path: root/src/maker
diff options
authorrohinthram2022-02-08 17:52:28 +0530
committerGitHub2022-02-08 17:52:28 +0530
commit752ec3fa39ed6b4e1edce1c5b30b799892fdac26 (patch)
tree8c7bd1d662eedef943904a522c9daf3e2c9c15fc /src/maker
parent5d434aeff258e17a71c47d646daf7b6635d95c8d (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/maker')
1 files changed, 288 insertions, 1089 deletions
diff --git a/src/maker/ b/src/maker/
index bc79e443..71100cd6 100755
--- a/src/maker/
+++ b/src/maker/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# =========================================================================
-# FILE:
+# FILE:
# USAGE: ---
-# DESCRIPTION: This define all model generation processes of NgVeri.
+# DESCRIPTION: This define all components of the NgVeri Tab.
# OPTIONS: ---
@@ -28,36 +28,25 @@
# importing the files and libraries
-import re
+from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtGui
+from . import Maker
+from . import ModelGeneration
import os
-import sys # noqa:F401
-import shutil # noqa:F401
-import subprocess # noqa:F401
-from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets # noqa:F401
-from PyQt5.QtGui import * # noqa:F401 F403
-from configparser import ConfigParser # noqa:F401
-from configuration import Appconfig
-from . import createkicad
-import hdlparse.verilog_parser as vlog
-from configparser import SafeConfigParser # noqa:F401
+import subprocess
+from configuration.Appconfig import Appconfig
+from configparser import SafeConfigParser
+from configparser import ConfigParser
-# Class is used to generate the Ngspice Model
-class ModelGeneration(QtWidgets.QWidget):
+# beginning class NgVeri. This class create the NgVeri Tab
+class NgVeri(QtWidgets.QWidget):
# initialising the variables
- def __init__(self, file, termedit):
+ def __init__(self, filecount):
+ print(self)
- super().__init__()
- self.obj_Appconfig = Appconfig.Appconfig()
- print("Argument is : ", file)
- self.file = file
- self.termedit = termedit
- self.cur_dir = os.getcwd()
- self.fname = os.path.basename(file)
- self.fname = self.fname.lower()
- print("Verilog/SystemVerilog/TL Verilog filename is : ", self.fname)
+ # Maker.addverilog(self)
+ self.obj_Appconfig = Appconfig()
self.home = os.path.expanduser("~")
self.parser = SafeConfigParser()
@@ -67,1091 +56,301 @@ class ModelGeneration(QtWidgets.QWidget):
self.src_home = self.parser.get('SRC', 'SRC_HOME')
self.licensefile = self.parser.get('SRC', 'LICENSE')
self.digital_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'DIGITAL_MODEL')
self.digital_home = self.digital_home.split("/ghdl")[0] + "/Ngveri"
- # # #### Creating connection_info.txt file from verilog file #### #
- # Readinf the file and performing operations and copying it in the Ngspice
- # folder
- def verilogfile(self):
- Text = "<span style=\" font-size:25pt;\
- font-weight:1000; color:#008000;\" >"
- Text += ".................Running NgVeri..................."
- Text += "</span>"
- self.termedit.append(Text)
+ self.count = 0
+ self.text = ""
+ self.entry_var = {}
+ self.createNgveriWidget()
+ self.fname = ""
+ self.filecount = filecount
- read_verilog = open(self.file, 'r')
- verilog_data = read_verilog.readlines()
- read_verilog.close()
- self.modelpath = self.digital_home + \
- "/" + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "/"
- if not os.path.isdir(self.modelpath):
- os.mkdir(self.modelpath)
+ # Creating the various components of the Widget(Ngveri Tab)
- if self.fname.split('.')[1] == "tlv":
- self.sandpiper()
- read_verilog = open(self.modelpath + self.fname, 'r')
- verilog_data = read_verilog.readlines()
- read_verilog.close()
- f = open(self.modelpath + self.fname, 'w')
- for item in verilog_data:
- if self.fname.split('.')[1] == "sv":
- string = item.replace("top", self.fname.split('.')[0])
- else:
- string = item
- f.write(string)
- f.write("\n")
- f.close()
+ def createNgveriWidget(self):
- # This function is call the sandpiper to convert .tlv file to .sv file
- def sandpiper(self):
- # Text="Running Sandpiper............"
- print("Running Sandpiper-Saas for TLV to SV Conversion")
- self.cmd = "cp ../maker/tlv/clk_gate.v ../maker/tlv/ \
-../maker/tlv/sandpiper.vh ../maker/tlv/sandpiper_gen.vh \
-../maker/tlv/sp_default.vh ../maker/tlv/ \
-../maker/tlv/pseudo_rand.m4out.tlv " + self.file + " " + self.modelpath
+ self.grid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
+ self.setLayout(self.grid)
- self.process = QtCore.QProcess(self)
- self.args = ['-c', self.cmd]
- self.process.start('sh', self.args)
- self.termedit.append("Command: " + self.cmd)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.waitForFinished(50000)
- print("Copied the files required for TLV successfully")
- self.cur_dir = os.getcwd()
- print("Running Sandpiper............")
