path: root/Debian
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-08-03added support for Ubuntu 20.04rahulp13
2020-08-03resolved issue with grep error flag; replaced pyqt4 installation with pyqt5rahulp13
2020-07-22added exit on error optionrahulp13
2020-04-02make desktop launcher as trusted applicationrahulp13
2020-04-01update readme - packaging with srcrahulp13
2020-04-01revert to packaging with srcrahulp13
2020-04-01update readme - staticxrahulp13
2020-03-21update packaging info generic to xenial and bionicrahulp13
2020-03-21provide execute permission to nghdl scriptrahulp13
2020-03-04xpdf tool - for manualrahulp13
2020-03-03update readmerahulp13
2020-02-21update readmerahulp13
2020-02-21packaging with pyinstallerrahulp13
2020-02-14initial commitrahulp13