AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-09-02Adding support for the SHAKTI E-CLASS in the ModelGeneration.pySumanto Kar
2023-09-02Merge pull request #256 from SangaviGR/masterSumanto Kar
2023-08-27Modified subcktPSR0001
2023-08-19Merge branch 'FOSSEE:master' into masterSangaviGR
2023-07-24Merge pull request #265 from Eyantra698Sumanto/masterSumanto Kar
2023-07-24Added some more ICs to eSim_Subckt.lib fileEyantra698Sumanto
2023-07-24Merge pull request #263 from Eyantra698Sumanto/masterSumanto Kar
2023-07-24LOG101 is a logarithmic amplifierEyantra698Sumanto
2023-07-24ULN2803 is a Darlington Transistor ArraysEyantra698Sumanto
2023-07-24OPA862 is a single ended to differential ADC driver ICEyantra698Sumanto
2023-07-24OPA827 is a low noise OpAmp ICEyantra698Sumanto
2023-07-24LM397MFX is A General Purpose Voltage ComparatorEyantra698Sumanto
2023-07-24LM386 is An Audio Power Amplifier ICEyantra698Sumanto
2023-07-24INA823 is an Instrumentation Amplifier ICEyantra698Sumanto
2023-06-29removed kicad online mode switchingrahulp13
2023-06-29refactored naming conventions with kicad6rahulp13
2023-06-29removed redundant kicad libraries and symbolsrahulp13
2023-06-29updated power sym. library for kicad-v6 supportrahulp13
2023-06-29draw_pos_rec variable addedPSR0001
2023-06-28Merge pull request #259 from pranavkaruvally/masterRahul P
2023-06-28Made the text in TerminalUi log console selectablePranav P
2023-06-28Add symbol library tablePSR0001
2023-06-28Update Footprint library tablePSR0001
2023-06-20subcircuiteditor method modifiedSangavi GR
2023-06-18Update project filePSR0001
2023-06-18Opening older schematicsPSR0001
2023-06-18Update libries for KiCad V6PSR0001
2023-06-18Update librariesPSR0001
2023-06-16Porting kicad v4 to v6 & Coordinate issue solvedPSR0001
2023-06-16Update KiCad sym templatePSR0001
2023-06-13Merge pull request #251 from FOSSEE/sky130-devRahul P
2023-06-13Merge branch 'master' into sky130-devRahul P
2023-06-13maker module flake8 compliant & added docstringsrahulp13
2023-06-13removed SoC gen. buttonrahulp13
2023-06-11Merge pull request #243 from pranavkaruvally/masterRahul P
2023-06-11fixed multiple signal issue with cancel sim.rahulp13
2023-06-07sim. process switched to qt slot-signal mech. & report errorsrahulp13
2023-06-07sync cancel and redo simulation featuresrahulp13
2023-06-03Updated docstrings for sphinx documentationPranav P
2023-06-03Got rid of simulationEssentialsPranav P
2023-06-01PR fixesPranav P
2023-06-01Changed title names of docker tabsPranav P
2023-06-01Added docstrings to the TerminalUi classPranav P
2023-06-01Changed style in accordance with flake8Pranav P
2023-06-01Suppressed PrinterOnly error of ngspice batch modePranav P
2023-06-01Fixes for PRPranav P
2023-05-31Removed os check on ngspice simulation callPranav P
2023-05-25Now loads TerminalUi from ui filePranav P
2023-05-25Added sphinx docstring documentation to newly added functions and removed som...Pranav P
2023-05-24Removed an unnecessary errorFlagPranav P