- os.chdir(self.modelpath)
- self.cmd = "sandpiper-saas -i " + \
- self.fname.split('.')[0] + ".tlv -o "\
- + self.fname.split('.')[0] + ".sv"
- self.args = ['-c', self.cmd]
- self.process.start('sh', self.args)
- self.termtitle("RUN SANDPIPER-SAAS")
- self.termtext("Current Directory: " + self.modelpath)
- self.termtext("Command: " + self.cmd)
- # self.process.setProcessChannelMode(QtCore.QProcess.MergedChannels)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardError.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.waitForFinished(50000)
- print("Ran Sandpiper successfully")
- os.chdir(self.cur_dir)
- self.fname = self.fname.split('.')[0] + ".sv"
+ self.grid.addWidget(self.createoptionsBox(), 0, 0, QtCore.Qt.AlignTop)
+ self.grid.addWidget(self.creategroup(), 1, 0, 5, 0)
- # This function parses the module name and \
- # input/output ports of verilog code using HDL parse
- # and writes to the connection_info.txt
- def verilogParse(self):
+ # Adding the verilog file in Maker tab to Ngveri Tab automatically
+ def addverilog(self):
- with open(self.modelpath + self.fname, 'rt') as fh:
- code =
- code = code.replace("wire", " ")
- code = code.replace("reg", " ")
- vlog_ex = vlog.VerilogExtractor()
- vlog_mods = vlog_ex.extract_objects_from_source(code)
- f = open(self.modelpath + "connection_info.txt", 'w')
- for m in vlog_mods:
- if == self.fname.split('.')[0]:
- print(str( + " " + self.fname.split('.')[0])
- for p in m.ports:
- print(p.data_type)
- if str(p.data_type).find(':') == -1:
- p.port_number = "1"
- else:
- x = p.data_type.split(":")
- print(x)
- y = x[0].split("[")
- z = x[1].split("]")
- z = int(y[1]) - int(z[0])
- p.port_number = z + 1
- for m in vlog_mods:
- if == self.fname.split('.')[0]:
- =
- print('Module "{}":'.format(
- for p in m.generics:
- print('\t{:20}{:8}{}'.format(, p.mode, p.data_type))
- print(' Ports:')
- for p in m.ports:
- print(
- '\t{:20}{:8}{}'.format(
-, p.mode, p.port_number))
- f.write(
- '\t{:20}{:8}{}\n'.format(
-, p.mode, p.port_number))
- break
- f.close()
- if != self.fname.split(".")[0]:
- QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(
+ init_path = '../../../'
+ if == 'nt':
+ init_path = ''
+ # b=Maker.Maker(self)
+ print(Maker.verilogFile)
+ if Maker.verilogFile[self.filecount] == "":
+ reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(
"Error Message",
- "<b>Error: File name and module \
- name are not same. Please ensure that they are same</b>",
+ "<b>Error: No Verilog File Chosen. \
+ Please chose a Verilog file in Makerchip Tab</b>",
- self.obj_Appconfig.print_info(
- 'NgVeri Stopped due to File \
- name and module name not matching error')
- return "Error"
- modelname = str(
- schematicLib = createkicad.AutoSchematic()
- schematicLib.init(modelname, self.modelpath)
- error = schematicLib.createkicad()
- if error == "Error":
- return "Error"
- return "No Error"
- # This function is used to get the Port Information from
- # connection_info.txt
- def getPortInfo(self):
- readfile = open(self.modelpath + 'connection_info.txt', 'r')
- data = readfile.readlines()
- self.input_list = []
- self.output_list = []
- for line in data:
- if re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
- pass
- else:
- in_items = re.findall(
- )
- inout_items = re.findall(
- )
- out_items = re.findall(
- )
- if in_items:
- self.input_list.append(line.split())
- if inout_items:
- self.input_list.append(line.split())
- if out_items:
- self.output_list.append(line.split())
- self.input_port = []
- self.output_port = []
- # creating list of input and output port with its weight
- for input in self.input_list:
- self.input_port.append(input[0] + ":" + input[2])
- for output in self.output_list:
- self.output_port.append(output[0] + ":" + output[2])
- # This function is used to create the cfunc.mod file in Ngspice folder
- # automatically
- def cfuncmod(self):
- # ############# Creating content for cfunc.mod file ############## #
- print("Starting With cfunc.mod file")
- cfunc = open(self.modelpath + 'cfunc.mod', 'w')
- print("Building content for cfunc.mod file")
- comment = '''/* This is cfunc.mod file auto generated by
- Developed by Sumanto Kar at IIT Bombay */\n
- '''
- header = '''
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "sim_main_''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''.h"
- '''
- function_open = (
- '''void cm_''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''(ARGS) \n{''')
- digital_state_output = []
- for item in self.output_port:
- digital_state_output.append(
- "Digital_State_t *_op_" + item.split(':')[0] +
- ", *_op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "_old;"
- )
- var_section = '''
- static int inst_count=0;
- int count=0;
- '''
- # Start of INIT function
- init_start_function = '''
- if(INIT)
- {
- inst_count++;
- PARAM(instance_id)=inst_count;
- foo''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''(0,inst_count);
- /* Allocate storage for output ports \
-and set the load for input ports */
- '''
- port_init = []
- for i, item in enumerate(self.input_port + self.output_port):
- port_init.append('''
- port_''' + item.split(':')[0] + '''=PORT_SIZE(''' + item.split(':')[0] + ''');
- cm_event_alloc = []
- cm_count_output = 0
- for item in self.output_port:
- cm_event_alloc.append(
- "cm_event_alloc(" +
- str(cm_count_output) + "," + item.split(':')[1] +
- "*sizeof(Digital_State_t));"
- )
- cm_count_output = cm_count_output + 1
- load_in_port = []
- for item in self.input_port:
- load_in_port.append(
- "for(Ii=0;Ii<PORT_SIZE(" + item.split(':')[0] +
- ");Ii++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tLOAD(" + item.split(':')[0] +
- "[Ii])=PARAM(input_load); \n\t\t}"
- )
- cm_count_ptr = 0
- cm_event_get_ptr = []
- for item in self.output_port:
- cm_event_get_ptr.append(
- "_op_" + item.split(':')[0] + " = _op_" +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- "_old = (Digital_State_t *) cm_event_get_ptr(" +
- str(cm_count_ptr) + ",0);"
- )
- cm_count_ptr = cm_count_ptr + 1
- els_evt_ptr = []
- els_evt_count1 = 0
- els_evt_count2 = 0
- for item in self.output_port:
- els_evt_ptr.append("_op_" + item.split(":")[0] +
- " = (Digital_State_t *) cm_event_get_ptr(" +
- str(els_evt_count1) + "," +
- str(els_evt_count2) + ");")
- els_evt_count2 = els_evt_count2 + 1
- els_evt_ptr.append("_op_" + item.split(":")[0] + "_old" +
- " = (Digital_State_t *) cm_event_get_ptr(" +
