path: root/Windows/spice/examples
diff options
authorrahulp132020-02-28 11:38:58 +0530
committerrahulp132020-02-28 11:38:58 +0530
commit246319682f60293b132fca1ce6e24689c6682617 (patch)
tree6871b758a17869efecfd617f5513e31f9a933f4a /Windows/spice/examples
parentd9ab84106cac311d953f344386fef1c1e2bca1cf (diff)
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples')
148 files changed, 11648 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_2_circ.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_2_circ.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bacd07b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_2_circ.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Circuit to perform Monte Carlo simulation in ngspice
+* 25 stage Ring-Osc. using inverters with BSIM3
+vin in out dc 0.5 pulse 0.5 0 0.1n 5n 1 1 1
+vdd dd 0 dc 3.3
+vss ss 0 dc 0
+ve sub 0 dc 0
+vpe well 0 dc 3.3
+.subckt inv1 dd ss sub well in out
+mn1 out in ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.35u as=3p ad=3p ps=4u pd=4u
+mp1 out in dd well p1 w=4u l=0.35u as=7p ad=7p ps=6u pd=6u
+.ends inv1
+.subckt inv5 dd ss sub well in out
+xinv1 dd ss sub well in 1 inv1
+xinv2 dd ss sub well 1 2 inv1
+xinv3 dd ss sub well 2 3 inv1
+xinv4 dd ss sub well 3 4 inv1
+xinv5 dd ss sub well 4 out inv1
+.ends inv5
+xinv1 dd ss sub well in out5 inv5
+xinv2 dd ss sub well out5 out10 inv5
+xinv3 dd ss sub well out10 out15 inv5
+xinv4 dd ss sub well out15 out20 inv5
+xinv5 dd ss sub well out20 out inv5
+xinv11 dd 0 sub well out buf inv1
+* output is buf
+cout buf ss 0.2pF
+.options noacct
+* The following model parameters are varying statistically:
+* vth0, u0, tox
+* see the AGAUSS function used to define the parameter
+* the deviation is 10%, just for example, not measured
+.model n1 nmos
++nch=2.498e+17 tox=AGAUSS(9e-09, 9e-09, 10) xj=1.00000e-07
++lint=9.36e-8 wint=1.47e-7
++vth0=AGAUSS(.6322,.6322,10) k1=.756 k2=-3.83e-2 k3=-2.612
++dvt0=2.812 dvt1=0.462 dvt2=-9.17e-2
++nlx=3.52291e-08 w0=1.163e-6
++vsat=86301.58 ua=6.47e-9 ub=4.23e-18 uc=-4.706281e-11
++rdsw=650 u0=AGAUSS(388.3203,388.3203,10) wr=1
++a0=.3496967 ags=.1 b0=0.546 b1=1
++dwg=-6.0e-09 dwb=-3.56e-09 prwb=-.213
++keta=-3.605872e-02 a1=2.778747e-02 a2=.9
++voff=-6.735529e-02 nfactor=1.139926 cit=1.622527e-04
++cdscb=0 dvt0w=0 dvt1w=0 dvt2w=0
++cdscd=0 prwg=0
++eta0=1.0281729e-02 etab=-5.042203e-03
++pclm=1.114846 pdiblc1=2.45357e-03 pdiblc2=6.406289e-03
++drout=.31871233 pscbe1=5000000 pscbe2=5e-09 pdiblcb=-.234
++pvag=0 delta=0.01
++wl=0 ww=-1.420242e-09 wwl=0
++wln=0 wwn=.2613948 ll=1.300902e-10
++lw=0 lwl=0 lln=.316394 lwn=0
++kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051
++ua1=3.31e-10 ub1=2.61e-19 uc1=-3.42e-10
++kt1l=0 prt=764.3
++af=1.075e+00 kf=9.670e-28 ef=1.056e+00
++noia=1.130e+20 noib=7.530e+04 noic=-8.950e-13
+**** PMOS ***
+.model p1 pmos
++nch=3.533024e+17 tox=AGAUSS(9e-09,9e-09,10) xj=1.00000e-07
++lint=6.23e-8 wint=1.22e-7
++vth0=AGAUSS(-.6732829,-.6732829,10) k1=.8362093 k2=-8.606622e-02 k3=1.82
++dvt0=1.903801 dvt1=.5333922 dvt2=-.1862677
++nlx=1.28e-8 w0=2.1e-6
++k3b=-0.24 prwg=-0.001 prwb=-0.323
++vsat=103503.2 ua=1.39995e-09 ub=1.e-19 uc=-2.73e-11
++rdsw=460 u0=AGAUSS(138.7609,138.7609,10)
++a0=.4716551 ags=0.12
++keta=-1.871516e-03 a1=.3417965 a2=0.83
++voff=-.074182 nfactor=1.54389 cit=-1.015667e-03
++cdscb=1.45e-4 cdscd=1.04e-4
++dvt0w=0.232 dvt1w=4.5e6 dvt2w=-0.0023
++eta0=6.024776e-02 etab=-4.64593e-03
++pclm=.989 pdiblc1=2.07418e-02 pdiblc2=1.33813e-3
++drout=.3222404 pscbe1=118000 pscbe2=1e-09
++kt1=-0.25 kt2=-0.032 prt=64.5
++ua1=4.312e-9 ub1=6.65e-19 uc1=0
++af=9.970e-01 kf=2.080e-29 ef=1.015e+00
++noia=1.480e+18 noib=3.320e+03 noic=1.770e-13
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_2_control.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_2_control.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b9f3606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_2_control.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* Perform Monte Carlo simulation in ngspice
+* script for use with 25 stage Ring-Osc. BSIM3
+* circuit is in MC_2_circ.sp
+* edit 'set sourcepath' for your path to circuit file
+* start script by 'ngspice -o MC_2_control.log MC_2_control.sp'
+ save buf $ we just need output vector buf, save memory by more than 10x
+ let mc_runs = 100 $ number of runs for monte carlo
+ let run = 1 $ number of the actual run
+* Where to find the circuit netlist file MC_2_circ.sp
+ set sourcepath = ( D:\Spice_general\ngspice\examples\Monte_Carlo )
+* create file for frequency information
+ echo Monte Carlo, frequency of R.O. > MC_frequ.log
+* run the simulation loop
+ dowhile run <= mc_runs
+ * without the reset switch there is some strange drift
+ * towards lower and lower frequencies
+ reset
+ set run ="$&run" $ create a variable from the vector
+ set rndseed = $run $ set the rnd seed value to the loop index
+ source MC_2_circ.sp $ load the circuit, including model data
+ tran 15p 200n 0
+ write mc_ring{$run}.out buf $ write each sim output to its own rawfile
+ linearize buf $ lienarize buf to allow fft
+ fft buf $ run fft on vector buf
+ let buf2=db(mag(buf))
+ * find the frequency where buf has its maximum of the fft signal
+ meas sp fft_max MAX_AT buf2 from=0.1G to=0.7G
+ print fft_max >> MC_frequ.log $ print frequency to file
+ destroy all $ delete all output vectors
+ remcirc $ delete circuit
+ let run = run + 1 $ increase loop counter
+ end
+ quit
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_ring.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_ring.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58e5c141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_ring.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+Perform Monte Carlo simulation in ngspice
+* 25 stage Ring-Osc. BSIM3
+vin in out dc 0.5 pulse 0.5 0 0.1n 5n 1 1 1
+vdd dd 0 dc 3.3
+vss ss 0 dc 0
+ve sub 0 dc 0
+vpe well 0 dc 3.3
+.subckt inv1 dd ss sub well in out
+mn1 out in ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.35u as=3p ad=3p ps=4u pd=4u
+mp1 out in dd well p1 w=4u l=0.35u as=7p ad=7p ps=6u pd=6u
+.ends inv1
+.subckt inv5 dd ss sub well in out
+xinv1 dd ss sub well in 1 inv1
+xinv2 dd ss sub well 1 2 inv1
+xinv3 dd ss sub well 2 3 inv1
+xinv4 dd ss sub well 3 4 inv1
+xinv5 dd ss sub well 4 out inv1
+.ends inv5
+xinv1 dd ss sub well in out5 inv5
+xinv2 dd ss sub well out5 out10 inv5
+xinv3 dd ss sub well out10 out15 inv5
+xinv4 dd ss sub well out15 out20 inv5
+xinv5 dd ss sub well out20 out inv5
+xinv11 dd 0 sub well out buf inv1
+cout buf ss 0.2pF
+.options noacct
+ save buf $ we just need buf, save memory by more than 10x
+ let mc_runs = 10 $ number of runs for monte carlo
+ let run = 0 $ number of actual run
+ set curplot = new $ create a new plot
+ set curplottitle = "Transient outputs"
+ set plot_out = $curplot $ store its name to 'plot_out'
+ set curplot = new $ create a new plot
+ set curplottitle = "FFT outputs"
+ set plot_fft = $curplot $ store its name to 'plot_fft'
+ set curplot = new $ create a new plot
+ set curplottitle = "Oscillation frequency"
+ set max_fft = $curplot $ store its name to 'max_fft'
+ let mc_runsp = mc_runs + 1
+ let maxffts = unitvec(mc_runsp) $ vector for storing max measure results
+ let halfffts = unitvec(mc_runsp)$ vector for storing measure results at -40dB rising
+* define distributions for random numbers:
+* unif: uniform distribution, deviation relativ to nominal value
+* aunif: uniform distribution, deviation absolut
+* gauss: Gaussian distribution, deviation relativ to nominal value
+* agauss: Gaussian distribution, deviation absolut
+ define unif(nom, var) (nom + (nom*var) * sunif(0))
+ define aunif(nom, avar) (nom + avar * sunif(0))
+ define gauss(nom, var, sig) (nom + (nom*var)/sig * sgauss(0))
+ define agauss(nom, avar, sig) (nom + avar/sig * sgauss(0))
+* We want to vary the model parameters vth0, u0, tox, lint, and wint
+* of the BSIM3 model for the NMOS and PMOS transistors.
+* We may obtain the nominal values (nom) by manually extracting them from
+* the parameter set. Here we get them automatically and store them into
+* variables. This has the advantage that you may change the parameter set
+* without having to look up the values again.
+ set n1vth0=@n1[vth0]
+ set n1u0=@n1[u0]
+ set n1tox=@n1[tox]
+ set n1lint=@n1[lint]
+ set n1wint=@n1[wint]
+ set p1vth0=@p1[vth0]
+ set p1u0=@p1[u0]
+ set p1tox=@p1[tox]
+ set p1lint=@p1[lint]
+ set p1wint=@p1[wint]
+* run the simulation loop
+ dowhile run <= mc_runs
+ * without the reset switch there is some strange drift
+ * towards lower and lower frequencies
+ reset
+ * run=0 simulates with nominal parameters
+ if run > 0
+ altermod @n1[vth0]=gauss($n1vth0, 0.1, 3)
+ altermod @n1[u0]=gauss($n1u0, 0.05, 3)
+ altermod @n1[tox]=gauss($n1tox, 0.1, 3)
+ altermod @n1[lint]=gauss($n1lint, 0.1, 3)
+ altermod @n1[wint]=gauss($n1wint, 0.1, 3)
+ altermod @p1[vth0]=gauss($p1vth0, 0.1, 3)
+ altermod @p1[u0]=gauss($p1u0, 0.1, 3)
+ altermod @p1[tox]=gauss($p1tox, 0.1, 3)
+ altermod @p1[lint]=gauss($p1lint, 0.1, 3)
+ altermod @p1[wint]=gauss($p1wint, 0.1, 3)
+ end
+ tran 15p 50n 0
+* select stop and step so that number of data points after linearization is not too
+* close to 8192, which would yield varying number of line length and thus scale for fft.
+* We have to figure out what to do if a single simulation will not converge.
+* Is there a variable which may be set if there is no convergence?
+* Then we might skip this run and continue with a new run. It does not exist for now.
+* So we have to rely on the robustness of the following steps not leading
+* to a seg fault if the tran data are missing.
+ set run ="$&run" $ create a variable from the vector
+ set mc_runs ="$&mc_runs" $ create a variable from the vector
+ echo simulation run no. $run of $mc_runs
+ * save the linearized data for having equal time scales for all runs
+ linearize buf $ linearize only buf, no other vectors needed
+ set dt = $curplot $ store the current plot to dt (tran i+1)
+ setplot $plot_out $ make 'plt_out' the active plot
+ * firstly save the time scale once to become the default scale
+ if run=0
+ let time={$dt}.time
+ end
+ let vout{$run}={$dt}.buf $ store the output vector to plot 'plot_out'
+ setplot $dt $ go back to the previous plot (tran i+1)
+ fft buf $ run fft on vector buf
+ let buf2=db(mag(buf))
+ * find the frequency where buf has its maximum of the fft signal
+ meas sp fft_max MAX_AT buf2 from=0.1G to=0.7G
+ * find the frequency where buf is -40dB at rising fft signal
+ meas sp fft_40 WHEN buf2=-40 RISE=1 from=0.1G to=0.7G
+ * store the fft vector
+ set dt = $curplot $ store the current plot to dt (spec i)
+ setplot $plot_fft $ make 'plot_fft' the active plot
+ if run=0
+ let frequency={$dt}.frequency
+ end
+ let fft{$run}={$dt}.buf $ store the output vector to plot 'plot_fft'
+ * store the measured value
+ setplot $max_fft $ make 'max_fft' the active plot
+ let maxffts[{$run}]={$dt}.fft_max
+ let halfffts[{$run}]={$dt}.fft_40
+* setplot $plot_out
+* The following command does not work here. Why not? Probably not a real copy.
+* destroy $dt $ save memory, we don't need this plot (spec) any more
+ setplot $dt $ go back to the previous plot
+ let run = run + 1
+ end
+***** plotting **********************************************************
+* plot {$plot_out}.allv
+ plot {$plot_out}.vout0 $ just plot the tran output with nominal parameters
+* setplot $plot_fft
+* plot db(mag(ally)) xlimit .1G 1G ylimit -80 10
+ plot db(mag({$plot_fft}.ally)) xlimit .1G 1G ylimit -80 10
+* create a histogram from vector maxffts
+ setplot $max_fft $ make 'max_fft' the active plot
+ set startfreq=400MEG
+ set bin_size=5MEG
+ set bin_count=20
+ compose xvec start=$startfreq step=$bin_size lin=$bin_count $ requires variables as parameters
+ settype frequency xvec
+ let bin_count=$bin_count $ create a vector from the variable
+ let yvec=unitvec(bin_count) $ requires vector as parameter
+ let startfreq=$startfreq
+ let bin_size=$bin_size
+ * put data into the correct bins
+ let run = 0
+ dowhile run < mc_runs
+ set run = "$&run" $ create a variable from the vector
+ let val = maxffts[{$run}]
+ let part = 0
+ * Check if val fits into a bin. If yes, raise bin by 1
+ dowhile part < bin_count
+ if ((val < (startfreq + (part+1)*bin_size)) & (val > (startfreq + part*bin_size)))
+ let yvec[part] = yvec[part] + 1
+ break
+ end
+ let part = part + 1
+ end
+ let run = run + 1
+ end
+ * plot the histogram
+ set plotstyle=combplot
+ plot yvec-1 vs xvec $ subtract 1 because with started with unitvec containing ones
+* calculate jitter
+ let diff40 = (vecmax(halfffts) - vecmin(halfffts))*1e-6
+ echo
+ echo Max. jitter is "$&diff40" MHz
+ rusage
+.model n1 nmos
++nch=2.498e+17 tox=9e-09 xj=1.00000e-07
++lint=9.36e-8 wint=1.47e-7
++vth0=.6322 k1=.756 k2=-3.83e-2 k3=-2.612
++dvt0=2.812 dvt1=0.462 dvt2=-9.17e-2
++nlx=3.52291e-08 w0=1.163e-6
++vsat=86301.58 ua=6.47e-9 ub=4.23e-18 uc=-4.706281e-11
++rdsw=650 u0=388.3203 wr=1
++a0=.3496967 ags=.1 b0=0.546 b1=1
++dwg=-6.0e-09 dwb=-3.56e-09 prwb=-.213
++keta=-3.605872e-02 a1=2.778747e-02 a2=.9
++voff=-6.735529e-02 nfactor=1.139926 cit=1.622527e-04
++cdscb=0 dvt0w=0 dvt1w=0 dvt2w=0
++cdscd=0 prwg=0
++eta0=1.0281729e-02 etab=-5.042203e-03
++pclm=1.114846 pdiblc1=2.45357e-03 pdiblc2=6.406289e-03
++drout=.31871233 pscbe1=5000000 pscbe2=5e-09 pdiblcb=-.234
++pvag=0 delta=0.01
++wl=0 ww=-1.420242e-09 wwl=0
++wln=0 wwn=.2613948 ll=1.300902e-10
++lw=0 lwl=0 lln=.316394 lwn=0
++kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051
++ua1=3.31e-10 ub1=2.61e-19 uc1=-3.42e-10
++kt1l=0 prt=764.3
++af=1.075e+00 kf=9.670e-28 ef=1.056e+00
++noia=1.130e+20 noib=7.530e+04 noic=-8.950e-13
+**** PMOS ***
+.model p1 pmos
++nch=3.533024e+17 tox=9e-09 xj=1.00000e-07
++lint=6.23e-8 wint=1.22e-7
++vth0=-.6732829 k1=.8362093 k2=-8.606622e-02 k3=1.82
++dvt0=1.903801 dvt1=.5333922 dvt2=-.1862677
++nlx=1.28e-8 w0=2.1e-6
++k3b=-0.24 prwg=-0.001 prwb=-0.323
++vsat=103503.2 ua=1.39995e-09 ub=1.e-19 uc=-2.73e-11
++rdsw=460 u0=138.7609
++a0=.4716551 ags=0.12
++keta=-1.871516e-03 a1=.3417965 a2=0.83
++voff=-.074182 nfactor=1.54389 cit=-1.015667e-03
++cdscb=1.45e-4 cdscd=1.04e-4
++dvt0w=0.232 dvt1w=4.5e6 dvt2w=-0.0023
++eta0=6.024776e-02 etab=-4.64593e-03
++pclm=.989 pdiblc1=2.07418e-02 pdiblc2=1.33813e-3
++drout=.3222404 pscbe1=118000 pscbe2=1e-09
++kt1=-0.25 kt2=-0.032 prt=64.5
++ua1=4.312e-9 ub1=6.65e-19 uc1=0
++af=9.970e-01 kf=2.080e-29 ef=1.015e+00
++noia=1.480e+18 noib=3.320e+03 noic=1.770e-13
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MonteCarlo.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MonteCarlo.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..608dc4cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MonteCarlo.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+* Effecting a Monte Carlo calculation in ngspice
+V1 N001 0 AC 1 DC 0
+R1 N002 N001 141
+C1 OUT 0 1e-09
+L1 OUT 0 10e-06
+C2 N002 0 1e-09
+L2 N002 0 10e-06
+L3 N003 N002 40e-06
+C3 OUT N003 250e-12
+R2 0 OUT 141
+ let mc_runs = 5
+ let run = 0
+ set curplot=new $ create a new plot
+ set scratch=$curplot $ store its name to 'scratch'
+ setplot $scratch $ make 'scratch' the active plot
+ let bwh=unitvec(mc_runs) $ create a vector in plot 'scratch' to store bandwidth data
+* define distributions for random numbers:
+* unif: uniform distribution, deviation relativ to nominal value
+* aunif: uniform distribution, deviation absolut
+* gauss: Gaussian distribution, deviation relativ to nominal value
+* agauss: Gaussian distribution, deviation absolut
+* limit: if unif. distributed value >=0 then add +avar to nom, else -avar
+ define unif(nom, rvar) (nom + (nom*rvar) * sunif(0))
+ define aunif(nom, avar) (nom + avar * sunif(0))
+ define gauss(nom, rvar, sig) (nom + (nom*rvar)/sig * sgauss(0))
+ define agauss(nom, avar, sig) (nom + avar/sig * sgauss(0))
+* define limit(nom, avar) (nom + ((sgauss(0) ge 0) ? avar : -avar))
+ define limit(nom, avar) (nom + ((sgauss(0) >= 0) ? avar : -avar))
+ dowhile run < mc_runs $ loop starts here
+* alter c1 = unif(1e-09, 0.1)
+* alter c1 = aunif(1e-09, 100e-12)
+* alter c1 = gauss(1e-09, 0.1, 3)
+* alter c1 = agauss(1e-09, 100e-12, 3)
+ alter c1 = unif(1e-09, 0.1)
+ alter l1 = unif(10e-06, 0.1)
+ alter c2 = unif(1e-09, 0.1)
+ alter l2 = unif(10e-06, 0.1)
+ alter l3 = unif(40e-06, 0.1)
+ alter c3 = limit(250e-12, 25e-12)
+ ac oct 100 250K 10Meg
+* measure bandwidth at -10 dB
+ meas ac bw trig vdb(out) val=-10 rise=1 targ vdb(out) val=-10 fall=1
+ set run ="$&run" $ create a variable from the vector
+ set dt = $curplot $ store the current plot to dt
+ setplot $scratch $ make 'scratch' the active plot
+ let vout{$run}={$dt}.v(out) $ store the output vector to plot 'scratch'
+ let bwh[run]={$dt}.bw $ store bw to vector bwh in plot 'scratch'
+ setplot $dt $ go back to the previous plot
+ let run = run + 1
+ end $ loop ends here
+ plot db({$scratch}.allv)
+ echo
+ print {$scratch}.bwh
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/OpWien.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/OpWien.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91b45d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/OpWien.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+* single simulation run
+* 2 resistors and 2 capacitors of Wien bridge a varied statistically
+* number of variations: varia
+* Simulation time
+.param ttime=12000m
+.param varia=100
+.param ttime10 = 'ttime/varia'
+* nominal resistor and capacitor values
+.param res = 10k
+.param cn = 16NF
+IS 0 3 dc 0 PWL(0US 0MA 10US 0.1MA 40US 0.1MA 50US 0MA 10MS 0MA)
+VR2 r2 0 dc 0 trrandom (2 'ttime10' 0 1) $ Gauss controlling voltage
+*VR2 r2 0 dc 0 trrandom (1 'ttime10' 0 3) $ Uniform within -3 3
+* If Gauss, factor 0.033 is 10% equivalent to 3 sigma
+* if uniform, uniform between +/- 10%
+R2 4 6 R = 'res + 0.033 * res*V(r2)' $ behavioral resistor
+*R2 4 6 'res' $ constant R
+VC2 c2 0 dc 0 trrandom (2 'ttime10' 0 1)
+*C2 6 3'cn' $ constant C
+C2 6 3 C = 'cn + 0.033 * cn*V(c2)' $ behavioral capacitor
+VR1 r1 0 dc 0 trrandom (2 'ttime10' 0 1)
+*VR1 r1 0 dc 0 trrandom (1 'ttime10' 0 3)
+R1 3 0 R = 'res + 0.033 * res*V(r1)'
+*R1 3 0 'res'
+VC1 c1 0 dc 0 trrandom (2 'ttime10' 0 1)
+C1 3 0 C = 'cn + 0.033 * cn*V(c2)'
+*C1 3 0 'cn'
+R10 0 2 10K
+R11 2 5 18K
+XOP 3 2 4 OPAMP1
+R12 5 4 5K
+D1 5 4 D1N914
+D2 4 5 D1N914
+.model D1N914 D(Is=0.1p Rs=16 CJO=2p Tt=12n Bv=100 Ibv=0.4n)
+* connections: non-inverting input
+* | inverting input
+* | | output
+* | | |
+RIN 1 2 10MEG
+* DC GAIN (100K) AND POLE 1 (100HZ)
+EGAIN 3 0 1 2 100K
+RP1 3 4 1K
+CP1 4 0 1.5915UF
+EBUFFER 5 0 4 0 1
+ROUT 5 6 10
+.TRAN 0.05MS 'ttime'
+option noinit
+plot V(4) 5*V(r1) 5*V(r2) 5*V(c1) 5*V(c2)
+linearize v(4)
+fft v(4)
+let v4mag = mag(v(4))
+plot v4mag
+plot v4mag xlimit 500 1500
+*wrdata histo v4mag
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/README b/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea5c249d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/README
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+This directory holds a SPICE netlist with SPICE2 POLY constructs in
+controlled sources as typically found in vendor models. The circuit
+is just a two-stage transimpedance amp using an AD8009,
+along with some slow components (AD780 and OP177A) to set bias
+points. Vendor models are used for all active components.
+Successfully running this test shows that you have successfully built
+the XSpice stuff with the POLY codemodel, and that you should be able
+to simulate SPICE netlists with embedded vendor models.
+To run this netlist, just do the following:
+[localhost]# ngspice
+ngspice 1 -> source
+ngspice 2 -> run
+ngspice 3 -> plot Vout2
+(Note that when you read in the netlist, you will get a bunch of
+warnings saying stuff like:
+Warning -- Level not specified on line "()"
+Using level 1.
+Also, ngspice will complain about:
+Error on line 50 : r:u101:1 u101:40 0 1e3 tc=7e-6
+ unknown parameter (tc)
+Error on line 283 : .temp 0 25 50 75 100
+ Warning: .TEMP card obsolete - use .options TEMP and TNOM
+You can ignore all this stuff . . . .)
+You should get a pop-up window showing two square pulses (the second
+smaller than the first) with a little bit of overshoot on the rising
+and falling edges.
+This stuff was done as an adjunct to work on the gEDA project.
+Information about gEDA is available at .
+Please direct all questions/suggestions/bugs/complaints about XSpice
+extensions to ngspice to Stuart Brorson --
+6.23.2002 -- SDB.
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6eb355f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+* Spice file generated by gnetlist *
+* spice-SDB version 3.30.2003 by SDB -- *
+* provides advanced spice netlisting capability. *
+* Documentation at *
+* Command stuff
+.options gmin=1e-9
+.options method=gear
+.options abstol=1e-11
+* .ac dec 10 10MegHz 10 Ghz
+* Remainder of file
+R112 0 6 1Meg
+R111 0 8 10Meg
+R110 0 7 1Meg
+Rref2in 11 VU780out 25000
+Rref2fb VU2bias+ 11 33
+C201 0 9 1uF
+C202 10 0 1uF
+XU200 0 11 10 9 VU2bias+ OP177A
+R202 10 +5V 22
+R201 -5V 9 22
+Rref1in VU100in- VU780out 9130
+Rref1fb VU1bias+ VU100in- 33
+XU101 +5V 7 0 6 VU780out 8 AD780A
+* AD780A SPICE Macromodel 5/93, Rev. A
+* AAG / PMI
+* This version of the AD780 voltage reference model simulates the worst case
+* parameters of the 'A' grade. The worst case parameters used
+* correspond to those in the data sheet.
+* Copyright 1993 by Analog Devices, Inc.
+* Refer to "README.DOC" file for License Statement. Use of this model
+* indicates your acceptance with the terms and provisions in the License Statement.
+* VIN
+* | TEMP
+* | | GND
+* | | | TRIM
+* | | | | VOUT
+* | | | | | RANGE
+* | | | | | |
+.SUBCKT AD780A 2 3 4 5 6 8
+I1 4 40 DC 1.21174E-3
+R1 40 4 1E3 TC=7E-6
+EN 10 40 42 0 1
+G1 4 10 2 4 4.85668E-9
+F1 4 10 POLY(2) VS1 VS2 (0,2.42834E-5,3.8E-5)
+Q1 2 10 11 QT
+I2 11 4 DC 12.84E-6
+R2 11 3 1E3
+I3 3 4 DC 0
+VN1 41 0 DC 2
+DN1 41 42 DEN
+DN2 42 43 DEN
+VN2 0 43 DC 2
+G2 4 12 10 20 1.93522E-4
+R3 12 4 2.5837E9
+C1 12 4 6.8444E-11
+D1 12 13 DX
+V1 2 13 DC 1.2
+G3 4 14 12 4 1E-6
+R4 14 4 1E6
+C2 14 4 3.1831E-13
+ISY 2 4 6.8282E-4
+FSY 2 4 V1 -1
+RSY 2 4 500E3
+G4 4 15 14 4 25E-6
+R5 15 4 40E3
+Q2 4 15 16 QP
+I4 2 16 DC 100E-6
+Q3 4 16 18 QP
+R6 18 23 15
+R7 16 21 150E3
+R8 2 17 34.6
+Q4 17 16 19 QN
+R9 21 20 6.46E3
+R10 20 4 6.1E3
+R11 20 5 53E3
+R12 20 8 15.6E3
+I5 5 4 DC 0
+I6 8 4 DC 0
+VS1 21 19 DC 0
+VS2 23 21 DC 0
+L1 21 6 1E-7
+FSC 15 4 VSC 1
+VSC 2 22 DC 0
+QSC 22 2 17 QN
+.MODEL QT NPN(level=1 IS=1.68E-16 BF=1E4)
+.MODEL QN NPN(level=1 IS=1E-15 BF=1E3)
+.MODEL QP PNP(level=1 IS=1E-15 BF=1E3)
+.MODEL DX D(IS=1E-15)
+.MODEL DEN D(IS=1E-12 RS=2.425E+05 AF=1 KF=6.969E-16)
+C101 0 U100V- 1uF
+C102 U100V+ 0 1uF
+XU100 0 VU100in- U100V+ U100V- VU1bias+ OP177A
+* OP177A SPICE Macro-model 12/90, Rev. B
+* JCB / PMI
+* Revision History:
+* REV. B
+* Re-ordered subcircuit call out nodes to put the
+* output node last.
+* Changed Ios from 1E-9 to 0.5E-9
+* Added F1 and F2 to fix short circuit current limit.
+* This version of the OP-177 model simulates the worst case
+* parameters of the 'A' grade. The worst case parameters
+* used correspond to those in the data book.
+* Copyright 1990 by Analog Devices, Inc.
+* Refer to "README.DOC" file for License Statement. Use of this model
+* indicates your acceptance with the terms and provisions in the License Statement.
