AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-03-25Subject :Analysis InsisterGauravSupal
2015-03-25Subject: Added module for source tabfahim
2015-03-19Subject: Added few module to start with source detailsfahim
2015-03-18Subject: Added checkbox in Analysis Tabfahim
2015-03-16Subject: Changes in and analysis.pyfahim
2015-03-13Merge branch 'master' of
2015-03-13Subject: Testingfahim
2015-03-13Subject: Modified Analysis Tabfahim
2015-03-13Subject: Move Repository to FOSSEEfahim
2015-03-13Initial commitFahim
2015-03-11Subject: Added new module kicadtongspicefahim
2015-03-02Subject: Changes name from ecSim to eSimfahim
2015-02-25Subject: Kicad Module modified along with some other minor changesfahim
2015-02-19Subject: Modiefied and added few iconsfahim
2015-02-19Subject: Modified newProject.pyfahim
2015-02-18Subject: Deleted Unwanted filefahim
2015-02-17Subject: openProject and Validationfahim
2015-02-11Subject: Added splash screenfahim
2015-02-10Subject: Added few more gui componentfahim
2015-02-05Subject: First commitfahim