- str(els_evt_count1) + "," +
- str(els_evt_count2) + ");")
- els_evt_count1 = els_evt_count1 + 1
- # Assign bit value to every input
- assign_data_to_input = []
- for item in self.input_port:
- assign_data_to_input.append("\
- for(Ii=0;Ii<PORT_SIZE(" + item.split(':')[0] + ");Ii++)\n\
- {\n\
- if( INPUT_STATE(" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii])==ZERO )\n\
- {\n\
- temp_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]=0;\
- }\n\
- else\n\
- {\n\
- temp_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]=1;\n\
- }\n\
- }\n")
- # Scheduling output event
- sch_output_event = []
- for item in self.output_port:
- sch_output_event.append(
- "\t/* Scheduling event and processing them */\n\
- for(Ii=0;Ii<PORT_SIZE(" + item.split(':')[0] + ");Ii++)\n\
- {\n\
- if(temp_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]==0)\n\
- {\n\
- _op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]=ZERO;\n\
- }\n\
- else if(temp_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]==1)\n\
- {\n\
- _op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]=ONE;\n\
- }\n\
- else\n\
- {\n\
- printf(\"Unknown value\\n\");\n\
- }\n\n\
- if(ANALYSIS == DC)\n\
- {\n\
- OUTPUT_STATE(" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]) = _op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii];\n\
- }\n\
- else if(_op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii] != _op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "_old[Ii])\n\
- {\n\
- OUTPUT_STATE(" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]) = _op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii];\n\
- OUTPUT_DELAY(" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]) = ((_op_" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii] == ZERO) ? PARAM(fall_delay) : PARAM(rise_delay));\n\
- }\n\
- else\n\
- {\n\
- OUTPUT_CHANGED(" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]) = FALSE;\n\
- }\n\
- OUTPUT_STRENGTH(" + item.split(':')[0] + "[Ii]) = STRONG;\n\
- }\n")
- # Writing content in cfunc.mod file
- cfunc.write(comment)
- cfunc.write(header)
- cfunc.write("\n")
- cfunc.write(function_open)
- cfunc.write("\n")
- # Adding digital state Variable
- for item in digital_state_output:
- cfunc.write("\t" + item + "\n")
- # Adding variable declaration section
- cfunc.write(var_section)
- # Adding INIT portion
- cfunc.write(init_start_function)
- for item in port_init:
- cfunc.write(item)
- for item in cm_event_alloc:
- cfunc.write(2 * "\t" + item)
- cfunc.write("\n")
- cfunc.write(2 * "\t" + "/* set the load for input ports. */")
- cfunc.write("\n")
- cfunc.write(2 * "\t" + "int Ii;")
- cfunc.write("\n")
- for item in load_in_port:
- cfunc.write(2 * "\t" + item)
- cfunc.write("\n")
- cfunc.write("\n")
- cfunc.write(2 * "\t" + "/*Retrieve Storage for output*/")
- cfunc.write("\n")
- for item in cm_event_get_ptr:
- cfunc.write(2 * "\t" + item)
- cfunc.write("\n")
- cfunc.write("\n")
- # if == 'nt':
- # digital_home = parser.get('NGSPICE', 'DIGITAL_MODEL')
- # msys_home = parser.get('COMPILER', 'MSYS_HOME')
- # cmd_str2 = "/ %d %s & read" + "\\" + "\"" + "\""
- # cmd_str1 = os.path.normpath(
- # "\"" + digital_home + "/" +
- # fname.split('.')[0] + "/DUTghdl/"
- # )
- # cmd_str1 = cmd_str1.replace("\\", "/")
- # cfunc.write(
- # '\t\tsnprintf(command,1024, "start mintty.exe -t ' +
- # '\\"VHDL-Testbench Logs\\" -h always bash.exe -c ' +
- # '\\' + cmd_str1 + cmd_str2 + ', sock_port, my_ip);'
- # )
- # else:
- # cfunc.write(
- # '\t\tsnprintf(command,1024,"' + home +
- # '/ngspice-nghdl/src/xspice/icm/ghdl/' +
- # fname.split('.')[0] +
- # '/DUTghdl/ %d %s &", sock_port, my_ip);'
- # )
- cfunc.write("\n\t}")
- cfunc.write("\n")
- cfunc.write("\telse\n\t{\n")
- for item in els_evt_ptr:
- cfunc.write(2 * "\t" + item)
- cfunc.write("\n")
- cfunc.write("\t}")
- cfunc.write("\n\n")
- cfunc.write("\t//Formating data for sending it to client\n")
- cfunc.write("\tint Ii;\n")
- cfunc.write("\tcount=(int)PARAM(instance_id);\n\n")
- for item in assign_data_to_input:
- cfunc.write(item)
- cfunc.write("\tfoo" + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "(1,count);\n\n")
- for item in sch_output_event:
- cfunc.write(item)
- # Close cm_ function
- cfunc.write("\n}")
- cfunc.close()
- # This function creates the ifspec file automatically in Ngspice folder
- def ifspecwrite(self):
- print("Starting with ifspec.ifs file")
- ifspec = open(self.modelpath + 'ifspec.ifs', 'w')
- print("Gathering Al the content for ifspec file")
- ifspec_comment = '''
- /*
- SUMMARY: This file is auto generated and it contains the interface
- specification for the code model. */\n
- '''
- name_table = 'NAME_TABLE:\n\
- C_Function_Name: cm_' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '\n\
- Spice_Model_Name: ' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '\n\
- Description: "Model generated from ghdl code ' + self.fname + '" \n'
- # Input and Output Port Table
- in_port_table = []
- out_port_table = []
- for item in self.input_port:
- port_table = 'PORT_TABLE:\n'
- port_name = 'Port_Name:\t' + item.split(':')[0] + '\n'
- description = (
- 'Description:\t"input port ' + item.split(':')[0] + '"\n'
- )
- direction = 'Direction:\tin\n'
- default_type = 'Default_Type:\td\n'
- allowed_type = 'Allowed_Types:\t[d]\n'
- vector = 'Vector:\tyes\n'
- vector_bounds = (
- 'Vector_Bounds:\t[' + item.split(':')[1] +
- ' ' + item.split(":")[1] + ']\n'
- )
- null_allowed = 'Null_Allowed:\tno\n'
- # Insert detail in the list
- in_port_table.append(
- port_table + port_name + description +
- direction + default_type + allowed_type +
- vector + vector_bounds + null_allowed
- )
- for item in self.output_port:
- port_table = 'PORT_TABLE:\n'
- port_name = 'Port_Name:\t' + item.split(':')[0] + '\n'
- description = (
- 'Description:\t"output port ' + item.split(':')[0] + '"\n'
- )
- direction = 'Direction:\tout\n'
- default_type = 'Default_Type:\td\n'
- allowed_type = 'Allowed_Types:\t[d]\n'
- vector = 'Vector:\tyes\n'
- vector_bounds = (
- 'Vector_Bounds:\t[' + item.split(':')[1] +
- ' ' + item.split(":")[1] + ']\n'
- )
- null_allowed = 'Null_Allowed:\tno\n'
- # Insert detail in the list
- in_port_table.append(
- port_table + port_name + description +
- direction + default_type + allowed_type +
- vector + vector_bounds + null_allowed
- )
- parameter_table = '''
- Parameter_Name: instance_id input_load
