
2024-11-21CD4556BMS is a CMOS dual 1-of-4 decoder/demultiplexerSumanto Kar
2024-11-21CD4078B is a CMOS quad 2-input OR gateSumanto Kar
2024-11-21SN74LS138 is a 3-to-8 line decoder/demultiplexerSumanto Kar
2024-11-21SN74ALS280 is a parity generator/checkerSumanto Kar
2024-11-21MC74HC238 is a 3-to-8 line decoderSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM342 is a voltage regulatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM317 is an adjustable voltage regulatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM2901 is a quad comparatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM124 is a quad low-power operational amplifierSumanto Kar
2024-11-21FCT827 is a 10-bit buffer/line driverSumanto Kar
2024-11-21CD4050 is a CMOS hex bufferSumanto Kar
2024-11-2174LVC1G97 is a configurable multiple-function gateSumanto Kar
2024-11-2174ACT11286 is a high-speed 8-bit comparatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21UA777 is a low power precision quad operational amplifierSumanto Kar
2024-11-21MC7900 is a series negative voltage regulatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21MC1741 is a general-purpose operational amplifierSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LT1011 is a precision comparatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM78L is a low-current positive voltage regulatorSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM4250 is a programmable operational amplifierSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM358 is a dual operational amplifierSumanto Kar
2024-11-21LM160 is a voltage regulatorSumanto Kar