+* Node assignments
+* non-inverting input
+* | inverting input
+* | | positive supply
+* | | | negative supply
+* | | | | output
+* | | | | |
+.SUBCKT OP177A 1 2 99 50 39
+R1 2 3 5E11
+R2 1 3 5E11
+R3 5 97 0.0606
+R4 6 97 0.0606
+CIN 1 2 4E-12
+C2 5 6 218.9E-9
+I1 4 51 1
+IOS 1 2 0.5E-9
+EOS 9 10 POLY(1) 30 33 10E-6 1
+Q1 5 2 7 QX
+Q2 6 9 8 QX
+R5 7 4 0.009
+R6 8 4 0.009
+D1 2 1 DX
+D2 1 2 DX
+EN 10 1 12 0 1
+GN1 0 2 15 0 1
+GN2 0 1 18 0 1
+EREF 98 0 33 0 1
+EPLUS 97 0 99 0 1
+ENEG 51 0 50 0 1
+DN1 11 12 DEN
+DN2 12 13 DEN
+VN1 11 0 DC 2
+VN2 0 13 DC 2
+DN3 14 15 DIN
+DN4 15 16 DIN
+VN3 14 0 DC 2
+VN4 0 16 DC 2
+DN5 17 18 DIN
+DN6 18 19 DIN
+VN5 17 0 DC 2
+VN6 0 19 DC 2
+R7 20 98 1
+G1 98 20 5 6 119.8
+D3 20 21 DX
+D4 22 20 DX
+E1 97 21 POLY(1) 97 33 -2.4 1
+E2 22 51 POLY(1) 33 51 -2.4 1
+R8 23 98 1.253E9
+C3 23 98 1E-9
+G2 98 23 20 33 33.3E-6
+V1 97 24 1.8
+V2 25 51 1.8
+D5 23 24 DX
+D6 25 23 DX
+R9 26 27 1
+C4 26 27 -39.75E-9
+R10 27 98 1E-6
+E3 26 98 23 33 1E6
+R13 30 31 1
+L2 31 98 2.52E-3
+G4 98 30 3 33 0.316E-6
+D7 30 97 DX
+D8 51 30 DX
+R14 32 98 1
+C5 32 98 79.5E-9
+G5 98 32 27 33 1
+R15 33 97 1
+R16 33 51 1
+GSY 99 50 POLY(1) 99 50 0.725E-3 0.0425E-3
+F1 34 0 V3 1
+F2 0 34 V4 1
+R17 34 99 400
+R18 34 50 400
+L3 34 39 2E-7
+G6 37 50 32 34 2.5E-3
+G7 38 50 34 32 2.5E-3
+G8 34 99 99 32 2.5E-3
+G9 50 34 32 50 2.5E-3
+V3 35 34 6.8
+V4 34 36 4.4
+D9 32 35 DX
+D10 36 32 DX
+D11 99 37 DX
+D12 99 38 DX
+D13 50 37 DY
+D14 50 38 DY
+.MODEL QX NPN(level=1 BF=333.3E6)
+.MODEL DX D(IS=1E-15)
+.MODEL DY D(IS=1E-15 BV=50)
+.MODEL DEN D(IS=1E-12, RS=14.61K, KF=2E-17, AF=1)
+.MODEL DIN D(IS=1E-12, RS=7.55E-6, KF=3E-15, AF=1)
+R102 U100V+ +5V 22
+R101 -5V U100V- 22
+R98 0 VU2bias+ 1K
+R99 0 VU1bias+ 1K
+C95 VU2bias+ 0 100pF
+* C96 0 5 1uF
+* C97 4 0 1uF
+Cphotodiode 0 Vinput 0.9pF
+C99 0 VU1bias+ 100pF
+R25 Vout2 2 250
+C24 Vout1 VU1in- 1pF
+R24 VU1in- 1 150
+* C21 0 3 1uF
+Cc Vout2 VU2in- 1pF
+Rc Vout1 VU2in- 10
+RL 0 Vout2 50
+.TEMP 0 25 50 75 100
+C12 2 0 1.5pF
+C11 0 V2- .01uF
+C10 V2+ 0 .01uF
+R13 +5V V2+ 5
+R12 V2- -5V 5
+R26 2 VU2in- 150
+R11 Vout2 VU2in- 180
+XU2 VU2bias+ VU2in- V2+ V2- Vout2 AD8009an
+XU1 VU1bias+ VU1in- V1+ V1- Vout1 AD8009an
+***** AD8009 SPICE model Rev B SMR/ADI 8-21-97
+* Copyright 1997 by Analog Devices, Inc.
+* Refer to "README.DOC" file for License Statement. Use of this model
+* indicates your acceptance with the terms and provisions in the License Statement.
+* rev B of this model corrects a problem in the output stage that would not
+* correctly reflect the output current to the voltage supplies
+* This model will give typical performance characteristics
+* for the following parameters;
+* closed loop gain and phase vs bandwidth
+* output current and voltage limiting
+* offset voltage (is static, will not vary with vcm)
+* ibias (again, is static, will not vary with vcm)
+* slew rate and step response performance
+* (slew rate is based on 10-90% of step response)
+* current on output will be reflected to the supplies
+* vnoise, referred to the input
+* inoise, referred to the input
+* distortion is not characterized
+* Node assignments
+* non-inverting input
+* | inverting input
+* | | positive supply
+* | | | negative supply
+* | | | | output
+* | | | | |
+.SUBCKT AD8009an 1 2 99 50 28
+* input stage *
+q1 50 3 5 qp1
+q2 99 5 4 qn1
+q3 99 3 6 qn2
+q4 50 6 4 qp2
+i1 99 5 1.625e-3
+i2 6 50 1.625e-3
+cin1 1 98 2.6e-12
+cin2 2 98 1e-12
+v1 4 2 0
+* input error sources *
+eos 3 1 poly(1) 20 98 2e-3 1
+fbn 2 98 poly(1) vnoise3 50e-6 1e-3
+fbp 1 98 poly(1) vnoise3 50e-6 1e-3
+* slew limiting stage *
+fsl 98 16 v1 1
+dsl1 98 16 d1
+dsl2 16 98 d1
+dsl3 16 17 d1
+dsl4 17 16 d1
+rsl 17 18 0.22
+vsl 18 98 0
+* gain stage *
+f1 98 7 vsl 2
+rgain 7 98 2.5e5
+cgain 7 98 1.25e-12
+dcl1 7 8 d1
+dcl2 9 7 d1
+vcl1 99 8 1.83
+vcl2 9 50 1.83
+gcm 98 7 poly(2) 98 0 30 0 0 1e-5 1e-5
+* second pole *
+epole 14 98 7 98 1
+rpole 14 15 1
+cpole 15 98 2e-10
+* reference stage *
+eref 98 0 poly(2) 99 0 50 0 0 0.5 0.5
+ecmref 30 0 poly(2) 1 0 2 0 0 0.5 0.5
+* vnoise stage *
+rnoise1 19 98 4.6e-3
+vnoise1 19 98 0
+vnoise2 21 98 0.53
+dnoise1 21 19 dn
+fnoise1 20 98 vnoise1 1
+rnoise2 20 98 1
+* inoise stage *
+rnoise3 22 98 8.18e-6
+vnoise3 22 98 0
+vnoise4 24 98 0.575
+dnoise2 24 22 dn
+fnoise2 23 98 vnoise3 1
+rnoise4 23 98 1
+* buffer stage *
+gbuf 98 13 15 98 1e-2
+rbuf 98 13 1e2
+* output current reflected to supplies *
+fcurr 98 40 voc 1
+vcur1 26 98 0
+vcur2 98 27 0
+dcur1 40 26 d1
+dcur2 27 40 d1
+* output stage *
+vo1 99 90 0
+vo2 91 50 0
+fout1 0 99 poly(2) vo1 vcur1 -9.27e-3 1 -1
+fout2 50 0 poly(2) vo2 vcur2 -9.27e-3 1 -1
+gout1 90 10 13 99 0.5
+gout2 91 10 13 50 0.5
+rout1 10 90 2
+rout2 10 91 2
+voc 10 28 0
+rout3 28 98 1e6
+dcl3 13 11 d1
+dcl4 12 13 d1
+vcl3 11 10 -0.445
+vcl4 10 12 -0.445
+.model qp1 pnp(level=1)
+.model qp2 pnp(level=1)
+.model qn1 npn(level=1)
+.model qn2 npn(level=1)
+.model d1 d()
+.model dn d(af=1 kf=1e-8)
+R6 1 Vout1 250
+C3 1 0 1.5pF
+V3 VU1in- Vinput DC 0V
+* .INCLUDE /home/sdb/OpticalReceiver/Simulation.cmd
+R5 -5V Vout1 1K
+I1 0 Vinput AC 1 PWL (0ns 0mA 1nS 0mA 1.01nS 1mA 10nS 1mA 10.01nS 0mA 20nS 0mA 20.01nS .1mA 30nS .1mA 30.01nS 0mA)
+R4 V1- -5V 5
+C2 0 V1- .01uF
+V2 -5V 0 DC -5V
+R2 VU1in- Vout1 180
+V1 +5V 0 DC 5V
+C1 V1+ 0 .01uF
+R1 +5V V1+ 5
+* When run, this SPICE file should output a square waveform
+* with a little overshoot
+.tran 0.05ns 40ns
+.plot tran Vout2
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl1_4_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl1_4_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c46b655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl1_4_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+MOSdriver -- 6.3inch 4 lossy line CPL model -- C load
+m1 1 2 6 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m2 1 3 7 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m3 1 4 8 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m4 1 10 5 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m5 1 11 13 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m6 1 12 13 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m7 0 2 6 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m8 0 3 7 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m9 0 4 8 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m10 0 10 5 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m11 14 11 13 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m12 0 12 14 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+CN5 5 0 0.025398e-12
+CN6 6 0 0.007398e-12
+CN7 7 0 0.007398e-12
+CN8 8 0 0.007398e-12
+CN9 9 0 0.097398e-12
+CN10 10 0 0.007398e-12
+CN11 11 0 0.003398e-12
+CN12 12 0 0.004398e-12
+CN13 13 0 0.008398e-12
+CN14 14 0 0.005398e-12
+P1 5 6 7 8 0 9 10 11 12 0 pline
+vdd 1 0 DC 5.0
+v3 3 0 DC 5.0
+VS1 2 0 PULSE ( 0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS)
+VS2 4 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS )
+TRAN 0.2N 47.9N 0 0.05N
+plot V(5) V(6) V(7) V(8) V(9) V(10) V(11) V(12)
+.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0
++CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
+.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0
++CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
++R=0.03 0 0 0
++ 0.03 0 0
++ 0.03 0
++ 0.03
++L=9e-9 5.4e-9 0 0
++ 9e-9 5.4e-9 0
++ 9e-9 5.4e-9
++ 9e-9
++G=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
++C=3.5e-13 -3e-14 0 0
++ 3.5e-13 -3e-14 0
++ 3.5e-13 -3e-14
++ 3.5e-13
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl2_2_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl2_2_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..713e3334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl2_2_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+MOSdriver -- 24inch 2 lossy lines CPL model -- C load
+m1 0 268 299 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=1.0u
+m2 299 267 748 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=1.0u
+m3 0 168 648 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m4 1 268 748 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m5 1 267 748 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m6 1 168 648 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+CN648 648 0 0.025398e-12
+CN651 651 0 0.007398e-12
+CN748 748 0 0.025398e-12
+CN751 751 0 0.009398e-12
+CN299 299 0 0.005398e-12
+P1 648 748 0 651 751 0 PLINE
+vdd 1 0 DC 5.0
+VK 267 0 DC 5.0
+*VS 168 0 PWL 4 15.9N 0.0 16.1n 5.0 31.9n 5.0 32.1n 0.0
+*VS 268 0 PWL 4 15.9N 0.0 16.1n 5.0 31.9n 5.0 32.1n 0.0
+VS1 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9N 0.2N 0.2N 15.8N 60N)
+VS2 268 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9N 0.2N 0.2N 15.8N 60N)
+TRAN 0.2N 47.9NS 0 1N
+plot v(648) v(651) v(751)
++R=0.2 0
++ 0.2
++L=9.13e-9 3.3e-9
++ 9.13e-9
++G=0 0 0
++C=3.65e-13 -9e-14
++ 3.65e-13
+******************* MODEL SPECIFICATION **********************
+.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0
++ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
+.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0
++ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl3_4_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl3_4_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5715481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl3_4_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+6.3inch 4 lossy lines CPL model -- R load
+Ra 1 2 1K
+Rb 0 3 1K
+Rc 0 4 1K
+Rd 0 5 1K
+Re 6 0 1Meg
+Rf 7 0 1Meg
+Rg 8 0 1Meg
+Rh 9 0 1Meg
+P1 2 3 4 5 0 6 7 8 9 0 LOSSYMODE
+VS1 1 0 PWL(15.9NS 0.0 16.1Ns 5.0 31.9Ns 5.0 32.1Ns 0.0)
+TRAN 0.2NS 50NS 0 0.05N
+PLOT V(1) V(2) V(6) V(7) V(8) V(9)
++R=0.3 0 0 0
++ 0.3 0 0
++ 0.3 0
++ 0.3
++L=9e-9 5.4e-9 0 0
++ 9e-9 5.4e-9 0
++ 9e-9 5.4e-9
++ 9e-9
++G=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
++C=3.5e-13 -3e-14 0 0
++ 3.5e-13 -3e-14 0
++ 3.5e-13 -3e-14
++ 3.5e-13
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl4_txl_2_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl4_txl_2_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..986c9b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl4_txl_2_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+BJTdriver -- 2in st. lin -- 20in coupled line CPL -- 2in st line -- DiodeCircuit
+* This unclassified circuit is from Raytheon, courtesy Gerry Marino.
+* _______
+* -------- 2in _________________ 2in | |
+* | BJT |______| |______|Diode|
+* | |------| |------| |
+* | Drvr | line | 2-wire | line |rcvr.|
+* -------- | coupled | |_____|
+* | transmission |
+* |-/\/\/\/\----| line |-------\/\/\/\/\----|
+* | 50ohms | | 50ohms |
+* | | | |
+* Ground ----------------- Ground
+* Each inch of the lossy line is modelled by 10 LRC lumps in the
+* Raytheon model.
+* The line parameters (derived from the Raytheon input file) are:
+* L = 9.13nH per inch
+* C = 3.65pF per inch
+* R = 0.2 ohms per inch
+* K = 0.482 [coupling coefficient; K = M/sqrt(L1*L2)]
+* Cc = 1.8pF per inch
+* coupled ltra model generated using the standalone program
+* multi_decomp
+* the circuit
+*tran 0.1ns 60ns
+v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 4 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
+*v1 1 0 4v pulse(4 0 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
+vcc 10 0 5v
+* series termination
+*x1 1 oof 10 bjtdrvr
+*rseries oof 2 50
+x1 1 2 10 bjtdrvr
+rt1 3 0 50
+* convolution model
+x2 2 3 4 5 conv2wetcmodel
+* rlc segments model
+*x2 2 3 4 5 rlc2wetcmodel
+x3 4 dioload
+rt2 5 0 50
+.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
+.model dmod2 d
+.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
+.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
+.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
+.options acct reltol=1e-3 abstol=1e-12
+tran 0.1ns 60ns 0 0.35N
+plot v(2) v(4) v(5)
+* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
+* the Raytheon file
+.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
+q1 22 18 13 qmodn
+q2 18 16 13 qmodn
+qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
+q4 14 14 0 qmodn
+q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
+q5 8 13 17 qmodn
+q6 25 12 0 qmodn
+q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
+qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
+q8 7 11 10 qmodn
+*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
+q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
+q9 7 10 268 qmodn
+d1 0 19 dmod1
+d2 18 19 dmod2
+d3 13 19 dmod
+dq1 18 22 dmod
+dq2 16 18 dmod
+d502 9 21 dmod
+dq3 15 16 dmod
+d10 24 8 dmod
+d4 15 6 dmod
+dq6 12 25 dmod
+dq7 17 6 dmod
+dd1 17 10 dmod
+d7 11 6 dmod
+dd2 17 26 dmod
+d9 23 6 dmod
+dq8 11 7 dmod
+d501 17 268 dmod
+dq9 10 7 dmod
+d14 20 27 dmod
+d8 0 268 dmod
+r1 18 20 6k
+r2 22 20 2.2k
+r4 0 13 7k
+rd1 9 13 2k
+rd2 21 13 3k
+r3 16 20 10k
+r5 15 20 15k
+r9 0 17 4k
+r6 24 20 750
+r10 12 17 2k
+r12 24 11 1.5k
+r11 25 17 3k
+r15 23 20 10k
+r13 0 10 15k
+r14 7 27 12
+.ends bjtdrvr
+* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
+.subckt dioload 28
+*comment out everything in dioload except d5 and r503, and watch
+* the difference in results obtained between a tran 0.1ns 20ns and
+* a tran 0.01ns 20ns
+vccint 5 0 5v
+c1 28 0 5pF
+r503 0 4 5.55
+r4 0 28 120k
+r5 1 5 7.5k
+d5 4 28 diod2
+d1 1 28 diod1
+d4 2 0 diod1
+d3 3 2 diod1
+d2 1 3 diod1
+.ends dioload
+* subckt rlclump - one RLC lump of the lossy line
+.subckt rlclump 1 2
+*r1 1 3 0.02
+*c1 3 0 0.365pF
+*l1 3 2 0.913nH
+l1 1 3 0.913nH
+c1 2 0 0.365pF
+r1 3 2 0.02
+*r1 1 3 0.01
+*c1 3 0 0.1825pF
+*l1 3 4 0.4565nH
+*r2 4 5 0.01
+*c2 5 0 0.1825pF
+*l2 5 2 0.4565nH
+*c1 1 0 0.365pF
+*l1 1 2 0.913nH
+.ends lump
+.subckt rlconeinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 rlclump
+x2 3 4 rlclump
+x3 4 5 rlclump
+x4 5 6 rlclump
+x5 6 7 rlclump
+x6 7 8 rlclump
+x7 8 9 rlclump
+x8 9 10 rlclump
+x9 10 11 rlclump
+x10 11 2 rlclump
+.ends rlconeinch
+.subckt rlctwoinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 rlconeinch
+x2 3 2 rlconeinch
+.ends rlctwoinch
+.subckt rlcfourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 rlconeinch
+x2 3 4 rlconeinch
+x3 4 5 rlconeinch
+x4 5 2 rlconeinch
+.ends rlcfourinch
+.subckt rlcfiveinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 rlconeinch
+x2 3 4 rlconeinch
+x3 4 5 rlconeinch
+x4 5 6 rlconeinch
+x5 6 2 rlconeinch
+.ends rlcfiveinch
+.subckt rlctwentyrlcfourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 rlcfiveinch
+x2 3 4 rlcfiveinch
+x3 4 5 rlcfiveinch
+x4 5 6 rlcfiveinch
+x5 6 2 rlcfourinch
+.ends rlctwentyrlcfourinch
+.subckt rlclumpstub A B C D
+x1 A int1 rlcfiveinch
+x2 int1 int2 rlcfiveinch
+x3 int2 1 rlcfiveinch
+x4 1 2 rlcfourinch
+x5 1 int3 rlcfiveinch
+x6 int3 B rlconeinch
+x7 2 C rlcfiveinch
+x8 2 D rlcfourinch
+.ends rlclumpstub
+.subckt ltrastub A B C D
+yy1 A 0 1 0 ylline15in
+yy2 1 0 B 0 ylline6in
+yy3 1 0 2 0 ylline4in
+yy4 2 0 C 0 ylline5in
+yy5 2 0 D 0 ylline4in
+.ends ltrastub
+*modelling using R and lossless lines
+*5 segments per inch
+.model yllfifth txl r=0 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 length=0.2
+.subckt xlump 1 2
+y1 1 0 3 0 yllfifth
+r1 2 3 0.04
+.ends xlump
+.subckt xoneinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump
+x2 3 4 xlump
+x3 4 5 xlump
+x4 5 6 xlump
+x5 6 2 xlump
+*x5 6 7 xlump
+*x6 7 8 xlump
+*x7 8 9 xlump
+*x8 9 10 xlump
+*x9 10 11 xlump
+*x10 11 2 xlump
+.ends xoneinch
+.subckt xFourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xoneinch
+x2 3 4 xoneinch
+x3 4 5 xoneinch
+x4 5 2 xoneinch
+.ends xfourinch
+.subckt xfiveinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xoneinch
+x2 3 4 xoneinch
+x3 4 5 xoneinch
+x4 5 6 xoneinch
+x5 6 2 xoneinch
+.ends xfiveinch
+.subckt xlumpstub A B C D
+x1 A int1 xfiveinch
+x2 int1 int2 xfiveinch
+x3 int2 1 xfiveinch
+x4 1 2 xfourinch
+x5 1 int3 xfiveinch
+x6 int3 B xoneinch
+x7 2 C xfiveinch
+x8 2 D xfourinch
+.ends xlumpstub
+* modelling a 2 wire coupled system using RLC lumps
+* 10 segments per inch
+* 1---xxxxx----2
+* 3---xxxxx----4
+.subckt rlc2wlump 1 3 2 4
+l1 1 5 0.913nH
+c1 2 0 0.365pF
+r1 5 2 0.02
+l2 3 6 0.913nH
+c2 4 0 0.365pF
+r2 6 4 0.02
+cmut 2 4 0.18pF
+k12 l1 l2 0.482
+.ends rlc2wlump
+.subckt rlc2woneinch 1 2 3 4
+x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2wlump
+x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2wlump
+x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2wlump
+x4 9 10 11 12 rlc2wlump
+x5 11 12 13 14 rlc2wlump
+x6 13 14 15 16 rlc2wlump
+x7 15 16 17 18 rlc2wlump
+x8 17 18 19 20 rlc2wlump
+x9 19 20 21 22 rlc2wlump
+x10 21 22 3 4 rlc2wlump
+.ends rlc2woneinch
+.subckt rlc2wfiveinch 1 2 3 4
+x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2woneinch
+x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2woneinch
+x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2woneinch
+x4 9 10 11 12 rlc2woneinch
+x5 11 12 3 4 rlc2woneinch
+.ends rlc2wfiveinch
+.subckt rlc2wtwentyinch 1 2 3 4
+x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2wfiveinch
+x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2wfiveinch
+x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2wfiveinch
+x4 9 10 3 4 rlc2wfiveinch
+.ends rlc2wtwentyinch
+.subckt rlc2wetcmodel 1 2 3 4
+x1 1 5 rlctwoinch
+x2 5 2 6 4 rlc2wtwentyinch
+x3 6 3 rlctwoinch
+.ends rlc2wetcmodel
+* Subcircuit conv2wtwentyinch
+* conv2wtwentyinch is a subcircuit that models a 2-conductor transmission line with
+* the following parameters: l=9.13e-09, c=3.65e-12, r=0.2, g=0,
+* inductive_coeff_of_coupling k=0.482, inter-line capacitance cm=1.8e-12,
+* length=20. Derived parameters are: lm=4.40066e-09, ctot=5.45e-12.
+* It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
+* following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
+* self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
+* parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
+* is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
+* coupling parameters cm and lm. The first assumption imply that edge
+* effects have to be neglected. The utility of these assumptions is
+* that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
+* Toeplitz, with useful consequences.
+* It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line will be
+* accurately represented by this model.
+* swec model
+.model plines cpl
++R=0.2 0
++ 0.2
++L=9.13e-9 4.4e-9
++ 9.13e-9
++G=0 0 0
++C=5.45e-12 -1.8e-12
++ 5.45e-12
+.model yconvtwoinch txl r=0.2 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 length=2.0
+.subckt conv2wetcmodel 1 2 3 4
+y1 1 0 5 0 yconvtwoinch
+p2 5 2 0 6 4 0 plines
+y2 6 0 3 0 yconvtwoinch
+.ends conv2wetcmodel
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm1.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm1.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1077d00e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm1.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+6-line coupled multiconductor with ECL drivers
+vemm mm 0 DC -0.4
+vepp pp 0 DC 0.4
+vein_left lin 0 PULSE (-0.4 0.4 0N 1N 1N 7N 200N)
+vein_right rin 0 PULSE (-0.4 0.4 2N 1N 1N 7N 200N)
+* upper 2 lines
+x1 lin 0 1 1outn ECL
+x2 mm 0 2 2outn ECL
+x7 7 0 7r 7routn ECL
+x8 8 0 8r 8routn ECL
+c7r 7r 0 0.1P
+c8r 8r 0 0.1P
+* lower 2 lines
+x11 pp 0 11 11outn ECL
+x12 rin 0 12 12outn ECL
+x5 5 0 5l 5loutn ECL
+x6 6 0 6l 6loutn ECL
+c5l 5l 0 0.1P
+c6l 6l 0 0.1P
+p1 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 pline
+.model pline cpl
++C = 0.900000P -0.657947P -0.0767356P -0.0536544P -0.0386514P -0.0523990P
++ 1.388730P -0.607034P -0.0597635P -0.0258851P -0.0273442P
++ 1.39328P -0.625675P -0.0425551P -0.0319791P
++ 1.07821P -0.255048P -0.0715824P
++ 1.06882P -0.692091P
++ 0.900000P
++L = 0.868493E-7 0.781712E-7 0.748428E-7 0.728358E-7 0.700915E-7 0.692178E-7
++ 0.866074E-7 0.780613E-7 0.748122E-7 0.711591E-7 0.701023E-7
++ 0.865789E-7 0.781095E-7 0.725431E-7 0.711986E-7
++ 0.867480E-7 0.744242E-7 0.725826E-7
++ 0.868022E-7 0.782377E-7
++ 0.868437E-7
++R = 0.2 0 0 0 0 0
++ 0.2 0 0 0 0
++ 0.2 0 0 0
++ 0.2 0 0
++ 0.2 0
++ 0.2
++G = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
++length = 2
+RIN 1 2 0.077K
+REF 5 6 0.077K
+R1 7 N 1.0K
+R2 P 3 0.4555K
+R3 P 4 0.4555K
+R4 8 N 0.615K
+R5 9 N 0.615K
+RL1 8 GND 0.093K
+RL2 9 GND 0.093K
+LIN EIN 1 0.01U
+LREF 5 GND 0.01U
+CIN 1 GND 0.68P
+CL1 8 GND 1P
+CL2 9 GND 1P
+Q1 3 2 7 JCTRAN
+Q2 4 6 7 JCTRAN
+Q3 P 3 8 JCTRAN
+Q4 P 4 9 JCTRAN
+VEP P GND DC 1.25
+TRAN 0.1N 20N
+plot V(3) V(5) V(8) V(11) V(12)
+.MODEL JCTRAN NPN BF=150 VAF=20 IS=4E-17 RB=300 RC=100 CJE=30F CJC=30F
++ CJS=40F VJE=0.6 VJC=0.6 VJS=0.6 MJE=0.5 MJC=0.5
++ MJS=0.5 TF=16P TR=1N
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm2.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm2.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8aeff85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm2.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Simple coupled transmissionlines
+VES IN 0 PULSE (0 1 0N 1.5N 1.5N 4.5N 200N)
+R1 IN V1 50
+R2 V2 0 10
+p1 V1 V2 0 V3 V4 0 cpl1
+.model cpl1 cpl
++R = 0.5 0
++ 0.5
++L = 247.3e-9 31.65e-9
++ 247.3e-9
++C = 31.4e-12 -2.45e-12
++ 31.4e-12
++G = 0 0 0
++length = 0.3048
+*length = 0.6096
+R3 V3 0 100
+R4 V4 0 100
+TRAN 0.1N 20N
+plot v(in) v(v1) v(v3)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm3.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm3.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a0d5e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm3.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Mixed single and coupled transmission lines
+c1g 1 0 1P
+l11a 1 1a 6e-9
+r1a7 1a 7 0.025K
+rin6 in 6 0.075K
+l67 6 7 10e-9
+c7g 7 0 1P
+P2 1 7 0 2 8 0 PLINE
++R = 2.25 0
++ 2.25
++L = 0.6e-6 0.05e-6
++ 0.6e-6
++G = 0 0 0
++C = 1.2e-9 -0.11e-9
++ 1.2e-9
++length = 0.03
+c2g 2 0 0.5P
+r2g 2 0 0.05K
+r23 2 3 0.025K
+l34 3 4 5e-9
+c4g 4 0 2P
+l89 8 9 10e-9
+c9g 9 0 1P
+Y1 9 0 10 0 txline
+.model txline txl R = 1 L =0.6e-6 G = 0 C= 1.0e-9 length=0.04
+l1011 10 11 10e-9
+c11g 11 0 0.5P
+r11g 11 0 0.05K
+r1112 11 12 0.025K
+l1213 12 13 5e-9
+c13g 13 0 2P
+r1116 11 16 0.025K
+l1617 16 17 5e-9
+c17g 17 0 2P
+P1 4 2 13 17 0 5 14 15 18 0 PLINE1
++R = 3.5 0 0 0
++ 3.5 0 0
++ 3.5 0
++ 3.5
++L =
++1e-6 0.11e-6 0.03e-6 0
++ 1e-6 0.11e-6 0.03e-6
++ 1e-6 0.11e-6
++ 1e-6
++G = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
++C =
++1.5e-9 -0.17e-9 -0.03e-9 0
++ 1.5e-9 -0.17e-9 -0.03e-9
++ 1.5e-9 -0.17e-9
++ 1.5e-9
++length = 0.02
+D1 5 0 dmod
+D2 14 0 dmod
+D3 15 0 dmod
+D4 18 0 dmod
+.model dmod d
+VES in 0 PULSE (0 5 0 1.1ns 0.1ns 0.9ns 200ns)
+TRAN 0.2N 10.0N
+plot v(3) v(6) v(7) v(8) v(11) v(15)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_1_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d9c93bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_1_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+MOSdriver -- lossy line LTRA model -- C load
+m5 0 168 2 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m6 1 168 2 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+CN2 2 0 0.025398e-12
+CN3 3 0 0.007398e-12
+o1 2 0 3 0 lline
+vdd 1 0 dc 5.0
+VS 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS )
+TRAN 0.2N 47N 0 0.1N
+plot v(2) v(3) ylimit -0.5 5
+.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55
++LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
+.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61
++LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
+.model lline ltra rel=1 r=12.45 g=0 l=8.972e-9 c=0.468e-12
++len=16 steplimit compactrel=1.0e-3 compactabs=1.0e-14
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_4_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_4_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d30a757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_4_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+MOSdriver -- 6.3inch 4 lossy line LTRA model -- C load
+m1 1 2 6 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m2 1 3 7 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m3 1 4 8 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m4 1 10 5 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m5 1 11 13 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m6 1 12 13 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m7 0 2 6 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m8 0 3 7 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m9 0 4 8 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m10 0 10 5 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m11 14 11 13 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m12 0 12 14 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+CN5 5 0 0.025398e-12
+CN6 6 0 0.007398e-12
+CN7 7 0 0.007398e-12
+CN8 8 0 0.007398e-12
+CN9 9 0 0.097398e-12
+CN10 10 0 0.007398e-12
+CN11 11 0 0.003398e-12
+CN12 12 0 0.004398e-12
+CN13 13 0 0.008398e-12
+CN14 14 0 0.005398e-12
+* Subcircuit test
+* test is a subcircuit that models a 4-conductor transmission line with
+* the following parameters: l=9e-09, c=2.9e-13, r=0.3, g=0,
+* inductive_coeff_of_coupling k=0.6, inter-line capacitance cm=3e-14,
+* length=6.3. Derived parameters are: lm=5.4e-09, ctot=3.5e-13.
+* It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
+* following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
+* self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
+* parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
+* is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
+* coupling parameters cm and lm. The first assumption implies that edge
+* effects have to be neglected. The utility of these assumptions is
+* that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
+* Toeplitz, with useful consequences (see "Efficient Transient
+* Simulation of Lossy Interconnect", by J.S. Roychowdhury and
+* D.O Pederson, Proc. DAC 91).
+* It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line is
+* represented accurately by this model.