- Description: "instance_id" "input load value (F)"
- Data_Type: real real
- Default_Value: 0 1.0e-12
- Limits: - -
- Vector: no no
- Vector_Bounds: - -
- Null_Allowed: yes yes
- Parameter_Name: rise_delay fall_delay
- Description: "rise delay" "fall delay"
- Data_Type: real real
- Default_Value: 1.0e-9 1.0e-9
- Limits: [1e-12 -] [1e-12 -]
- Vector: no no
- Vector_Bounds: - -
- Null_Allowed: yes yes
- '''
- # Writing all the content in ifspec file
- ifspec.write(ifspec_comment)
- ifspec.write(name_table + "\n\n")
- for item in in_port_table:
- ifspec.write(item + "\n")
- ifspec.write("\n")
- for item in out_port_table:
- ifspec.write(item + "\n")
- ifspec.write("\n")
- ifspec.write(parameter_table)
- ifspec.write("\n")
- ifspec.close()
- # This function creates the header file of sim_main file automatically in
- # Ngspice folder
- def sim_main_header(self):
- print("Starting With sim_main_" + self.fname.split('.')[0] + ".h file")
- simh = open(
- self.modelpath +
- 'sim_main_' +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- '.h',
- 'w')
- print("Building content for sim_main_" +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] + ".h file")
- simh.write("int foo" + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "(int,int);")
- extern_var = []
- for i, item in enumerate(self.input_port + self.output_port):
- extern_var.append('''
- int temp_''' + item.split(':')[0] + '''[1024];
- int port_''' + item.split(':')[0] + ''';''')
- for item in extern_var:
- simh.write(item)
- simh.close()
- # This function creates the sim_main file needed by verilator
- # automatically in Ngspice folder
- def sim_main(self):
- print(
- "Starting With sim_main_" +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- ".cpp file")
- csim = open(
- self.modelpath +
- 'sim_main_' +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- '.cpp',
- 'w')
- print(
- "Building content for sim_main_" +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- ".cpp file")
- comment = '''/* This is cfunc.mod file auto generated by
- Developed by Sumanto Kar at IIT Bombay */\n
- '''
- header = '''
- #include <memory>
- #include <verilated.h>
- #include "V''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cstring>
- using namespace std;
- '''
- extern_var = []
- for i, item in enumerate(self.input_port + self.output_port):
- extern_var.append('''
- extern "C" int temp_''' + item.split(':')[0] + '''[1024];
- extern "C" int port_''' + item.split(':')[0] + ''';''')
- extern_var.append('''
- extern "C" int foo''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''(int,int);
- ''')
- convert_func = '''
- void int2arr''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''(int num, int array[], int n)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < n && num>=0; i++)
- {
- array[n-i-1] = num % 2;
- num /= 2;
- }
- }
- int arr2int''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''(int array[],int n)
- {
- int i,k=0;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- k = 2 * k + array[i];
- return k;
- }
- '''
- foo_func = '''
- int foo''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''(int init,int count)
- {
- static VerilatedContext* contextp = new VerilatedContext;
- static V''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "* " + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''[1024];
- count--;
- if (init==0)
- {
- ''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''[count]=new V''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + '''{contextp};
- contextp->traceEverOn(true);
- }
- else
- {
- contextp->timeInc(1);
- printf("=============''' + self.fname.split('.')[0] + ''' : New Iteration===========");
- printf("\\nInstance : %d\\n",count);
- printf("\\nInside foo before eval.....\\n");
- before_eval = []
- after_eval = []
- for i, item in enumerate(self.input_port + self.output_port):
- before_eval.append(
- '''\t\t\t\tprintf("''' +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- '''=%d\\n", ''' +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- '''[count] ->''' +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- ''');\n''')
- for i, item in enumerate(self.input_port):
- before_eval.append(
- '''\t\t\t\t''' +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- '''[count]->''' +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- ''' = arr2int''' +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- '''(temp_''' +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- ", port_" +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- ''');\n''')
- before_eval.append(
- "\t\t\t\t" +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- "[count]->eval();\n")
- after_eval.append('''
- printf("\\nInside foo after eval.....\\n");\n''')
- for i, item in enumerate(self.input_port + self.output_port):
- after_eval.append(
- '''\t\t\t\tprintf("''' +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- '''=%d\\n", ''' +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- '''[count] ->''' +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- ''');\n''')
- for i, item in enumerate(self.output_port):
- after_eval.append(
- "\t\t\t\tint2arr" +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- "(" +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- '''[count] -> ''' +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- ''', temp_''' +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- ''', port_''' +
- item.split(':')[0] +
- ''');\n''')
- after_eval.append('''
- }
- return 0;
- }''')
- csim.write(comment)
- csim.write(header)
- for item in extern_var:
- csim.write(item)
- csim.write(convert_func)
- csim.write(foo_func)
- for item in before_eval:
- csim.write(item)
- for item in after_eval:
- csim.write(item)
- csim.close()
- # This function creates modpathlst in Ngspice folder
- def modpathlst(self):
- print("Editing modpath.lst file")
- mod = open(self.digital_home + '/modpath.lst', 'r')
- text =
- mod.close()
- mod = open(self.digital_home + '/modpath.lst', 'a+')
- if not self.fname.split('.')[0] in text:
- mod.write(self.fname.split('.')[0] + "\n")
- mod.close()
- # This function is used to run the Verilator using the verilator commands
- def run_verilator(self):
- self.cur_dir = os.getcwd()
- file = open("../maker/lint_off.txt").readlines()
- wno = " "
- for item in file:
- wno += " -Wno-" + item.strip("\n")
- print("Running Verilator.............")
