path: root/Windows
diff options
authorRahul P2020-08-08 18:14:17 +0530
committerGitHub2020-08-08 18:14:17 +0530
commit3d86dae3fcdc85b23012a5c347fa8f9abe0c4f40 (patch)
tree82746da6b424c3d196d3d847065f1b36b4316e35 /Windows
parentf5f3afe6b5ff6af20370e12fd186f81449fd0713 (diff)
parentc3832418ddb492148886055611a78459673c05bf (diff)
Merge pull request #155 from rahulp13/installers
added support for NGHDL and reduced KiCad for Windows OS; updated installers and docs for v2.1
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows')
-rw-r--r--Windows/ (renamed from Windows/
2 files changed, 63 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/ b/Windows/
index cd8ff979..8dae6dc1 100644
--- a/Windows/
+++ b/Windows/
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ It contains all the documenation for making eSim executable (using PyInstaller)
> Note : Do not develop eSim on Windows OS. Work only with `installers` branch on Windows OS and do development on Linux OS.
> Reference :
## eSim Executable:
1. Download and install "Python-3.5.2", "Git For Windows". Use "Git Bash" for all following shell commands.
@@ -88,27 +89,24 @@ It contains all the documenation for making eSim executable (using PyInstaller)
> - six
> -
-8. Download eSim Manual from eSim website, add it to `library/browser/User-Manual/` and update the file name of Manual in `src/browser/` accordingly.
-9. Create spec file as:
+8. Create spec file as:
$ pyi-makespec --onefile -n eSim <path_to_eSim>/src/frontEnd/ --icon=<path_to_eSim_logo>
-10. Create onefile executable using pyinstaller as:
+9. Create onefile executable using pyinstaller as:
$ pyinstaller -F --clean eSim.spec
-11. Verify whether all eSim `src` files (`*.py`) have been included in `Analysis-00.toc` file under the build folder generated by PyInstaller.
+10. Verify whether all eSim `src` files (`*.py`) have been included in `Analysis-00.toc` file under the build folder generated by PyInstaller.
## How to package eSim?
-1. Update `VERSION` file to this release number. Also, update version number in NSI script and `Installation.txt` file.
+1. Take the `master` branch of eSim. Rename the folder to `eSim`.
2. Compress `spice` folder in zip format (Make sure that there is folder named `spice` inside this compressed file).
-3. Add eSim executable file to the eSim source folder. Also, remove following files from the eSim source folder:
+3. Add eSim executable to the `eSim` folder. Also, remove following files from that folder:
- `.git` folder
- `code` folder
- `src` folder
@@ -118,15 +116,12 @@ It contains all the documenation for making eSim executable (using PyInstaller)
- requirement.txt
- .gitignore
- .travis.yml
- - `Examples\NGHDL_Examples\` folder
-4. Remove `eSim_Nghdl.lib` file from `eSim\library\kicadLibrary\kicad_eSim-Library\`. Also, remove `library` folder, duplicate files from `template` and `modules` folders under `eSim\library\kicadLibary\`.
-5. Now, compress `eSim\library\kicadLibrary` in zip format, place it at `eSim\library` and delete that folder.
+4. Now, compress `eSim\library\kicadLibrary` in zip format, place it at `eSim\library` and delete that folder.
-6. Compress `eSim` folder in zip format (Make sure that there is folder named `eSim` inside this compressed file).
+5. Compress `eSim` folder in zip format (Make sure that there is folder named `eSim` inside this compressed file).
-7. Add following files/folder to the installer folder:
+6. Add following files/folder to the installer folder:
- KiCad installer.
- License file (`rtf` format).
- Logo (`ico` format).
@@ -134,4 +129,4 @@ It contains all the documenation for making eSim executable (using PyInstaller)
- eSim (compressed file in `zip` format) containing eSim folder.
- `esim-setup-script` file.
-8. Compile the NSI script (`esim-setup-script` file). Now only use the generated installer for distribution.
