path: root/Debian
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Debian')
2 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Debian/ b/Debian/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..eab10ab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Debian/
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+# !/bin/bash
+# ===============================================================================
+# FILE:
+# USAGE: ./ --install
+# OR
+# ./ --uninstall
+# DESCRIPTION: This is installation/uninstallation script for eSim
+# OPTIONS: ---
+# BUGS: ---
+# NOTES: ---
+# AUTHOR: Fahim Khan, Rahul Paknikar, Saurabh Bansode
+# CREATED: Friday 14 February 2020 16:14
+# REVISION: ---
+# ===============================================================================
+# All variables goes here
+## All Functions goes here
+function createConfigFile
+ # Creating config.ini file and adding configuration information
+ # Check if config file is present
+ if [ -d $config_dir ];then
+ rm $config_dir/$config_file && touch $config_dir/$config_file
+ else
+ mkdir $config_dir && touch $config_dir/$config_file
+ fi
+ echo "[eSim]" >> $config_dir/$config_file
+ echo "eSim_HOME = $eSim_Home" >> $config_dir/$config_file
+ echo "LICENSE = %(eSim_HOME)s/LICENSE" >> $config_dir/$config_file
+ echo "KicadLib = %(eSim_HOME)s/kicadSchematicLibrary" >> $config_dir/$config_file
+ echo "IMAGES = %(eSim_HOME)s/images" >> $config_dir/$config_file
+ echo "VERSION = %(eSim_HOME)s/VERSION" >> $config_dir/$config_file
+ echo "MODELICA_MAP_JSON = %(eSim_HOME)s/src/ngspicetoModelica/Mapping.json" >> $config_dir/$config_file
+function installNghdl
+ echo "Installing NGHDL......................."
+ unzip
+ mv nghdl-master nghdl
+ cd nghdl/
+ ./ --install
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ echo -e "\n\nERROR: cannot install NGHDL\n\n"
+ exit 0
+ else
+ ngspiceFlag=1
+ cd ..
+ fi
+function addKicadPPA
+ #sudo add-apt-repository ppa:js-reynaud/ppa-kicad
+ kicadppa="reynaud/kicad-4"
+ grep -h "^deb.*$kicadppa*" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* > /dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+ then
+ echo "Adding KiCad-4 PPA to local apt-repository"
+ sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:js-reynaud/kicad-4
+ else
+ echo "KiCad-4 is available in synaptic"
+ fi
+function installDependency
+ #Update apt repository
+ echo "Updating apt index files..................."
+ sudo apt-get update
+ echo "Installing Xterm..........................."
+ sudo apt-get install -y xterm
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\n\"Xterm\" dependency couldn't be installed.\nKindly resolve above errors and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Installing PyQt4..........................."
+ sudo apt-get install -y python3-pyqt4
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\n\"PyQt4\" dependency couldn't be installed.\nKindly resolve above errors and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Installing Matplotlib......................"
+ sudo apt-get install -y python3-matplotlib
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\n\"Matplotlib\" dependency couldn't be installed.\nKindly resolve above errors and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Installing KiCad..........................."
+ sudo apt install -y --no-install-recommends kicad
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo -e "\n\n\"KiCad\" dependency couldn't be installed.\nKindly resolve above errors and try again."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+function copyKicadLibrary
+ if [ -f ~/.config/kicad ];then
+ echo "kicad folder already exists"
+ else
+ echo ".config/kicad does not exist"
+ mkdir ~/.config/kicad
+ fi
+ # Dump KiCad config path
+ echo "$HOME/.config/kicad" >> $eSim_Home/src/supportFiles/kicad_config_path.txt
+ #Copy fp-lib-table for switching modes
+ cp -r src/supportFiles/fp-lib-table ~/.config/kicad/
+ cp -r src/supportFiles/fp-lib-table-online ~/.config/kicad/
+ echo "fp-lib-table copied in the directory"
+ #Extract custom KiCad Library
+ tar -xJf kicadLibrary.tar.xz
+ #Copy KiCad libraries
+ echo "Copying KiCad libraries...................."
+ sudo cp -r kicadLibrary/library /usr/share/kicad/
+ sudo cp -r kicadLibrary/modules /usr/share/kicad/
+ sudo cp -r kicadLibrary/template/* /usr/share/kicad/template/
+ #Copy KiCad library made for eSim
+ sudo cp -r kicadLibrary/kicad_eSim-Library/* /usr/share/kicad/library/
+ # Full path of ' file'
+ KICAD_PRO="/usr/share/kicad/template/"
+ KICAD_ORIGINAL="/usr/share/kicad/template/"
+ if [ -f "$KICAD_ORIGINAL" ];then
+ echo " file found....."
