path: root/Windows/spice/share/man/man1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/share/man/man1')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 466 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngmultidec.1 b/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngmultidec.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 617ed32d..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngmultidec.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-.TH NGMULTIDEC 1 ngpice
-ngmultidec \- make ngpice sub-circuit for coupled transmission lines
-.B ngmultidec
-.IR options ...
-.I ngmultidec
-writes an ngspice input file to standard output which describes a sub-circuit for coupled lines
-using uncoupled simple lossy lines.
-Each generated subcircuit models a 4-conductor transmission line with
-the following parameters: length
-.IR l ,
-line capacitance
-.IR c ,
-line resistance
-.IR r ,
-line conductance
-.IR g ,
-.IR k ,
-inter-line capacitance
-.IR cm ,
-.IR l .
-Derived parameters are:
-.IR lm ,
-.IR ctot .
-The values of
-.IR l ,
-.IR c ,
-the model name, the number of conductors and the length of the line
-must be specified.
-It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
-following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
-self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
-parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
-is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
-coupling parameters cm and lm.
-The first assumption implies that edge effects have to be neglected.
-The utility of these assumptions is
-that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
-Toeplitz, with useful consequences (see the paper referenced below).
-It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line is
-represented accurately by this model.
-Standard C language scientific (exponent) notation may be used for options' numeric values.
-.BI \-o "subcircuit_name"
-Set the subcircuit name
-.BI \-l "line_inductance"
-Set the line inductance.
-.BI \-c "line_capacitance"
-Set the line capacitance.
-.BI \-r "line_resistance"
-Set the line resistance.
-.BI \-g "line_conductance"
-Set the line conductance.
-.BI \-k "inductive_coefficient_of_coupling"
-Set the value of the inductive coefficient of coupling, whose
-absolute value
-.I k
-must be less than 1.0.
-.BI \-x "line-to-line-capacitance"
-Set the line-to-line capacitance.
-.BI \-L "length"
-Set the length of the line.
-.BI \-n "number"
-Set the number of conductors.
-.B \-u
-Write a usage message to standard error.
-.B ngmultidec -n4 -l9e9 -c20e-12 -r5.3 -x5e12 -k0.7 -otest -L5.4 > test.cir
-.IR "Efficient Transient Simulation of Lossy Interconnect" ,
-J.S. Roychowdhury and D.O. Pederson,
-Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference,
-pp. 740-745.
-.IR ngnutmeg (1),
-.IR ngproc2mod (1),
-.IR ngsconvert (1),
-.IR ngspice (1),
-.IR nghelp (1).
diff --git a/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngnutmeg.1 b/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngnutmeg.1
deleted file mode 100644
index bafc122b..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngnutmeg.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-.\" Copyright (c) 1985 Wayne A. Christopher, U. C. Berkeley CAD Group
-(woman-find-file buffer-file-name)
-(let* ((man-args (concat "-l " buffer-file-name))
- (bufname (concat "*Man " man-args "*")))
- (when (get-buffer bufname)
- (kill-buffer bufname))
- (man man-args))
- (concat "groff -t -e -man -Tps "
- buffer-file-name
- " > /tmp/ && gv /tmp/"))
-.TH NGNUTMEG 1 "6 June 2010"
-.ds = \-\^\-
-.ds ngspice \s-2NGSPICE\s+2
-ngnutmeg \- ngspice post-processor
-\fBngnutmeg\fP [\fIoptions\fP] [\fIdatafile\fP ...]
-This man page is just a small overview.
-The primary documentation of ngspice is in the \*[ngspice] User's Manual,
-which is available as a pdf file.
-\fBngnutmeg\fP is a post processor for \*[ngspice] \- it takes
-the raw output file created by \fBngspice \-r\fP
-and plots the data on a graphics terminal or a workstation display.
-Note that the raw output file is different from the
-data that \*[ngspice] writes to the standard output.
-Don't try to load the default data file ("rawspice") if no other files
-are given.
-\fB\-n\fP or \fB\*=no\-spiceinit\fP
-Don't try to source the file ".spiceinit" upon startup. Normally \fBngnutmeg\fP
-tries to find the file in the current directory, and if it is not found then
-in the user's home directory.
-\fB\-q\fP or \fB\*=completion\fP
-Enable command completion. (defect)
-\fB\-t\fP \fIterm\fP or \fB\*=term=\fP\fIterm\fP
-The program is being run on a terminal with \fBmfb\fP name \fIterm\fP.
-\fB\-h\fP or \fB\*=help\fP
-Display a verbose help on the arguments available to the program.
-\fB\-v\fP or \fB\*=version\fP
-Display a version number and copyright information of the program.