- os.chdir(self.modelpath)
- self.release_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'RELEASE')
- # print(self.modelpath)
- self.cmd = "verilator -Wall " + wno + "\
- --cc --exe --no-MMD --Mdir . -CFLAGS -fPIC sim_main_" + \
- self.fname.split('.')[0] + ".cpp " + self.fname
- self.process = QtCore.QProcess(self)
- self.process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.start('sh', ['-c', self.cmd])
- self.termtitle("RUN VERILATOR")
- self.termtext("Current Directory: " + self.modelpath)
- self.termtext("Command: " + self.cmd)
- # self.process.setProcessChannelMode(QtCore.QProcess.MergedChannels)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardError.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.waitForFinished(50000)
- print("Verilator Executed")
- os.chdir(self.cur_dir)
- # Running make verilator using this function
- def make_verilator(self):
- self.cur_dir = os.getcwd()
- print("Make Verilator.............")
- os.chdir(self.modelpath)
- self.cmd = "make -f V" + self.fname.split('.')[0]\
- + ".mk V" + self.fname.split(
- '.')[0] + "__ALL.a sim_main_" \
- + self.fname.split('.')[0] + ".o verilated.o"
- self.process = QtCore.QProcess(self)
- self.process.readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.start('sh', ['-c', self.cmd])
- self.termtitle("MAKE VERILATOR")
- self.termtext("Current Directory: " + self.modelpath)
- self.termtext("Command: " + self.cmd)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardError.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.waitForFinished(50000)
- print("Make Verilator Executed")
- os.chdir(self.cur_dir)
- # This function copies the verilator files/object files from
- # src/xspice/icm/Ngveri/ to release/src/xspice/icm/Ngveri/
- def copy_verilator(self):
- self.cur_dir = os.getcwd()
- print("Copying the required files to Release Folder.............")
- os.chdir(self.modelpath)
- self.release_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'RELEASE')
- path_icm = os.path.join(self.release_home, "src/xspice/icm/Ngveri/")
- if not os.path.isdir(path_icm + self.fname.split('.')[0]):
- os.mkdir(path_icm + self.fname.split('.')[0])
- path_icm = path_icm + self.fname.split('.')[0]
- if os.path.exists(
- path_icm +
- "sim_main_" +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- ".o"):
- os.remove(path_icm + "sim_main_" + self.fname.split('.')[0] + ".o")
- if os.path.exists(
- self.release_home +
- "src/xspice/icm/" +
- "verilated.o"):
- os.remove(self.release_home + "src/xspice/icm/" + "verilated.o")
- if os.path.exists(
- path_icm +
- "V" +
- self.fname.split('.')[0] +
- "__ALL.o"):
- os.remove(path_icm + "V" + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "__ALL.o")
- # print(self.modelpath)
- try:
- self.cmd = "cp sim_main_" + \
- self.fname.split('.')[0] + ".o V" + \
- self.fname.split('.')[0] + "__ALL.o " + path_icm
- self.process = QtCore.QProcess(self)
- self.args = ['-c', self.cmd]
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardError.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.start('sh', self.args)
- self.termtitle("COPYING FILES")
- self.termtext("Current Directory: " + self.modelpath)
- self.termtext("Command: " + self.cmd)
- self.process.waitForFinished(50000)
- self.cmd = "cp verilated.o " + self.release_home \
- + "/src/xspice/icm/"
- self.process.start('sh', ['-c', self.cmd])
- self.termtext("Command: " + self.cmd)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.waitForFinished(50000)
- print("Copied the files")
- os.chdir(self.cur_dir)
- except BaseException:
- print("There is error in Copying Files ")
- # Running the make command for Ngspice
- def runMake(self):
- print("run Make Called")
- self.release_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'RELEASE')
- path_icm = os.path.join(self.release_home, "src/xspice/icm")
- os.chdir(path_icm)
- try:
- if == 'nt':
- # path to msys bin directory where make is located
- self.msys_bin = self.parser.get('COMPILER', 'MSYS_HOME')
- self.cmd = self.msys_bin + "\\make.exe"
- else:
- self.cmd = "make"
- print("Running Make command in " + path_icm)
- path = os.getcwd() # noqa
- self.process = QtCore.QProcess(self)
- self.process.start('sh', ['-c', self.cmd])
- print("make command process pid ---------- >",
- self.termtitle("MAKE COMMAND")
- self.termtext("Current Directory: " + path_icm)
- self.termtext("Command: " + self.cmd)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardError.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.waitForFinished(50000)
- os.chdir(self.cur_dir)
- except BaseException:
- print("There is error in 'make' ")
- # sys.exit()
- # Running the make install command for Ngspice
- def runMakeInstall(self):
- self.cur_dir = os.getcwd()
- print("run Make Install Called")
- self.release_home = self.parser.get('NGSPICE', 'RELEASE')
- path_icm = os.path.join(self.release_home, "src/xspice/icm")
- os.chdir(path_icm)
- try:
- if == 'nt':
- self.msys_bin = self.parser.get('COMPILER', 'MSYS_HOME')
- self.cmd = self.msys_bin + "\\make.exe install"
+ if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok:
+ self.obj_Appconfig.print_error(
+ 'No VerilogFile. Please add a File in Makerchip Tab')
+ return
+ self.fname = Maker.verilogFile[self.filecount]
+ model = ModelGeneration.ModelGeneration(self.fname, self.entry_var[0])