+* Subckt node convention:
+* |--------------------------|
+* 1-----| |-----n+1
+* 2-----| |-----n+2
+* : | n-wire multiconductor | :
+* : | line | :
+* n-1-----|(node 0=common gnd plane) |-----2n-1
+* n-----| |-----2n
+* |--------------------------|
+* Lossy line models
+.model mod1_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=2.62616456193e-10 g=0 c=3.98541019688e-13 len=6.3
+.model mod2_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=5.662616446e-09 g=0 c=3.68541019744e-13 len=6.3
+.model mod3_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=1.23373835171e-08 g=0 c=3.3145898046e-13 len=6.3
+.model mod4_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=1.7737383521e-08 g=0 c=3.01458980439e-13 len=6.3
+* subcircuit m_test - modal transformation network for test
+.subckt m_test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+v1 9 0 0v
+v2 10 0 0v
+v3 11 0 0v
+v4 12 0 0v
+f1 0 5 v1 0.371748033738
+f2 0 5 v2 -0.601500954587
+f3 0 5 v3 0.601500954587
+f4 0 5 v4 -0.371748036544
+f5 0 6 v1 0.60150095443
+f6 0 6 v2 -0.371748035044
+f7 0 6 v3 -0.371748030937
+f8 0 6 v4 0.601500957402
+f9 0 7 v1 0.601500954079
+f10 0 7 v2 0.37174803072
+f11 0 7 v3 -0.371748038935
+f12 0 7 v4 -0.601500955482
+f13 0 8 v1 0.371748035626
+f14 0 8 v2 0.601500956073
+f15 0 8 v3 0.601500954504
+f16 0 8 v4 0.371748032386
+e1 13 9 5 0 0.371748033909
+e2 14 13 6 0 0.601500954587
+e3 15 14 7 0 0.601500955639
+e4 1 15 8 0 0.371748036664
+e5 16 10 5 0 -0.60150095443
+e6 17 16 6 0 -0.371748035843
+e7 18 17 7 0 0.371748032386
+e8 2 18 8 0 0.601500957319
+e9 19 11 5 0 0.601500955131
+e10 20 19 6 0 -0.371748032169
+e11 21 20 7 0 -0.371748037896
+e12 3 21 8 0 0.601500954513
+e13 22 12 5 0 -0.371748035746
+e14 23 22 6 0 0.60150095599
+e15 24 23 7 0 -0.601500953534
+e16 4 24 8 0 0.371748029317
+.ends m_test
+* Subckt test
+.subckt test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+x1 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 m_test
+o1 9 0 13 0 mod1_test
+o2 10 0 14 0 mod2_test
+o3 11 0 15 0 mod3_test
+o4 12 0 16 0 mod4_test
+x2 5 6 7 8 13 14 15 16 m_test
+.ends test
+x1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 test
+vdd 1 0 PULSE (0 5 0Ns 0.1Ns 0.1Ns 600Ns 800Ns)
+v3 3 0 PULSE (0 5 0Ns 0.1Ns 0.1Ns 600Ns 800Ns)
+.model mn0p9 nmos LEVEL=1 vto=0.8V kp=48u gamma=0.3 phi=0.55 lambda=0.00
++ PHI=0.55 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CGBO=0
++ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N NSUB=1E16 LD=0.0U
+.model mp1p0 pmos vto=-0.8V kp=21u gamma=0.45 phi=0.61 lambda=0.00
++ PHI=0.61 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CGBO=0
++ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N NSUB=3E16 LD=0.0U
+VS1 2 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9Ns 0.2Ns 0.2Ns 15.8Ns 32Ns)
+VS2 4 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9Ns 0.2Ns 0.2Ns 15.8Ns 32Ns)
+TRAN 0.1N 47.9N
+plot v(5) v(6) v(7) v(8) v(9) v(10) v(11) v(12)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra2_2_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra2_2_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a4ceaa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra2_2_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+MOSdriver -- 2 lossy lines LTRA model -- C load
+m5 0 168 2 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m6 1 168 2 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m1 0 3 4 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m2 1 3 4 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+CN2 2 0 0.025398e-12
+CN3 3 0 0.007398e-12
+CN4 4 0 0.025398e-12
+CN5 5 0 0.007398e-12
+o1 2 0 3 0 lline
+o2 4 0 5 0 lline
+vdd 1 0 dc 5.0
+VS 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS )
+TRAN 0.2N 47N 0 0.1N
+plot v(2) v(3) v(4) v(5)
+.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55
++LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
+.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61
++LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
+.model lline ltra rel=1 r=12.45 g=0 l=8.972e-9 c=0.468e-12
++len=16 steplimit compactrel=1.0e-3 compactabs=1.0e-14
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra3_2_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra3_2_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1a756520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra3_2_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+MOSdriver -- 24inch 2 lossy lines LTRA model -- C load
+m1 0 268 299 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=1.0u
+m2 299 267 748 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=1.0u
+m3 0 168 648 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m4 1 268 748 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m5 1 267 748 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m6 1 168 648 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+CN648 648 0 0.025398e-12
+CN651 651 0 0.007398e-12
+CN748 748 0 0.025398e-12
+CN751 751 0 0.009398e-12
+CN299 299 0 0.005398e-12
+* Subcircuit test
+* test is a subcircuit that models a 2-conductor transmission line with
+* the following parameters: l=9.13e-09, c=2.75e-13, r=0.2, g=0,
+* inductive_coeff_of_coupling k=0.36144, inter-line capacitance cm=9e-14,
+* length=24. Derived parameters are: lm=3.29995e-09, ctot=3.65e-13.
+* It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
+* following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
+* self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
+* parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
+* is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
+* coupling parameters cm and lm. The first assumption implies that edge
+* effects have to be neglected. The utility of these assumptions is
+* that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
+* Toeplitz, with useful consequences (see "Efficient Transient
+* Simulation of Lossy Interconnect", by J.S. Roychowdhury and
+* D.O Pederson, Proc. DAC 91).
+* It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line is
+* represented accurately by this model.
+* Subckt node convention:
+* |--------------------------|
+* 1-----| |-----n+1
+* 2-----| |-----n+2
+* : | n-wire multiconductor | :
+* : | line | :
+* n-1-----|(node 0=common gnd plane) |-----2n-1
+* n-----| |-----2n
+* |--------------------------|
+* Lossy line models
+.model mod1_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.2 l=5.83005279316e-09 g=0 c=4.55000000187e-13 len=24
+.model mod2_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.2 l=1.24299471863e-08 g=0 c=2.75000000373e-13 len=24
+* subcircuit m_test - modal transformation network for test
+.subckt m_test 1 2 3 4
+v1 5 0 0v
+v2 6 0 0v
+f1 0 3 v1 0.707106779721
+f2 0 3 v2 -0.707106782652
+f3 0 4 v1 0.707106781919
+f4 0 4 v2 0.707106780454
+e1 7 5 3 0 0.707106780454
+e2 1 7 4 0 0.707106782652
+e3 8 6 3 0 -0.707106781919
+e4 2 8 4 0 0.707106779721
+.ends m_test
+* Subckt test
+.subckt test 1 2 3 4
+x1 1 2 5 6 m_test
+o1 5 0 7 0 mod1_test
+o2 6 0 8 0 mod2_test
+x2 3 4 7 8 m_test
+.ends test
+x1 648 748 651 751 test
+vdd 1 0 DC 5.0
+VK 267 0 DC 5.0
+VS1 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9N 0.2N 0.2N 15.8N 60N)
+VS2 268 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9N 0.2N 0.2N 15.8N 60N)
+TRAN 0.2N 47.9NS
+PLOT v(648) v(651) v(751)
+.model mn0p9 nmos LEVEL=1 vto=0.8V kp=48u gamma=0.3 phi=0.55 lambda=0.0
++ PHI=0.55 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CGBO=0
++ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N NSUB=1E16 LD=0.0U
+.model mp1p0 pmos LEVEL=1 vto=-0.8V kp=21u gamma=0.45 phi=0.61 lambda=0.0
++ PHI=0.61 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CGBO=0
++ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N NSUB=3E16 LD=0.0U
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra4_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra4_1_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8dc8ada6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra4_1_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ BJTdriver -- 24inch lossy line LTRA model -- DiodeCircuit
+* This unclassified circuit is from Raytheon, courtesy Gerry Marino.
+* It consists of a BJT driver connected by a 24 inch lossy line to a
+* passive load consisting mostly of diodes. Each inch
+* of the lossy line is modelled by 10 LRC lumps in the Raytheon
+* model.
+* The line parameters (derived from the Raytheon input file) are:
+* L = 9.13nH per inch
+* C = 3.65pF per inch
+* R = 0.2 ohms per inch
+* the circuit
+v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 4 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
+vcc 10 0 5v
+*rseries 1 2 5
+x1 1 2 10 bjtdrvr
+*t1 2 0 3 0 z0=50.0136 td=4.38119ns rel=10
+o2 2 0 3 0 lline1
+*x2 2 3 oneinch
+*x2 100 101 twentyfourinch
+*x2 100 101 xtwentyfourinch
+vtest1 2 100 0
+vtest2 101 3 0
+x3 3 4 10 dioload
+*rl 3 0 5
+*dl 0 3 diod2
+.model lline1 ltra rel=1 r=0.2 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 len=24 steplimit
+.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
+.model dmod2 d
+.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
+.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
+.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
+.options acct
++reltol=1e-3 abstol=1e-14
+tran 0.1ns 60ns
+plot v(1) v(2) v(3)
+* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
+* the Raytheon file
+.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
+q1 22 18 13 qmodn
+q2 18 16 13 qmodn
+qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
+q4 14 14 0 qmodn
+q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
+q5 8 13 17 qmodn
+q6 25 12 0 qmodn
+q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
+qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
+q8 7 11 10 qmodn
+q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
+*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
+q9 7 10 268 qmodn
+d1 0 19 dmod1
+d2 18 19 dmod2
+d3 13 19 dmod
+dq1 18 22 dmod
+dq2 16 18 dmod
+d502 9 21 dmod
+dq3 15 16 dmod
+d10 24 8 dmod
+d4 15 6 dmod
+dq6 12 25 dmod
+dq7 17 6 dmod
+dd1 17 10 dmod
+d7 11 6 dmod
+dd2 17 26 dmod
+d9 23 6 dmod
+dq8 11 7 dmod
+d501 17 268 dmod
+dq9 10 7 dmod
+d14 20 27 dmod
+d8 0 268 dmod
+r1 18 20 6k
+r2 22 20 2.2k
+r4 0 13 7k
+rd1 9 13 2k
+rd2 21 13 3k
+r3 16 20 10k
+r5 15 20 15k
+r9 0 17 4k
+r6 24 20 750
+r10 12 17 2k
+r12 24 11 1.5k
+r11 25 17 3k
+r15 23 20 10k
+r13 0 10 15k
+r14 7 27 12
+.ends bjtdrvr
+* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
+.subckt dioload 28 4 5
+*comment out everything in dioload except d5 and r503, and watch
+* the difference in results obtained between a tran 0.1ns 20ns and
+* a tran 0.01ns 20ns
+c1 28 0 5pF
+r503 0 4 5.55
+r4 0 28 120k
+r5 1 5 7.5k
+d5 4 28 diod2
+d1 1 28 diod1
+d4 2 0 diod1
+d3 3 2 diod1
+d2 1 3 diod1
+.ends dioload
+* subckt lump - one RLC lump of the lossy line
+*10 segments per inch
+.subckt lump 1 2
+*r1 1 3 0.02
+*c1 3 0 0.365pF
+*l1 3 2 0.913nH
+l1 1 3 0.913nH
+c1 2 0 0.365pF
+r1 3 2 0.02
+*r1 1 3 0.01
+*c1 3 0 0.1825pF
+*l1 3 4 0.4565nH
+*r2 4 5 0.01
+*c2 5 0 0.1825pF
+*l2 5 2 0.4565nH
+*c1 1 0 0.365pF
+*l1 1 2 0.913nH
+.ends lump
+.subckt oneinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 lump
+x2 3 4 lump
+x3 4 5 lump
+x4 5 6 lump
+x5 6 7 lump
+x6 7 8 lump
+x7 8 9 lump
+x8 9 10 lump
+x9 10 11 lump
+x10 11 2 lump
+.ends oneinch
+.subckt fourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 oneinch
+x2 3 4 oneinch
+x3 4 5 oneinch
+x4 5 2 oneinch
+.ends fourinch
+.subckt fiveinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 oneinch
+x2 3 4 oneinch
+x3 4 5 oneinch
+x4 5 6 oneinch
+x5 6 2 oneinch
+.ends fiveinch
+.subckt twentyfourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 fiveinch
+x2 3 4 fiveinch
+x3 4 5 fiveinch
+x4 5 6 fiveinch
+x5 6 2 fourinch
+.ends twentyfourinch
+*modelling using R and lossless lines
+*5 segments per inch
+.model llfifth ltra nocontrol noprint rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=9.13e-9
++c=3.65e-12 len=0.2 steplimit quadinterp
+.subckt xlump 1 2
+o1 1 0 3 0 llfifth
+r1 2 3 0.04
+.ends xlump
+.subckt xoneinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump
+x2 3 4 xlump
+x3 4 5 xlump
+x4 5 6 xlump
+x5 6 2 xlump
+*x5 6 7 xlump
+*x6 7 8 xlump
+*x7 8 9 xlump
+*x8 9 10 xlump
+*x9 10 11 xlump
+*x10 11 2 xlump
+.ends xoneinch
+.subckt xfourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xoneinch
+x2 3 4 xoneinch
+x3 4 5 xoneinch
+x4 5 2 xoneinch
+.ends xfourinch
+.subckt xfiveinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xoneinch
+x2 3 4 xoneinch
+x3 4 5 xoneinch
+x4 5 6 xoneinch
+x5 6 2 xoneinch
+.ends xfiveinch
+.subckt xtwentyfourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xfiveinch
+x2 3 4 xfiveinch
+x3 4 5 xfiveinch
+x4 5 6 xfiveinch
+x5 6 2 xfourinch
+.ends xtwentyfourinch
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra5_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra5_1_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35459404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra5_1_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+ Example 3 for interconnect simulation
+* From neug1, Mosaic aluminum lines. 2um thick, 11um wide. Assuming
+* 10um above the ground.
+* Material: aluminum; resistivity (sigma) = 2.74uohm-cm = 2.74e-8 ohm-m
+* Dielectric: SiO2, dielectric constant (epsilon) =3.7
+* epsilon0 = 8.85e-12 MKS units
+* mu0 = 4e-7*PI
+* speed of light in free space = 1/sqrt(mu0*epsilon0) = 2.9986e8 MKS units
+* Line parameter calculations:
+* capacitance: parallel plate
+* C = epsilon*epsilon0 * A / l
+* C = 3.7*8.85e-12 * 11e-6 * 1(metre) / 10e-6 = 36.02e-12 F/m
+* + 30% = 46.8e-12 F/m = 0.468pF/cm
+* C_freespace = 46.8e-12/epsilon = 12.65e-12 F/m
+* speed of light in free space v0 = 2.9986e8 = 1/sqrt(L0*C0)
+* => L0 = 1/C0*v0^2
+* L0 = 1/(12.65e-12 * 8.9916e16) = 1/113.74e4 = 0.008792e-4 H/m
+* = 0.8792 uH/m = 8.792nH/cm
+* R = rho * l / A = 2.74e-8 * 1 / (11e-6*2e-6) = 1245.45 ohms/m
+* = 12.45ohms/cm
+* transmission line parameters:
+* nominal z0 = sqrt(L/C) = 137 ohms
+* td = sqrt(LC) = 64.14e-12 secs/cm = 0.064ns/cm
+vcc vcc 0 5
+v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 5 0.1ns 0.1ns 0.1ns 1ns 100ns)
+rs 1 2 10
+xdrv 1 2 vcc bjtdrvr
+xrcv 3 4 vcc bjtdrvr
+xrcv 3 4 vcc dioload
+d1 3 vcc diod
+d2 0 3 diod
+cl 3 0 1pF
+o1 2 0 3 0 lline
+*x1 2 3 sixteencm
+x1 2 3 xonecm
+.model diod d
+.model lline ltra rel=1.8 r=12.45 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 len=16 steplimit
+* 1cm
+* 2cm
+* 4cm
+* 6cm
+* 8cm
+* 10cm
+* 12cm
+*tran 0.001ns 15ns 0 0.1ns
+* 24cm
+tran 0.001ns 10ns 0 0.1ns
+* onecm10
+*tran 0.001ns 10ns 0 0.01ns
+plot v(1) v(2) v(3)
+* 1. define the subckt r10 to be one tenth of the resistance per cm.
+* 2. define the subckt onecm to be one of onecm10 (modelled using
+* 10 segments), onecm8, onecm4, onecm2 and lump1. Then use
+* the subckts onecm, fourcm, fivecm, tencm, twelvecm,
+* twentyfourcm in the circuit. The line is modelled as rlc segments.
+* 3. define the subckt xonecm to be one of xonecm10, xonecm8,
+* xonecm4, xonecm2 and xlump1. Use the subckts xonecm,
+* xfourcm, xfivecm, xtencm, xtwelvecm, xtwentyfourcm in the
+* circuit. The line will be modelled as r-lossless lumps.
+.subckt xonecm 1 2
+*x1 1 2 xlump1
+x1 1 2 xonecm4
+.ends xonecm
+.subckt onecm 1 2
+*x1 1 2 lump1
+x1 1 2 onecm4
+.ends onecm
+.subckt r10 1 2
+r1 1 2 1.245
+.ends r10
+* ECL driver and diode receiver models - from Raytheon
+.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
+.model dmod2 d
+.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
+.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
+.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
+* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
+* the Raytheon file
+.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
+q1 22 18 13 qmodn
+q2 18 16 13 qmodn
+qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
+q4 14 14 0 qmodn
+q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
+q5 8 13 17 qmodn
+q6 25 12 0 qmodn
+q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
+qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
+q8 7 11 10 qmodn
+q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
+*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
+q9 7 10 268 qmodn
+d1 0 19 dmod1
+d2 18 19 dmod2
+d3 13 19 dmod
+dq1 18 22 dmod
+dq2 16 18 dmod
+d502 9 21 dmod
+dq3 15 16 dmod
+d10 24 8 dmod
+d4 15 6 dmod
+dq6 12 25 dmod
+dq7 17 6 dmod
+dd1 17 10 dmod
+d7 11 6 dmod
+dd2 17 26 dmod
+d9 23 6 dmod
+dq8 11 7 dmod
+d501 17 268 dmod
+dq9 10 7 dmod
+d14 20 27 dmod
+d8 0 268 dmod
+r1 18 20 6k
+r2 22 20 2.2k
+r4 0 13 7k
+rd1 9 13 2k
+rd2 21 13 3k
+r3 16 20 10k
+r5 15 20 15k
+r9 0 17 4k
+r6 24 20 750
+r10 12 17 2k
+r12 24 11 1.5k
+r11 25 17 3k
+r15 23 20 10k
+r13 0 10 15k
+r14 7 27 12
+.ends bjtdrvr
+* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
+.subckt dioload 28 4 5
+c1 28 0 5pF
+r503 0 4 5.55
+r400 0 28 120k
+r500 1 5 7.5k
+d5 4 28 diod2
+d1 1 28 diod1
+d4 2 0 diod1
+d3 3 2 diod1
+d2 1 3 diod1
+.ends dioload
+* End ECL driver and Diode receiver models from Raytheon
+*10 segments per cm
+.subckt lump10 1 2
+l1 1 3 0.0.8792nH
+c1 2 0 0.0468pF
+x1 3 2 r10
+.ends lump10
+*1 segment per cm
+.subckt lump1 1 2
+l1 1 3 8.792nH
+c1 2 0 0.468pF
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 6 r10
+x4 6 7 r10
+x5 7 8 r10
+x6 8 9 r10
+x7 9 10 r10
+x8 10 11 r10
+x9 11 12 r10
+x10 12 2 r10
+.ends lump1
+*2 segments per cm
+.subckt lump2 1 2
+l1 1 3 4.396nH
+c1 2 0 0.234pF
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 6 r10
+x4 6 7 r10
+x5 7 2 r10
+.ends lump2
+*4 segments per cm
+.subckt lump4 1 2
+l1 1 3 2.198nH
+c1 2 0 0.117pF
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 2 r10
+x4 5 2 r10
+.ends lump4
+*8 segments per cm
+.subckt lump8 1 2
+l1 1 3 1.099nH
+c1 2 0 0.0585pF
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 2 r10
+x3 4 2 r10
+x4 4 2 r10
+x5 4 2 r10
+.ends lump8
+.subckt onecm10 1 2
+x1 1 3 lump10
+x2 3 4 lump10
+x3 4 5 lump10
+x4 5 6 lump10
+x5 6 7 lump10
+x6 7 8 lump10
+x7 8 9 lump10
+x8 9 10 lump10
+x9 10 11 lump10
+x10 11 2 lump10
+.ends onecm10
+.subckt onecm8 1 2
+x1 1 3 lump8
+x2 3 4 lump8
+x3 4 5 lump8
+x4 5 6 lump8
+x5 6 7 lump8
+x6 7 8 lump8
+x7 8 9 lump8
+x8 9 2 lump8
+.ends onecm8
+.subckt onecm4 1 2
+x1 1 3 lump4
+x2 3 4 lump4
+x3 4 5 lump4
+x4 5 2 lump4
+.ends onecm4
+.subckt onecm2 1 2
+x1 1 3 lump2
+x2 3 2 lump2
+.ends onecm2
+.subckt twocm 1 2
+x1 1 3 onecm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends twocm
+.subckt threecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 onecm
+x2 3 4 onecm
+x3 4 2 onecm
+.ends threecm
+.subckt fourcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 onecm
+x2 3 4 onecm
+x3 4 5 onecm
+x4 5 2 onecm
+.ends fourcm
+.subckt fivecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 onecm
+x2 3 4 onecm
+x3 4 5 onecm
+x4 5 6 onecm
+x5 6 2 onecm
+.ends fivecm
+.subckt sixcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 fivecm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends sixcm
+.subckt sevencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 sixcm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends sevencm
+.subckt eightcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 sevencm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends eightcm
+.subckt ninecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 eightcm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends ninecm
+.subckt tencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 fivecm
+x2 3 2 fivecm
+.ends tencm
+.subckt elevencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 tencm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends elevencm
+.subckt twelvecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 tencm
+x2 3 4 onecm
+x3 4 2 onecm
+.ends twelvecm
+.subckt sixteencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 eightcm
+x2 3 2 eightcm
+.ends sixteencm
+.subckt twentyfourcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 twelvecm
+x2 3 2 twelvecm
+.ends twentyfourcm
+*modelling using R and lossless lines
+* 10 segments per cm
+.model lless10 ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9
++c=0.468e-12 len=0.1 steplimit quadinterp
+* 8 segments per cm
+.model lless8 ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9
++c=0.468e-12 len=0.125 steplimit quadinterp
+* 4 segments per cm
+.model lless4 ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9
++c=0.468e-12 len=0.25 steplimit quadinterp
+* 2 segments per cm
+.model lless2 ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9
++c=0.468e-12 len=0.5 steplimit quadinterp
+* 1 segment per cm
+.model lless1 ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9
++c=0.468e-12 len=1 steplimit quadinterp
+*10 segments per cm
+.subckt xlump10 1 2
+o1 1 0 3 0 lless10
+x1 3 2 r10
+.ends xlump10
+*1 segment per cm
+.subckt xlump1 1 2
+o1 1 0 3 0 lless1
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 6 r10
+x4 6 7 r10
+x5 7 8 r10
+x6 8 9 r10
+x7 9 10 r10
+x8 10 11 r10
+x9 11 12 r10
+x10 12 2 r10
+.ends xlump1
+*2 segments per cm
+.subckt xlump2 1 2
+o1 1 0 3 0 lless2
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 6 r10
+x4 6 7 r10
+x5 7 2 r10
+.ends xlump2
+*4 segments per cm
+.subckt xlump4 1 2
+o1 1 0 3 0 lless4
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 2 r10
+x4 5 2 r10
+.ends xlump4
+*8 segments per cm
+.subckt xlump8 1 2
+o1 1 0 3 0 lless8
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 2 r10
+x3 4 2 r10
+x4 4 2 r10
+x5 4 2 r10
+.ends xlump8
+.subckt xonecm10 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump10
+x2 3 4 xlump10
+x3 4 5 xlump10
+x4 5 6 xlump10
+x5 6 7 xlump10
+x6 7 8 xlump10
+x7 8 9 xlump10
+x8 9 10 xlump10
+x9 10 11 xlump10
+x10 11 2 xlump10
+.ends xonecm10
+.subckt xonecm8 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump8
+x2 3 4 xlump8
+x3 4 5 xlump8
+x4 5 6 xlump8
+x5 6 7 xlump8
+x6 7 8 xlump8
+x7 8 9 xlump8
+x8 9 2 xlump8
+.ends xonecm8
+.subckt xonecm4 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump4
+x2 3 4 xlump4
+x3 4 5 xlump4
+x4 5 2 xlump4
+.ends xonecm4
+.subckt xonecm2 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump2
+x2 3 2 xlump2
+.ends xonecm2
+.subckt xtwocm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xonecm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xtwocm
+.subckt xthreecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xonecm
+x2 3 4 xonecm
+x3 4 2 xonecm
+.ends xthreecm
+.subckt xfourcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xonecm
+x2 3 4 xonecm
+x3 4 5 xonecm
+x4 5 2 xonecm
+.ends xfourcm
+.subckt xfivecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xonecm
+x2 3 4 xonecm
+x3 4 5 xonecm
+x4 5 6 xonecm
+x5 6 2 xonecm
+.ends xfivecm
+.subckt xsixcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xfivecm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xsixcm
+.subckt xsevencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xsixcm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xsevencm
+.subckt xeightcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xsevencm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xeightcm
+.subckt xninecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xeightcm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xninecm
+.subckt xtencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xfivecm
+x2 3 2 xfivecm
+.ends xtencm
+.subckt xelevencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xtencm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xelevencm
+.subckt xtwelvecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xtencm
+x2 3 4 xonecm
+x3 4 2 xonecm
+.ends xtwelvecm
+.subckt xsixteencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xeightcm
+x2 3 2 xeightcm
+.ends xsixteencm
+.subckt xtwentyfourcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xtwelvecm
+x2 3 2 xtwelvecm
+.ends xtwentyfourcm
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra6_2_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra6_2_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45279129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra6_2_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+BJTdriver -- 2in st. lin -- 20in coupled line LTRA -- 2in st line -- DiodeCircuit
+* This unclassified circuit is from Raytheon, courtesy Gerry Marino.
+* _______
+* -------- 2in _________________ 2in | |
+* | BJT |______| |______|Diode|
+* | |------| |------| |
+* | Drvr | line | 2-wire | line |rcvr.|
+* -------- | coupled | |_____|
+* | transmission |
+* |-/\/\/\/\----| line |-------\/\/\/\/\----|
+* | 50ohms | | 50ohms |
+* | | | |
+* Ground ----------------- Ground
+* Each inch of the lossy line is modelled by 10 LRC lumps in the
+* Raytheon model.