+ sudo cp -rv kicadLibrary/template/ ${KICAD_PRO}
+ else
+ echo "Making copy of original file"
+ sudo cp -rv ${KICAD_PRO}{,.original}
+ sudo cp -rv kicadLibrary/template/ ${KICAD_PRO}
+ fi
+ #remove extracted KiCad Library - not needed anymore
+ rm -rf kicadLibrary
+ #Change ownership from Root to the User
+ sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /usr/share/kicad/library/
+function createDesktopStartScript
+ # Generating new
+ echo "#!/bin/bash" >
+ echo "cd $eSim_Home/src/frontEnd" >>
+ echo "python3" >>
+ # Make it executable
+ sudo chmod 755
+ # Copy esim start script
+ sudo cp -vp /usr/bin/esim
+ # Generating esim.desktop file
+ echo "[Desktop Entry]" > esim.desktop
+ getVersion=`tail -1 VERSION`
+ echo "Version=$getVersion" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "Name=eSim" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "Comment=EDA Tools" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "GenericName=eSim" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "Keywords=eda-tools" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "Exec=esim %u" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "Terminal=false" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "X-MultipleArgs=false" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "Type=Application" >> esim.desktop
+ getIcon="$config_dir/logo.png"
+ echo "Icon=$getIcon" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "Categories=Development;" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "MimeType=text/html;text/xml;application/xhtml+xml;application/xml;application/rss+xml;application/rdf+xml;image/gif;image/jpeg;image/png;x-scheme-handler/http;x-scheme-handler/https;x-scheme-handler/ftp;x-scheme-handler/chrome;video/webm;application/x-xpinstall;" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "StartupNotify=true" >> esim.desktop
+ echo "Actions=NewWindow;NewPrivateWindow;" >> esim.desktop
+ # Make esim.desktop file executable
+ sudo chmod 755 esim.desktop
+ # Copy desktop icon file to Desktop
+ cp -vp esim.desktop $HOME/Desktop/
+ # Copying logo.png to .esim directory to access as icon
+ cp -vp images/logo.png $config_dir
+### Checking if file is passsed as argument to script
+if [ "$#" -eq 1 ];then
+ option=$1
+ echo "USAGE : "
+ echo "./ --install"
+ echo "./ --uninstall"
+ exit 1;
+## Checking flags
+if [ $option == "--install" ];then
+ echo "Enter proxy details if you are connected to internet thorugh proxy"
+ echo -n "Is your internet connection behind proxy? (y/n): "
+ read getProxy
+ if [ $getProxy == "y" -o $getProxy == "Y" ];then
+ echo -n 'Proxy Hostname :'
+ read proxyHostname
+ echo -n 'Proxy Port :'
+ read proxyPort
+ echo -n username@$proxyHostname:$proxyPort :
+ read username
+ echo -n 'Password :'
+ read -s passwd
+ unset http_proxy
+ unset https_proxy
+ unset HTTP_PROXY
+ unset ftp_proxy
+ unset FTP_PROXY
+ export http_proxy=http://$username:$passwd@$proxyHostname:$proxyPort
+ export https_proxy=http://$username:$passwd@$proxyHostname:$proxyPort
+ export https_proxy=http://$username:$passwd@$proxyHostname:$proxyPort
+ export HTTP_PROXY=http://$username:$passwd@$proxyHostname:$proxyPort
+ export HTTPS_PROXY=http://$username:$passwd@$proxyHostname:$proxyPort
+ export ftp_proxy=http://$username:$passwd@$proxyHostname:$proxyPort
+ export FTP_PROXY=http://$username:$passwd@$proxyHostname:$proxyPort
+ echo "Install with proxy"
+ # Calling functions
+ createConfigFile
+ addKicadPPA
+ installDependency
+ copyKicadLibrary
+ installNghdl
+ createDesktopStartScript
+ elif [ $getProxy == "n" -o $getProxy == "N" ];then
+ echo "Install without proxy"
+ # Calling functions
+ createConfigFile
+ addKicadPPA
+ installDependency
+ copyKicadLibrary
+ installNghdl
+ createDesktopStartScript
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
+ echo -e "\n\n\nFreeEDA ERROR: Unable to install required packages. Please check your internet connection.\n\n"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ echo "-----------------eSim Installed Successfully-----------------"
+ echo "Type \"esim\" in Terminal to launch it"
+ echo "or double click on \"eSim\" icon placed on Desktop"
+ else
+ echo "Please select the right option"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+elif [ $option == "--uninstall" ];then
+ echo -n "Are you sure ? As it will remove complete eSim including your subcircuit and model library packages(y/n):"
+ read getConfirmation
+ if [ $getConfirmation == "y" -o $getConfirmation == "Y" ];then
+ echo "Removing eSim............................"
+ sudo rm -rf $HOME/.esim $HOME/Desktop/esim.desktop esim.desktop /usr/bin/esim
+ echo "Removing KiCad..........................."
+ sudo apt purge -y kicad
+ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/kicad
+ sudo rm -rf $HOME/.config/kicad
+ rm -f $eSim_Home/src/supportFiles/kicad_config_path.txt
+ echo "Removing NGHDL..........................."
+ rm -rf src/modelParamXML/Nghdl/*
+ cd nghdl/
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ ./ --uninstall
+ cd ../
+ rm -rf nghdl
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
+ echo -e "----------------eSim Uninstalled Successfully----------------"
+ else
+ echo -e "\nError while removing some files/directories in \"nghdl\". Please remove it manually"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo -e "\nCannot find \"nghdl\" directory. Please remove it manually"
+ fi
+ elif [ $getConfirmation == "n" -o $getConfirmation == "N" ];then
+ exit 0
+ else
+ echo "Please select the right option"
+ exit 0
+ fi
+ echo "Please select the proper operation."
+ echo "--install"
+ echo "--uninstall"
diff --git a/Debian/ b/Debian/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98d8543d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Debian/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Ubuntu Installer Documentation
+It contains all the documenation for installers on Ubuntu 14.04 and above.
+## How to package eSim?
+1. Add the installer file in `eSim-<version>` folder.
+2. Remove following files from the folder:
+ - `.git` folder
+ - `code` folder
+ -
+ - index.rst
+ - requirement.txt
+ - .gitignore
+ - .travis.yml
+3. Add the tar file of `NGHDL` in the eSim folder.