+ file = (os.path.basename(self.fname)).split('.')[0]
+ if self.entry_var[1].findText(file) == -1:
+ self.entry_var[1].addItem(file)
+ model.verilogfile()
+ error = model.verilogParse()
+ if error != "Error":
+ model.getPortInfo()
+ model.cfuncmod()
+ model.ifspecwrite()
+ model.sim_main_header()
+ model.sim_main()
+ model.modpathlst()
+ model.run_verilator()
+ model.make_verilator()
+ model.copy_verilator()
+ model.runMake()
+ model.runMakeInstall()
+ txt = self.entry_var[0].toPlainText()
+ if not "error" in txt.lower():
+ self.entry_var[0].append('''
+ <p style=\" font-size:20pt; font-weight:1000; color:#00FF00;\" >
+ Model Created Successfully !
+ </p>
+ ''')
- self.cmd = "make install"
- print("Running Make Install")
- path = os.getcwd() # noqa
- try:
- self.process.close()
- except BaseException:
- pass
- self.process = QtCore.QProcess(self)
- self.process.start('sh', ['-c', self.cmd])
- # text="<span style=\" font-size:8pt; font-weight:600;
- # color:#000000;\" >"
- self.termtitle("MAKE INSTALL COMMAND")
- self.termtext("Current Directory: " + path_icm)
- self.termtext("Command: " + self.cmd)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardError.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.waitForFinished(50000)
- os.chdir(self.cur_dir)
- except BaseException as e:
- print(e)
- print("There is error in 'make install' ")
- # sys.exit()
+ self.entry_var[0].append('''
+ <p style=\" font-size:20pt; font-weight:1000; color:#FF0000;\" >
+ There was an error during model creation,
+ <br/>
+ Please rectify the error and try again !
+ </p>
+ ''')
# This function is used to add additional files required by the verilog
# top module
- def addfile(self):
- print("Adding the files required by the top level module file")
- init_path = '../../../'
- if == 'nt':
- init_path = ''
- includefile = QtCore.QDir.toNativeSeparators(
- QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
- self,
- "Open adding other necessary files to be included",
- init_path + "home")[0])
- if includefile == "":
+ def addfile(self):
+ if len(Maker.verilogFile) < (self.filecount + 1):
reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(
- None, "Error Message",
- "<b>Error: No File Chosen. Please chose a file</b>",
- QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel
- )
+ None,
+ "Error Message",
+ "<b>Error: No Verilog File Chosen. \
+ Please chose a Verilog file in Makerchip Tab</b>",
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok)
if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok:
- self.addfile()
- self.obj_Appconfig.print_info('Add Other Files Called')
- elif reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel:
- self.obj_Appconfig.print_info('No File Chosen')
- filename = os.path.basename(includefile)
- self.modelpath = self.digital_home + \
- "/" + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "/"
- if not os.path.isdir(self.modelpath):
- os.mkdir(self.modelpath)
- text = open(includefile).read()
- text = text + '\n'
- f = open(self.modelpath + filename, 'w')
- for item in text:
- f.write(item)
- f.write("\n")
- f.close()
- print("Added the File:" + filename)
- self.termtitle("Added the File:" + filename)
+ self.obj_Appconfig.print_error(
+ 'No VerilogFile. Please chose\
+ a Verilog File in Makerchip Tab')
+ return
+ self.fname = Maker.verilogFile[self.filecount]
+ model = ModelGeneration.ModelGeneration(self.fname, self.entry_var[0])
+ # model.verilogfile()
+ model.addfile()
# This function is used to add additional folder required by the verilog
# top module
def addfolder(self):
- # self.cur_dir = os.getcwd()
- print("Adding the folder required by the top level module file")
- init_path = '../../../'
- if == 'nt':
- init_path = '' # noqa:F841
- includefolder = QtCore.QDir.toNativeSeparators(
- QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(
- self, "open", "home"
- )
- )
- if includefolder == "":
+ if len(Maker.verilogFile) < (self.filecount + 1):
reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(
- None, "Error Message",
- "<b>Error: No Folder Chosen. Please chose a folder</b>",
- QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel
- )
+ None,
+ "Error Message",
+ "<b>Error: No Verilog File Chosen. \
+ Please chose a Verilog file in Makerchip Tab</b>",
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok)
if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok:
- self.addfolder()
- self.obj_Appconfig.print_info('Add Folder Called')
- elif reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel:
- self.obj_Appconfig.print_info('No File Chosen')
- self.modelpath = self.digital_home + \
- "/" + self.fname.split('.')[0] + "/"
- reply = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.question(
- None, "Message",
- '''<b>If you want only the contents\
- of the folder to be added press "Yes".\
- If you want complete folder \
- to be added, press "No". </b>''',
- QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No
+ self.obj_Appconfig.print_error(
+ 'No VerilogFile. Please chose \
+ a Verilog File in Makerchip Tab')
+ return
+ self.fname = Maker.verilogFile[self.filecount]
+ model = ModelGeneration.ModelGeneration(self.fname, self.entry_var[0])
+ # model.verilogfile()
+ model.addfolder()
+ # This function is used to clear the terminal
+ def clearTerminal(self):