-Further arguments are taken to be data files in binary or ascii format
-(see \fBsconvert\fP(1)) which are loaded into ngnutmeg.
-If the file
-is in binary format, it may be only partially completed (useful for
-examining \*[ngspice] output before the simulation is finished).
-One file may contain any number of data sets from different analyses.
-See ngspice(1)
-See ngspice(1)
-sconvert(1), ngspice(1), mfb(3), writedata(3), and
-\*[ngspice] User's Manual at \fB\fP
-Please report bugs to the ngspice project via
-Wayne Christopher (
-\fBngspice\fP: various authors (see \fB\fP)
-.\" Local Variables:
-.\" mode: nroff
-.\" End:
diff --git a/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngsconvert.1 b/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngsconvert.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 55f72967..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngsconvert.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-.\" Copyright (c) 1985 Wayne A. Christopher, U. C. Berkeley CAD Group
-.TH SCONVERT 1 "20 March 1986"
-.UC 4
-sconvert \- convert spice formats
-.B sconvert fromtype fromfile totype tofile
-.B sconvert fromtype totype
-.B sconvert
-.B Sconvert
-translates spice output files among three formats: the old
-binary format, a new binary format, and a new ascii format.
-The formats are specified by the
-.B fromtype
-.B totype
-arguments: `o' for the old format, `b' for the new binary format,
-and `a' for the new ascii format.
-.B Fromtype
-specifies the format to be read, and
-.B totype
-specifies the format to be written.
-.B fromfile
-.B tofile
-are given, then they are used as the input and output, otherwise
-standard input and output are used.
-(Note that this second option is only available on \s-2UNIX\s+2 systems
-\- on VMS and other systems you must supply the filenames.)
-If no arguments are given, the parameters are prompted for.
-Binary format is the preferred format for general use, as it is
-the most economical in terms of space and speed of access, and ascii is
-provided to make it easy to modify data files and transfer them
-between machines with different floating-point formats.
-The old format is provided only
-for backward compatibility.
-The three formats are as follows:
-.B Old:
- What Size in Bytes
- title 80
- date 8
- time 8
- numoutputs 2
- the integer 4 2
- variable names --
- char[numoutputs][8] numoutputs * 8
- types of output numoutputs * 2
- node index numoutputs * 2
- plot title numoutputs * 24
- the actual data numpoints * numoutputs * 8
-.B Ascii:
- Title: \fITitle Card String\fR
- Date: \fIDate\fR
- [ Plotname: \fIPlot Name\fR
- Flags: \fIcomplex\fR or \fIreal\fR
- No. Variables: \fInumoutputs\fR
- No. Points: \fInumpoints\fR
- Command: \fInutmeg command\fR
- Variables: 0 \fIvarname1\fR \fItypename1\fR
- 1 \fIvarname2\fR \fItypename2\fR
- etc...
- Values:
- 0 n n n n ...
- 1 n n n n ...
- And so forth...
- ] repeated one or more times
-If one of the flags is \fIcomplex\fR, the points look like r,i where r and i
-are floating point (in %e format).
-Otherwise they are in %e format.
-Only one of \fIreal\fR and \fIcomplex\fR should appear.
-The lines are guaranteed to be less than 80 columns wide (unless the
-plot title or variable names are very long), so this format is safe
-to mail between systems like CMS.
-Any number of \fBCommand:\fR lines may appear between the \fBNo. Points:\fR
-and the \fBVariables:\fR lines, and whenever the plot is loaded into
-\fBnutmeg\fR they will be executed.
-.B Binary:
- \fITitle Card\fR (a NULL terminated string)
- \fIDate, Time\fR (a NULL terminated string)
- [
- \fIPlot title\fR (a NULL terminated string)
- \fINumber of variables\fR (an int)
- \fINumber of data points\fR (an int)
- \fIflags\fR (a short)
- \fIvariable header struct\fR (repeated numoutputs times)
- \fIvariable name\fR (a NULL terminated string)
- \fIvariable type\fR (an int)
- \fIset of outputs\fR (repeated numpoints times)
- ] repeated one or more times.
-A set of outputs is a vector of doubles of length numoutputs, or
-a vector of real-imaginary pairs of doubles if the data is complex.
-nutmeg(1), spice(1), writedata(3)
-Wayne Christopher (
-If variable names and the title
-and plotname strings have trailing
-blanks in them they will be stripped off when the file is read, if
-it is in ascii format.
-If a plot title begins with "Title:" \fBnutmeg\fR will be fooled into thinking
-that this is an ascii format file.