+* The line parameters (derived from the Raytheon input file) are:
+* L = 9.13nH per inch
+* C = 3.65pF per inch
+* R = 0.2 ohms per inch
+* K = 0.482 [coupling coefficient; K = M/sqrt(L1*L2)]
+* Cc = 1.8pF per inch
+* coupled ltra model generated using the standalone program
+* multi_decomp
+* the circuit
+v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 4 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
+vcc 10 0 5v
+* series termination
+*x1 1 oof 10 bjtdrvr
+*rseries oof 2 50
+x1 1 2 10 bjtdrvr
+rt1 3 0 50
+* convolution model
+x2 2 3 4 5 conv2wetcmodel
+* rlc segments model
+*x2 2 3 4 5 rlc2wetcmodel
+x3 4 dioload
+rt2 5 0 50
+.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
+.model dmod2 d
+.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
+.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
+.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
+.options acct reltol=1e-3 abstol=1e-12
+tran 0.1ns 60ns
+plot v(2) v(4) v(5)
+* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
+* the Raytheon file
+.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
+q1 22 18 13 qmodn
+q2 18 16 13 qmodn
+qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
+q4 14 14 0 qmodn
+q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
+q5 8 13 17 qmodn
+q6 25 12 0 qmodn
+q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
+qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
+q8 7 11 10 qmodn
+*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
+q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
+q9 7 10 268 qmodn
+d1 0 19 dmod1
+d2 18 19 dmod2
+d3 13 19 dmod
+dq1 18 22 dmod
+dq2 16 18 dmod
+d502 9 21 dmod
+dq3 15 16 dmod
+d10 24 8 dmod
+d4 15 6 dmod
+dq6 12 25 dmod
+dq7 17 6 dmod
+dd1 17 10 dmod
+d7 11 6 dmod
+dd2 17 26 dmod
+d9 23 6 dmod
+dq8 11 7 dmod
+d501 17 268 dmod
+dq9 10 7 dmod
+d14 20 27 dmod
+d8 0 268 dmod
+r1 18 20 6k
+r2 22 20 2.2k
+r4 0 13 7k
+rd1 9 13 2k
+rd2 21 13 3k
+r3 16 20 10k
+r5 15 20 15k
+r9 0 17 4k
+r6 24 20 750
+r10 12 17 2k
+r12 24 11 1.5k
+r11 25 17 3k
+r15 23 20 10k
+r13 0 10 15k
+r14 7 27 12
+.ends bjtdrvr
+* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
+.subckt dioload 28
+*comment out everything in dioload except d5 and r503, and watch
+* the difference in results obtained between a tran 0.1ns 20ns and
+* a tran 0.01ns 20ns
+vccint 5 0 5v
+c1 28 0 5pF
+r503 0 4 5.55
+r4 0 28 120k
+r5 1 5 7.5k
+d5 4 28 diod2
+d1 1 28 diod1
+d4 2 0 diod1
+d3 3 2 diod1
+d2 1 3 diod1
+.ends dioload
+* subckt rlclump - one RLC lump of the lossy line
+.subckt rlclump 1 2
+*r1 1 3 0.02
+*c1 3 0 0.365pF
+*l1 3 2 0.913nH
+l1 1 3 0.913nH
+c1 2 0 0.365pF
+r1 3 2 0.02
+*r1 1 3 0.01
+*c1 3 0 0.1825pF
+*l1 3 4 0.4565nH
+*r2 4 5 0.01
+*c2 5 0 0.1825pF
+*l2 5 2 0.4565nH
+*c1 1 0 0.365pF
+*l1 1 2 0.913nH
+.ends lump
+.subckt rlconeinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 rlclump
+x2 3 4 rlclump
+x3 4 5 rlclump
+x4 5 6 rlclump
+x5 6 7 rlclump
+x6 7 8 rlclump
+x7 8 9 rlclump
+x8 9 10 rlclump
+x9 10 11 rlclump
+x10 11 2 rlclump
+.ends rlconeinch
+.subckt rlctwoinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 rlconeinch
+x2 3 2 rlconeinch
+.ends rlctwoinch
+.subckt rlcfourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 rlconeinch
+x2 3 4 rlconeinch
+x3 4 5 rlconeinch
+x4 5 2 rlconeinch
+.ends rlcfourinch
+.subckt rlcfiveinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 rlconeinch
+x2 3 4 rlconeinch
+x3 4 5 rlconeinch
+x4 5 6 rlconeinch
+x5 6 2 rlconeinch
+.ends rlcfiveinch
+.subckt rlctwentyrlcfourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 rlcfiveinch
+x2 3 4 rlcfiveinch
+x3 4 5 rlcfiveinch
+x4 5 6 rlcfiveinch
+x5 6 2 rlcfourinch
+.ends rlctwentyrlcfourinch
+.subckt rlclumpstub A B C D
+x1 A int1 rlcfiveinch
+x2 int1 int2 rlcfiveinch
+x3 int2 1 rlcfiveinch
+x4 1 2 rlcfourinch
+x5 1 int3 rlcfiveinch
+x6 int3 B rlconeinch
+x7 2 C rlcfiveinch
+x8 2 D rlcfourinch
+.ends rlclumpstub
+.subckt ltrastub A B C D
+o1 A 0 1 0 lline15in
+o2 1 0 B 0 lline6in
+o3 1 0 2 0 lline4in
+o4 2 0 C 0 lline5in
+o5 2 0 D 0 lline4in
+.ends ltrastub
+*modelling using R and lossless lines
+*5 segments per inch
+.model llfifth ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=9.13e-9
++c=3.65e-12 len=0.2 steplimit quadinterp
+.subckt xlump 1 2
+o1 1 0 3 0 llfifth
+r1 2 3 0.04
+.ends xlump
+.subckt xoneinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump
+x2 3 4 xlump
+x3 4 5 xlump
+x4 5 6 xlump
+x5 6 2 xlump
+*x5 6 7 xlump
+*x6 7 8 xlump
+*x7 8 9 xlump
+*x8 9 10 xlump
+*x9 10 11 xlump
+*x10 11 2 xlump
+.ends xoneinch
+.subckt xFourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xoneinch
+x2 3 4 xoneinch
+x3 4 5 xoneinch
+x4 5 2 xoneinch
+.ends xfourinch
+.subckt xfiveinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xoneinch
+x2 3 4 xoneinch
+x3 4 5 xoneinch
+x4 5 6 xoneinch
+x5 6 2 xoneinch
+.ends xfiveinch
+.subckt xlumpstub A B C D
+x1 A int1 xfiveinch
+x2 int1 int2 xfiveinch
+x3 int2 1 xfiveinch
+x4 1 2 xfourinch
+x5 1 int3 xfiveinch
+x6 int3 B xoneinch
+x7 2 C xfiveinch
+x8 2 D xfourinch
+.ends xlumpstub
+* modelling a 2 wire coupled system using RLC lumps
+* 10 segments per inch
+* 1---xxxxx----2
+* 3---xxxxx----4
+.subckt rlc2wlump 1 3 2 4
+l1 1 5 0.913nH
+c1 2 0 0.365pF
+r1 5 2 0.02
+l2 3 6 0.913nH
+c2 4 0 0.365pF
+r2 6 4 0.02
+cmut 2 4 0.18pF
+k12 l1 l2 0.482
+.ends rlc2wlump
+.subckt rlc2woneinch 1 2 3 4
+x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2wlump
+x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2wlump
+x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2wlump
+x4 9 10 11 12 rlc2wlump
+x5 11 12 13 14 rlc2wlump
+x6 13 14 15 16 rlc2wlump
+x7 15 16 17 18 rlc2wlump
+x8 17 18 19 20 rlc2wlump
+x9 19 20 21 22 rlc2wlump
+x10 21 22 3 4 rlc2wlump
+.ends rlc2woneinch
+.subckt rlc2wfiveinch 1 2 3 4
+x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2woneinch
+x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2woneinch
+x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2woneinch
+x4 9 10 11 12 rlc2woneinch
+x5 11 12 3 4 rlc2woneinch
+.ends rlc2wfiveinch
+.subckt rlc2wtwentyinch 1 2 3 4
+x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2wfiveinch
+x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2wfiveinch
+x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2wfiveinch
+x4 9 10 3 4 rlc2wfiveinch
+.ends rlc2wtwentyinch
+.subckt rlc2wetcmodel 1 2 3 4
+x1 1 5 rlctwoinch
+x2 5 2 6 4 rlc2wtwentyinch
+x3 6 3 rlctwoinch
+.ends rlc2wetcmodel
+* Subcircuit conv2wtwentyinch
+* conv2wtwentyinch is a subcircuit that models a 2-conductor transmission line with
+* the following parameters: l=9.13e-09, c=3.65e-12, r=0.2, g=0,
+* inductive_coeff_of_coupling k=0.482, inter-line capacitance cm=1.8e-12,
+* length=20. Derived parameters are: lm=4.40066e-09, ctot=5.45e-12.
+* It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
+* following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
+* self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
+* parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
+* is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
+* coupling parameters cm and lm. The first assumption imply that edge
+* effects have to be neglected. The utility of these assumptions is
+* that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
+* Toeplitz, with useful consequences.
+* It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line will be
+* accurately represented by this model.
+* Lossy line models
+.model mod1_conv2wtwentyinch ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.2 l=4.72933999088e-09 g=0 c=7.25000000373e-12 len=20
+.model mod2_conv2wtwentyinch ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.2 l=1.35306599818e-08 g=0 c=3.65000000746e-12 len=20
+* subcircuit m_conv2wtwentyinch - modal transformation network for conv2wtwentyinch
+.subckt m_conv2wtwentyinch 1 2 3 4
+v1 5 0 0v
+v2 6 0 0v
+f1 0 3 v1 0.707106779721
+f2 0 3 v2 -0.707106782652
+f3 0 4 v1 0.707106781919
+f4 0 4 v2 0.707106780454
+e1 7 5 3 0 0.707106780454
+e2 1 7 4 0 0.707106782652
+e3 8 6 3 0 -0.707106781919
+e4 2 8 4 0 0.707106779721
+.ends m_conv2wtwentyinch
+* Subckt conv2wtwentyinch
+.subckt conv2wtwentyinch 1 2 3 4
+x1 1 2 5 6 m_conv2wtwentyinch
+o1 5 0 7 0 mod1_conv2wtwentyinch
+o2 6 0 8 0 mod2_conv2wtwentyinch
+x2 3 4 7 8 m_conv2wtwentyinch
+.ends conv2wtwentyinch
+.model convtwoinch ltra r=0.2 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 len=2.0 rel=1.2 nocontrol
+.subckt conv2wetcmodel 1 2 3 4
+o1 1 0 5 0 convtwoinch
+x1 5 2 6 4 conv2wtwentyinch
+o2 6 0 3 0 convtwoinch
+.ends conv2wetcmodel
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra7_4_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra7_4_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7be4615a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra7_4_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+6.3inch 4 lossy lines LTRA model -- R load
+Ra 1 2 1K
+Rb 0 3 1K
+Rc 0 4 1K
+Rd 0 5 1K
+Re 6 0 1Meg
+Rf 7 0 1Meg
+Rg 8 0 1Meg
+Rh 9 0 1Meg
+* Subcircuit test
+* test is a subcircuit that models a 4-conductor transmission line with
+* the following parameters: l=9e-09, c=2.9e-13, r=0.3, g=0,
+* inductive_coeff_of_coupling k=0.6, inter-line capacitance cm=3e-14,
+* length=6.3. Derived parameters are: lm=5.4e-09, ctot=3.5e-13.
+* It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
+* following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
+* self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
+* parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
+* is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
+* coupling parameters cm and lm. The first assumption implies that edge
+* effects have to be neglected. The utility of these assumptions is
+* that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
+* Toeplitz, with useful consequences (see "Efficient Transient
+* Simulation of Lossy Interconnect", by J.S. Roychowdhury and
+* D.O Pederson, Proc. DAC 91).
+* It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line is
+* represented accurately by this model.
+* Subckt node convention:
+* |--------------------------|
+* 1-----| |-----n+1
+* 2-----| |-----n+2
+* : | n-wire multiconductor | :
+* : | line | :
+* n-1-----|(node 0=common gnd plane) |-----2n-1
+* n-----| |-----2n
+* |--------------------------|
+* Lossy line models
+.model mod1_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=2.62616456193e-10 g=0 c=3.98541019688e-13 len=6.3
+.model mod2_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=5.662616446e-09 g=0 c=3.68541019744e-13 len=6.3
+.model mod3_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=1.23373835171e-08 g=0 c=3.3145898046e-13 len=6.3
+.model mod4_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=1.7737383521e-08 g=0 c=3.01458980439e-13 len=6.3
+* subcircuit m_test - modal transformation network for test
+.subckt m_test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+v1 9 0 0v
+v2 10 0 0v
+v3 11 0 0v
+v4 12 0 0v
+f1 0 5 v1 0.371748033738
+f2 0 5 v2 -0.601500954587
+f3 0 5 v3 0.601500954587
+f4 0 5 v4 -0.371748036544
+f5 0 6 v1 0.60150095443
+f6 0 6 v2 -0.371748035044
+f7 0 6 v3 -0.371748030937
+f8 0 6 v4 0.601500957402
+f9 0 7 v1 0.601500954079
+f10 0 7 v2 0.37174803072
+f11 0 7 v3 -0.371748038935
+f12 0 7 v4 -0.601500955482
+f13 0 8 v1 0.371748035626
+f14 0 8 v2 0.601500956073
+f15 0 8 v3 0.601500954504
+f16 0 8 v4 0.371748032386
+e1 13 9 5 0 0.371748033909
+e2 14 13 6 0 0.601500954587
+e3 15 14 7 0 0.601500955639
+e4 1 15 8 0 0.371748036664
+e5 16 10 5 0 -0.60150095443
+e6 17 16 6 0 -0.371748035843
+e7 18 17 7 0 0.371748032386
+e8 2 18 8 0 0.601500957319
+e9 19 11 5 0 0.601500955131
+e10 20 19 6 0 -0.371748032169
+e11 21 20 7 0 -0.371748037896
+e12 3 21 8 0 0.601500954513
+e13 22 12 5 0 -0.371748035746
+e14 23 22 6 0 0.60150095599
+e15 24 23 7 0 -0.601500953534
+e16 4 24 8 0 0.371748029317
+.ends m_test
+* Subckt test
+.subckt test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+x1 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 m_test
+o1 9 0 13 0 mod1_test
+o2 10 0 14 0 mod2_test
+o3 11 0 15 0 mod3_test
+o4 12 0 16 0 mod4_test
+x2 5 6 7 8 13 14 15 16 m_test
+.ends test
+x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 test
+VS1 1 0 PWL(15.9NS 0.0 16.1Ns 5.0 31.9Ns 5.0 32.1Ns 0.0)
+TRAN 0.2NS 50NS
+plot v(1) v(2) v(6) v(7) v(8) v(9)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl1_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl1_1_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdbec1ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl1_1_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+MOSdriver -- lossy line TXL model -- C load
+m5 0 168 2 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m6 1 168 2 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+CN2 2 0 0.025398e-12
+CN3 3 0 0.007398e-12
+y1 2 0 3 0 ymod
+vdd 1 0 dc 5.0
+VS 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS )
+TRAN 0.2N 47N 0 0.1N
+plot v(2) v(3) ylimit -0.5 5
+.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55
++LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
+.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61
++LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
+.MODEL ymod txl R=12.45 L=8.972e-9 G=0 C=0.468e-12 length=16
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl2_3_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl2_3_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41b54996
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl2_3_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+MOSdriver -- 3 lossy lines TXL model -- C load
+m5 0 168 2 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m6 1 168 2 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+m1 0 3 4 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
+m2 1 3 4 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
+CN2 2 0 0.025398e-12
+CN3 3 0 0.007398e-12
+CN4 4 0 0.025398e-12
+CN5 5 0 0.007398e-12
+CN6 6 0 0.007398e-12
+CN7 168 0 0.007398e-12
+y1 2 0 3 0 ymod
+y2 4 0 5 0 ymod
+y3 6 0 168 0 ymod
+vdd 1 0 dc 5.0
+VS 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS )
+TRAN 0.2N 47N 0 0.1N
+plot v(2) v(3) v(4) v(5) v(6)
+.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55
++LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
+.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61
++LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
+.MODEL ymod txl R=12.45 L=8.972e-9 G=0 C=0.468e-12 length=16
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..466c2591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ BJTdriver -- 24inch lossy line TXL model -- DiodeCircuit
+* This unclassified circuit is from Raytheon, courtesy Gerry Marino.
+* It consists of a BJT driver connected by a 24 inch lossy line to a
+* passive load consisting mostly of diodes. Each inch
+* of the lossy line is modelled by 10 LRC lumps in the Raytheon
+* model.
+* The line parameters (derived from the Raytheon input file) are:
+* L = 9.13nH per inch
+* C = 3.65pF per inch
+* R = 0.2 ohms per inch
+* the circuit
+v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 4 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
+vcc 10 0 5v
+*rseries 1 2 5
+x1 1 2 10 bjtdrvr
+*t1 2 0 3 0 z0=50.0136 td=4.38119ns rel=10
+y2 2 0 3 0 ymod1
+*x2 2 3 oneinch
+*x2 100 101 twentyfourinch
+*x2 100 101 xtwentyfourinch
+vtest1 2 100 0
+vtest2 101 3 0
+x3 3 4 10 dioload
+*rl 3 0 5
+*dl 0 3 diod2
+.model ymod1 txl r=0.2 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 length=24
+.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
+.model dmod2 d
+.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
+.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
+.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
+.options acct
++reltol=1e-3 abstol=1e-14
+tran 0.1ns 60ns 0 0.5ns
+plot v(1) v(2) v(3)
+* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
+* the Raytheon file
+.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
+q1 22 18 13 qmodn
+q2 18 16 13 qmodn
+qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
+q4 14 14 0 qmodn
+q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
+q5 8 13 17 qmodn
+q6 25 12 0 qmodn
+q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
+qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
+q8 7 11 10 qmodn
+q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
+*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
+q9 7 10 268 qmodn
+d1 0 19 dmod1
+d2 18 19 dmod2
+d3 13 19 dmod
+dq1 18 22 dmod
+dq2 16 18 dmod
+d502 9 21 dmod
+dq3 15 16 dmod
+d10 24 8 dmod
+d4 15 6 dmod
+dq6 12 25 dmod
+dq7 17 6 dmod
+dd1 17 10 dmod
+d7 11 6 dmod
+dd2 17 26 dmod
+d9 23 6 dmod
+dq8 11 7 dmod
+d501 17 268 dmod
+dq9 10 7 dmod
+d14 20 27 dmod
+d8 0 268 dmod
+r1 18 20 6k
+r2 22 20 2.2k
+r4 0 13 7k
+rd1 9 13 2k
+rd2 21 13 3k
+r3 16 20 10k
+r5 15 20 15k
+r9 0 17 4k
+r6 24 20 750
+r10 12 17 2k
+r12 24 11 1.5k
+r11 25 17 3k
+r15 23 20 10k
+r13 0 10 15k
+r14 7 27 12
+.ends bjtdrvr
+* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
+.subckt dioload 28 4 5
+*comment out everything in dioload except d5 and r503, and watch
+* the difference in results obtained between a tran 0.1ns 20ns and
+* a tran 0.01ns 20ns
+c1 28 0 5pF
+r503 0 4 5.55
+r4 0 28 120k
+r5 1 5 7.5k
+d5 4 28 diod2
+d1 1 28 diod1
+d4 2 0 diod1
+d3 3 2 diod1
+d2 1 3 diod1
+.ends dioload
+* subckt lump - one RLC lump of the lossy line
+*10 segments per inch
+.subckt lump 1 2
+*r1 1 3 0.02
+*c1 3 0 0.365pF
+*l1 3 2 0.913nH
+l1 1 3 0.913nH
+c1 2 0 0.365pF
+r1 3 2 0.02
+*r1 1 3 0.01
+*c1 3 0 0.1825pF
+*l1 3 4 0.4565nH
+*r2 4 5 0.01
+*c2 5 0 0.1825pF
+*l2 5 2 0.4565nH
+*c1 1 0 0.365pF
+*l1 1 2 0.913nH
+.ends lump
+.subckt oneinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 lump
+x2 3 4 lump
+x3 4 5 lump
+x4 5 6 lump
+x5 6 7 lump
+x6 7 8 lump
+x7 8 9 lump
+x8 9 10 lump
+x9 10 11 lump
+x10 11 2 lump
+.ends oneinch
+.subckt fourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 oneinch
+x2 3 4 oneinch
+x3 4 5 oneinch
+x4 5 2 oneinch
+.ends fourinch
+.subckt fiveinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 oneinch
+x2 3 4 oneinch
+x3 4 5 oneinch
+x4 5 6 oneinch
+x5 6 2 oneinch
+.ends fiveinch
+.subckt twentyfourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 fiveinch
+x2 3 4 fiveinch
+x3 4 5 fiveinch
+x4 5 6 fiveinch
+x5 6 2 fourinch
+.ends twentyfourinch
+*modelling using R and lossless lines
+*5 segments per inch
+.model ymod2 txl r=0 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 length=0.2
+.subckt xlump 1 2
+y1 1 0 3 0 ymod2
+r1 2 3 0.04
+.ends xlump
+.subckt xoneinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump
+x2 3 4 xlump
+x3 4 5 xlump
+x4 5 6 xlump
+x5 6 2 xlump
+*x5 6 7 xlump
+*x6 7 8 xlump
+*x7 8 9 xlump
+*x8 9 10 xlump
+*x9 10 11 xlump
+*x10 11 2 xlump
+.ends xoneinch
+.subckt xfourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xoneinch
+x2 3 4 xoneinch
+x3 4 5 xoneinch
+x4 5 2 xoneinch
+.ends xfourinch
+.subckt xfiveinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xoneinch
+x2 3 4 xoneinch
+x3 4 5 xoneinch
+x4 5 6 xoneinch
+x5 6 2 xoneinch
+.ends xfiveinch
+.subckt xtwentyfourinch 1 2
+x1 1 3 xfiveinch
+x2 3 4 xfiveinch
+x3 4 5 xfiveinch
+x4 5 6 xfiveinch
+x5 6 2 xfourinch
+.ends xtwentyfourinch
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl4_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl4_1_line.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91586479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl4_1_line.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+ Example 3 for interconnect simulation
+* From neug1, Mosaic aluminum lines. 2um thick, 11um wide. Assuming
+* 10um above the ground.
+* Material: aluminum; resistivity (sigma) = 2.74uohm-cm = 2.74e-8 ohm-m
+* Dielectric: SiO2, dielectric constant (epsilon) =3.7
+* epsilon0 = 8.85e-12 MKS units
+* mu0 = 4e-7*PI
+* speed of light in free space = 1/sqrt(mu0*epsilon0) = 2.9986e8 MKS units
+* Line parameter calculations:
+* capacitance: parallel plate
+* C = epsilon*epsilon0 * A / l
+* C = 3.7*8.85e-12 * 11e-6 * 1(metre) / 10e-6 = 36.02e-12 F/m
+* + 30% = 46.8e-12 F/m = 0.468pF/cm
+* C_freespace = 46.8e-12/epsilon = 12.65e-12 F/m
+* speed of light in free space v0 = 2.9986e8 = 1/sqrt(L0*C0)
+* => L0 = 1/C0*v0^2
+* L0 = 1/(12.65e-12 * 8.9916e16) = 1/113.74e4 = 0.008792e-4 H/m
+* = 0.8792 uH/m = 8.792nH/cm
+* R = rho * l / A = 2.74e-8 * 1 / (11e-6*2e-6) = 1245.45 ohms/m
+* = 12.45ohms/cm
+* transmission line parameters:
+* nominal z0 = sqrt(L/C) = 137 ohms
+* td = sqrt(LC) = 64.14e-12 secs/cm = 0.064ns/cm
+vcc vcc 0 5
+v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 5 0.1ns 0.1ns 0.1ns 1ns 100ns)
+rs 1 2 10
+xdrv 1 2 vcc bjtdrvr
+xrcv 3 4 vcc bjtdrvr
+xrcv 3 4 vcc dioload
+d1 3 vcc diod
+d2 0 3 diod
+cl 3 0 1pF
+y1 2 0 3 0 yline
+*x1 2 3 sixteencm
+x1 2 3 xonecm
+.model diod d
+.model yline txl r=12.45 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=16
+* 1cm
+* 2cm
+* 4cm
+* 6cm
+* 8cm
+* 10cm
+* 12cm
+*tran 0.001ns 15ns 0 0.1ns
+* 24cm
+tran 0.001ns 10ns 0 0.1ns
+* onecm10
+*tran 0.001ns 10ns 0 0.01ns
+plot v(1) v(2) v(3)
+* 1. define the subckt r10 to be one tenth of the resistance per cm.
+* 2. define the subckt onecm to be one of onecm10 (modelled using
+* 10 segments), onecm8, onecm4, onecm2 and lump1. Then use
+* the subckts onecm, fourcm, fivecm, tencm, twelvecm,
+* twentyfourcm in the circuit. The line is modelled as rlc segments.
+* 3. define the subckt xonecm to be one of xonecm10, xonecm8,
+* xonecm4, xonecm2 and xlump1. Use the subckts xonecm,
+* xfourcm, xfivecm, xtencm, xtwelvecm, xtwentyfourcm in the
+* circuit. The line will be modelled as r-lossless lumps.
+.subckt xonecm 1 2
+*x1 1 2 xlump1
+x1 1 2 xonecm4
+.ends xonecm
+.subckt onecm 1 2
+*x1 1 2 lump1
+x1 1 2 onecm4
+.ends onecm
+.subckt r10 1 2
+r1 1 2 1.245
+.ends r10
+* ECL driver and diode receiver models - from Raytheon
+.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
++pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
+.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
+.model dmod2 d
+.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
+.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
+.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
+* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
+* the Raytheon file
+.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
+q1 22 18 13 qmodn
+q2 18 16 13 qmodn
+qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
+q4 14 14 0 qmodn
+q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
+q5 8 13 17 qmodn
+q6 25 12 0 qmodn
+q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
+qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
+q8 7 11 10 qmodn
+q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
+*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
+q9 7 10 268 qmodn
+d1 0 19 dmod1
+d2 18 19 dmod2
+d3 13 19 dmod
+dq1 18 22 dmod
+dq2 16 18 dmod
+d502 9 21 dmod
+dq3 15 16 dmod
+d10 24 8 dmod
+d4 15 6 dmod
+dq6 12 25 dmod
+dq7 17 6 dmod
+dd1 17 10 dmod
+d7 11 6 dmod
+dd2 17 26 dmod
+d9 23 6 dmod
+dq8 11 7 dmod
+d501 17 268 dmod
+dq9 10 7 dmod
+d14 20 27 dmod
+d8 0 268 dmod
+r1 18 20 6k
+r2 22 20 2.2k
+r4 0 13 7k
+rd1 9 13 2k
+rd2 21 13 3k
+r3 16 20 10k
+r5 15 20 15k
+r9 0 17 4k
+r6 24 20 750
+r10 12 17 2k
+r12 24 11 1.5k
+r11 25 17 3k
+r15 23 20 10k
+r13 0 10 15k
+r14 7 27 12
+.ends bjtdrvr
+* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
+.subckt dioload 28 4 5
+c1 28 0 5pF
+r503 0 4 5.55
+r400 0 28 120k
+r500 1 5 7.5k
+d5 4 28 diod2
+d1 1 28 diod1
+d4 2 0 diod1
+d3 3 2 diod1
+d2 1 3 diod1
+.ends dioload
+* End ECL driver and Diode receiver models from Raytheon
+*10 segments per cm
+.subckt lump10 1 2
+l1 1 3 0.0.8792nH
+c1 2 0 0.0468pF
+x1 3 2 r10
+.ends lump10
+*1 segment per cm
+.subckt lump1 1 2
+l1 1 3 8.792nH
+c1 2 0 0.468pF
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 6 r10
+x4 6 7 r10
+x5 7 8 r10
+x6 8 9 r10
+x7 9 10 r10
+x8 10 11 r10
+x9 11 12 r10
+x10 12 2 r10
+.ends lump1
+*2 segments per cm
+.subckt lump2 1 2
+l1 1 3 4.396nH
+c1 2 0 0.234pF
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 6 r10
+x4 6 7 r10
+x5 7 2 r10
+.ends lump2
+*4 segments per cm
+.subckt lump4 1 2
+l1 1 3 2.198nH
+c1 2 0 0.117pF
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 2 r10
+x4 5 2 r10
+.ends lump4
+*8 segments per cm
+.subckt lump8 1 2
+l1 1 3 1.099nH
+c1 2 0 0.0585pF
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 2 r10
+x3 4 2 r10
+x4 4 2 r10
+x5 4 2 r10
+.ends lump8
+.subckt onecm10 1 2
+x1 1 3 lump10
+x2 3 4 lump10
+x3 4 5 lump10
+x4 5 6 lump10
+x5 6 7 lump10
+x6 7 8 lump10
+x7 8 9 lump10
+x8 9 10 lump10
+x9 10 11 lump10
+x10 11 2 lump10
+.ends onecm10
+.subckt onecm8 1 2
+x1 1 3 lump8
+x2 3 4 lump8
+x3 4 5 lump8
+x4 5 6 lump8
+x5 6 7 lump8
+x6 7 8 lump8
+x7 8 9 lump8
+x8 9 2 lump8
+.ends onecm8
+.subckt onecm4 1 2
+x1 1 3 lump4
+x2 3 4 lump4
+x3 4 5 lump4
+x4 5 2 lump4
+.ends onecm4
+.subckt onecm2 1 2
+x1 1 3 lump2
+x2 3 2 lump2
+.ends onecm2
+.subckt twocm 1 2
+x1 1 3 onecm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends twocm
+.subckt threecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 onecm
+x2 3 4 onecm
+x3 4 2 onecm
+.ends threecm
+.subckt fourcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 onecm
+x2 3 4 onecm
+x3 4 5 onecm
+x4 5 2 onecm
+.ends fourcm
+.subckt fivecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 onecm
+x2 3 4 onecm
+x3 4 5 onecm
+x4 5 6 onecm
+x5 6 2 onecm
+.ends fivecm
+.subckt sixcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 fivecm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends sixcm
+.subckt sevencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 sixcm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends sevencm
+.subckt eightcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 sevencm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends eightcm
+.subckt ninecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 eightcm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends ninecm
+.subckt tencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 fivecm
+x2 3 2 fivecm
+.ends tencm
+.subckt elevencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 tencm
+x2 3 2 onecm
+.ends elevencm
+.subckt twelvecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 tencm
+x2 3 4 onecm
+x3 4 2 onecm
+.ends twelvecm
+.subckt sixteencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 eightcm
+x2 3 2 eightcm
+.ends sixteencm
+.subckt twentyfourcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 twelvecm
+x2 3 2 twelvecm
+.ends twentyfourcm
+*modelling using R and lossless lines
+* 10 segments per cm
+.model yless10 txl r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=0.1
+* 8 segments per cm
+.model yless8 txl r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=0.125
+* 4 segments per cm
+.model yless4 txl r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=0.25
+* 2 segments per cm
+.model yless2 txl r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=0.5
+* 1 segment per cm
+.model yless1 txl r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=1
+*10 segments per cm
+.subckt xlump10 1 2
+y1 1 0 3 0 yless10
+x1 3 2 r10
+.ends xlump10
+*1 segment per cm
+.subckt xlump1 1 2
+y1 1 0 3 0 yless1
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 6 r10
+x4 6 7 r10
+x5 7 8 r10
+x6 8 9 r10
+x7 9 10 r10
+x8 10 11 r10
+x9 11 12 r10
+x10 12 2 r10
+.ends xlump1
+*2 segments per cm
+.subckt xlump2 1 2
+y1 1 0 3 0 yless2
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 6 r10
+x4 6 7 r10
+x5 7 2 r10
+.ends xlump2
+*4 segments per cm
+.subckt xlump4 1 2
+y1 1 0 3 0 yless4
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 5 r10
+x3 5 2 r10
+x4 5 2 r10
+.ends xlump4
+*8 segments per cm
+.subckt xlump8 1 2
+y1 1 0 3 0 yless8
+x1 3 4 r10
+x2 4 2 r10
+x3 4 2 r10
+x4 4 2 r10
+x5 4 2 r10
+.ends xlump8
+.subckt xonecm10 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump10
+x2 3 4 xlump10
+x3 4 5 xlump10
+x4 5 6 xlump10
+x5 6 7 xlump10
+x6 7 8 xlump10
+x7 8 9 xlump10
+x8 9 10 xlump10
+x9 10 11 xlump10
+x10 11 2 xlump10
+.ends xonecm10
+.subckt xonecm8 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump8
+x2 3 4 xlump8
+x3 4 5 xlump8
+x4 5 6 xlump8
+x5 6 7 xlump8
+x6 7 8 xlump8
+x7 8 9 xlump8
+x8 9 2 xlump8
+.ends xonecm8
+.subckt xonecm4 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump4
+x2 3 4 xlump4
+x3 4 5 xlump4
+x4 5 2 xlump4
+.ends xonecm4
+.subckt xonecm2 1 2
+x1 1 3 xlump2
+x2 3 2 xlump2
+.ends xonecm2
+.subckt xtwocm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xonecm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xtwocm
+.subckt xthreecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xonecm
+x2 3 4 xonecm
+x3 4 2 xonecm
+.ends xthreecm
+.subckt xfourcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xonecm
+x2 3 4 xonecm
+x3 4 5 xonecm
+x4 5 2 xonecm
+.ends xfourcm
+.subckt xfivecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xonecm
+x2 3 4 xonecm
+x3 4 5 xonecm
+x4 5 6 xonecm
+x5 6 2 xonecm
+.ends xfivecm
+.subckt xsixcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xfivecm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xsixcm
+.subckt xsevencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xsixcm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xsevencm
+.subckt xeightcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xsevencm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xeightcm
+.subckt xninecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xeightcm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xninecm
+.subckt xtencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xfivecm
+x2 3 2 xfivecm
+.ends xtencm
+.subckt xelevencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xtencm
+x2 3 2 xonecm
+.ends xelevencm
+.subckt xtwelvecm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xtencm
+x2 3 4 xonecm
+x3 4 2 xonecm
+.ends xtwelvecm
+.subckt xsixteencm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xeightcm
+x2 3 2 xeightcm
+.ends xsixteencm
+.subckt xtwentyfourcm 1 2
+x1 1 3 xtwelvecm
+x2 3 2 xtwelvecm
+.ends xtwentyfourcm
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bicmos/bicmos.lib b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bicmos/bicmos.lib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cc1eb20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bicmos/bicmos.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+.MODEL M_NPN nbjt level=2
++ * Since, we are only simulating half of a device, we double the unit width
++ * 1.0 um emitter length
++ options defw=2.0u
++ output dc.debug stat
++ *x.mesh w=2.5 n=5
++ x.mesh w=2.0 h.e=0.05 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ x.mesh w=0.5 h.s=0.05 h.m=0.1 r=1.5
++ y.mesh l=-0.2 n=1
++ y.mesh l= 0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh w=0.10 h.e=0.002 h.m=0.01 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.002 h.m=0.01 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.35 h.s=0.01 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.40 h.e=0.05 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.30 h.s=0.05 h.m=0.1 r=1.5
++ domain num=1 material=1 x.l=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=2 material=2 x.h=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=3 material=3 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 polysilicon
++ material num=2 oxide
++ material num=3 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.0 y.l=1.1 y.h=1.3
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=3 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=-0.2
++ doping gauss n.type conc=3e20 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.047 lat.rotate
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e19 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.094 lat.rotate
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=0.0 y.h=1.3
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e19 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=1.3 y.h=1.3
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate
++ method ac=direct itlim=10
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
+.MODEL M_NMOS_1 numos
++ output dc.debug stat
++ title 1.0um NMOS Device
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.4 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.4 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1.0 x.h=2.0 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=2.5 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1.0 x.h=2.0 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif p.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1.0 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=2.05 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=4.10
++ models concmob fieldmob surfmob srh auger conctau bgn ^aval
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_PMOS_1 numos
++ title 1.0um PMOS Device
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.4 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.4 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1.0 x.h=2.0 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=2.5 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1.0 x.h=2.0 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif n.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1.0 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=2.05 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=5.29
++ models concmob fieldmob surfmob srh auger conctau bgn ^aval
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bicmos/bicmpd.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bicmos/bicmpd.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8096b49b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bicmos/bicmpd.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+BiCMOS Pulldown Circuit
+VSS 2 0 0v
+VIN 3 2 0v (PULSE 0.0v 4.2v 0ns 1ns 1ns 9ns 20ns)
+M1 8 3 5 11 M_NMOS_1 W=4u L=1u
+VD 4 8 0v
+VBK 11 2 0v
+Q1 10 7 9 M_NPN AREA=8
+VC 4 10 0v
+VB 5 7 0v
+VE 9 2 0v
+CL 4 6 1pF
+VL 6 2 0v
+.IC V(10)=5.0v V(7)=0.0v
+.TRAN 0.1ns 5ns 0ns 0.1ns
+.include bicmos.lib
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/astable.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/astable.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bdb4a8a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/astable.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Astable multivibrator
+vin 5 0 dc 0 pulse(0 5 0 1us 1us 100us 100us)
+vcc 6 0 5.0
+rc1 6 1 1k
+rc2 6 2 1k
+rb1 6 3 30k
+rb2 5 4 30k
+c1 1 4 150pf
+c2 2 3 150pf
+q1 1 3 0 qmod area = 100p
+q2 2 4 0 qmod area = 100p
+.option acct bypass=1
+.tran 0.05us 8us 0us 0.05us
+.print tran v(1) v(2) v(3) v(4)
+.model qmod nbjt level=1
++ x.mesh node=1 loc=0.0
++ x.mesh node=61 loc=3.0
++ region num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon nbgnn=1e17 nbgnp=1e17
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e17 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.5
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e15 x.l=0.0 x.h=3.0
++ models bgnw srh conctau auger concmob fieldmob
++ options base.length=1.0 base.depth=1.25
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/colposc.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/colposc.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd4d31fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/colposc.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Colpitt's Oscillator Circuit
+r1 1 0 1
+q1 2 1 3 qmod area = 100p
+vcc 4 0 5
+rl 4 2 750
+c1 2 3 500p
+c2 4 3 4500p
+l1 4 2 5uH
+re 3 6 4.65k
+vee 6 0 dc -15 pwl 0 -15 1e-9 -10
+.tran 30n 12u
+.print tran v(2)
+.model qmod nbjt level=1
++ x.mesh node=1 loc=0.0
++ x.mesh node=61 loc=3.0
++ region num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon nbgnn=1e17 nbgnp=1e17
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e17 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.5
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e15 x.l=0.0 x.h=3.0
++ models bgnw srh conctau auger concmob fieldmob
++ options base.length=1.0 base.depth=1.25
+.options acct bypass=1
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/ecp.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/ecp.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fb2bda9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/ecp.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Emitter Coupled Pair
+VCC 1 0 5v
+VEE 2 0 0v
+RCP 1 11 10k
+RCN 1 21 10k
+VBBP 12 0 3v AC 1
+VBBN 22 0 3v
+IEE 13 2 0.1mA
+Q1 11 12 13 M_NPN AREA=8
+Q2 21 22 13 M_NPN AREA=8
+.DC VBBP 2.75v 3.25001v 10mv
+.PRINT V(21) V(11)
+.MODEL M_NPN nbjt level=2
++ * Since, we are only simulating half of a device, we double the unit width
++ * 1.0 um emitter length
++ options defw=2.0u
++ *x.mesh w=2.5 n=5
++ x.mesh w=2.0 h.e=0.05 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ x.mesh w=0.5 h.s=0.05 h.m=0.1 r=1.5
++ y.mesh l=-0.2 n=1
++ y.mesh l= 0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh w=0.10 h.e=0.002 h.m=0.01 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.002 h.m=0.01 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.35 h.s=0.01 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.40 h.e=0.05 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.30 h.s=0.05 h.m=0.1 r=1.5
++ domain num=1 material=1 x.l=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=2 material=2 x.h=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=3 material=3 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 polysilicon
++ material num=2 oxide
++ material num=3 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.0 y.l=1.1 y.h=1.3
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=3 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=-0.2
++ doping gauss n.type conc=3e20 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.047 lat.rotate
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e19 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.094 lat.rotate
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=0.0 y.h=1.3
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e19 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=1.3 y.h=1.3
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate
++ method ac=direct itlim=10
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/invchain.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/invchain.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92c6fad8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/invchain.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+4 Stage RTL Inverter Chain
+vin 1 0 dc 0v pwl 0ns 0v 1ns 5v
+vcc 12 0 dc 5.0v
+rc1 12 3 2.5k
+rb1 1 2 8k
+q1 3 2 0 qmod area = 100p
+rb2 3 4 8k
+rc2 12 5 2.5k
+q2 5 4 0 qmod area = 100p
+rb3 5 6 8k
+rc3 12 7 2.5k
+q3 7 6 0 qmod area = 100p
+rb4 7 8 8k
+rc4 12 9 2.5k
+q4 9 8 0 qmod area = 100p
+.print tran v(3) v(5) v(9)
+.tran 1e-9 10e-9
+.model qmod nbjt level=1
++ x.mesh node=1 loc=0.0
++ x.mesh node=61 loc=3.0
++ region num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon nbgnn=1e17 nbgnp=1e17
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e17 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.5
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e15 x.l=0.0 x.h=3.0
++ models bgnw srh conctau auger concmob fieldmob
++ options base.length=1.0 base.depth=1.25
+.option acct bypass=1
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/meclgate.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/meclgate.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..33542d5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/meclgate.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Motorola MECL III ECL gate
+*.dc vin -2.0 0 0.02
+.tran 0.2ns 20ns
+vee 22 0 -6.0
+vin 1 0 pulse -0.8 -1.8 0.2ns 0.2ns 0.2ns 10ns 20ns
+rs 1 2 50
+q1 4 2 6 qmod area = 100p
+q2 4 3 6 qmod area = 100p
+q3 5 7 6 qmod area = 100p
+q4 0 8 7 qmod area = 100p
+d1 8 9 dmod
+d2 9 10 dmod
+rp1 3 22 50k
+rc1 0 4 100
+rc2 0 5 112
+re 6 22 380
+r1 7 22 2k
+r2 0 8 350
+r3 10 22 1958
+q5 0 5 11 qmod area = 100p
+q6 0 4 12 qmod area = 100p
+rp2 11 22 560
+rp3 12 22 560
+q7 13 12 15 qmod area = 100p
+q8 14 16 15 qmod area = 100p
+re2 15 22 380
+rc3 0 13 100
+rc4 0 14 112
+q9 0 17 16 qmod area = 100p
+r4 16 22 2k
+r5 0 17 350
+d3 17 18 dmod
+d4 18 19 dmod
+r6 19 22 1958
+q10 0 14 20 qmod area = 100p
+q11 0 13 21 qmod area = 100p
+rp4 20 22 560
+rp5 21 22 560
+.model dmod d rs=40 tt=0.1ns cjo=0.9pf n=1 is=1e-14 eg=1.11 vj=0.8 m=0.5
+.model qmod nbjt level=1
++ x.mesh node=1 loc=0.0
++ x.mesh node=10 loc=0.9
++ x.mesh node=20 loc=1.1
++ x.mesh node=30 loc=1.4
++ x.mesh node=40 loc=1.6
++ x.mesh node=61 loc=3.0
++ region num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon nbgnn=1e17 nbgnp=1e17
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e17 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.5
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e15 x.l=0.0 x.h=3.0
++ models bgnw srh conctau auger concmob fieldmob
++ options base.length=1.0 base.depth=1.25
+.options acct bypass=1
+.print tran v(12) v(21)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/pebjt.lib b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/pebjt.lib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afbdb36c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/pebjt.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+* Numerical models for a
+* polysilicon emitter complementary bipolar process.
