path: root/src/kicadtoNgspice/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/kicadtoNgspice/')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/src/kicadtoNgspice/ b/src/kicadtoNgspice/
index 9295a058..fa75320f 100644
--- a/src/kicadtoNgspice/
+++ b/src/kicadtoNgspice/
@@ -174,116 +174,118 @@ class PrcocessNetlist:
print "Words",words
print "compName",compName
#Looking if model file is present
- xmlfile = compType+".xml" #XML Model File
- count = 0 #Check if model of same name is present
- modelPath = []
- all_dir = [x[0] for x in os.walk(PrcocessNetlist.modelxmlDIR)]
- for each_dir in all_dir:
- all_file = os.listdir(each_dir)
- if xmlfile in all_file:
- count += 1
- modelPath.append(os.path.join(each_dir,xmlfile))
- if count > 1:
- multipleModelList.append(modelPath)
- elif count == 0:
- unknownModelList.append(compType)
- elif count == 1:
- try:
- print "Start Parsing :",modelPath
- tree = ET.parse(modelPath[0])
- root = tree.getroot()
- #Getting number of nodes for model and title
- for child in tree.iter():
- if child.tag == 'node_number':
- num_of_nodes = int(child.text)
- elif child.tag == 'title':
- title = child.text+" "+compName
- elif child.tag == 'name':
- modelname = child.text
- elif child.tag == 'type':
- #Checking for Analog and Digital
- type = child.text
- elif child.tag == 'split':
- splitDetail = child.text
+ if compType != "port":
+ xmlfile = compType+".xml" #XML Model File
+ count = 0 #Check if model of same name is present
+ modelPath = []
+ all_dir = [x[0] for x in os.walk(PrcocessNetlist.modelxmlDIR)]
+ for each_dir in all_dir:
+ all_file = os.listdir(each_dir)
+ if xmlfile in all_file:
+ count += 1
+ modelPath.append(os.path.join(each_dir,xmlfile))
+ if count > 1:
+ multipleModelList.append(modelPath)
+ elif count == 0:
+ unknownModelList.append(compType)
+ elif count == 1:
+ try:
+ print "Start Parsing :",modelPath
+ tree = ET.parse(modelPath[0])
- for param in tree.findall('param'):
- for item in param:
- #print "Tags ",item.tag
- #print "Value",item.text
- if 'vector'in item.attrib:
- print "Tag having vector attribute",item.tag,item.attrib['vector']
- temp_count = 1
- temp_list = []
- for i in range(0,int(item.attrib['vector'])):
- temp_list.append(item.text+" "+str(temp_count))
- temp_count += 1
- if 'default' in item.attrib:
- paramDict[item.tag+":"+item.attrib['default']] = temp_list
- else:
- paramDict[item.tag] = item.text
- else:
- if 'default' in item.attrib:
- paramDict[item.tag+":"+item.attrib['default']] = item.text
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ #Getting number of nodes for model and title
+ for child in tree.iter():
+ if child.tag == 'node_number':
+ num_of_nodes = int(child.text)
+ elif child.tag == 'title':
+ title = child.text+" "+compName
+ elif child.tag == 'name':
+ modelname = child.text
+ elif child.tag == 'type':
+ #Checking for Analog and Digital
+ type = child.text
+ elif child.tag == 'split':
+ splitDetail = child.text
+ for param in tree.findall('param'):
+ for item in param:
+ #print "Tags ",item.tag
+ #print "Value",item.text
+ if 'vector'in item.attrib:
+ print "Tag having vector attribute",item.tag,item.attrib['vector']
+ temp_count = 1
+ temp_list = []
+ for i in range(0,int(item.attrib['vector'])):
+ temp_list.append(item.text+" "+str(temp_count))
+ temp_count += 1
+ if 'default' in item.attrib:
+ paramDict[item.tag+":"+item.attrib['default']] = temp_list
+ else:
+ paramDict[item.tag] = item.text
- paramDict[item.tag] = item.text
+ if 'default' in item.attrib:
+ paramDict[item.tag+":"+item.attrib['default']] = item.text
+ else:
+ paramDict[item.tag] = item.text
- print "Number of Nodes : ",num_of_nodes
- print "Title : ",title
- print "Parameters",paramDict
- #Creating line for adding model line in schematic
- if splitDetail == 'None':
- modelLine = "a"+str(k)+" "
- for i in range(1,num_of_nodes+1):
- modelLine += words[i]+" "
- modelLine += compName
- else:
- print "Split Details :",splitDetail
- modelLine = "a"+str(k)+" "
- vectorDetail = splitDetail.split(':')
- print "Vector Details",vectorDetail
- pos = 1 #Node position
- for item in vectorDetail:
- try:
- if item.split("-")[1] == 'V':
- print "Vector"
- modelLine += "["
- for i in range(0,int(item.split("-")[0])):
- modelLine += words[pos]+" "
- pos += 1
- modelLine += "] "
- elif item.split("-")[1] == 'NV':
- print "Non Vector"
- for i in range(0,int(item.split("-")[0])):
- modelLine += words[pos]+" "
- pos += 1
+ print "Number of Nodes : ",num_of_nodes
+ print "Title : ",title
+ print "Parameters",paramDict
+ #Creating line for adding model line in schematic
+ if splitDetail == 'None':
+ modelLine = "a"+str(k)+" "
+ for i in range(1,num_of_nodes+1):
+ modelLine += words[i]+" "
+ modelLine += compName
- except:
- print "There is error while processing Vector Details"
- sys.exit(2)
- modelLine += compName
- print "Final Model Line :",modelLine
- try:
- schematicInfo.append(modelLine)
- k=k+1
- except Exception as e:
- print "Error while appending ModelLine ",modelLine
- print "Exception Message : ",str(e)
- #Insert comment at remove line
- schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
- comment = "* Schematic Name: "+compType+", NgSpice Name: "+modelname
- #Here instead of adding compType(use for XML), added modelName(Unique Model Name)
- modelList.append([index,compline,modelname,compName,comment,title,type,paramDict])
- except:
- print "Unable to parse the model, Please check your your XML file"
- sys.exit(2)
+ else:
+ print "Split Details :",splitDetail
+ modelLine = "a"+str(k)+" "
+ vectorDetail = splitDetail.split(':')
+ print "Vector Details",vectorDetail
+ pos = 1 #Node position
+ for item in vectorDetail:
+ try:
+ if item.split("-")[1] == 'V':
+ print "Vector"
+ modelLine += "["
+ for i in range(0,int(item.split("-")[0])):
+ modelLine += words[pos]+" "
+ pos += 1
+ modelLine += "] "
+ elif item.split("-")[1] == 'NV':
+ print "Non Vector"
+ for i in range(0,int(item.split("-")[0])):
+ modelLine += words[pos]+" "
+ pos += 1
+ except:
+ print "There is error while processing Vector Details"
+ sys.exit(2)
+ modelLine += compName
+ print "Final Model Line :",modelLine
+ try:
+ schematicInfo.append(modelLine)
+ k=k+1
+ except Exception as e:
+ print "Error while appending ModelLine ",modelLine
+ print "Exception Message : ",str(e)
+ #Insert comment at remove line
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
+ comment = "* Schematic Name: "+compType+", NgSpice Name: "+modelname
+ #Here instead of adding compType(use for XML), added modelName(Unique Model Name)
+ modelList.append([index,compline,modelname,compName,comment,title,type,paramDict])
+ except:
+ print "Unable to parse the model, Please check your your XML file"
+ sys.exit(2)
+ else:
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compline)
#print "Count",count
#print "UnknownModelList",unknownModelList
#print "MultipleModelList",multipleModelList