path: root/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-model-mos-2d-4.sp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-model-mos-2d-4.sp')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-model-mos-2d-4.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-model-mos-2d-4.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..daed48d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-model-mos-2d-4.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Code Model Test - 2d Table Model
+* Inverter
+*** analysis type ***
+*option reltol=0.1
+dc V1 0 1.5 0.01
+*ac lin 11 100 200
+*tran 100p 20n
+*plot i(Vs) i(Vs2)
+plot i(vsinv)
+plot v(in1) v(out1)
+plot deriv(v(out1))
+*** input sources ***
+v1 in1 0 DC 0.75 ac 1
+Vs2 s2 0 0
+vsinv vss 0 0
+vdinv vdd 0 1.5
+*xmosnt d g s tbmosn
+*mn2 d g s2 s2 n1 l=0.13u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u rgeoMod=1
+.subckt inv vd vs in out
+*mp2 out in vd vd p1 l=0.13u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+xmospt out in vd tbmosp
+*mn2 out in vs vs n1 l=0.13u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+xmosnt out in vs tbmosn
+xmosinv1 vdd vss in1 out1 inv
+.subckt tbmosn d g s
+*** table model of mos transistor ***
+cdg d g 0.01p
+csg s g 0.014p
+amos1 %vd(d s) %vd(g s) %id(d s) mostable1
+.model mostable1 table2d (offset=0.0 gain=0.5 order=2 file="bsim4n-2d-3.table")
+* NMOS L=0.13u W=10.0u rgeoMod=1
+* BSIM 4.7
+* change width of transistor by modifying parameter "gain"
+* source is always tied to bulk (we not yet have a 3D table model!)
+.subckt tbmosp d g s
+*** table model of pmos transistor ***
+cdg d g 0.01p
+csg s g 0.014p
+amos2 %vd(d s) %vd(g s) %id(d s) mostable2
+.model mostable2 table2d (offset=0.0 gain=1 order=3 file="bsim4p-2d-3.table")
+* PMOS L=0.13u W=10.0u rgeoMod=1
+* BSIM 4.7
+* change width of transistor by modifying parameter "gain"
+* source is always tied to bulk (we not yet have a 3D table model!)
+.include ./modelcards/modelcard.nmos
+.include ./modelcards/modelcard.pmos