+* The default device size is 1um by 10um (LxW)
+.model M_NPN nbjt level=1
++ title One-Dimensional Numerical Bipolar
++ options base.depth=0.15 base.area=0.1 base.length=1.0 defa=10p
++ x.mesh loc=-0.2 n=1
++ x.mesh loc=0.0 n=51
++ x.mesh wid=0.15 h.e=0.0001 h.m=.004 r=1.2
++ x.mesh wid=1.15 h.s=0.0001 h.m=.004 r=1.2
++ domain num=1 material=1 x.l=0.0
++ domain num=2 material=2 x.h=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility mat=1 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ material num=2 polysilicon
++ mobility mat=2 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ doping gauss n.type conc=3e20 x.l=-0.2 x.h=0.0 char.len=0.047
++ doping gauss p.type conc=5e18 x.l=-0.2 x.h=0.0 char.len=0.100
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.3
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e19 x.l=1.3 x.h=1.3 char.len=0.100
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob ^aval
++ method devtol=1e-12 ac=direct itlim=15
+.model M_NPSUB numd level=1
++ title One-Dimensional Numerical Collector-Substrate Diode
++ options defa=10p
++ x.mesh loc=1.3 n=1
++ x.mesh loc=2.0 n=101
++ domain num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility mat=1 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e19 x.l=1.3 x.h=1.3 char.len=0.100
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e15 x.l=0.0 x.h=2.0
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob ^aval
++ method devtol=1e-12 itlim=10
+.model M_PNP nbjt level=1
++ title One-Dimensional Numerical Bipolar
++ options base.depth=0.2 base.area=0.1 base.length=1.0 defa=10p
++ x.mesh loc=-0.2 n=1
++ x.mesh loc=0.0 n=51
++ x.mesh wid=0.20 h.e=0.0001 h.m=.004 r=1.2
++ x.mesh wid=1.10 h.s=0.0001 h.m=.004 r=1.2
++ domain num=1 material=1 x.l=0.0
++ domain num=2 material=2 x.h=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility mat=1 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ material num=2 polysilicon
++ mobility mat=2 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ doping gauss p.type conc=3e20 x.l=-0.2 x.h=0.0 char.len=0.047
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e17 x.l=-0.2 x.h=0.0 char.len=0.200
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.3
++ doping gauss p.type conc=5e19 x.l=1.3 x.h=1.3 char.len=0.100
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob ^aval
++ method devtol=1e-12 ac=direct itlim=15
+.model M_PNSUB numd level=1
++ title One-Dimensional Numerical Collector-Substrate Diode
++ options defa=10p
++ x.mesh loc=1.3 n=1
++ x.mesh loc=2.0 n=101
++ domain num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility mat=1 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ doping gauss p.type conc=5e19 x.l=1.3 x.h=1.3 char.len=0.100
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e15 x.l=0.0 x.h=2.0
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob ^aval
++ method devtol=1e-12 itlim=10
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/pz.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/pz.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad3ee675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/pz.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+PZ Analysis of a Common Emitter Amplifier
+Vcc 1 0 5v
+Vee 2 0 0v
+Vin 3 0 0.7838 AC 1
+RS 3 4 1K
+Q1 5 4 2 M_NPN AREA=4 SAVE
+RL 1 5 2.5k
+CL 5 0 0.1pF
+.INCLUDE pebjt.lib
+.PZ 3 0 5 0 vol pz
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/rtlinv.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/rtlinv.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f45eb983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/rtlinv.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+RTL inverter
+vin 1 0 dc 1 pwl 0 4 1ns 0
+vcc 12 0 dc 5.0
+rc1 12 3 2.5k
+rb1 1 2 8k
+q1 3 2 0 qmod area = 100p
+.option acct bypass=1
+.tran 0.5n 5n
+.print tran v(2) v(3)
+.model qmod nbjt level=1
++ x.mesh node=1 loc=0.0
++ x.mesh node=61 loc=3.0
++ region num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon nbgnn=1e17 nbgnp=1e17
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e17 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.5
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e15 x.l=0.0 x.h=3.0
++ models bgnw srh conctau auger concmob fieldmob
++ options base.length=1.0 base.depth=1.25
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/vco.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/vco.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1b1a058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/bjt/vco.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Voltage controlled oscillator
+rc1 7 5 1k
+rc2 7 6 1k
+q5 7 7 5 qmod area = 100p
+q6 7 7 6 qmod area = 100p
+q3 7 5 2 qmod area = 100p
+q4 7 6 1 qmod area = 100p
+ib1 2 0 .5ma
+ib2 1 0 .5ma
+cb1 2 0 1pf
+cb2 1 0 1pf
+q1 5 1 3 qmod area = 100p
+q2 6 2 4 qmod area = 100p
+c1 3 4 .1uf
+is1 3 0 dc 2.5ma pulse 2.5ma 0.5ma 0 1us 1us 50ms
+is2 4 0 1ma
+vcc 7 0 10
+.model qmod nbjt level=1
++ x.mesh node=1 loc=0.0
++ x.mesh node=61 loc=3.0
++ region num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon nbgnn=1e17 nbgnp=1e17
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e17 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.5
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e15 x.l=0.0 x.h=3.0
++ models bgnw srh conctau auger concmob fieldmob
++ options base.length=1.0 base.depth=1.25
+.option acct bypass=1
+.tran 3us 600us 0 3us
+.print tran v(4)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/diode/diode.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/diode/diode.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0ace324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/diode/diode.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+One-Dimensional Diode Simulation
+* Several simulations are performed by this file.
+* They are:
+* 1. An operating point at 0.7v forward bias.
+* 2. An ac analysis at 0.7v forward bias.
+* 3. The forward and reverse bias characteristics from -3v to 2v.
+Vpp 1 0 0.7v (PWL 0ns 3.0v 0.01ns -6.0v) (AC 1v)
+Vnn 2 0 0v
+D1 1 2 M_PN AREA=100
+.model M_PN numd level=1
++ ***************************************
++ *** One-Dimensional Numerical Diode ***
++ ***************************************
++ options defa=1p
++ x.mesh loc=0.0 n=1
++ x.mesh loc=1.3 n=201
++ domain num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility mat=1 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.0 char.l=0.100
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.3
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e19 x.l=1.3 x.h=1.3 char.l=0.100
++ models bgn aval srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
++ method ac=direct
+.option acct bypass=0 abstol=1e-18 itl2=100
+.op dec 10 100kHz 10gHz
+.dc Vpp -3.0v 2.0001v 50mv
+.print i(Vpp)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/diode/diotran.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/diode/diotran.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..110d2550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/diode/diotran.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Diode Reverse Recovery
+* This file simulates reverse recovery of a diode as it switched from an
+* on to off state.
+Vpp 1 0 0.7v (PWL 0ns 3.0v 0.1ns 3.0v 0.11ns -6.0v) (AC 1v)
+Vnn 2 0 0v
+R1 1 3 1k
+D1 3 2 M_PN area=100
+.MODEL M_PN numd level=1
++ ***************************************
++ *** One-Dimensional Numerical Diode ***
++ ***************************************
++ options defa=1p
++ x.mesh loc=0.0 n=1
++ x.mesh loc=1.3 n=201
++ domain num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility mat=1 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ doping gauss p.type conc=3e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.0 char.l=0.100
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.3
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e19 x.l=1.3 x.h=1.3 char.l=0.100
++ models bgn aval srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
++ method ac=direct
+.option acct bypass=1 abstol=1e-15 itl2=100
+.tran 0.001ns 1.0ns
+.print i(Vpp)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/diode/pindiode.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/diode/pindiode.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1eb18b42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/diode/pindiode.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+VIN 1 0 0.0v (PWL 0ns 0.8v 1ns -50.0v)
+L1 1 2 0.5uH
+VD 2 3 0.0v
+D1 3 0 M_PIN AREA=200 IC.FILE="OP.0.d1"
+VRC 2 4 0.0v
+R1 4 5 100
+C1 5 0 1.0nF
++ options defw=1000u
++ x.mesh n=1 l=0.0
++ x.mesh n=2 l=0.2
++ x.mesh n=4 l=0.4
++ x.mesh n=8 l=0.6
++ x.mesh n=13 l=1.0
++ y.mesh n=1 l=0.0
++ y.mesh n=9 l=4.0
++ y.mesh n=24 l=10.0
++ y.mesh n=29 l=15.0
++ y.mesh n=34 l=20.0
++ domain num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon tn=20ns tp=20ns
++ electrode num=1 x.l=0.6 x.h=1.0 y.h=0.0
++ electrode num=2 y.l=20.0
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1.0e20 char.len=1.076 x.l=0.75 x.h=1.1 y.h=0.0
++ + lat.rotate ratio=0.1
++ doping unif n.type conc=1.0e14
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1.0e20 char.len=1.614 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1.1 y.l=20.0
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
+.TRAN 1NS 100NS
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/jfet/jfet.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/jfet/jfet.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3f00536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/jfet/jfet.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Two-dimensional Junction Field-Effect Transistor (JFET)
+VDD 1 0 0.5V
+VGG 2 0 -1.0v AC 1V
+VSS 3 0 0.0V
+QJ1 1 2 3 M_NJF AREA=1
++ options jfet defw=10.0um
++ output dc.debug phin phip equ.psi vac.psi
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.001 r=1.8
++ x.mesh w=0.8 h.s=0.001 h.m=0.1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.8 h.e=0.001 h.m=0.1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.s=0.001 r=1.8
++ y.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.01 r=1.8
++ y.mesh w=0.8 h.s=0.01 h.m=0.1 r=1.8
++ domain num=1 mat=1
++ material num=1 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.0 y.l=0.0 y.h=1.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.5 x.h=1.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=3 x.l=2.0 x.h=2.0 y.l=0.0 y.h=1.0
++ doping unif n.type conc=3.0e15
++ doping unif p.type conc=2.0e17 x.l=0.2 x.h=1.8 y.h=0.2
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob ^aval
+.option acct bypass=1 temp=27
+.dc vgg 0.0 -2.0001 -0.1
+*.ac dec 10 1k 100g
+.print i(vnn)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/bootinv.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/bootinv.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c2ea40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/bootinv.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+NMOS Enhancement-Load Bootstrap Inverter
+Vdd 1 0 5.0v
+Vss 2 0 0.0v
+Vin 5 0 0.0v PWL (0.0ns 5.0v) (1ns 0.0v) (10ns 0.0v) (11ns 5.0v)
++ (20ns 5.0v) (21ns 0.0v) (30ns 0.0v) (31ns 5.0v)
+M1 1 1 3 2 M_NMOS w=5u
+M2 1 3 4 4 M_NMOS w=5u
+M3 4 5 2 2 M_NMOS w=5u
+CL 4 0 0.1pf
+CB 3 4 0.1pf
+.model M_NMOS numos
++ x.mesh l=0.0 n=1
++ x.mesh l=0.6 n=4
++ x.mesh l=0.7 n=5
++ x.mesh l=1.0 n=7
++ x.mesh l=1.2 n=11
++ x.mesh l=3.2 n=21
++ x.mesh l=3.4 n=25
++ x.mesh l=3.7 n=27
++ x.mesh l=3.8 n=28
++ x.mesh l=4.4 n=31
++ y.mesh l=-.05 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh l=.05 n=9
++ y.mesh l=0.3 n=14
++ y.mesh l=2.0 n=19
++ region num=1 material=1 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 init elec major
++ mobility material=1 init elec minor
++ mobility material=1 init hole major
++ mobility material=1 init hole minor
++ region num=2 material=2 y.h=0.0 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7
++ material num=2 oxide
++ elec num=1 x.l=3.8 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.6 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=2.5e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.05
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e20 x.l=3.3 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ models concmob fieldmob
++ method ac=direct onec
+.tran 0.2ns 40ns
+.print v(4)
+.options acct bypass=1 method=gear
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/charge.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/charge.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..845a14a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/charge.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+MOS charge pump
+vin 4 0 dc 0v pulse 0 5 15ns 5ns 5ns 50ns 100ns
+vdd 5 6 dc 0v pulse 0 5 25ns 5ns 5ns 50ns 100ns
+vbb 0 7 dc 0v pulse 0 5 0ns 5ns 5ns 50ns 100ns
+rd 6 2 10k
+m1 5 4 3 7 mmod w=100um
+vs 3 2 0
+vc 2 1 0
+c2 1 0 10pf
+.ic v(3)=1.0
+.tran 2ns 200ns
+.options acct bypass=1
+.print tran v(1) v(2)
+.model mmod numos
++ x.mesh n=1 l=0
++ x.mesh n=3 l=0.4
++ x.mesh n=7 l=0.6
++ x.mesh n=15 l=1.4
++ x.mesh n=19 l=1.6
++ x.mesh n=21 l=2.0
++ y.mesh n=1 l=0
++ y.mesh n=4 l=0.015
++ y.mesh n=8 l=0.05
++ y.mesh n=12 l=0.25
++ y.mesh n=14 l=0.35
++ y.mesh n=17 l=0.5
++ y.mesh n=21 l=1.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.l=0.015
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ region num=2 material=2 y.h=0.015 x.l=0.5 x.h=1.5
++ material num=2 oxide
++ elec num=1 ix.l=18 ix.h=21 iy.l=4 iy.h=4
++ elec num=2 ix.l=5 ix.h=17 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 ix.l=1 ix.h=4 iy.l=4 iy.h=4
++ elec num=4 ix.l=1 ix.h=21 iy.l=21 iy.h=21
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e18 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.015 y.h=0.25
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e18 x.l=1.5 x.h=2.0 y.l=0.015 y.h=0.25
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e15 x.l=0.0 x.h=2.0 y.l=0.015 y.h=1.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1.3e17 x.l=0.5 x.h=1.5 y.l=0.015 y.h=0.05
++ models concmob fieldmob
++ method onec
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/cmosinv.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/cmosinv.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f153cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/cmosinv.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+CMOS Inverter
+Vdd 1 0 5.0v
+Vss 2 0 0.0v
+X1 1 2 3 4 INV
+Vin 3 0 2.5v
+.SUBCKT INV 1 2 3 4
+* Vdd Vss Vin Vout
+M1 14 13 15 16 M_PMOS w=6.0u
+M2 24 23 25 26 M_NMOS w=3.0u
+Vgp 3 13 0.0v
+Vdp 4 14 0.0v
+Vsp 1 15 0.0v
+Vbp 1 16 0.0v
+Vgn 3 23 0.0v
+Vdn 4 24 0.0v
+Vsn 2 25 0.0v
+Vbn 2 26 0.0v
+.model M_NMOS numos
++ x.mesh l=0.0 n=1
++ x.mesh l=0.6 n=4
++ x.mesh l=0.7 n=5
++ x.mesh l=1.0 n=7
++ x.mesh l=1.2 n=11
++ x.mesh l=3.2 n=21
++ x.mesh l=3.4 n=25
++ x.mesh l=3.7 n=27
++ x.mesh l=3.8 n=28
++ x.mesh l=4.4 n=31
++ y.mesh l=-.05 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh l=.05 n=9
++ y.mesh l=0.3 n=14
++ y.mesh l=2.0 n=19
++ region num=1 material=1 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ region num=2 material=2 y.h=0.0 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7
++ material num=2 oxide
++ elec num=1 x.l=3.8 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.6 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=2.5e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.05
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e20 x.l=3.3 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ models concmob fieldmob bgn srh conctau
++ method ac=direct onec
+.model M_PMOS numos
++ x.mesh l=0.0 n=1
++ x.mesh l=0.6 n=4
++ x.mesh l=0.7 n=5
++ x.mesh l=1.0 n=7
++ x.mesh l=1.2 n=11
++ x.mesh l=3.2 n=21
++ x.mesh l=3.4 n=25
++ x.mesh l=3.7 n=27
++ x.mesh l=3.8 n=28
++ x.mesh l=4.4 n=31
++ y.mesh l=-.05 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh l=.05 n=9
++ y.mesh l=0.3 n=14
++ y.mesh l=2.0 n=19
++ region num=1 material=1 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ region num=2 material=2 y.h=0.0 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7
++ material num=2 oxide
++ elec num=1 x.l=3.8 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.6 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=3e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.05
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e20 x.l=3.3 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ models concmob fieldmob bgn srh conctau
++ method ac=direct onec
+*.tran 0.1ns 5ns
+.dc Vin 0.0v 5.001v 0.05v
+.print v(4)
+.options acct bypass=1 method=gear
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/nmosinv.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/nmosinv.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ac49c754
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/nmosinv.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+Resistive load NMOS inverter
+vin 1 0 pwl 0 0.0 2ns 5
+vdd 3 0 dc 5.0
+rd 3 2 2.5k
+m1 2 1 4 5 mmod w=10um
+cl 2 0 2pf
+vb 5 0 0
+vs 4 0 0
+.model mmod numos
++ x.mesh l=0.0 n=1
++ x.mesh l=0.6 n=4
++ x.mesh l=0.7 n=5
++ x.mesh l=1.0 n=7
++ x.mesh l=1.2 n=11
++ x.mesh l=3.2 n=21
++ x.mesh l=3.4 n=25
++ x.mesh l=3.7 n=27
++ x.mesh l=3.8 n=28
++ x.mesh l=4.4 n=31
++ y.mesh l=-.05 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh l=.05 n=9
++ y.mesh l=0.3 n=14
++ y.mesh l=2.0 n=19
++ region num=1 material=1 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ region num=2 material=2 y.h=0.0 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7
++ material num=2 oxide
++ elec num=1 x.l=3.8 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.6 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=2.5e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.05
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e20 x.l=3.3 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ models concmob fieldmob
++ method ac=direct onec
+.tran 0.2ns 30ns
+.options acct bypass=1
+.print tran v(1) v(2)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/pass.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/pass.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a58c8a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/pass.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Turnoff transient of pass transistor
+M1 11 2 3 4 mmod w=20um
+Cs 1 0 6.0pF
+Cl 3 0 6.0pF
+R1 3 6 200k
+Vin 6 0 dc 0
+Vdrn 1 11 dc 0
+Vg 2 0 dc 5 pwl 0 5 0.1n 0 1 0
+Vb 4 0 dc 0.0
+.tran 0.05ns 0.2ns 0.0ns 0.05ns
+.print tran v(1) i(Vdrn)
+.ic v(1)=0 v(3)=0
+.option acct bypass=1
+.model mmod numos
++ x.mesh l=0.0 n=1
++ x.mesh l=0.6 n=4
++ x.mesh l=0.7 n=5
++ x.mesh l=1.0 n=7
++ x.mesh l=1.2 n=11
++ x.mesh l=3.2 n=21
++ x.mesh l=3.4 n=25
++ x.mesh l=3.7 n=27
++ x.mesh l=3.8 n=28
++ x.mesh l=4.4 n=31
++ y.mesh l=-.05 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh l=.05 n=9
++ y.mesh l=0.3 n=14
++ y.mesh l=2.0 n=19
++ region num=1 material=1 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ region num=2 material=2 y.h=0.0 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7
++ material num=2 oxide
++ elec num=1 x.l=3.8 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.6 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=2.5e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.05
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e20 x.l=3.3 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ models concmob fieldmob
++ method ac=direct onec
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/ringosc.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/ringosc.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0f313320
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/mos/ringosc.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+CMOS Ring Oscillator
+Vdd 1 0 5.0v
+Vss 2 0 0.0v
+X1 1 2 3 4 INV
+X2 1 2 4 5 INV
+X3 1 2 5 3 INV
+*X4 1 2 6 7 INV
+*X5 1 2 7 8 INV
+*X6 1 2 8 9 INV
+*X7 1 2 9 3 INV
+.IC V(3)=0.0v V(4)=2.5v V(5)=5.0v
+* V(6)=0.0v V(7)=5.0v V(8)=0.0v V(9)=5.0v
+Vin 3 0 2.5v
+.SUBCKT INV 1 2 3 4
+* Vdd Vss Vin Vout
+M1 14 13 15 16 M_PMOS w=6.0u
+M2 24 23 25 26 M_NMOS w=3.0u
+Vgp 3 13 0.0v
+Vdp 4 14 0.0v
+Vsp 1 15 0.0v
+Vbp 1 16 0.0v
+Vgn 3 23 0.0v
+Vdn 4 24 0.0v
+Vsn 2 25 0.0v
+Vbn 2 26 0.0v
+.model M_NMOS numos
++ x.mesh l=0.0 n=1
++ x.mesh l=0.6 n=4
++ x.mesh l=0.7 n=5
++ x.mesh l=1.0 n=7
++ x.mesh l=1.2 n=11
++ x.mesh l=3.2 n=21
++ x.mesh l=3.4 n=25
++ x.mesh l=3.7 n=27
++ x.mesh l=3.8 n=28
++ x.mesh l=4.4 n=31
++ y.mesh l=-.05 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh l=.05 n=9
++ y.mesh l=0.3 n=14
++ y.mesh l=2.0 n=19
++ region num=1 material=1 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ region num=2 material=2 y.h=0.0 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7
++ material num=2 oxide
++ elec num=1 x.l=3.8 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.6 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=2.5e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.05
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e20 x.l=3.3 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ models concmob fieldmob bgn srh conctau
++ method ac=direct onec
+.model M_PMOS numos
++ x.mesh l=0.0 n=1
++ x.mesh l=0.6 n=4
++ x.mesh l=0.7 n=5
++ x.mesh l=1.0 n=7
++ x.mesh l=1.2 n=11
++ x.mesh l=3.2 n=21
++ x.mesh l=3.4 n=25
++ x.mesh l=3.7 n=27
++ x.mesh l=3.8 n=28
++ x.mesh l=4.4 n=31
++ y.mesh l=-.05 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh l=.05 n=9
++ y.mesh l=0.3 n=14
++ y.mesh l=2.0 n=19
++ region num=1 material=1 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility material=1 concmod=sg fieldmod=sg
++ mobility material=1 elec major
++ mobility material=1 elec minor
++ mobility material=1 hole major
++ mobility material=1 hole minor
++ region num=2 material=2 y.h=0.0 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7
++ material num=2 oxide
++ elec num=1 x.l=3.8 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.7 x.h=3.7 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.6 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping unif p.type conc=3e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.05
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e20 x.l=3.3 x.h=4.4 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.2
++ models concmob fieldmob bgn srh conctau
++ method ac=direct onec
+.tran 0.1ns 5ns
+.print v(4)
+.options acct bypass=1 method=gear
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/BICMOS.LIB b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/BICMOS.LIB
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..606570ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/BICMOS.LIB
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+* BICMOS.LIB: Library of models used in the 1.0 um CBiCMOS process
+* Contains CIDER input descriptions as well as matching
+* SPICE models for some of the CIDER models.