-\fBSconvert\fR always requires the type to be specified, however.
diff --git a/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngspice.1 b/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngspice.1
deleted file mode 100644
index cd5e31db..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/share/man/man1/ngspice.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-.\" Copyright (c) 1985 Wayne A. Christopher, U. C. Berkeley CAD Group
-(woman-find-file buffer-file-name)
-(let* ((man-args (concat "-l " buffer-file-name))
- (bufname (concat "*Man " man-args "*")))
- (when (get-buffer bufname)
- (kill-buffer bufname))
- (man man-args))
-(compile (concat "groff -t -e -man -Tps "
- buffer-file-name
- " > /tmp/ && gv /tmp/"))
-.TH NGSPICE 1 "6 June 2010"
-.ds = \-\^\-
-.ds ngspice \s-2NGSPICE\s+2
-ngspice \- circuit simulator derived from SPICE3f5
-\fBngspice\fP [\fIoptions\fP] [\fIfile\fP ...]
-This man page is just a small overview.
-The primary documentation of ngspice is in the \*[ngspice] User's Manual,
-which is available as a pdf file.
-\fB\-n\fP or \fB\*=no\-spiceinit\fP
-Don't try to source the file ".spiceinit" upon startup. Normally \*[ngspice]
-tries to find the file in the current directory, and if it is not found then
-in the user's home directory.
-\fB\-q\fP or \fB\*=completion\fP
-Enable command completion. (defect)
-\fB\-t\fP \fIterm\fP or \fB\*=term=\fP\fIterm\fP
-The program is being run on a terminal with \fBmfb\fP name \fIterm\fP.
-\fB\-b\fP or \fB\*=batch\fP
-Run in batch mode.
-\*[ngspice] will read the standard input or the specified
-input file and do the simulation.
-Note that if the standard input is not a terminal, \*[ngspice] will default
-to batch mode, unless the \-i flag is given.
-\fB\-s\fP or \fB\*=server\fP
-Run in server mode.
-This is like batch mode, except that a temporary rawfile is used and then
-written to the standard output, preceded by a line with a single "@", after
-the simulation is done.
-This mode is used by the ngspice daemon.
-\fB\-i\fP or \fB\*=interactive\fP
-Run in interactive mode.
-This is useful if the standard input is not a terminal but interactive mode
-is desired.
-Command completion is not available unless the standard input is a terminal,
-\fB\-r\fP \fIrawfile\fP or \fB\*=rawfile=\fP\fIfile\fP
-Use \fIrawfile\fP as the default file into which the results of
-the simulation are saved.
-\fB\-c\fP \fIcircuitfile\fP or \fB\*=circuitfile=\fP\fIcircuitfile\fP
-Use \fIcircuitfile\fP as the default input deck.
-\fB\-h\fP or \fB\*=help\fP
-Display a verbose help on the arguments available to the program.
-\fB\-v\fP or \fB\*=version\fP
-Display a version number and copyright information of the program.
-\fB\-a\fP or \fB\*=autorun\fP
-\fB\-o\fP \fIoutfile\fP or \fB\*=output=\fP\fIoutfile\fP
-All logs generated during a batch run (\fB\-b\fP) will be saved in \fIoutfile\fP.
-\fB\-p\fP or \fB\*=pipe\fP
-Allow a program (e.g., xcircuit) to act as a GUI frontend for
-ngspice through a pipe.
-Thus ngspice will assume that the pipe is a tty and allows one to run in
-interactive mode.
-Further arguments are taken to be SPICE input decks, which are read
-and saved.
-(If batch mode is requested then they are run immediately.)
-Format of the rawfile.
-\fI0\fP for binary, and \fI1\fP for ascii.
-\fBSPICE_NEWS\fP default \fI$SPICE_LIB_DIR/news\fP
-A file which is copied verbatim to stdout when ngspice starts in interactive mode.
-\fBSPICE_MFBCAP\fP default \fI$SPICE_LIB_DIR/mfbcap\fP
-\fBSPICE_HELP_DIR\fP default \fI$SPICE_LIB_DIR/helpdir\fP
-\fBSPICE_SCRIPTS\fP default \fI$SPICE_LIB_DIR/scripts\fP
-In this directory the \fIspinit\fP file will be searched.
-\fBSPICE_PATH\fP default \fI$SPICE_EXEC_DIR/ngspice\fP
-various undocumented ngspice centric environment variables :
-Common environment variables :
-The System's Initialisation File.
-\fI\&.spiceinit\fP or \fI$HOME/.spiceinit\fP
-The User's Initialisation File.
-sconvert(1), ngnutmeg(1), mfb(3), writedata(3), and
-\*[ngspice] User's Manual at \fB\fP
-Please report bugs to the ngspice project via
-\fBspice3\fP: Tom Quarles (
-\fBnutmeg\fP: User interface: Wayne Christopher (
-\fBngspice\fP: various authors (see \fB\fP)
-.\" Local Variables:
-.\" mode: nroff
-.\" End: