path: root/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-q-2d.sp
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Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-q-2d.sp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-q-2d.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-q-2d.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c174dd0..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-q-2d.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-** npn bipolar: table generator with q 2D (Vce, Ib)
-* This file may be run by 'ngspice table-generator-q-2d.sp'
-* It will generate a 2D data table by simulating the bipolar collector current
-* as function of collector voltage and base current. The simulation uses
-* the ngspice bipolar model and model parameters of a clc409 transitor.
-* This table is an input file for the XSPICE 2D table model.
-* You may change the step sizes vcstep ibstep in CSPARAM
-* to obtain the required resolution for the data.
-* These tables will contain pure dc data. For transient simulation you may
-* need to add some capacitors to the device model for a 'real world' simulation.
-.csparam vcstart=-0.2
-.csparam vcstop=6.4
-.csparam vcstep=0.05
-.csparam ibstart=-0.1u
-.csparam ibstop=200u
-.csparam ibstep=0.1u
-** Circuit Description **
-Q3 2 1 3 QINN
-ib 0 11 2u
-Rb 11 1 1
-vce 2 0 5
-vee 3 0 0
-** output file **
-set outfile = "qinn-clc409-2d-1.table"
-dc vce -0.1 6 0.05 ib -0.1u 2u 0.1u
-if not $?batchmode
-plot i(vee)
-plot v(1) ylimit -0.2 0.8
-if (1)
-*goto next
-echo *table for bipolar qinn CLC409 > $outfile
-let xcount = floor((vcstop-vcstart)/vcstep) + 1
-let ycount = floor((ibstop-ibstart)/ibstep) + 1
-echo *x >> $outfile
-echo $&xcount >> $outfile
-echo *y >> $outfile
-echo $&ycount >> $outfile
-let xvec = vector(xcount)
-let yvec = vector(ycount)
-let loopx = vcstart
-let lcx=0
-while lcx < xcount
- let xvec[lcx] = loopx
- let loopx = loopx + vcstep
- let lcx = lcx + 1
-echo *x row >> $outfile
-echo $&xvec >> $outfile
-let lcy=0
-let loopy = ibstart
-while lcy < ycount
- let yvec[lcy] = loopy
- let loopy = loopy + ibstep
- let lcy = lcy + 1
-echo *y column >> $outfile
-echo $&yvec >> $outfile
-let lcy=0
-let loopy = ibstart
-while lcy < ycount
- alter ib loopy
- dc vce $&vcstart $&vcstop $&vcstep
-* let lcx=0
-* let loopx = vdstart
-* dowhile loopx le vdstop
-* alter vds loopx
-* op
-* let xvec[lcx] = i(vss)
-* destroy i(vss)
-* let loopx = loopx + vdstep
-* let lcx = lcx + 1
-* end
- let xvec = i(vee)
- echo $&xvec >> $outfile
- destroy dc2
- let loopy = loopy + ibstep
- let lcy = lcy + 1
-label next
-+ IS =0.166f BF =3.239E+02 NF =1.000E+00 VAF=8.457E+01
-+ IKF=2.462E-02 ISE=2.956E-17 NE =1.197E+00 BR =3.719E+01
-+ NR =1.000E+00 VAR=1.696E+00 IKR=3.964E-02 ISC=1.835E-19
-+ NC =1.700E+00 RB =118 IRB=0.000E+00 RBM=65.1
-+ RC =2.645E+01 CJE=1.632E-13 VJE=7.973E-01
-+ MJE=4.950E-01 TF =1.948E-11 XTF=1.873E+01 VTF=2.825E+00
-+ ITF=5.955E-02 PTF=0.000E+00 CJC=1.720E-13 VJC=8.046E-01
-+ MJC=4.931E-01 XCJC=589m TR =4.212E-10 CJS=629f
-+ MJS=0 KF =2.000E-12 AF =1.000E+00 FC =9.765E-01