path: root/Windows
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Diffstat (limited to 'Windows')
2 files changed, 147 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/Installation.txt b/Windows/Installation.txt
index 847fdfa4..f5bd8bac 100644
--- a/Windows/Installation.txt
+++ b/Windows/Installation.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
-1) Click on Setup.exe and select "Run as administrator". Installation process needs to be done with administrator privileges, otherwise path variables are not set correctly.
-2) While selecting path where you want eSim to be installed, be sure to select a folder/directory which doesn't have any spaces in them. Default location is C:\Program Files. Ideally you should create a new folder which does not have any spaces in the name under your choice of drive(C:/ , D:/ etc).
-3) Once installation is complete, a shortcut with eSim logo will be created on your desktop. You can run eSim by double clicking on the shortcut. Or you can go to the directory where eSim is installed using command prompt, and type change directory to 'src/frontEnd' , then run the command "python" excluding double quotes.
-4) When creating new projects under eSim, make sure there are no spaces in the name you are giving the project to.
-5) If you face difficulties while installation or while using eSim, please refer to the questions under . If you can't find solution to your query in the forum's answered questions, you can post your questions on the same forum, or you can contact us on
+1. After downloading eSim for Windows from, extract it. Disable the antivirus (if any).
+2. Now double-click on "eSim-<version>_install.exe" to start the installation process and then follow the instruction.
+3. While selecting path where you want eSim to be installed, be sure to select a directory which doesn't have any spaces in them. Default location is "C:\FOSSEE\". Ideally you should create a new folder which does not have any spaces in the name under your choice of drive(C:\ , D:\ etc).
+ Note : Please make sure you do not select path/folder for which you don't have permissions to access it (Example : "C:\Program Files\" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\")
+4. Once installation is complete, a shortcut with "eSim" logo will be created on your Desktop. You can run eSim by double clicking on the shortcut. Or you can go to the directory where eSim is installed using command prompt, and then run the command "eSim" excluding double quotes.
+5. When creating new projects under eSim, make sure there are no spaces in the name you are giving to the project.
+6. If you face difficulties while installation or while using eSim, please refer for similar questions. If you can't find solution to your query in the forum's answered questions, you can post your questions on the same forum, or you can write to us on
diff --git a/Windows/ b/Windows/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..390fefc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+eSim Installer (Windows OS)
+It contains all the documenation for making eSim executable (using PyInstaller) and eSim Installation Script on Windows 7 and above.
+## eSim Executable:
+1. Download and install "Python-3.5.2", "Git For Windows". Use "Git Bash" for all following shell commands.
+ Reference -
+2. Add alias to python.exe in Git shell:
+ $ alias python='winpty python.exe' #Need to be done for each new shell created
+3. Download `virtualenv` package as:
+ $ pip install virtualenv
+4. Create a virtual environment as:
+ $ virtualenv eSim
+5. Activate the virtual environment as:
+ $ source eSim/Scripts/activate
+6. Install all Python dependencies for eSim within the virtual environment as:
+ - Install PyInstaller, Matplotlib, tornado, SetupTools through pip :
+ $ pip install pyinstaller
+ $ pip install matplotlib
+ $ pip install tornado
+ $ pip install --upgrade 'setuptools<45.0.0'
+ - Install PyQt4 through pip (Reference - :
+ $ pip install --upgrade 'sip<5.0.0'
+ $ pip install <wheel_package_of_PyQt4>
+ > Note :
+ - If there are any issues regarding loading of DLL files, refer :
+ - If above step works, then goto step 7.
+ - Install PyQt4 from source :
+ - Add following Linux packages to MINGW64 of Git :
+ - `make` (get the version without guile)
+ - `wget`
+ Reference -
+ - Install MINGW64 on your system and merge all the files from `mingw-w64` to `Git\mingw-w64` (do not replace or copy blindly).
+ - Now open Git-Bash and run following commands :
+ $ mkdir eSim/build
+ $ cd eSim/build/
+ $ wget
+ $ wget
+ $ tar -xzvf sip-4.19.21.tar.gz
+ $ tar -xvzf PyQt4_gpl_x11-4.12.3.tar.gz
+ $ cd sip-4.19.21/
+ $ python --sip-module PyQt4.sip --platform win32-g++
+ $ make
+ $ make install
+ $ cd ../PyQt4_gpl_x11-4.12.3/
+ $ python
+ $ make
+ $ make install
+7. Test whether only eSim dependencies are available or not:
+ $ pip freeze
+> Note : Following dependencies should be available -
+> - PyQt4
+> - matplotlib
+> - numpy
+> - dateutil
+> - pyparsing
+> - six
+> -
+8. Download eSim Manual from eSim website, add it to `library/browser/User-Manual/` and update the file name of Manual in `src/browser/` accordingly.
+9. Create spec file as:
+ $ pyi-makespec --onefile -n eSim <path_to_eSim>/src/frontEnd/ --icon=<path_to_eSim_logo>
+10. Create onefile executable using pyinstaller as:
+ $ pyinstaller -F --clean eSim.spec
+11. Verify whether all eSim `src` files (`*.py`) have been included in `Analysis-00.toc` file under the build folder generated by PyInstaller.
+## How to package eSim?
+1. Update `VERSION` file to this release number. Also, update version number in NSI script and `Installation.txt` file.
+2. Compress `spice` folder in zip format (Make sure that there is folder named `spice` inside this compressed file).
+3. Add eSim executable file to the eSim source folder. Also, remove following files from the eSim source folder:
+ - `.git` folder
+ - `code` folder
+ - `src` folder
+ -
+ -
+ - index.rst
+ - requirement.txt
+ - .gitignore
+ - .travis.yml
+ - `Examples\NGHDL_Examples\` folder
+4. Remove `eSim_Nghdl.lib` file from `eSim\library\kicadLibrary\kicad_eSim-Library\`. Also, remove `library` folder, duplicate files from `template` and `modules` folders under `eSim\library\kicad\Libary\`.
+5. Now, compress `eSim\library\kicadLibrary` in zip format, place it at `eSim\library` and delete that folder.
+6. Compress `eSim` folder in zip format (Make sure that there is folder named `eSim` inside this compressed file).
+7. Add following files/folder to the installer folder:
+ - KiCad installer.
+ - License file (`rtf` format).
+ - Logo (`ico` format).
+ - Spice (compressed file in `zip` format) containing spice folder.
+ - eSim (compressed file in `zip` format) containing eSim folder.
+ - `esim-setup-script` file.
+8. Compile the NSI script (`esim-setup-script` file). Now only use the generated installer for distribution.