path: root/src/kicadtoNgspice/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/kicadtoNgspice/')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/kicadtoNgspice/ b/src/kicadtoNgspice/
index b8b5ae66..4dee9446 100644
--- a/src/kicadtoNgspice/
+++ b/src/kicadtoNgspice/
@@ -8,3 +8,187 @@ class PrcocessNetlist:
return data.splitlines()
+ def readParamInfo(self,kicadNetlis):
+ """Read Parameter information and store it into dictionary"""
+ param={}
+ for eachline in kicadNetlis:
+ print eachline
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ option=words[0].lower()
+ if option=='.param':
+ for i in range(1, len(words), 1):
+ paramList=words[i].split('=')
+ param[paramList[0]]=paramList[1]
+ return param
+ def preprocessNetlist(self,kicadNetlis,param):
+ """Preprocess netlist (replace parameters)"""
+ netlist=[]
+ for eachline in kicadNetlis:
+ # Remove leading and trailing blanks spaces from line
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ # Remove special character $
+ eachline=eachline.replace('$','')
+ # Replace parameter with values
+ for subParam in eachline.split():
+ if '}' in subParam:
+ key=subParam.split()[0]
+ key=key.strip('{')
+ key=key.strip('}')
+ if key in param:
+ eachline=eachline.replace('{'+key+'}',param[key])
+ else:
+ print "Parameter " + key +" does not exists"
+ value=raw_input('Enter parameter value: ')
+ eachline=eachline.replace('{'+key+'}',value)
+ #Convert netlist into lower case letter
+ eachline=eachline.lower()
+ # Construct netlist
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ if eachline[0]=='+':
+ netlist.append(netlist.pop()+eachline.replace('+',' '))
+ else:
+ netlist.append(eachline)
+ #Copy information line
+ infoline=netlist[0]
+ netlist.remove(netlist[0])
+ return netlist,infoline
+ def separateNetlistInfo(self,netlist):
+ optionInfo=[]
+ schematicInfo=[]
+ for eachline in netlist:
+ if eachline[0]=='*':
+ continue
+ elif eachline[0]=='.':
+ optionInfo.append(eachline)
+ else:
+ schematicInfo.append(eachline)
+ return optionInfo,schematicInfo
+ def getModelSubcktList(self,schematicInfo,modelList,subcktList):
+ #Processing Netlist for modellist and subcktlist details
+ for eachline in schematicInfo:
+ words = eachline.split()
+ if eachline[0]=='d':
+ modelName=words[3]
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ else:
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='q':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[4])
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ else:
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='m':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ width=raw_input(' Enter width of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=100u):')
+ length=raw_input(' Enter length of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=100u):')
+ multiplicative_factor=raw_input(' Enter multiplicative factor of mosfet '+words[0]+'(default=1):')
+ if width=="": width="100u"
+ if multiplicative_factor=="": multiplicative_factor="100u"
+ if length=="": length="100u"
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" "+'M='+multiplicative_factor+" "+'L='+length+" "+'W='+width)
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='j':
+ modelName=words[4]
+ index=schematicInfo.index(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(eachline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,words[0]+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4])
+ if modelName in modelList:
+ continue
+ else:
+ modelList.append(modelName)
+ elif eachline[0]=='x':
+ subcktName=words[len(words)-1]
+ if subcktName in subcktList:
+ continue
+ else:
+ subcktList.append(subcktName)
+ return modelList,subcktList
+ def insertSpecialSourceParam(self,schematicInfo,sourcelist):
+ #Inser Special source parameter
+ schematicInfo1=[]
+ for compline in schematicInfo:
+ words=compline.split()
+ compName=words[0]
+ # Ask for parameters of source
+ if compName[0]=='v' or compName=='i':
+ # Find the index component from circuit
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ if words[3]=="pulse":
+ Title="Add parameters for pulse source "+compName
+ v1=' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): '
+ v2=' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): '
+ td=' Enter delay time (seconds): '
+ tr=' Enter rise time (seconds): '
+ tf=' Enter fall time (seconds): '
+ pw=' Enter pulse width (seconds): '
+ tp=' Enter period (seconds): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v1,v2,td,tr,tf,pw,tp])
+ elif words[3]=="sine":
+ Title="Add parameters for sine source "+compName
+ vo=' Enter offset value (Volts/Amps): '
+ va=' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): '
+ freq=' Enter frequency (Hz): '
+ td=' Enter delay time (seconds): '
+ theta=' Enter damping factor (1/seconds): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,vo,va,freq,td,theta])
+ elif words[3]=="pwl":
+ Title="Add parameters for pwl source "+compName
+ t_v=' Enter in pwl format without bracket i.e t1 v1 t2 v2.... '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,t_v])
+ elif words[3]=="ac":
+ Title="Add parameters for ac source "+compName
+ v_a=' Enter amplitude (Volts/Amps): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v_a])
+ elif words[3]=="exp":
+ Title="Add parameters for exponential source "+compName
+ v1=' Enter initial value(Volts/Amps): '
+ v2=' Enter pulsed value(Volts/Amps): '
+ td1=' Enter rise delay time (seconds): '
+ tau1=' Enter rise time constant (seconds): '
+ td2=' Enter fall time (seconds): '
+ tau2=' Enter fall time constant (seconds): '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v1,v2,td1,tau1,td2,tau2])
+ elif words[3]=="dc":
+ Title="Add parameters for DC source "+compName
+ v1=' Enter value(Volts/Amps): '
+ v2=' Enter zero frequency: '
+ sourcelist.append([index,compline,words[3],Title,v1,v2])
+ elif compName[0]=='h' or compName[0]=='f':
+ # Find the index component from the circuit
+ index=schematicInfo.index(compline)
+ schematicInfo.remove(compline)
+ schematicInfo.insert(index,"* "+compName)
+ schematicInfo1.append("V"+compName+" "+words[3]+" "+words[4]+" 0")
+ schematicInfo1.append(compName+" "+words[1]+" "+words[2]+" "+"V"+compName+" "+words[5])
+ schematicInfo=schematicInfo+schematicInfo1
+ #print sourcelist
+ #print schematicInfo
+ return schematicInfo,sourcelist
+ \ No newline at end of file