AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-10-27Subject: Added example for diode characteristicFahim
2015-10-27Subject: Added Zener Diode Library and Modified normal DiodeFahim
2015-10-21Subject: OpenModelica- Added comma in parameter lineFahim
2015-10-21Subject: Added pspice converter for windowsFahim
2015-10-20Subject: Modification for new pspice to kicad converterFahim
2015-10-19Subject: Modified Kicad import Library codeFahim
2015-10-16Subject: Modification for Pspice to Kicad converterFahim
2015-10-15Added XML for NghdlFahim
2015-10-15Fix Pspice library converter callingFahim
2015-10-15Modify the calling method of nghdlFahim
2015-10-15Changes code and added file for 32 & 64 bit of pspice to Kicad converterFahim
2015-10-15Subject: Changes to include PSPICE to Kicad parserFahim
2015-10-14Changes to include inbuil NgSpice modelFahim
2015-10-07Subject: eSim Welcome page And ngspicetoModelica converterFahim
2015-10-01Subject: Changes in, andFahim
2015-09-22Nghdl Processes Terminatedkomalsheth236
2015-09-22Subject: Integrated OpemModelica Changes into develop branchFahim
2015-09-15Subject: Updated User ManualFahim
2015-09-15Bug fixing for Sub circuitFahim
2015-09-10Merge branch 'nghdl' into developathulappadan
2015-09-10Nghdl icon addedathulappadan
2015-09-10Nghdl icon addedathulappadan
2015-09-08Merge branch 'nghdl' into developathulappadan
2015-09-08eSim-Nghdl integrationathulappadan
2015-09-07Merge pull request #48 from FOSSEE/revert-47-masterv1.0Fahim
2015-09-07Revert "integrating nghdl with eSim"Fahim
2015-09-07Merge pull request #47 from athulappadan/masterFahim
2015-09-07integrating nghdl with eSimathulappadan
2015-08-26Subject: Modified installation scriptFahim
2015-08-26Subject: Bug Fix : Change name of variable.Fahim
2015-08-25Merge pull request #44 from komalsheth236/masterFahim
2015-08-29Changes in ac Source Detailskomalsheth236
2015-08-19Modified ExampleFahim
2015-08-19Subject: Modified esim.desktopFahim
2015-08-18Subject: Model Editor Bug fixingFahim
2015-08-18Subject: Analysis bug fixing.Fahim
2015-08-11Subject: Bug Fixing : Remove multiple analysis,.model,.include line fromFahim
2015-08-07Changes comment in esim.desktopfahim
2015-08-06Modified README filefahim
2015-08-05Analysis Changeskomalsheth236
2015-08-05Subject: Added eSim Examplesfahim
2015-08-04Subject: Updated User Manualfahim
2015-08-04Subject: Added installation script.fahim
2015-08-03Subject: Changes the way of opening user manual.fahim
2015-07-31Subject: Added module for user manualfahim
2015-07-31Subject: Updated Welcome page of eSim.fahim
2015-07-29Subject: Set Welcome and Note area ReadOnlyfahim
2015-07-28Subject: Added subcircuit for Half Adder and Full Adder.fahim
2015-07-28Merge pull request #43 from FOSSEE-Manipal/masterFahim
2015-07-28Merge branch 'master' of