+* One-dimensional models for a
+* polysilicon emitter complementary bipolar process.
+* The default device size is 1um by 1um (LxW)
+.model M_NPN1D nbjt level=1
++ title One-Dimensional Numerical Bipolar
++ options base.depth=0.15 base.area=0.1 base.length=0.5 defa=1p
++ x.mesh loc=-0.2 n=1
++ x.mesh loc=0.0 n=51
++ x.mesh wid=0.15 h.e=0.0001 h.m=.004 r=1.2
++ x.mesh wid=1.15 h.s=0.0001 h.m=.004 r=1.2
++ domain num=1 material=1 x.l=0.0
++ domain num=2 material=2 x.h=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility mat=1 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ material num=2 polysilicon
++ mobility mat=2 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ doping gauss n.type conc=3e20 x.l=-0.2 x.h=0.0 char.len=0.047
++ doping gauss p.type conc=5e18 x.l=-0.2 x.h=0.0 char.len=0.100
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.3
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e19 x.l=1.3 x.h=1.3 char.len=0.100
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
++ method devtol=1e-12 ac=direct itlim=15
+.model M_PNP1D nbjt level=1
++ title One-Dimensional Numerical Bipolar
++ options base.depth=0.2 base.area=0.1 base.length=0.5 defa=1p
++ x.mesh loc=-0.2 n=1
++ x.mesh loc=0.0 n=51
++ x.mesh wid=0.20 h.e=0.0001 h.m=.004 r=1.2
++ x.mesh wid=1.10 h.s=0.0001 h.m=.004 r=1.2
++ domain num=1 material=1 x.l=0.0
++ domain num=2 material=2 x.h=0.0
++ material num=1 silicon
++ mobility mat=1 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ material num=2 polysilicon
++ mobility mat=2 concmod=ct fieldmod=ct
++ doping gauss p.type conc=3e20 x.l=-0.2 x.h=0.0 char.len=0.047
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e17 x.l=-0.2 x.h=0.0 char.len=0.200
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=1.3
++ doping gauss p.type conc=5e19 x.l=1.3 x.h=1.3 char.len=0.100
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
++ method devtol=1e-12 ac=direct itlim=15
+* Two-dimensional models for a
+* polysilicon emitter complementary bipolar process.
+* The default device size is 1um by 1um (LxW)
+.MODEL M_NPNS nbjt level=2
++ * Since half the device is simulated, double the unit width to get
++ * 1.0 um emitter. Use a small mesh for this model.
++ options defw=2.0u
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=2.0 h.e=0.02 h.m=0.5 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.5 h.s=0.02 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-0.2 n=1
++ y.mesh l= 0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh w=0.10 h.e=0.004 h.m=0.05 r=2.5
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.004 h.m=0.02 r=2.5
++ y.mesh w=1.05 h.s=0.02 h.m=0.1 r=2.5
++ domain num=1 material=1 x.l=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=2 material=2 x.h=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=3 material=3 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 polysilicon
++ material num=2 oxide
++ material num=3 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.0 y.l=1.1 y.h=1.3
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=3 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=-0.2
++ doping gauss n.type conc=3e20 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.047 lat.rotate
++ doping gauss p.type conc=5e18 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate ratio=0.7
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=0.0 y.h=1.3
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e19 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=1.3 y.h=1.3
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate
++ method ac=direct itlim=10
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
+.MODEL M_NPN nbjt level=2
++ * Since half the device is simulated, double the unit width to get
++ * 1.0 um emitter length. Uses a finer mesh in the X direction.
++ options defw=2.0u
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.5 h.e=0.075 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.75 h.s=0.075 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.75 h.e=0.05 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ x.mesh w=0.5 h.s=0.05 h.m=0.1 r=1.5
++ y.mesh l=-0.2 n=1
++ y.mesh l= 0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh w=0.10 h.e=0.003 h.m=0.01 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.003 h.m=0.02 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.35 h.s=0.02 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.40 h.e=0.05 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.30 h.s=0.05 h.m=0.1 r=1.5
++ domain num=1 material=1 x.l=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=2 material=2 x.h=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=3 material=3 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 polysilicon
++ material num=2 oxide
++ material num=3 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.0 y.l=1.1 y.h=1.3
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=3 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=-0.2
++ doping gauss n.type conc=3e20 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.047 lat.rotate
++ doping gauss p.type conc=5e18 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate ratio=0.7
++ doping unif n.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=0.0 y.h=1.3
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e19 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=1.3 y.h=1.3
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate
++ method ac=direct itlim=10
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
+.MODEL M_PNPS nbjt level=2
++ * Since half the device is simulated, double the unit width to get
++ * 1.0 um emitter length. Use a small mesh for this model.
++ options defw=2.0u
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=2.0 h.e=0.02 h.m=0.5 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.5 h.s=0.02 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-0.2 n=1
++ y.mesh l= 0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh w=0.12 h.e=0.004 h.m=0.05 r=2.5
++ y.mesh w=0.28 h.s=0.004 h.m=0.02 r=2.5
++ y.mesh w=1.05 h.s=0.02 h.m=0.1 r=2.5
++ domain num=1 material=1 x.l=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=2 material=2 x.h=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=3 material=3 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 polysilicon
++ material num=2 oxide
++ material num=3 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.0 y.l=1.1 y.h=1.3
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=3 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=-0.2
++ doping gauss p.type conc=3e20 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.047 lat.rotate
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e17 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.200 lat.rotate
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate ratio=0.7
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=0.0 y.h=1.3
++ doping gauss p.type conc=5e19 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=1.3 y.h=1.3
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate
++ method ac=direct itlim=10
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
+.MODEL M_PNP nbjt level=2
++ * Since half the device is simulated, double the unit width to get
++ * 1.0 um emitter length. Uses a finer mesh in the X direction.
++ options defw=2.0u
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.5 h.e=0.075 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.75 h.s=0.075 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.75 h.e=0.05 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ x.mesh w=0.5 h.s=0.05 h.m=0.1 r=1.5
++ y.mesh l=-0.2 n=1
++ y.mesh l= 0.0 n=5
++ y.mesh w=0.12 h.e=0.003 h.m=0.01 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.28 h.s=0.003 h.m=0.02 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.20 h.s=0.02 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.40 h.e=0.05 h.m=0.2 r=1.5
++ y.mesh w=0.30 h.s=0.05 h.m=0.1 r=1.5
++ domain num=1 material=1 x.l=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=2 material=2 x.h=2.0 y.h=0.0
++ domain num=3 material=3 y.l=0.0
++ material num=1 polysilicon
++ material num=2 oxide
++ material num=3 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.0 y.l=1.1 y.h=1.3
++ elec num=2 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=3 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=-0.2
++ doping gauss p.type conc=3e20 x.l=2.0 x.h=3.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.047 lat.rotate
++ doping gauss n.type conc=5e17 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.200 lat.rotate
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=0.0 x.h=0.5 y.l=-0.2 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate ratio=0.7
++ doping unif p.type conc=1e16 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=0.0 y.h=1.3
++ doping gauss p.type conc=5e19 x.l=0.0 x.h=5.0 y.l=1.3 y.h=1.3
++ + char.l=0.100 lat.rotate
++ method ac=direct itlim=10
++ models bgn srh auger conctau concmob fieldmob
+* Two-dimensional models for a
+* complementary MOS process.
+* Device models for 1um, 2um, 3um, 4um, 5um, 10um and 50um are provided.
+.MODEL M_NMOS_1 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.4 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.4 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=2 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=2.5 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=2 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif p.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=2 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=2.05 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=4.10
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_NMOS_2 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=3 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=3.5 x.h=4.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=3 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=4.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=4.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif p.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=4.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=3 x.h=4.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=3.05 x.h=4.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=4.10
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_NMOS_3 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=1.4 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.3 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=1.4 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.3 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=4 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=4.5 x.h=5.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=4 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=5.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=5.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif p.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=5.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=4 x.h=5.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=4.05 x.h=5.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=4.10
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_NMOS_4 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=1.9 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.4 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=1.9 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.4 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=5 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=5.5 x.h=6.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=5 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=6.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=6.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif p.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=6.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=5 x.h=6.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=5.05 x.h=6.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=4.10
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_NMOS_5 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=2.4 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.5 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=2.4 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.5 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=6 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=6.5 x.h=7.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=6 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=7.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=7.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif p.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=7.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=6 x.h=7.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=6.05 x.h=7.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=4.10
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_NMOS_10 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=4.9 h.s=0.005 h.m=1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=4.9 h.e=0.005 h.m=1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=11 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=11.5 x.h=12.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=11 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=12.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=12.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif p.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=12.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=11 x.h=12.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=11.05 x.h=12.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=4.10
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_NMOS_50 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=24.9 h.s=0.005 h.m=5 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=24.9 h.e=0.005 h.m=5 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=51 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=51.5 x.h=52.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=51 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=52.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=52.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif p.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=52.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=4e17 x.l=51 x.h=52.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.l=51.05 x.h=52.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=4.10
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_PMOS_1 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.4 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.4 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=2 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=2.5 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=2 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif n.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=2 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=2.05 x.h=3.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=5.29
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_PMOS_2 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=3 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=3.5 x.h=4.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=3 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=4.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=4.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif n.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=4.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=3 x.h=4.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=3.05 x.h=4.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=5.29
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_PMOS_3 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=1.4 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.3 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=1.4 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.3 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=4 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=4.5 x.h=5.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=4 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=5.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=5.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif n.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=5.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=4 x.h=5.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=4.05 x.h=5.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=5.29
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_PMOS_4 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=1.9 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.4 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=1.9 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.4 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=5 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=5.5 x.h=6.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=5 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=6.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=6.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif n.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=6.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=5 x.h=6.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=5.05 x.h=6.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=5.29
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_PMOS_5 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=2.4 h.s=0.005 h.m=0.5 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=2.4 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.5 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=6 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=6.5 x.h=7.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=6 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=7.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=7.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif n.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=7.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=6 x.h=7.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=6.05 x.h=7.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=5.29
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_PMOS_10 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=4.9 h.s=0.005 h.m=1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=4.9 h.e=0.005 h.m=1 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=11 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=11.5 x.h=12.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=11 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=12.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=12.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif n.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=12.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=11 x.h=12.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=11.05 x.h=12.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=5.29
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+.MODEL M_PMOS_50 numos
++ output stat
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.e=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=24.9 h.s=0.005 h.m=5 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=24.9 h.e=0.005 h.m=5 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.2 h.e=0.005 h.m=0.02 r=2.0
++ x.mesh w=0.9 h.s=0.020 h.m=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh l=-.0200 n=1
++ y.mesh l=0.0 n=6
++ y.mesh w=0.15 h.s=0.0001 h.max=.02 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=0.45 h.s=0.02 h.max=0.2 r=2.0
++ y.mesh w=1.40 h.s=0.20 h.max=0.4 r=2.0
++ region num=1 material=1 y.h=0.0
++ region num=2 material=2 y.l=0.0
++ interface dom=2 nei=1 x.l=1 x.h=51 layer.width=0.0
++ material num=1 oxide
++ material num=2 silicon
++ elec num=1 x.l=51.5 x.h=52.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=2 x.l=1 x.h=51 iy.l=1 iy.h=1
++ elec num=3 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.5 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ elec num=4 x.l=-0.1 x.h=52.1 y.l=2.0 y.h=2.0
++ doping gauss n.type conc=1.0e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=52.1 y.l=0.0
++ + char.l=0.30
++ doping unif n.type conc=5.0e15 x.l=-0.1 x.h=52.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=2.1
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=-0.1 x.h=1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=-0.1 x.h=0.95 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=4e17 x.l=51 x.h=52.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.0
++ + char.l=0.16 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ doping gauss p.type conc=1e20 x.l=51.05 x.h=52.1 y.l=0.0 y.h=0.08
++ + char.l=0.03 lat.rotate ratio=0.65
++ contact num=2 workf=5.29
++ models concmob surfmob transmob fieldmob srh auger conctau bgn
++ method ac=direct itlim=10 onec
+* BSIM1 NMOS and PMOS 1.0 \um models.
+* Gummel-Poon bipolar models.
+.model M_NSIM_1 nmos level=4
++vfb= -1.1908
++phi= .8399
++k1= 1.5329
++k2= 193.7322m
++eta= 2m
++muz= 746.0
++u0= 90.0m
++x2mz= 10.1429
++x2e= -2.5m
++x3e= 0.2m
++x2u0= -10.0m
++mus= 975.0
++u1= .20
++x2ms= 0.0
++x2u1= 0.0
++x3ms= 10
++x3u1= 5.0m
++temp= 27
++vdd= 7.0
++n0= 1.5686
++nb= 94.6392m
++rsh=30.0 cj=7.000e-004 cjsw=4.20e-010
++js=1.00e-008 pb=0.700e000
++pbsw=0.8000e000 mj=0.5 mjsw=0.33
++wdf=0 dell=0.20u
+.model M_PSIM_1 pmos level=4
++vfb= -1.3674
++phi= .8414
++k1= 1.5686
++k2= 203m
++eta= 2m
++muz= 340.0
++u0= 35.0m
++x2mz= 6.0
++x2e= 0.0
++x3e= -0.2m
++x2u0= -15.0m
++mus= 440.0
++u1= .38
++x2ms= 0.0
++x2u1= 0.0
++x3ms= -20
++x3u1= -10.0m
++temp= 27
++vdd= 5.0
++n0= 1.5686
++nb= 94.6392m
++rsh=80.0 cj=7.000e-004 cjsw=4.20e-010
++js=1.00e-008 pb=0.700e000
++pbsw=0.8000e000 mj=0.5 mjsw=0.33
++wdf=0 dell=0.17u
+.model M_GNPN npn
++ is=1.3e-16
++ nf=1.00 bf=262.5 ikf=25mA vaf=20v
++ nr=1.00 br=97.5 ikr=0.5mA var=1.8v
++ rc=20.0
++ re=0.09
++ rb=15.0
++ ise=4.0e-16 ne=2.1
++ isc=7.2e-17 nc=2.0
++ tf=9.4ps itf=26uA xtf=0.5
++ tr=10ns
++ cje=89.44fF vje=0.95 mje=0.5
++ cjc=12.82fF vjc=0.73 mjc=0.49
+.model M_GPNP pnp
++ is=5.8e-17
++ nf=1.001 bf=96.4 ikf=12mA vaf=29v
++ nr=1.0 br=17.3 ikr=0.2mA var=2.0v
++ rc=50.0
++ re=0.17
++ rb=20.0
++ ise=6.8e-17 ne=2.0
++ isc=9.0e-17 nc=2.1
++ tf=27.4ps itf=26uA xtf=0.5
++ tr=10ns
++ cje=55.36fF vje=0.95 mje=0.58
++ cjc=11.80fF vjc=0.72 mjc=0.46
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/bicmpd.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/bicmpd.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..be26e40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/bicmpd.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+VSS 2 0 0V
+VIN 3 2 0V (PULSE 0.0V 4.2V 0NS 1NS 1NS 9NS 20NS)
+M1 8 3 5 11 M_NMOS_1 W=4U L=1U
+VD 4 8 0V
+VBK 11 2 0V
+Q1 10 7 9 M_NPNS AREA=8
+VC 4 10 0V
+VB 5 7 0V
+VE 9 2 0V
+CL 4 6 1PF
+VL 6 2 0V
+.IC V(10)=5.0V V(7)=0.0V
+.TRAN 0.1NS 5NS 0NS 0.1NS
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/bicmpu.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/bicmpu.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7067ce14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/bicmpu.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+VDD 1 0 5.0V
+VSS 2 0 0.0V
+VIN 3 0 0.75V
+VC 1 11 0.0V
+VB 5 15 0.0V
+Q1 11 15 4 M_NPNS AREA=8
+M1 5 3 1 1 M_PMOS_1 W=10U L=1U
+CL 4 0 5.0PF
+.IC V(4)=0.75V V(5)=0.0V
+.TRAN 0.5NS 4.0NS
+.PRINT TRAN V(3) V(4)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/clkfeed.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/clkfeed.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0a06f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/clkfeed.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+VDD 1 0 5.0V
+VSS 2 0 0.0V
+IIN 13 0 0.0
+VIN 13 3 0.0
+VL 4 0 2.5V
+VCK 6 0 5.0V PULSE 5.0V 0.0V 5.0NS 5NS 5NS 20NS 50NS
+M1 3 3 2 2 M_NMOS_5 W=5U L=5U
+M2 4 5 2 2 M_NMOS_5 W=10U L=5U
+M3 23 26 25 22 M_NMOS_5 W=5U L=5U
+RLK1 3 0 100G
+RLK2 5 0 100G
+VD 3 23 0.0V
+VG 6 26 0.0V
+VS 5 25 0.0V
+VB 2 22 0.0V
+M4 7 7 1 1 M_PMOS_IDEAL W=100U L=1U
+M5 3 7 1 1 M_PMOS_IDEAL W=100U L=1U
+M6 4 7 1 1 M_PMOS_IDEAL W=200U L=1U
+IREF 7 0 50UA
+****** MODELS ******
+.TRAN 0.1NS 50NS
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/cmosamp.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/cmosamp.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f88115b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/cmosamp.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+VDD 1 0 2.5V
+VSS 2 0 -2.5V
+IBIAS 9 0 100UA
+VPL 3 0 0.0V AC 0.5V
+VMI 4 0 0.0V AC 0.5V 180
+M1 6 3 5 5 M_PMOS_1 W=15U L=1U
+M2 7 4 5 5 M_PMOS_1 W=15U L=1U
+M3 6 6 2 2 M_NMOS_1 W=7.5U L=1U
+M4 7 6 2 2 M_NMOS_1 W=7.5U L=1U
+M5 8 7 2 2 M_NMOS_1 W=15U L=1U
+M6 9 9 1 1 M_PMOS_1 W=15U L=1U
+M7 5 9 1 1 M_PMOS_1 W=15U L=1U
+M8 8 9 1 1 M_PMOS_1 W=15U L=1U
+*CC 7 8 0.1PF
+*.AC DEC 10 1K 100G
+.DC VPL -5MV 5MV 0.1MV
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/eclinv.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/eclinv.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a63c1c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/eclinv.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+VCC 1 0 0.0V
+VEE 2 0 -5.2V
+VIN 3 0 -1.25V
+VRF 4 0 -1.25V
+Q1 5 3 9 M_NPNS AREA=8
+Q2 6 4 9 M_NPNS AREA=8
+R1 1 5 662
+R2 1 6 662
+R3 9 2 2.65K
+Q3 1 5 7 M_NPNS AREA=8
+Q4 1 6 8 M_NPNS AREA=8
+R4 7 2 4.06K
+R5 8 2 4.06K
+.DC VIN -2.00 0.001 0.05
+.PLOT DC V(7) V(8)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ecpal.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ecpal.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4485a442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ecpal.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+VCC 1 0 5V
+VEE 2 0 0V
+VINP 4 0 2.99925V AC 0.5V
+VINM 7 0 3V AC 0.5V 180
+IEE 5 2 0.1MA
+Q1 3 4 5 M_NPNS AREA=8
+Q2 6 7 5 M_NPNS AREA=8
+Q3 3 3 1 M_PNPS AREA=8
+Q4 6 3 1 M_PNPS AREA=8
+.AC DEC 10 10K 100G
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/foobar b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/foobar
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e5e7b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/foobar
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+\section*{BICMPD Benchmark}
+\section*{BICMPU Benchmark}
+\section*{CLKFEED Benchmark}
+\section*{CMOSAMP Benchmark}
+\section*{ECLINV Benchmark}
+\section*{ECPAL Benchmark}
+\section*{GMAMP Benchmark}
+\section*{LATCH Benchmark}
+\section*{PPEF Benchmarks}
+\section*{RINGOSC Benchmarks}
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/gmamp.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/gmamp.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e570beca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/gmamp.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+*** IN GRAY & MEYER, 3RD ED. P.266, PROB. 3.12, 8.19
+VDD 1 0 5.0V
+VSS 2 0 0.0V
+*VIN 13 0 0.0V AC 1V
+*CIN 13 3 1UF
+IIN 3 0 0.0 AC 1.0
+M1 4 3 2 2 M_NMOS_1 W=300U L=1U
+M2 7 7 2 2 M_NMOS_1 W=20U L=1U
+Q1 6 5 4 M_NPNS AREA=40
+Q2 5 5 7 M_NPNS AREA=40
+Q3 1 6 8 M_NPNS AREA=40
+RL1 1 4 1K
+RL2 1 6 10K
+RB1 1 5 10K
+RL3 8 2 1K
+RF1 3 8 30K
+.AC DEC 10 100KHZ 100GHZ
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/latch.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/latch.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ad63335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/latch.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+*** IC=1MA, RE6=3K
+RCC2 6 8 3.33K
+REE2 9 0 200
+Q1 6 8 4 M_NPN1D AREA=8
+Q2 8 4 9 M_NPN1D AREA=8
+VCC 6 0 5V
+VREF 3 0 2.5V
+VRSET 1 0 PULSE(2V 3V 0.1NS 0.1NS 0.1NS 0.9NS 4NS)
+VSET 7 0 PULSE(2V 3V 2.1NS 0.1NS 0.1NS 0.9NS 4NS)
+*** LATCH
+X1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ECLNOR2
+X2 5 7 3 4 2 6 ECLNOR2
+.SUBCKT ECLNOR2 1 2 3 4 5 6
+RS 6 11 520
+RC2 11 10 900
+RE4 12 0 200
+RE6 5 0 6K
+Q1 9 1 8 M_NPN1D AREA=8
+Q2 9 2 8 M_NPN1D AREA=8
+Q3 11 3 8 M_NPN1D AREA=8
+Q4 8 4 12 M_NPN1D AREA=8
+Q5 10 10 9 M_NPN1D AREA=8
+Q6 6 9 5 M_NPN1D AREA=8
+.TRAN 0.01NS 8NS
+.PRINT TRAN V(1) V(7) V(5) V(2)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ppef.1d.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ppef.1d.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8690c665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ppef.1d.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+VCC 1 0 5.0V
+VEE 2 0 -5.0V
+VIN 3 0 0.0V (SIN 0.0V 0.1V 1KHZ) AC 1
+VBU 13 3 0.7V
+VBL 3 23 0.7V
+RL 4 44 50
+VLD 44 0 0V
+Q1 5 13 4 M_NPN1D AREA=40
+Q2 4 5 1 M_PNP1D AREA=200
+Q3 6 23 4 M_PNP1D AREA=100
+Q4 4 6 2 M_NPN1D AREA=80
+.TRAN 0.01MS 1.00001MS 0US 0.01MS
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ppef.2d.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ppef.2d.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07fa10fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ppef.2d.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+VCC 1 0 5.0V
+VEE 2 0 -5.0V
+VIN 3 0 0.0V (SIN 0.0V 0.1V 1KHZ) AC 1
+VBU 13 3 0.7V
+VBL 3 23 0.7V
+RL 4 44 50
+VLD 44 0 0V
+Q1 5 13 4 M_NPNS AREA=40
+Q2 4 5 1 M_PNPS AREA=200
+Q3 6 23 4 M_PNPS AREA=100
+Q4 4 6 2 M_NPNS AREA=80
+.TRAN 0.01MS 1.00001MS 0US 0.01MS
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/readme b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/readme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..077c78f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This directory contains the additional CIDER parallel-version benchmarks
+used in the thesis "Design-Oriented Mixed-Level Circuit and Device Simulation"
+by David A. Gates.
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ringosc.1u.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ringosc.1u.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2304c4eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ringosc.1u.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+VDD 1 0 5.0V
+VSS 2 0 0.0V
+X1 1 2 3 4 INV
+X2 1 2 4 5 INV
+X3 1 2 5 6 INV
+X4 1 2 6 7 INV
+X5 1 2 7 8 INV
+X6 1 2 8 9 INV
+X7 1 2 9 3 INV
+.IC V(3)=0.0V V(4)=2.5V V(5)=5.0V
++ V(6)=0.0V V(7)=5.0V V(8)=0.0V V(9)=5.0V
+.SUBCKT INV 1 2 3 4
+M1 14 13 15 16 M_PMOS_1 W=6.0U
+M2 24 23 25 26 M_NMOS_1 W=3.0U
+VGP 3 13 0.0V
+VDP 4 14 0.0V
+VSP 1 15 0.0V
+VBP 1 16 0.0V
+VGN 3 23 0.0V
+VDN 4 24 0.0V
+VSN 2 25 0.0V
+VBN 2 26 0.0V
+.TRAN 0.1NS 1NS
+.PRINT TRAN V(3) V(4) V(5)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ringosc.2u.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ringosc.2u.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c79885ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/parallel/ringosc.2u.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+VDD 1 0 5.0V
+VSS 2 0 0.0V
+X1 1 2 3 4 INV
+X2 1 2 4 5 INV
+X3 1 2 5 6 INV
+X4 1 2 6 7 INV
+X5 1 2 7 8 INV
+X6 1 2 8 9 INV
+X7 1 2 9 3 INV
+.IC V(3)=0.0V V(4)=2.5V V(5)=5.0V V(6)=0.0V
++ V(7)=5.0V V(8)=0.0V V(9)=5.0V
+.SUBCKT INV 1 2 3 4
+M1 14 13 15 16 M_PMOS W=6.0U
+M2 24 23 25 26 M_NMOS W=3.0U
+VGP 3 13 0.0V
+VDP 4 14 0.0V
+VSP 1 15 0.0V
+VBP 1 16 0.0V
+VGN 3 23 0.0V
+VDN 4 24 0.0V
+VSN 2 25 0.0V
+VBN 2 26 0.0V
++ X.MESH L=0.0 N=1
++ X.MESH L=0.6 N=4
++ X.MESH L=0.7 N=5
++ X.MESH L=1.0 N=7
++ X.MESH L=1.2 N=11
++ X.MESH L=3.2 N=21
++ X.MESH L=3.4 N=25
++ X.MESH L=3.7 N=27
++ X.MESH L=3.8 N=28
++ X.MESH L=4.4 N=31
++ Y.MESH L=-.05 N=1
++ Y.MESH L=0.0 N=5
++ Y.MESH L=.05 N=9
++ Y.MESH L=0.3 N=14
++ Y.MESH L=2.0 N=19
++ REGION NUM=2 MATERIAL=2 Y.H=0.0 X.L=0.7 X.H=3.7
++ ELEC NUM=1 X.L=3.8 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELEC NUM=2 X.L=0.7 X.H=3.7 IY.L=1 IY.H=1
++ ELEC NUM=3 X.L=0.0 X.H=0.6 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELEC NUM=4 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=2.0 Y.H=2.0
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=2.5E16 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=2.0
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=1E16 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.05
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E20 X.L=0.0 X.H=1.1 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.2
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E20 X.L=3.3 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.2
++ X.MESH L=0.0 N=1
++ X.MESH L=0.6 N=4
++ X.MESH L=0.7 N=5
++ X.MESH L=1.0 N=7
++ X.MESH L=1.2 N=11
++ X.MESH L=3.2 N=21
++ X.MESH L=3.4 N=25
++ X.MESH L=3.7 N=27
++ X.MESH L=3.8 N=28
++ X.MESH L=4.4 N=31
++ Y.MESH L=-.05 N=1
++ Y.MESH L=0.0 N=5
++ Y.MESH L=.05 N=9
++ Y.MESH L=0.3 N=14
++ Y.MESH L=2.0 N=19
++ REGION NUM=2 MATERIAL=2 Y.H=0.0 X.L=0.7 X.H=3.7
++ ELEC NUM=1 X.L=3.8 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELEC NUM=2 X.L=0.7 X.H=3.7 IY.L=1 IY.H=1
++ ELEC NUM=3 X.L=0.0 X.H=0.6 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELEC NUM=4 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=2.0 Y.H=2.0
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E16 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=2.0
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=3E16 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.05
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=1E20 X.L=0.0 X.H=1.1 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.2
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=1E20 X.L=3.3 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.2
+.TRAN 0.1NS 5.0NS
+.PRINT V(4)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/resistor/gaasres.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/resistor/gaasres.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c35d0ddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/resistor/gaasres.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Gallium Arsenide Resistor
+* This transient simulation demonstrates the effects of velocity overshoot
+* and velocity saturation at high lateral electric fields.
+* Do not try to do DC analysis of this resistor. It will not converge
+* because of the peculiar characteristics of the GaAs velocity-field
+* relation. In some cases, problems can arise in transient simulation
+* as well.
+VPP 1 0 1v PWL 0s 0.0v 10s 1v
+VNN 2 0 0.0v
+D1 1 2 M_RES AREA=1
+.MODEL M_RES numd level=1
++ options resistor defa=1p
++ x.mesh loc=0.0 num=1
++ x.mesh loc=1.0 num=101
++ domain num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 gaas
++ doping unif n.type conc=2.5e16
++ models fieldmob srh auger conctau
++ method ac=direct
+*.DC VPP 0.0v 10.01v 0.1v
+.TRAN 1s 10.001s 0s 0.1s
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/resistor/sires.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/resistor/sires.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45e2aa12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/resistor/sires.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Silicon Resistor
+* This simulation demonstrates the effects of velocity saturation at
+* high lateral electric fields.