+ self.entry_var[0].setText("")
+ # This function is used to create buttons/options
+ def createoptionsBox(self):
+ self.optionsbox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox()
+ self.optionsbox.setTitle("Select Options")
+ self.optionsgrid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
+ self.optionsgroupbtn = QtWidgets.QButtonGroup()
+ self.addverilogbutton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(
+ "Run Verilog to NgSpice Converter")
+ self.optionsgroupbtn.addButton(self.addverilogbutton)
+ self.addverilogbutton.clicked.connect(self.addverilog)
+ self.optionsgrid.addWidget(self.addverilogbutton, 0, 1)
+ #self.optionsbox.setLayout(self.optionsgrid)
+ #self.grid.addWidget(self.creategroup(), 1, 0, 5, 0)
+ self.addfilebutton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Add Other file")
+ self.optionsgroupbtn.addButton(self.addfilebutton)
+ self.addfilebutton.clicked.connect(self.addfile)
+ self.optionsgrid.addWidget(self.addfilebutton, 0, 2)
+ #self.optionsbox.setLayout(self.optionsgrid)
+ #self.grid.addWidget(self.creategroup(), 1, 0, 5, 0)
+ self.addfolderbutton = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Add Folder")
+ self.optionsgroupbtn.addButton(self.addfolderbutton)
+ self.addfolderbutton.clicked.connect(self.addfolder)
+ self.optionsgrid.addWidget(self.addfolderbutton, 0, 3)
+ #self.optionsbox.setLayout(self.optionsgrid)
+ #self.grid.addWidget(self.creategroup(), 1, 0, 5, 0)
+ self.clearTerminalBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Clear Terminal")
+ self.optionsgroupbtn.addButton(self.clearTerminalBtn)
+ self.clearTerminalBtn.clicked.connect(self.clearTerminal)
+ self.optionsgrid.addWidget(self.clearTerminalBtn, 0, 4)
+ self.optionsbox.setLayout(self.optionsgrid)
+ #self.grid.addWidget(self.creategroup(), 1, 0, 5, 0)
+ return self.optionsbox
+ # This function is used to remove models in modlst of Ngspice folder if
+ # the user wants to remove a model.Note: files do not get removed
+ def edit_modlst(self, text):
+ if text == "Edit modlst":
+ return
+ index = self.entry_var[1].findText(text)
+ self.entry_var[1].removeItem(index)
+ self.entry_var[1].setCurrentIndex(0)
+ ret = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(
+ None, "Warning", '''<b>Do you want to remove model:''' +
+ text,
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel
- if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes:
- self.cmd = "cp -a " + includefolder + "/. " + self.modelpath
- self.obj_Appconfig.print_info('Adding Contents of the Folder')
- elif reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No:
- self.cmd = "cp -R " + includefolder + " " + self.modelpath
- self.obj_Appconfig.print_info('Adding the Folder')
- print("Adding the Folder:" + includefolder.split('/')[-1])
- self.termtitle("Adding the Folder:" + includefolder.split('/')[-1])
- self.process = QtCore.QProcess(self)
- self.process.start('sh', ['-c', self.cmd])
- self.termtext("Command: " + self.cmd)
- self.process \
- .readyReadStandardOutput.connect(self.readAllStandard)
- self.process.waitForFinished(50000)
- print("Added the folder")
- # os.chdir(self.cur_dir)
- # This function is used to print the titles in the terminal of Ngveri tab
- def termtitle(self, textin):
- Text = "<span style=\" font-size:20pt; \
- font-weight:1000; color:#0000FF;\" >"
- Text += "<br>================================<br>"
- Text += textin
- Text += "<br>================================<br>"
- Text += "</span>"
- self.termedit.append(Text)
- # This function is used to print the text/commands in the terminal of
- # Ngveri tab
- def termtext(self, textin):
- Text = "<span style=\" font-size:12pt;\
- font-weight:500; color:#000000;\" >"
- Text += textin
- Text += "</span>"
- self.termedit.append(Text)
- # This function reads all the Standard output data and the errors from the
- # process that aree being run
- @QtCore.pyqtSlot()
- def readAllStandard(self):
- # self.termedit = termedit
- # self.termedit.append(str(self.process.readAll().data(),\
- # encoding='utf-8'))
- stdoutput = self.process.readAll()
- TextStdOut = "<span style=\" font-size:12pt;\
- font-weight:300; color:#000000;\" >"
- for line in str(, encoding='utf-8').split("\n"):
- TextStdOut += "<br>" + line
- TextStdOut += "</span>"
- self.termedit.append(TextStdOut)
- # print(str(self.process.readAll().data(), encoding='utf-8'))
- stderror = self.process.readAllStandardError()
- if stderror.toUpper().contains(b"ERROR"):
- self.errorFlag = True
- TextErr = "<span style=\" font-size:12pt; \
- font-weight:1000; color:#ff0000;\" >"
- for line in str(, encoding='utf-8').split("\n"):
- TextErr += "<br>" + line
- TextErr += "</span>"
- self.termedit.append(TextErr)
- # @QtCore.pyqtSlot()
- # def readAllStandard(self):
- # #self.termedit = termedit
- # self.termedit.append(str(self.process.\
- # readAll().data(), encoding='utf-8'))
- # print(str(self.process.readAll().data(), encoding='utf-8'))
- # stderror = self.process.readAllStandardError()
- # if stderror.toUpper().contains(b"ERROR"):
- # self.errorFlag = True
- # Text = "<span style=\" font-size:12pt;\
- # font-weight:1000; color:#ff0000;\" >"
- # for line in str(, encoding='utf-8').split("\n"):
- # Text += "<br>"+line+"<br>"
- # Text += "</span>"
- # self.termedit.append(Text+"\n")
- # init_path = '../../../'
