path: root/Ubuntu/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-02-21Refactored KiCad and Python library install sectionsrahulp13
2022-02-21Shifted Verilator install commands on Ubuntu to NGHDL reporahulp13
2022-02-10do not confirm on installing pip3rahulp13
2022-01-25Merge pull request #176 from Eyantra698Sumanto/installersSumanto Kar
2022-01-11Added the dependencies and options for Ngveri-MakerchipSumanto Kar
2021-10-14updated keyserver urlRahul P
2021-01-05auto-add kicad-4 key for ubuntu 20+rahulp13
2020-12-17fixed key issue with bionic reporahulp13
2020-12-15disabled exit on error for apt updaterahulp13
2020-08-08auto yes to distutils promptrahulp13
2020-08-08moved error on exit to install section onlyrahulp13
2020-08-03initial commitrahulp13