+VPP 1 0 10v PWL 0s 0.0v 100s 10v
+VNN 2 0 0.0v
+D1 1 2 M_RES AREA=1
+.MODEL M_RES numd level=1
++ options resistor defa=1p
++ x.mesh loc=0.0 num=1
++ x.mesh loc=1.0 num=101
++ domain num=1 material=1
++ material num=1 silicon
++ doping unif n.type conc=2.5e16
++ models bgn srh conctau auger concmob fieldmob
++ method ac=direct
+.DC VPP 0.0v 10.01v 0.1v
+*.TRAN 1s 100.001s 0s 0.2s
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/astable.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/astable.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c04c6bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/astable.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+VIN 5 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 5 0 1US 1US 100US 100US)
+VCC 6 0 5.0
+RC1 6 1 1K
+RC2 6 2 1K
+RB1 6 3 30K
+RB2 5 4 30K
+C1 1 4 150PF
+C2 2 3 150PF
+Q1 1 3 0 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q2 2 4 0 QMOD AREA = 100P
+.TRAN 0.05US 8US 0US 0.05US
+.PRINT TRAN V(1) V(2) V(3) V(4)
++ X.MESH NODE=1 LOC=0.0
++ X.MESH NODE=61 LOC=3.0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/charge.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/charge.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c4c689b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/charge.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+VIN 4 0 DC 0V PULSE 0 5 15NS 5NS 5NS 50NS 100NS
+VDD 5 6 DC 0V PULSE 0 5 25NS 5NS 5NS 50NS 100NS
+VBB 0 7 DC 0V PULSE 0 5 0NS 5NS 5NS 50NS 100NS
+RD 6 2 10K
+M1 5 4 3 7 MMOD W=100UM
+VS 3 2 0
+VC 2 1 0
+C2 1 0 10PF
+.IC V(3)=1.0
+.TRAN 2NS 200NS
+.PRINT TRAN V(1) V(2)
++ X.MESH N=1 L=0
++ X.MESH N=3 L=0.4
++ X.MESH N=7 L=0.6
++ X.MESH N=15 L=1.4
++ X.MESH N=19 L=1.6
++ X.MESH N=21 L=2.0
++ Y.MESH N=1 L=0
++ Y.MESH N=4 L=0.015
++ Y.MESH N=8 L=0.05
++ Y.MESH N=12 L=0.25
++ Y.MESH N=14 L=0.35
++ Y.MESH N=17 L=0.5
++ Y.MESH N=21 L=1.0
++ REGION NUM=2 MATERIAL=2 Y.H=0.015 X.L=0.5 X.H=1.5
++ ELEC NUM=1 IX.L=18 IX.H=21 IY.L=4 IY.H=4
++ ELEC NUM=2 IX.L=5 IX.H=17 IY.L=1 IY.H=1
++ ELEC NUM=3 IX.L=1 IX.H=4 IY.L=4 IY.H=4
++ ELEC NUM=4 IX.L=1 IX.H=21 IY.L=21 IY.H=21
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E18 X.L=0.0 X.H=0.5 Y.L=0.015 Y.H=0.25
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E18 X.L=1.5 X.H=2.0 Y.L=0.015 Y.H=0.25
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=1E15 X.L=0.0 X.H=2.0 Y.L=0.015 Y.H=1.0
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=1.3E17 X.L=0.5 X.H=1.5 Y.L=0.015 Y.H=0.05
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/colposc.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/colposc.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7d14ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/colposc.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+R1 1 0 1
+Q1 2 1 3 QMOD AREA = 100P
+VCC 4 0 5
+RL 4 2 750
+C1 2 3 500P
+C2 4 3 4500P
+L1 4 2 5UH
+RE 3 6 4.65K
+VEE 6 0 DC -15 PWL 0 -15 1E-9 -10
+.TRAN 30N 12U
++ X.MESH NODE=1 LOC=0.0
++ X.MESH NODE=61 LOC=3.0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/dbridge.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/dbridge.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..052ae4f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/dbridge.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+VLINE 3 4 0.0V SIN 0V 10V 60HZ
+VGRND 2 0 0.0V
+D1 3 1 M_PN AREA=100
+D2 4 1 M_PN AREA=100
+D3 2 3 M_PN AREA=100
+D4 2 4 M_PN AREA=100
+RL 1 2 1.0K
++ ***************************************
++ ***************************************
++ X.MESH LOC=0.0 N=1
++ X.MESH LOC=30.0 N=201
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E14 X.L=0.0 X.H=30.0
++ DOPING GAUSS N.TYPE CONC=5E19 X.L=30.0 X.H=30.0 CHAR.L=2.0
+.TRAN 0.5MS 50MS
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/invchain.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/invchain.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c05513a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/invchain.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+VIN 1 0 DC 0V PWL 0NS 0V 1NS 5V
+VCC 12 0 DC 5.0V
+RC1 12 3 2.5K
+RB1 1 2 8K
+Q1 3 2 0 QMOD AREA = 100P
+RB2 3 4 8K
+RC2 12 5 2.5K
+Q2 5 4 0 QMOD AREA = 100P
+RB3 5 6 8K
+RC3 12 7 2.5K
+Q3 7 6 0 QMOD AREA = 100P
+RB4 7 8 8K
+RC4 12 9 2.5K
+Q4 9 8 0 QMOD AREA = 100P
+.PRINT TRAN V(3) V(5) V(9)
+.TRAN 1E-9 10E-9
++ X.MESH NODE=1 LOC=0.0
++ X.MESH NODE=61 LOC=3.0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/meclgate.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/meclgate.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f5e88ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/meclgate.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+*.DC VIN -2.0 0 0.02
+.TRAN 0.2NS 20NS
+VEE 22 0 -6.0
+VIN 1 0 PULSE -0.8 -1.8 0.2NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 10NS 20NS
+RS 1 2 50
+Q1 4 2 6 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q2 4 3 6 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q3 5 7 6 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q4 0 8 7 QMOD AREA = 100P
+D1 8 9 DMOD
+D2 9 10 DMOD
+RP1 3 22 50K
+RC1 0 4 100
+RC2 0 5 112
+RE 6 22 380
+R1 7 22 2K
+R2 0 8 350
+R3 10 22 1958
+Q5 0 5 11 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q6 0 4 12 QMOD AREA = 100P
+RP2 11 22 560
+RP3 12 22 560
+Q7 13 12 15 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q8 14 16 15 QMOD AREA = 100P
+RE2 15 22 380
+RC3 0 13 100
+RC4 0 14 112
+Q9 0 17 16 QMOD AREA = 100P
+R4 16 22 2K
+R5 0 17 350
+D3 17 18 DMOD
+D4 18 19 DMOD
+R6 19 22 1958
+Q10 0 14 20 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q11 0 13 21 QMOD AREA = 100P
+RP4 20 22 560
+RP5 21 22 560
+.MODEL DMOD D RS=40 TT=0.1NS CJO=0.9PF N=1 IS=1E-14 EG=1.11 VJ=0.8 M=0.5
++ X.MESH NODE=1 LOC=0.0
++ X.MESH NODE=10 LOC=0.9
++ X.MESH NODE=20 LOC=1.1
++ X.MESH NODE=30 LOC=1.4
++ X.MESH NODE=40 LOC=1.6
++ X.MESH NODE=61 LOC=3.0
+.PRINT TRAN V(12) V(21)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/nmosinv.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/nmosinv.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b6fa11ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/nmosinv.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+VIN 1 0 PWL 0 0.0 2NS 5
+VDD 3 0 DC 5.0
+RD 3 2 2.5K
+M1 2 1 4 5 MMOD W=10UM
+CL 2 0 2PF
+VB 5 0 0
+VS 4 0 0
++ X.MESH L=0.0 N=1
++ X.MESH L=0.6 N=4
++ X.MESH L=0.7 N=5
++ X.MESH L=1.0 N=7
++ X.MESH L=1.2 N=11
++ X.MESH L=3.2 N=21
++ X.MESH L=3.4 N=25
++ X.MESH L=3.7 N=27
++ X.MESH L=3.8 N=28
++ X.MESH L=4.4 N=31
++ Y.MESH L=-.05 N=1
++ Y.MESH L=0.0 N=5
++ Y.MESH L=.05 N=9
++ Y.MESH L=0.3 N=14
++ Y.MESH L=2.0 N=19
++ REGION NUM=2 MATERIAL=2 Y.H=0.0 X.L=0.7 X.H=3.7
++ ELEC NUM=1 X.L=3.8 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELEC NUM=2 X.L=0.7 X.H=3.7 IY.L=1 IY.H=1
++ ELEC NUM=3 X.L=0.0 X.H=0.6 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELEC NUM=4 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=2.0 Y.H=2.0
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=2.5E16 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=2.0
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=1E16 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.05
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E20 X.L=0.0 X.H=1.1 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.2
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E20 X.L=3.3 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.2
+.TRAN 0.2NS 30NS
+.PRINT TRAN V(1) V(2)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/pass.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/pass.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a15a6f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/pass.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+M1 11 2 3 4 MMOD W=20UM
+CS 1 0 6.0PF
+CL 3 0 6.0PF
+R1 3 6 200K
+VIN 6 0 DC 0
+VDRN 1 11 DC 0
+VG 2 0 DC 5 PWL 0 5 0.1N 0 1 0
+VB 4 0 DC 0.0
+.TRAN 0.05NS 0.2NS 0.0NS 0.05NS
+.IC V(1)=0 V(3)=0
++ X.MESH L=0.0 N=1
++ X.MESH L=0.6 N=4
++ X.MESH L=0.7 N=5
++ X.MESH L=1.0 N=7
++ X.MESH L=1.2 N=11
++ X.MESH L=3.2 N=21
++ X.MESH L=3.4 N=25
++ X.MESH L=3.7 N=27
++ X.MESH L=3.8 N=28
++ X.MESH L=4.4 N=31
++ Y.MESH L=-.05 N=1
++ Y.MESH L=0.0 N=5
++ Y.MESH L=.05 N=9
++ Y.MESH L=0.3 N=14
++ Y.MESH L=2.0 N=19
++ REGION NUM=2 MATERIAL=2 Y.H=0.0 X.L=0.7 X.H=3.7
++ ELEC NUM=1 X.L=3.8 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELEC NUM=2 X.L=0.7 X.H=3.7 IY.L=1 IY.H=1
++ ELEC NUM=3 X.L=0.0 X.H=0.6 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELEC NUM=4 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=2.0 Y.H=2.0
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=2.5E16 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=2.0
++ DOPING UNIF P.TYPE CONC=1E16 X.L=0.0 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.05
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E20 X.L=0.0 X.H=1.1 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.2
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E20 X.L=3.3 X.H=4.4 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.2
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/pullup.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/pullup.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4d7a4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/pullup.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+VDD 1 0 5.0V
+VSS 2 0 0.0V
+VIN 3 0 0.75V
+VC 1 11 0.0V
+VB 5 15 0.0V
+Q1 11 15 4 M_NPN AREA=4
+M1 5 3 1 1 M_PMOS W=20U L=2U AD=30P AS=30P PD=21U PS=21U
+CL 4 0 5.0PF
+.IC V(4)=0.75V V(5)=0.0V
++ UCRIT=10K UEXP=.15 VMAX=50K NEFF=2 XJ=.02U
++ LD=.15U CGSO=.1N CGDO=.1N CJ=.12M MJ=0.5
++ CJSW=0.3N MJSW=0.5 LEVEL=2
++ $ 1.0 UM EMITTER.
++ X.MESH W=2.0 H.E=0.02 H.M=0.5 R=2.0
++ X.MESH W=0.5 H.S=0.02 H.M=0.2 R=2.0
++ Y.MESH L=-0.2 N=1
++ Y.MESH L= 0.0 N=5
++ Y.MESH W=0.10 H.E=0.004 H.M=0.05 R=2.5
++ Y.MESH W=0.15 H.S=0.004 H.M=0.02 R=2.5
++ Y.MESH W=1.05 H.S=0.02 H.M=0.1 R=2.5
++ DOMAIN NUM=1 MATERIAL=1 X.L=2.0 Y.H=0.0
++ DOMAIN NUM=2 MATERIAL=2 X.H=2.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELEC NUM=1 X.L=0.0 X.H=0.0 Y.L=1.1 Y.H=1.3
++ ELEC NUM=2 X.L=0.0 X.H=0.5 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELEC NUM=3 X.L=2.0 X.H=3.0 Y.L=-0.2 Y.H=-0.2
++ DOPING GAUSS N.TYPE CONC=3E20 X.L=2.0 X.H=3.0 Y.L=-0.2 Y.H=0.0
++ + CHAR.L=0.047 LAT.ROTATE
++ DOPING GAUSS P.TYPE CONC=5E18 X.L=0.0 X.H=5.0 Y.L=-0.2 Y.H=0.0
++ + CHAR.L=0.100 LAT.ROTATE
++ DOPING GAUSS P.TYPE CONC=1E20 X.L=0.0 X.H=0.5 Y.L=-0.2 Y.H=0.0
++ + CHAR.L=0.100 LAT.ROTATE RATIO=0.7
++ DOPING UNIF N.TYPE CONC=1E16 X.L=0.0 X.H=5.0 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=1.3
++ DOPING GAUSS N.TYPE CONC=5E19 X.L=0.0 X.H=5.0 Y.L=1.3 Y.H=1.3
++ + CHAR.L=0.100 LAT.ROTATE
+.TRAN 0.5NS 4.0NS
+.PRINT TRAN V(3) V(4)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/readme b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/readme
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08f29304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+This directory contains the CIDER serial-version benchmarks used in the
+thesis "Design-Oriented Mixed-Level Circuit and Device Simulation" by
+David A. Gates.
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/recovery.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/recovery.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd33be1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/recovery.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+VPP 1 0 0.0V (PULSE 1.0V -1.0V 1NS 1PS 1PS 20NS 40NS)
+VNN 2 0 0.0V
+RS 1 3 1.0
+LS 3 4 0.5UH
+DT 4 2 M_PIN AREA=1
++ X.MESH N=1 L=0.0
++ X.MESH N=2 L=0.2
++ X.MESH N=4 L=0.4
++ X.MESH N=8 L=0.6
++ X.MESH N=13 L=1.0
++ Y.MESH N=1 L=0.0
++ Y.MESH N=9 L=4.0
++ Y.MESH N=24 L=10.0
++ Y.MESH N=29 L=15.0
++ Y.MESH N=34 L=20.0
++ ELECTRODE NUM=1 X.L=0.6 X.H=1.0 Y.L=0.0 Y.H=0.0
++ ELECTRODE NUM=2 X.L=-0.1 X.H=1.0 Y.L=20.0 Y.H=20.0
++ DOPING GAUSS P.TYPE CONC=1.0E19 CHAR.LEN=1.076 X.L=0.75 X.H=1.1 Y.H=0.0
++ DOPING GAUSS N.TYPE CONC=1.0E19 CHAR.LEN=1.614 X.L=-0.1 X.H=1.1 Y.L=20.0
+.TRAN 0.1NS 10NS
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/rtlinv.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/rtlinv.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef0dd94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/rtlinv.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+VIN 1 0 DC 1 PWL 0 4 1NS 0
+VCC 12 0 DC 5.0
+RC1 12 3 2.5K
+RB1 1 2 8K
+Q1 3 2 0 QMOD AREA = 100P
+.TRAN 0.5N 5N
+.PRINT TRAN V(2) V(3)
++ X.MESH NODE=1 LOC=0.0
++ X.MESH NODE=61 LOC=3.0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/vco.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/vco.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..852ddd7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/cider/serial/vco.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+RC1 7 5 1K
+RC2 7 6 1K
+Q5 7 7 5 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q6 7 7 6 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q3 7 5 2 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q4 7 6 1 QMOD AREA = 100P
+IB1 2 0 .5MA
+IB2 1 0 .5MA
+CB1 2 0 1PF
+CB2 1 0 1PF
+Q1 5 1 3 QMOD AREA = 100P
+Q2 6 2 4 QMOD AREA = 100P
+C1 3 4 .1UF
+IS1 3 0 DC 2.5MA PULSE 2.5MA 0.5MA 0 1US 1US 50MS
+IS2 4 0 1MA
+VCC 7 0 10
++ X.MESH NODE=1 LOC=0.0
++ X.MESH NODE=61 LOC=3.0
+.TRAN 3US 600US 0 3US
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/foreach_bjt_ft.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/foreach_bjt_ft.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef5e9d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/foreach_bjt_ft.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+BJT ft Test
+vce 1 0 dc 3.0
+vgain 1 c dc 0.0
+f 0 2 vgain -1000
+l 2 b 1g
+c 2 0 1g
+ib 0 b dc 0.0 ac 1.0
+ic 0 c 0.01
+q1 c b 0 bfs17
+foreach myic 0.5e-3 1e-3 5e-3 10e-3 50e-3 100e-3
+ alter ic = $myic
+ ac dec 10 10k 5g
+*foreach mytf 50p 100p 150p 200p 250p 300p
+* altermod q.x1.q1 tf = $mytf
+* ac dec 10 10k 5g
+plot abs(ac1.vgain#branch) abs(ac2.vgain#branch) abs(ac3.vgain#branch) abs(ac4.vgain#branch) abs(ac5.vgain#branch) abs(ac6.vgain#branch) ylimit 0.1 100 loglog
+* REV: 98.1 DANALYSE GMBH BERLIN (27.07.1998) *
+.SUBCKT BFS17C 1 2 3
+Q1 6 5 7 BFS17 1.000
+LC 1 6 0.350N
+L1 2 4 0.400N
+LB 4 5 0.500N
+L2 3 8 0.400N
+LE 8 7 0.600N
+CGBC 4 6 70.00F
+CGBE 4 8 0.150P
+CGCE 6 8 15.00F
+.MODEL BFS17 NPN (level=1 IS=0.480F NF=1.008 BF=99.655 VAF=90.000 IKF=0.190
++ ISE=7.490F NE=1.762 NR=1.010 BR=38.400 VAR=7.000 IKR=93.200M
++ ISC=0.200F NC=1.042
++ RB=1.500 IRB=0.100M RBM=1.200
++ RE=0.500 RC=2.680
++ CJE=1.325P VJE=0.700 MJE=0.220 FC=0.890
++ CJC=1.050P VJC=0.610 MJC=0.240 XCJC=0.400
++ TF=56.940P TR=1.000N PTF=21.000
++ XTF=68.398 VTF=0.600 ITF=0.700
++ XTB=1.600 EG=1.110 XTI=3.000
++ KF=1.000F AF=1.000)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/new-check-3.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/new-check-3.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c85c19f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/new-check-3.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+new ft_getpnames parser check 3, try ternary
+* (compile (concat "tmp-1/ng-spice-rework/src/ngspice " buffer-file-name) t)
+VIN 1 0 DC=0
+dc VIN 0 10 5
+* trying the ternary
+let checks = 0
+let const0 = 0
+let const5 = 5
+let const6 = 6
+let tmp = const0 ? const5 : const6
+if tmp eq const6
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+let tmp = const6 ? const5 : const6
+if tmp eq const5
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+define foo(a,b,d) a ? b : d
+if foo(const0,const5,const6) eq const6
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+if foo(const6,const5,const6) eq const5
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+let vec7 = 7*unitvec(7)
+let vec8 = 8*unitvec(8)
+if length(const5 ? vec7 : vec8) eq 7
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+if length(const0 ? vec7 : vec8) eq 8
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+* FIXME, "1 ? 1:1" (without spaces around of ':') doesnt work,
+* "1:1" is a lexem, WHY !!!
+* ist that an old artifact, (ancient hierarchical name separator ':')
+*print length(1?1:1)
+*if (1 ? 1:1) eq 1
+if (1 ? 1 : 1) eq 1
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+print @vin[dc]
+* '"' survives, and will be processed in the ft_getpnames() lexer, that is PPlex()
+* where the string will be unqoted
+* thats used vor weired variable names, for example "zero(1)"
+let foo = "vec8"
+if foo eq vec8
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+if checks eq 8
+ echo "INFO: ok"
+ echo "ERROR:"
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/new-check-4.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/new-check-4.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c241f23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/new-check-4.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+demonstrate < etc in ft_getpnames
+* (compile (concat "tmp-1/ng-spice-rework/src/ngspice " buffer-file-name) t)
+VIN 1 0 DC=0
+dc VIN 0 10 5
+let checks = 0
+let const0 = 0
+let const5 = 5
+let const6 = 6
+* check some relational operators, which are in danger to mixed up
+* with csh semantic, that is IO redirection
+if const5 < const6
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+if const6 > const5
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+if const5 >= const5
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+if const5 <= const5
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+if const5 = const5
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+* check some wired non-equality operators
+* note: there are some awkward tranformations ahead of the ft_getpnames lexer
+* transforming "><" into "> <"
+* and "<>" into "< >"
+* note: "!=" would have been in serious danger to be fooled up within
+* csh history mechanism
+if const6 <> const5
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+if const6 >< const5
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+* check some boolean operators, which are in danger to be mixed up
+* with csh semantic, `&' background '|' pipe '~' homedirectory
+if const5 & const5
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+if const0 | const5
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+if ~ const0
+ let checks = checks + 1
+ echo "ERROR:"
+* note:
+* "!=" would be in danger, '!' triggers the csh history mechanism
+*if const5 != const6
+* echo "just trying"
+* Note: csh semantics swallows the '>' and '<' operators
+* on most of the com lines
+* witnessed by
+let tmp = const5 > unwanted_output_file_1
+define foo(a,b) a > unwanted_output_file_2
+print const0 > unwanted_output_file_3
+if checks eq 10
+ echo "INFO: ok"
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/repeat3.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/repeat3.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5650252a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/repeat3.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+Test sequences for ngspice control structures
+*vectors are used (except foreach)
+*start in interactive mode
+* test for while, repeat, if, break
+ let loop = 0
+ while loop < 4
+ let index = 0
+ repeat
+ let index = index + 1
+ if index > 4
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ echo index "$&index" loop "$&loop"
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ end
+* test sequence for while, dowhile
+ let loop = 0
+ echo
+ echo enter loop with "$&loop"
+ dowhile loop < 3
+ echo within dowhile loop "$&loop"
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ end
+ echo after dowhile loop "$&loop"
+ echo
+ let loop = 0
+ while loop < 3
+ echo within while loop "$&loop"
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ end
+ echo after while loop "$&loop"
+ let loop = 3
+ echo
+ echo enter loop with "$&loop"
+ dowhile loop < 3
+ echo within dowhile loop "$&loop" $ output expected
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ end
+ echo after dowhile loop "$&loop"
+ echo
+ let loop = 3
+ while loop < 3
+ echo within while loop "$&loop" $ no output expected
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ end
+ echo after while loop "$&loop"
+* test sequence for foreach
+ echo
+ foreach outvar 0 0.5 1 1.5
+ echo parameters: $outvar $ foreach parameters are variables, not vectors!
+ end
+* test for if ... else ... end
+ echo
+ let loop = 0
+ let index = 1
+ dowhile loop < 10
+ let index = index * 2
+ if index < 128
+ echo "$&index" lt 128
+ else
+ echo "$&index" ge 128
+ end
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ end
+* simple test for label, goto
+ echo
+ let loop = 0
+ label starthere
+ echo start "$&loop"
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ if loop < 3
+ goto starthere
+ end
+ echo end "$&loop"
+* test for label, nested goto
+ echo
+ let loop = 0
+ label starthere1
+ echo start nested "$&loop"
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ if loop < 3
+ if loop < 3
+ goto starthere1
+ end
+ end
+ echo end "$&loop"
+* test for label, goto
+ echo
+ let index = 0
+ label starthere2
+ let loop = 0
+ echo We are at start with index "$&index" and loop "$&loop"
+ if index < 6
+ label inhere
+ let index = index + 1
+ if loop < 3
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ if index > 1
+ echo jump2
+ goto starthere2
+ end
+ end
+ echo jump
+ goto inhere
+ end
+ echo We are at end with index "$&index" and loop "$&loop"
+* test goto in while loop
+ echo
+ let loop = 0
+ if 1 $ outer loop to allow nested forward label 'endlabel'
+ while loop < 10
+ if loop > 5
+ echo jump
+ goto endlabel
+ end
+ let loop = loop + 1
+ end
+ echo before $ never reached
+ label endlabel
+ echo after "$&loop"
+ end
+*test for using variables
+* simple test for label, goto
+ echo
+ set loop = 0
+ label starthe
+ echo start $loop
+ let loop = $loop + 1 $ expression needs vector at lhs
+ set loop = "$&loop" $ convert vector contents to variable
+ if $loop < 3
+ goto starthe
+ end
+ echo end $loop
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/s-param.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/s-param.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bff277f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/control_structs/s-param.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Test for Scattering Parameters
+** Two ports
+** Examples: Bipolar, Tschebyschef, RC
+.param Rbase=50 Vbias_in=0 Vbias_out=0
+*** The two-port circuit:
+** port 1: in 0
+** port 2: out 0
+** Bias on both ports through resistor Rbase (to obtain operating point)
+** Example RF Bipolar mrf5711
+** VCE 1 V, IE = 5mA
+** QXXXXXXX nc nb ne
+** model obtained from
+*.include MRF5711.lib
+*XMRF5711 out in e MRF5711
+*Ie e 0 5m
+*Ce e 0 1
+** Example Tschebyschef Low Pass filter
+C1 in 0 33.2p
+L1 in 2 99.2n
+C2 2 0 57.2p
+L2 2 out 99.2n
+C3 out 0 33.2p
+** Example RC
+** see
+*R2 in out 10
+*C1 out int5 30p
+*R1 int5 0 10
+*** End of circuit
+** The following subcircuit to be changed only by an experienced user!
+*** Driver and readout
+X1 in out S22 S12 S_PARAM
+.SUBCKT S_PARAM 22 66 5 7
+* Resistors emulate switches with Ron=0.001 and Roff=1e12
+* to switch driver to input and readout to output (and vice versa, see below)
+RS1 22 2 0.001
+RS2 66 6 0.001
+RS3 22 6 1e12
+RS4 66 2 1e12
+Vacdc 1 0 DC 'Vbias_in' AC 1 $ ac voltage and dc bias at input (applied through load resistor)
+R1 1 2 'Rbase'
+E1 3 0 2 0 2 $ amplify in port ac voltage by 2
+Vac 3 4 DC 0 AC 1 $ subtract driving ac voltage
+R_loop 4 5 0.001
+R3 5 0 1 $ ground return for measure node 5
+E2 7 0 6 0 2 $ amplify out port ac voltage by 2
+R4 6 8 'Rbase' $ load resistor at output (ac)
+Vdc 8 0 DC 'Vbias_out' AC 0 $ dc bias at output (applied through load resistor)
+** Check the two ac lines below for being equal!