- # if == 'nt':
- # init_path = ''
- # includefile = QtCore.QDir.toNativeSeparators(\
- # QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(
- # self, "Open adding other necessary files to be included",
- # init_path + "home"
- # )[0]
- # )
- # if includefile=="":
- # reply=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(
- # None, "Error Message",
- # "<b>Error: No File Chosen. Please chose a file</b>",
- # QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel
- # )
- # if reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok:
- # self.addfile()
- # self.obj_Appconfig.print_info('Add Other Files Called')
- # elif reply == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel:
- # self.obj_Appconfig.print_info('No File Chosen')
- # filename = os.path.basename(includefile)
- # self.modelpath=self.digital_home+"/"+self.fname.split('.')[0]+"/"
- # if not os.path.isdir(self.modelpath):
- # os.mkdir(self.modelpath)
- # text = open(includefile).read()
- # open(self.modelpath+filename,'w').write(text)
- # includefile.close()
+ if ret == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok:
+ mod = open(self.digital_home + '/modpath.lst', 'r')
+ data = mod.readlines()
+ mod.close()
+ data.remove(text + "\n")
+ mod = open(self.digital_home + '/modpath.lst', 'w')
+ for item in data:
+ mod.write(item)
+ self.fname = Maker.verilogFile[self.filecount]
+ model = ModelGeneration.ModelGeneration(
+ self.fname, self.entry_var[0])
+ model.runMake()
+ model.runMakeInstall()
+ return
+ #else:
+ # return
+ # This is to remove lint_off comments needed by the verilator warnings
+ # This function writes to the lint_off.txt here in the same folder
+ def lint_off_edit(self, text):
+ if text == "Edit lint_off":
+ return
+ index = self.entry_var[2].findText(text)
+ self.entry_var[2].removeItem(index)
+ self.entry_var[2].setCurrentIndex(0)
+ ret = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(
+ None,
+ "Warning",
+ '''<b>Do you want to remove the lint off error:''' +
+ text,
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok,
+ QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel)
+ if ret == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok:
+ file = open("../maker/lint_off.txt", 'r')
+ data = file.readlines()
+ file.close()
+ data.remove(text + "\n")
+ file = open("../maker/lint_off.txt", 'w')
+ for item in data:
+ file.write(item)
+ return
+ #else:
+ # return
+ # This is to add lint_off comments needed by the verilator warnings
+ # This function writes to the lint_off.txt here in the same folder
+ def add_lint_off(self):
+ text = self.entry_var[3].text()
+ if self.entry_var[2].findText(text) == -1:
+ self.entry_var[2].addItem(text)
+ file = open("../maker/lint_off.txt", 'a+')
+ file.write(text + "\n")
+ file.close()
+ self.entry_var[3].setText("")
+ # creating various other groups like terminal, edit modlst, edit lint_off
+ # and add lint_off
+ def creategroup(self):
+ self.trbox = QtWidgets.QGroupBox()
+ self.trbox.setTitle("Terminal")
+ # self.trbox.setDisabled(True)
+ # self.trbox.setVisible(False)
+ self.trgrid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()
+ self.trbox.setLayout(self.trgrid)
+ self.count = 0
+ self.start = QtWidgets.QLabel("Terminal")
+ # self.trgrid.addWidget(self.start, 2,0)
+ self.entry_var[self.count] = QtWidgets.QTextEdit()
+ self.entry_var[self.count].setReadOnly(1)
+ self.trgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], 1, 1, 5, 3)
+ self.entry_var[self.count].setMaximumWidth(1000)
+ self.entry_var[self.count].setMaximumHeight(1000)
+ self.count += 1
+ self.entry_var[self.count] = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
+ self.entry_var[self.count].addItem("Edit modlst")
+ self.modlst = open(self.digital_home + '/modpath.lst', 'r')
+ = self.modlst.readlines()
+ self.modlst.close()
+ for item in
+ if item != "\n":
+ self.entry_var[self.count].addItem(item.strip())
+ self.entry_var[self.count].activated[str].connect(self.edit_modlst)
+ self.trgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], 1, 4, 1, 2)
+ self.count += 1
+ self.entry_var[self.count] = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
+ self.entry_var[self.count].addItem("Edit lint_off")
+ self.lint_off = open("../maker/lint_off.txt", 'r')
+ = self.lint_off.readlines()
+ self.lint_off.close()
+ for item in
+ if item != "\n":
+ self.entry_var[self.count].addItem(item.strip())
+ self.entry_var[self.count].activated[str].connect(self.lint_off_edit)
+ self.trgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], 2, 4, 1, 2)
+ self.count += 1
+ self.entry_var[self.count] = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(self)
+ self.trgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], 3, 4)
+ self.entry_var[self.count].setMaximumWidth(100)
+ self.count += 1
+ self.entry_var[self.count] = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Add Lint_Off")
+ self.entry_var[self.count].setMaximumWidth(100)
+ self.trgrid.addWidget(self.entry_var[self.count], 3, 5)
+ self.entry_var[self.count].clicked.connect(self.add_lint_off)
+ self.count += 1
+ # CSS
+ self.trbox.setStyleSheet(" \
+ QGroupBox { border: 1px solid gray; border-radius: \
+ 9px; margin-top: 0.5em; } \
+ QGroupBox::title { subcontrol-origin: margin; left: \
+ 10px; padding: 0 3px 0 3px; } \
+ ")
+ return self.trbox