+7. Compile the NSI script (`esim-setup-script` file). Now only use the generated installer for distribution.
diff --git a/Windows/esim-setup-script.nsi b/Windows/esim-setup-script.nsi
index 87f54bee..daaf4cc1 100644
--- a/Windows/esim-setup-script.nsi
+++ b/Windows/esim-setup-script.nsi
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
!include "MUI2.nsh"
!include "ZipDLL.nsh"
- !include "EnvVarUpdate.nsh"
!include "x64.nsh"
@@ -169,18 +168,14 @@ Section -NgspiceSim
SetOutPath "$EXEDIR"
- File ""
- File ""
+ File "eSim.7z"
File "logo.ico"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
- ZipDLL::extractall "$EXEDIR\" "$INSTDIR\"
- ZipDLL::extractall "$EXEDIR\" "$INSTDIR\"
+ Nsis7z::ExtractWithDetails "$EXEDIR\eSim.7z" "Extracting eSim %s..."
- ;Setting Env Variable for Ngspice
- ${EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "A" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR\spice\bin"
;Copying Folder to install directory
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\eSim"
@@ -208,12 +203,13 @@ Section -NgspiceSim
;create desktop shortcut
CreateShortCut "$PROFILE\..\Public\Desktop\eSim.lnk" "$INSTDIR\eSim\eSim" "" "$PROFILE\.esim\logo.ico" "" SW_SHOWMINIMIZED
;Remove not required files
- Delete "$EXEDIR\"
- Delete "$EXEDIR\"
+ Delete "$EXEDIR\eSim.7z"
Delete "$EXEDIR\logo.ico"
@@ -233,11 +229,14 @@ Section -InstallKiCad
Goto endActiveSync
- ;Remove not required files
- Delete "$EXEDIR\kicad-4.0.7-i686.exe"
- Delete "$PROFILE\..\Public\Desktop\KiCad.lnk"
+ ;Remove not required files
+ Delete "$EXEDIR\kicad-4.0.7-i686.exe"
+ Delete "$PROFILE\..\Public\Desktop\KiCad.lnk"
- ${EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "A" "HKLM" "$INSTDIR\KiCad\bin"
+ EnVar::SetHKLM
+ EnVar::AddValue "Path" "$INSTDIR\KiCad\bin"
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
ZipDLL::extractall "$INSTDIR\eSim\library\" "$INSTDIR\eSim\library\"
@@ -266,7 +265,7 @@ Section -InstallKiCad
RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\eSim\library\kicadLibrary"
Section -AdditionalIcons
@@ -276,6 +275,7 @@ Section -AdditionalIcons
+!include "installnghdl.nsi"
Section -Post
@@ -300,14 +300,48 @@ FunctionEnd
Section Uninstall
+ ; Set to HKLM
+ EnVar::SetHKLM
+ GetFullPathName $1 $INSTDIR\..\eSim\nghdl\src
+ EnVar::DeleteValue "Path" $1
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
+ GetFullPathName $1 $INSTDIR\..\mingw64\bin
+ EnVar::DeleteValue "Path" $1
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
+ GetFullPathName $1 $INSTDIR\..\mingw64\msys\bin
+ EnVar::DeleteValue "Path" $1
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
+ GetFullPathName $1 $INSTDIR\..\mingw64\GHDL\bin
+ EnVar::DeleteValue "Path" $1
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
+ GetFullPathName $1 $INSTDIR\..\ngspice-nghdl\install_dir\bin
+ EnVar::DeleteValue "Path" $1
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\..\mingw64"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\..\ngspice-nghdl"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\..\eSim\nghdl"
;Note that in uninstaller code, $INSTDIR contains the directory where the uninstaller lies
Delete "$INSTDIR\uninst-eSim.exe"
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\eSim\Uninstall.lnk"
;Removing Env Variable for KiCad
- GetFullPathName $0 $INSTDIR\..\KiCad\bin
- ${un.EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "R" "HKLM" $0
+ GetFullPathName $1 $INSTDIR\..\KiCad\bin
+ EnVar::DeleteValue "Path" $1
+ Pop $0
+ DetailPrint "EnVar::AddValue returned=|$0|"
;Remove KiCad config
RMDir /r "$PROFILE\AppData\Roaming\kicad"
@@ -318,17 +352,11 @@ Section Uninstall
Goto endActiveSync
- ;Removing Env Variable for Ngspice
- GetFullPathName $0 $INSTDIR\..\spice\bin
- ${un.EnvVarUpdate} $0 "PATH" "R" "HKLM" $0
- ;Removing Ngspice
- RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\..\spice"
;Removing eSim
RMDir /r "$PROFILE\.esim"
RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\..\eSim"
+ RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\..\KiCad"
Delete "$PROFILE\..\Public\Desktop\eSim.lnk"