+set noaskquit
+set filetype=ascii
+*** measurement for s11 and s21
+** save bias voltages to vector
+let Vdcnew=V(X1.1) $ former Vacdc
+let Vacdcnew=v(X1.8) $ former Vdc
+** first ac measurement (change this line only together with following ac line)
+*ac lin 20 0.1G 2G $ use for bip transistor
+ac lin 100 2.5MEG 250MEG $ use for Tschebyschef
+*ac lin 101 1k 10G $ use for RC
+** switch input and output
+alter R.X1.RS1=1e12
+alter R.X1.RS2=1e12
+alter R.X1.RS3=0.001
+alter R.X1.RS4=0.001
+** switch bias voltages between in and out
+alter V.X1.Vacdc DC=op1.Vacdcnew
+alter V.X1.Vdc DC=op1.Vdcnew
+*** measurement for s12 and s22
+** second ac measurement (change this line only together with ac line above)
+*ac lin 20 0.1G 2G $ use for bip transistor
+ac lin 100 2.5MEG 250MEG $ use for Tschebyschef
+*ac lin 101 1 10G $ use for RC
+let s11=ac1.s22
+let s21=ac1.s12
+settype s-param S11 S21 S22 S12
+let S11db = db(s11)
+let S12db = db(s12)
+let S21db = db(s21)
+let S22db = db(s22)
+settype decibel S11db S21db S22db S12db
+let P11=180*ph(s11)/pi
+let P21=180*ph(s21)/pi
+let P22=180*ph(S22)/pi
+let P12=180*ph(S12)/pi
+settype phase P11 P21 P22 P12
+let Rbase=@R.X1.R4[Resistance]
+settype impedance Rbase
+*plot s11db s21db S22db S12db ylimit -50 0 xlog $ used with RC
+plot s11db s21db S22db S12db ylimit -0.5 0 $ used with Tschebyschef
+plot P11 P21 P22 P12
+plot smithgrid S11 S12
+*wrdata s3046 mag(S11) P11 mag(S21) P21 mag(S22) P22 mag(S12) P12 $ write simple table
+wrs2p s3046.s2p $ write touchstone vers. 1 file s3046.s2p
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/func_cap.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/func_cap.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eca14a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/func_cap.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+* func_cap.sp
+.func icap_calc(A,B,C,D) '2*A*sqrt(B*C*D)'
+.param cap_val = 'max(icap_calc(1,2,3,4))'
+VDD 1 0 DC 1
+C1 1 0 'cap_val'
+.measure tran capacitance param='cap_val'
+.measure tran capac2 param='max(icap_calc(1,2,3,4))'
+.tran 1ps 100ps
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran-auto.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran-auto.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..927d9a44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran-auto.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+Inverter example circuit
+* This netlist demonstrates the following:
+* global nodes (vdd, gnd)
+* autostop (.tran defines simulation end as 4ns but simulation stops at
+* 142.5ps when .measure statements are evaluated)
+* scale (all device units are in microns)
+* model binning (look in device.values file for which bin chosen)
+* model = nch.2
+* model = pch.2
+* parameters
+* parameterized subckt
+* vsrc with repeat
+* .measure statements for delay and an example ternary operator
+* device listing and parameter listing
+* You can run the example circuit with this command:
+* ngspice inverter3.sp
+* global nodes vdd gnd
+* autostop -- stop simulation early if .measure statements done
+* scale -- define scale factor for mosfet device parameters (l,w,area,perimeter)
+.option autostop
+.option scale = 1e-6
+* model binning
+.model nch.1 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model nch.2 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
+.model pch.1 pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model pch.2 pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
+* parameters
+.param vp = 1.0v
+.param lmin = 0.10
+.param wmin = 0.12
+.param plmin = 'lmin'
+.param nlmin = 'lmin'
+.param wpmin = 'wmin'
+.param wnmin = 'wmin'
+.param drise = 400ps
+.param dfall = 100ps
+.param trise = 100ps
+.param tfall = 100ps
+.param period = 1ns
+.param skew_meas = 'vp/2'
+* parameterized subckt
+.subckt inv in out pw='wpmin' pl='plmin' nw='wnmin' nl='nlmin'
+mp out in vdd vdd pch w='pw' l='pl'
+mn out in gnd gnd nch w='nw' l='nl'
+v0 vdd gnd 'vp'
+* vsrc with repeat
+v1 in gnd pwl
++ 0ns 'vp'
++ 'dfall-0.8*tfall' 'vp'
++ 'dfall-0.4*tfall' '0.9*vp'
++ 'dfall+0.4*tfall' '0.1*vp'
++ 'dfall+0.8*tfall' 0v
++ 'drise-0.8*trise' 0v
++ 'drise-0.4*trise' '0.1*vp'
++ 'drise+0.4*trise' '0.9*vp'
++ 'drise+0.8*trise' 'vp'
++ 'period+dfall-0.8*tfall' 'vp'
++ r='dfall-0.8*tfall'
+x1 in out inv pw=60 nw=20
+c1 out gnd 220fF
+.tran 1ps 4ns
+.meas tran inv_delay trig v(in) val='vp/2' fall=1 targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=1
+.meas tran inv_delay2 trig v(in) val='vp/2' td=1n fall=1 targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=1
+.meas tran test_data1 trig AT = 1n targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=3
+.meas tran out_slew trig v(out) val='0.2*vp' rise=2 targ v(out) val='0.8*vp' rise=2
+.meas tran delay_chk param='(inv_delay < 100ps) ? 1 : 0'
+.meas tran skew when v(out)=0.6
+.meas tran skew2 when v(out)=skew_meas
+.meas tran skew3 when v(out)=skew_meas fall=2
+.meas tran skew4 when v(out)=skew_meas fall=LAST
+.meas tran skew5 FIND v(out) AT=2n
+*.measure tran v0_min min i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+*.measure tran v0_avg avg i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+*.measure tran v0_integ integ i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+*.measure tran v0_rms rms i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+rusage all
+plot v(in) v(out)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran-control.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran-control.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..48f7d09a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran-control.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+Inverter example circuit
+* This netlist demonstrates the following:
+* global nodes (vdd, gnd)
+* autostop (.tran defines simulation end as 4ns but simulation stops at
+* 142.5ps when .measure statements are evaluated)
+* scale (all device units are in microns)
+* model binning (look in device.values file for which bin chosen)
+* model = nch.2
+* model = pch.2
+* parameters
+* parameterized subckt
+* vsrc with repeat
+* .measure statements for delay and an example ternary operator
+* device listing and parameter listing
+* You can run the example circuit with this command:
+* ngspice inverter3.sp
+* global nodes vdd gnd
+* autostop -- stop simulation early if .measure statements done
+* scale -- define scale factor for mosfet device parameters (l,w,area,perimeter)
+*.option autostop
+.option scale = 1e-6
+* model binning
+.model nch.1 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model nch.2 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
+.model pch.1 pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model pch.2 pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
+* parameters
+.param vp = 1.0v
+.param lmin = 0.10
+.param wmin = 0.12
+.param plmin = 'lmin'
+.param nlmin = 'lmin'
+.param wpmin = 'wmin'
+.param wnmin = 'wmin'
+.param drise = 400ps
+.param dfall = 100ps
+.param trise = 100ps
+.param tfall = 100ps
+.param period = 1ns
+.param skew_meas = 'vp/2'
+* parameterized subckt
+.subckt inv in out pw='wpmin' pl='plmin' nw='wnmin' nl='nlmin'
+mp out in vdd vdd pch w='pw' l='pl'
+mn out in gnd gnd nch w='nw' l='nl'
+v0 vdd gnd 'vp'
+* vsrc with repeat
+v1 in gnd pwl
++ 0ns 'vp'
++ 'dfall-0.8*tfall' 'vp'
++ 'dfall-0.4*tfall' '0.9*vp'
++ 'dfall+0.4*tfall' '0.1*vp'
++ 'dfall+0.8*tfall' 0v
++ 'drise-0.8*trise' 0v
++ 'drise-0.4*trise' '0.1*vp'
++ 'drise+0.4*trise' '0.9*vp'
++ 'drise+0.8*trise' 'vp'
++ 'period+dfall-0.8*tfall' 'vp'
++ r='dfall-0.8*tfall'
+x1 in out inv pw=60 nw=20
+c1 out gnd 220fF
+tran 1ps 4ns
+meas tran inv_delay trig v(in) val=0.5 fall=1 targ v(out) val=0.5 rise=1
+meas tran inv_delay2 trig v(in) val=0.5 td=1n fall=1 targ v(out) val=0.5 rise=1
+meas tran test_data1 trig AT = 1n targ v(out) val=0.5 rise=3
+meas tran out_slew trig v(out) val=0.2 rise=2 targ v(out) val=0.8 rise=2
+*.meas tran delay_chk param='(inv_delay < 100ps) ? 1 : 0'
+if ( inv_delay < 100ps )
+ let delay_chk = 1
+ let delay_chk = 0
+echo delay_chk = "$&delay_chk"
+meas tran skew when v(out)=0.6
+let skew_meas = 0.5
+meas tran skew2 when v(out)=skew_meas
+meas tran skew3 when v(out)=skew_meas fall=2
+meas tran skew4 when v(out)=skew_meas fall=LAST
+meas tran skew5 FIND v(out) AT=2n
+let dfall = 100p
+let period = 1n
+let delta = dfall+period
+meas tran v0_min min i(v0) from=dfall to=delta
+meas tran i_v0_min min_at i(v0) from=dfall to=delta
+meas tran v0_avg avg i(v0) from = dfall to = delta
+meas tran v0_integ integ i(v0) from=dfall to=delta
+meas tran v0_rms rms i(v0) from=dfall to=delta
+rusage all
+plot v(in) v(out)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a4077ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+Inverter example circuit
+* This netlist demonstrates the following:
+* global nodes (vdd, gnd)
+* autostop (.tran defines simulation end as 4ns but simulation stops at
+* 142.5ps when .measure statements are evaluated)
+* scale (all device units are in microns)
+* model binning (look in device.values file for which bin chosen)
+* model = nch.2
+* model = pch.2
+* parameters
+* parameterized subckt
+* vsrc with repeat
+* .measure statements for delay and an example ternary operator
+* device listing and parameter listing
+* You can run the example circuit with this command:
+* ngspice inverter3.sp
+* global nodes vdd gnd
+* autostop -- stop simulation early if .measure statements done
+* scale -- define scale factor for mosfet device parameters (l,w,area,perimeter)
+*.option autostop
+.option scale = 1e-6
+* model binning
+.model nch.1 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model nch.2 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
+.model pch.1 pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model pch.2 pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
+* parameters
+.param vp = 1.0v
+.param lmin = 0.10
+.param wmin = 0.12
+.param plmin = 'lmin'
+.param nlmin = 'lmin'
+.param wpmin = 'wmin'
+.param wnmin = 'wmin'
+.param drise = 400ps
+.param dfall = 100ps
+.param trise = 100ps
+.param tfall = 100ps
+.param period = 1ns
+.param skew_meas = 'vp/2'
+* parameterized subckt
+.subckt inv in out pw='wpmin' pl='plmin' nw='wnmin' nl='nlmin'
+mp out in vdd vdd pch w='pw' l='pl'
+mn out in gnd gnd nch w='nw' l='nl'
+v0 vdd gnd 'vp'
+* vsrc with repeat
+v1 in gnd pwl
++ 0ns 'vp'
++ 'dfall-0.8*tfall' 'vp'
++ 'dfall-0.4*tfall' '0.9*vp'
++ 'dfall+0.4*tfall' '0.1*vp'
++ 'dfall+0.8*tfall' 0v
++ 'drise-0.8*trise' 0v
++ 'drise-0.4*trise' '0.1*vp'
++ 'drise+0.4*trise' '0.9*vp'
++ 'drise+0.8*trise' 'vp'
++ 'period+dfall-0.8*tfall' 'vp'
++ r='dfall-0.8*tfall'
+x1 in out inv pw=60 nw=20
+c1 out gnd 220fF
+.tran 1ps 4ns
+.meas tran inv_delay trig v(in) val='vp/2' fall=1 targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=1
+.meas tran inv_delay2 trig v(in) val='vp/2' td=1n fall=1 targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=1
+.meas tran test_data1 trig AT = 1n targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=3
+.meas tran out_slew trig v(out) val='0.2*vp' rise=2 targ v(out) val='0.8*vp' rise=2
+.meas tran delay_chk param='(inv_delay < 100ps) ? 1 : 0'
+.meas tran skew when v(out)=0.6
+.meas tran skew2 when v(out)=skew_meas
+.meas tran skew3 when v(out)=skew_meas fall=2
+.meas tran skew4 when v(out)=skew_meas fall=LAST
+.meas tran skew5 FIND v(out) AT=2n
+.meas tran v0_min min i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+.meas tran i_v0_min min_at i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+.meas tran v0_avg avg i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+.meas tran v0_integ integ i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+.meas tran v0_rms rms i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+rusage all
+plot v(in) v(out)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran_oc.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran_oc.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98077b80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran_oc.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+Inverter example circuit
+* This netlist demonstrates the following:
+* global nodes (vdd, gnd)
+* autostop (.tran defines simulation end as 4ns but simulation stops at
+* 142.5ps when .measure statements are evaluated)
+* scale (all device units are in microns)
+* model binning (look in device.values file for which bin chosen)
+* model = nch.2
+* model = pch.2
+* parameters
+* parameterized subckt
+* vsrc with repeat
+* .measure statements for delay and an example ternary operator
+* device listing and parameter listing
+* You can run the example circuit with this command:
+* ngspice inverter3.sp
+* global nodes vdd gnd
+* autostop -- stop simulation early if .measure statements done
+* scale -- define scale factor for mosfet device parameters (l,w,area,perimeter)
+*.option autostop
+.option scale = 1e-6
+* model binning
+.model nch.1 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model nch.2 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
+.model pch.1 pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model pch.2 pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
+* parameters
+.param vp = 1.0v
+.param lmin = 0.10
+.param wmin = 0.12
+.param plmin = 'lmin'
+.param nlmin = 'lmin'
+.param wpmin = 'wmin'
+.param wnmin = 'wmin'
+.param drise = 400ps
+.param dfall = 100ps
+.param trise = 100ps
+.param tfall = 100ps
+.param period = 1ns
+.param skew_meas = 'vp/2'
+* parameterized subckt
+.subckt inv in out pw='wpmin' pl='plmin' nw='wnmin' nl='nlmin'
+mp out in vdd vdd pch w='pw' l='pl'
+mn out in gnd gnd nch w='nw' l='nl'
+v0 vdd gnd 'vp'
+* vsrc with repeat
+v1 in gnd pwl
++ 0ns 'vp'
++ 'dfall-0.8*tfall' 'vp'
++ 'dfall-0.4*tfall' '0.9*vp'
++ 'dfall+0.4*tfall' '0.1*vp'
++ 'dfall+0.8*tfall' 0v
++ 'drise-0.8*trise' 0v
++ 'drise-0.4*trise' '0.1*vp'
++ 'drise+0.4*trise' '0.9*vp'
++ 'drise+0.8*trise' 'vp'
++ 'period+dfall-0.8*tfall' 'vp'
++ r='dfall-0.8*tfall'
+x1 in out inv pw=60 nw=20
+c1 out gnd 220fF
+.tran 1ps 4ns
+.meas tran inv_delay trig v(in) val='vp/2' fall=1 targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=1
+.meas tran inv_delay2 trig v(in) val='vp/2' td=1n fall=1 targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=1
+.meas tran test_data1 trig AT = 1n targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=3
+.meas tran out_slew trig v(out) val='0.2*vp' rise=2 targ v(out) val='0.8*vp' rise=2
+.meas tran delay_chk param='(inv_delay < 100ps) ? 1 : 0'
+.meas tran skew when v(out)=0.6
+.meas tran skew2 when v(out)=skew_meas
+.meas tran skew3 when v(out)=skew_meas fall=2
+.meas tran skew4 when v(out)=skew_meas fall=LAST
+.meas tran skew5 FIND v(out) AT=2n
+.meas tran v0_min min i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+.meas tran i_v0_min min_at i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+.meas tran v0_avg avg i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+.meas tran v0_integ integ i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
+.meas tran v0_rms rms i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/mos-meas-dc-control.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/mos-meas-dc-control.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9869cf60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/mos-meas-dc-control.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+***** Single NMOS Transistor .measure (Id-Vd) ***
+* Altering device witdth leads to select new model due to binning limits.
+* New model has artificially thick gate oxide (changed from default 3n to 4n)
+* to demonstrate the effect.
+m1 d g s b nch L=0.6u W=9.99u ; W is slightly below binning limit
+vgs g 0 3.5
+vds d 0 3.5
+vs s 0 dc 0
+vb b 0 dc 0
+* model binning
+* uses default parameters, except toxe
+.model nch.1 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u toxe=3n )
+.model nch.2 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u toxe=4n)
+dc vds 0 3.5 0.05 vgs 3.5 0.5 -0.5
+meas dc is_at FIND i(vs) AT=1
+meas dc is_max max i(vs)
+meas dc vds_at2 when i(vs)=10m
+* starting with branches in descending order of vgs
+* trig ist the first branch which crosses 5mA
+* Targ is the first branch crossing 10mA
+meas dc vd_diff1 trig i(vs) val=0.005 rise=1 targ i(vs) val=0.01 rise=1
+* trig ist the first branch which crosses 5mA
+* Targ is the second branch crossing 10mA
+meas dc vd_diff2 trig i(vs) val=0.005 rise=2 targ i(vs) val=0.01 rise=2
+alter @m1[w]=10.01u ; W is slightly above binning limit
+dc vds 0 3.5 0.05 vgs 3.5 0.5 -0.5
+meas dc is_at FIND i(vs) AT=1
+meas dc is_max max i(vs)
+meas dc vds_at2 when i(vs)=10m
+meas dc vd_diff1 trig i(vs) val=0.005 rise=1 targ i(vs) val=0.01 rise=1
+* there is only one branch crossing 10mA, so this second meas fails with targ out of interval
+echo The next one will fail (no two branches crossing 10 mA):
+meas dc vd_diff2 trig i(vs) val=0.005 rise=2 targ i(vs) val=0.01 rise=2
+*rusage all
+plot dc1.i(vs) i(vs)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/mos-meas-dc.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/mos-meas-dc.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb3892db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/mos-meas-dc.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+***** Single NMOS Transistor .measure (Id-Vd) ***
+m1 d g s b nch L=0.6u W=10.0u
+vgs g 0 3.5
+vds d 0 3.5
+vs s 0 dc 0
+vb b 0 dc 0
+.dc vds 0 3.5 0.05 vgs 0.5 3.5 0.5
+.print dc v(1) i(vs)
+* model binning
+.model nch.1 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model nch.2 nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
+.model pch.1 pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model pch.2 pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
+.meas dc is_at FIND i(vs) AT=1
+.meas dc is_max max i(vs) from=0 to=3.5
+.meas dc vds_at2 when i(vs)=10m
+.meas dc vd_diff1 trig i(vs) val=0.005 rise=1 targ i(vs) val=0.01 rise=1
+.meas dc vd_diff2 trig i(vs) val=0.005 rise=1 targ i(vs) val=0.01 rise=2
+*rusage all
+plot i(vs)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/rc-meas-ac-control.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/rc-meas-ac-control.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b57929d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/rc-meas-ac-control.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+RC band pass example circuit
+* This netlist demonstrates the following:
+* global nodes (vdd, gnd)
+* .measure statements for delay and an example ternary operator
+* You can run the example circuit with this command:
+* ngspice rc-meas-ac.sp
+* global nodes vdd gnd
+* autostop -- stop simulation early if .measure statements done
+*.option autostop
+vin in gnd dc 0 ac 1
+R1 in mid1 1k
+c1 mid1 gnd 1n
+C2 mid1 out 500p
+R2 out gnd 1k
+ac DEC 10 1k 10MEG
+meas ac vout_at FIND v(out) AT=1MEG
+meas ac vout_atr FIND vr(out) AT=1MEG
+meas ac vout_ati FIND vi(out) AT=1MEG
+meas ac vout_atm FIND vm(out) AT=1MEG
+meas ac vout_atp FIND vp(out) AT=1MEG
+meas ac vout_atd FIND vdb(out) AT=1MEG
+meas ac vout_max max v(out) from=1k to=10MEG
+meas ac freq_at when v(out)=0.1
+meas ac vout_diff trig v(out) val=0.1 rise=1 targ v(out) val=0.1 fall=1
+meas ac fixed_diff trig AT = 10k targ v(out) val=0.1 rise=1
+meas ac vout_avg avg v(out) from=10k to=1MEG
+meas ac vout_integ integ v(out) from=20k to=500k
+meas ac freq_at2 when v(out)=0.1 fall=LAST
+*meas ac bw_chk param='(vout_diff < 100k) ? 1 : 0'
+if (vout_diff < 100k)
+ let bw_chk = 1
+ let bw_chk = 0
+echo bw_chk = "$&bw_chk"
+*meas ac bw_chk2 param='(vout_diff > 500k) ? 1 : 0'
+if (vout_diff > 500k)
+ let bw_chk2 = 1
+ let bw_chk2 = 0
+echo bw_chk2 = "$&bw_chk2"
+meas ac vout_rms rms v(out) from=10 to=1G
+*rusage all
+plot v(out)
+plot ph(v(out))
+plot mag(v(out))
+plot db(v(out))
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/rc-meas-ac.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/rc-meas-ac.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d464ba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/rc-meas-ac.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+RC band pass example circuit
+* This netlist demonstrates the following:
+* global nodes (vdd, gnd)
+* .measure statements for delay and an example ternary operator
+* You can run the example circuit with this command:
+* ngspice rc-meas-ac.sp
+* global nodes vdd gnd
+* autostop -- stop simulation early if .measure statements done
+*.option autostop
+vin in gnd dc 0 ac 1
+R1 in mid1 1k
+c1 mid1 gnd 1n
+C2 mid1 out 500p
+R2 out gnd 1k
+ DEC 10 1k 10MEG
+.meas ac vout_at FIND v(out) AT=1MEG
+.meas ac vout_atr FIND vr(out) AT=1MEG
+.meas ac vout_ati FIND vi(out) AT=1MEG
+.meas ac vout_atm FIND vm(out) AT=1MEG
+.meas ac vout_atp FIND vp(out) AT=1MEG
+.meas ac vout_atd FIND vdb(out) AT=1MEG
+.meas ac vout_max max v(out) from=1k to=10MEG
+.meas ac freq_at when v(out)=0.1
+.meas ac vout_diff trig v(out) val=0.1 rise=1 targ v(out) val=0.1 fall=1
+.meas ac fixed_diff trig AT = 10k targ v(out) val=0.1 rise=1
+.meas ac vout_avg avg v(out) from=10k to=1MEG
+.meas ac vout_integ integ v(out) from=20k to=500k
+.meas ac freq_at2 when v(out)=0.1 fall=LAST
+.meas ac bw_chk param='(vout_diff < 100k) ? 1 : 0'
+.meas ac bw_chk2 param='(vout_diff > 500k) ? 1 : 0'
+.meas ac vout_rms rms v(out) from=10 to=1G
+*rusage all
+plot v(out)
+plot ph(v(out))
+plot mag(v(out))
+plot db(v(out))
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/simple-meas-tran.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/simple-meas-tran.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0279c73f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/simple-meas-tran.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+File: simple-meas-tran.sp
+* Simple .measurement examples
+* transient simulation of two sine signals with different frequencies
+vac1 1 0 DC 0 sin(0 1 1k 0 0)
+R1 1 0 100k
+vac2 2 0 DC 0 sin(0 1.2 0.9k 0 0)
+.tran 10u 5m
+.measure tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=1 TARG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=2
+.measure tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=1 TARG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=3
+.measure tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=1 TARG v(1) VAL=0.5 FALL=1
+.measure tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0 FALL=3 TARG v(2) VAL=0 FALL=3
+.measure tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=-0.6 CROSS=1 TARG v(2) VAL=-0.8 CROSS=1
+.measure tran tdiff TRIG AT=1m TARG v(2) VAL=-0.8 CROSS=3
+.measure tran teval WHEN v(2)=0.7 CROSS=LAST
+.measure tran teval WHEN v(2)=v(1) FALL=LAST
+.measure tran teval WHEN v(1)=v(2) CROSS=LAST
+.measure tran yeval FIND v(2) WHEN v(1)=0.2 FALL=2
+.measure tran yeval FIND v(2) AT=2m
+.measure tran ymax MAX v(2) from=2m to=3m
+.measure tran tymax MAX_AT v(2) from=2m to=3m
+.measure tran ypp PP v(1) from=2m to=4m
+.measure tran yrms RMS v(1) from=2m to=3.5m
+.measure tran yavg AVG v(1) from=2m to=4m
+.measure tran yint INTEG v(2) from=2m to=3m
+.param fval=5
+.measure tran yadd param='fval + 7'
+.param vout_diff=50k
+.meas tran bw_chk param='(vout_diff < 100k) ? 1 : 0'
+.measure tran vtest find par('v(2)*v(1)') AT=2.3m
+plot v(1) v(2)
+gnuplot ttt i(vac1)
+meas tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=1 TARG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=2
+meas tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=1 TARG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=3
+meas tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0.5 RISE=1 TARG v(1) VAL=0.5 FALL=1
+meas tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=0 FALL=3 TARG v(2) VAL=0 FALL=3
+meas tran tdiff TRIG v(1) VAL=-0.6 CROSS=1 TARG v(2) VAL=-0.8 CROSS=1
+meas tran tdiff TRIG AT=1m TARG v(2) VAL=-0.8 CROSS=3
+meas tran teval WHEN v(2)=0.7 CROSS=LAST
+meas tran teval WHEN v(2)=v(1) FALL=LAST
+meas tran teval WHEN v(1)=v(2) CROSS=LAST
+meas tran yeval FIND v(2) WHEN v(1)=0.2 FALL=2
+meas tran yeval FIND v(2) AT=2m
+meas tran ymax MAX v(2) from=2m to=3m
+meas tran tymax MAX_AT v(2) from=2m to=3m
+meas tran ypp PP v(1) from=2m to=4m
+meas tran yrms RMS v(1) from=2m to=3.5m
+meas tran yavg AVG v(1) from=2m to=4m
+meas tran yint INTEG v(2) from=2m to=3m
+meas tran ymax MAX v(2) from=2m to=3m
+meas tran tmax WHEN v(2)=YMAX from=1m to=2m $ not recognized!
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/memristor/memristor.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/memristor/memristor.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdb9488a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/memristor/memristor.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Memristor with threshold
+* Y. V. Pershin, M. Di Ventra: "SPICE model of memristive devices with threshold",
+* arXiv:1204.2600v1 [physics.comp-ph] 12 Apr 2012,
+* Parameter selection and plotting by
+* Holger Vogt 2012
+.param stime=10n
+.param vmax = 3
+* send parameters to the .control section
+.csparam stime={stime}
+.csparam vmax={vmax}
+Xmem 1 0 memristor
+* triangular sweep (you have to adapt the parameters to 'alter' command in the .control section)
+*V1 1 0 DC 0 PWL(0 0 '0.25*stime' 'vmax' '0.5*stime' 0 '0.75*stime' '-vmax' 'stime' 0)
+* sinusoidal sweep
+V1 0 1 DC 0 sin(0 'vmax' '1/stime')
+* memristor model with limits and threshold
+* "artificial" parameters alpha, beta, and vt. beta and vt adapted to basic programming frequency
+* just to obtain nice results!
+* You have to care for the physics and set real values!
+.subckt memristor plus minus PARAMS: Ron=1K Roff=10K Rinit=7.0K alpha=0 beta=20e3/stime Vt=1.6
+Bx 0 x I='((f1(V(plus)-V(minus))> 0) && (V(x) < Roff)) ? {f1(V(plus)-V(minus))}: ((((f1(V(plus)-V(minus)) < 0) && (V(x)>Ron)) ? {f1(V(plus)-V(minus))}: 0)) '
+Vx x x1 dc 0
+Cx x1 0 1 IC={Rinit}
+Rmem plus minus r={V(x)}
+.func f1(y)={beta*y+0.5*(alpha-beta)*(abs(y+Vt)-abs(y-Vt))}
+* transient simulation same programming voltage but rising frequencies
+*** first simulation ***
+* approx. 100 simulation points
+let deltime = stime/100
+tran $&deltime $&stime uic
+* plot i(v1) vs v(1)
+*** you may just stop here ***
+* raise the frequency
+let newfreq = 1.1/stime
+let newstime = stime/1.1
+let deltime = newstime/100
+alter @V1[sin] [ 0 $&vmax $&newfreq ]
+tran $&deltime $&newstime uic
+* raise the frequency even more
+let newfreq = 1.4/stime
+let newstime = stime/1.4
+let deltime = newstime/100
+alter @V1[sin] [ 0 $&vmax $&newfreq ]
+tran $&deltime $&newstime uic
+* the 'programming' currents
+plot tran1.alli tran2.alli alli title 'Memristor with threshold: Internal Programming currents'
+* resistance versus time plot
+settype impedance xmem.x1 tran1.xmem.x1 tran2.xmem.x1
+plot xmem.x1 tran1.xmem.x1 tran2.xmem.x1 title 'Memristor with threshold: resistance'
+* resistance versus voltage (change occurs only above threshold!)
+plot xmem.x1 vs v(1) tran1.xmem.x1 vs tran1.v(1) tran2.xmem.x1 vs tran2.v(1) title 'Memristor with threshold: resistance'
+* current through resistor for all plots versus voltage
+plot i(v1) vs v(1) tran1.i(v1) vs tran1.v(1) tran2.i(v1) vs tran2.v(1) title 'Memristor with threshold: external current loops'
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/memristor/memristor_x.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/memristor/memristor_x.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1c283e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/memristor/memristor_x.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+Memristor with threshold as XSPICE code model
+* Y. V. Pershin, M. Di Ventra: "SPICE model of memristive devices with threshold",
+* arXiv:1204.2600v1 [physics.comp-ph] 12 Apr 2012,
+* XSPICE code model, parameter selection and plotting by
+* Holger Vogt 2012
+* ac and op (dc) simulation just use start resistance rinit!
+.param stime=10n
+.param vmax = 4.2
+* send parameters to the .control section
+.csparam stime={stime}
+.csparam vmax={vmax}
+*Xmem 1 0 memristor
+* triangular sweep (you have to adapt the parameters to 'alter' command in the .control section)
+*V1 1 0 DC 0 PWL(0 0 '0.25*stime' 'vmax' '0.5*stime' 0 '0.75*stime' '-vmax' 'stime' 0)
+* sinusoidal sweep for transient, dc for op, ac
+V1 0 1 DC 0.1 ac 1 sin(0 'vmax' '1/stime')
+Rl 1 11 1k
+* memristor model with limits and threshold
+* "artificial" parameters alpha, beta, and vt. beta and vt adapted to basic programming frequency
+* just to obtain nice results!
+* You have to care for the physics and set real values!
+amen 11 2 memr
+.model memr memristor (rmin=1k rmax=10k rinit=7k alpha=0 beta='20e3/stime' vt=1.6)
+vgnd 2 0 dc 0
+* This is the original subcircuit model
+.subckt memristor plus minus PARAMS: Ron=1K Roff=10K Rinit=7.0K alpha=0 beta=20e3/stime Vt=1.6
+Bx 0 x I='((f1(V(plus)-V(minus))> 0) && (V(x) < Roff)) ? {f1(V(plus)-V(minus))}: ((((f1(V(plus)-V(minus)) < 0) && (V(x)>Ron)) ? {f1(V(plus)-V(minus))}: 0)) '
+Vx x x1 dc 0
+Cx x1 0 1 IC={Rinit}
+Rmem plus minus r={V(x)}
+.func f1(y)={beta*y+0.5*(alpha-beta)*(abs(y+Vt)-abs(y-Vt))}
+* transient simulation same programming voltage but rising frequencies
+*** first simulation ***
+print all
+ac lin 101 1 100k
+plot v(11)
+* approx. 100 simulation points
+let deltime = stime/100
+tran $&deltime $&stime uic
+* plot i(v1) vs v(1)
+*** you may just stop here ***
+* raise the frequency
+let newfreq = 1.2/stime
+let newstime = stime/1.2
+let deltime = newstime/100
+alter @V1[sin] [ 0 $&vmax $&newfreq ]
+tran $&deltime $&newstime uic
+* raise the frequency even more
+let newfreq = 1.4/stime
+let newstime = stime/1.4
+let deltime = newstime/100
+alter @V1[sin] [ 0 $&vmax $&newfreq ]
+tran $&deltime $&newstime uic
+* the resistor currents
+plot tran1.alli tran2.alli alli title 'Memristor with threshold: currents'
+* calculate resistance (avoid dividing by zero)
+let res = v(1)/(I(v1) + 1e-16)
+let res1 = tran1.v(1)/(tran1.I(v1) + 1e-16)
+let res2 = tran2.v(1)/(tran2.I(v1) + 1e-16)
+* resistance versus time plot
+settype impedance res res1 res2
+plot res vs time res1 vs tran1.time res2 vs tran2.time title 'Memristor with threshold: resistance'
+* resistance versus voltage (change occurs only above threshold!)
+plot res vs v(1) res1 vs tran1.v(1) res2 vs tran2.v(1) title 'Memristor with threshold: resistance'
+* current through resistor for all plots versus voltage
+plot i(v1) vs v(1) tran1.i(v1) vs tran1.v(1) tran2.i(v1) vs tran2.v(1) title 'Memristor with threshold: external current loops'
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/numparam/example.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/numparam/example.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e13bc06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/numparam/example.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+* Param-example
+.param amplitude= 1V
+.subckt myfilter in out rval=100k cval=100nF
+Ra in p1 {2*rval}
+Rb p1 out {2*rval}
+C1 p1 0 {2*cval}
+Ca in p2 {cval}
+Cb p2 out {cval}
+R1 p2 0 {rval}
+.ends myfilter
+X1 input output myfilter rval=1k cval=1n
+V1 input 0 AC {amplitude}
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/numparam/pin.mod b/Windows/spice/examples/numparam/pin.mod
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b035cd2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/numparam/pin.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* PIN model
+* line 2
+* line 3
+* -- Summary -------------------------------
+* This is a simple spice model of a PIN diode.
+* -- Description ---------------------------
+* It is a three node device; one input node (relative to ground) and two
+* output nodes (cathode and anode)
+* -- Model ----------------------------------
+.subckt SIMPLE_PIN input cathode anode resp=0.5
+* Input photocurrent is modled by a voltage
+* This generates a current using a linear voltage-controlled current source
+Gin dk da input 0 {resp}
+Rin input 0 1G
+Cin input 0 {resp}
+* The pn-junction that generates this photocurrent in the real device is modelled
+* here by a simple diode
+Dpn da dk pndiode
+* terminal resistances
+Ra anode da 0.001ohm
+Rk cathode dk 0.001ohm
+* subsircuit models:
+.MODEL pndiode D IS=0.974p RS=0.1 N=1.986196 BV=7.1 IBV=0.1n
++ CJO=99.2p VJ=0.455536 M=0.418717 TT=500n
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/numparam/pintest.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/numparam/pintest.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..80702e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/numparam/pintest.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+* Test circuit for pin.mod
+*.include C:\Spice\tests\numparam\pin.mod
+.include pin.mod
+* Photodiode supply
+Vbias psu 0 10V
+* Light input is modeled by a voltage source that we can vary
+Vlight input 0 2mW
+* The pin diode
+Xpin input cathode anode SIMPLE_PIN resp=0.7
+* monitor resistor
+Rmon anode 0 1ohm
+* Quench restistor
+Rq psu cathode 1k
+*.dc vlight 0 5mW 0.01mW
+.dc vlight 0 10mW 0.01mW
+dc vlight 0 10mW 0.01mW
+*write pintest.raw all
+plot V(anode)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/pss/colpitt_osc_pss.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/colpitt_osc_pss.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d0583ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/colpitt_osc_pss.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Colpitt's Oscillator Circuit
+* Colpitt is an harmonic oscillator (LC based) which use
+* a capacitive partition of resonator to feed the single
+* active device.
+* Predicted frequency is about 3.30435e+06 Hz.
+* Models:
+.model qnl npn(level=1 bf=80 rb=100 ccs=2pf tf=0.3ns tr=6ns cje=3pf cjc=2pf va=50)
+r1 1 0 1
+q1 2 1 3 qnl
+vcc 4 0 5
+rl 4 2 750
+c1 2 3 500p
+c2 4 3 4500p
+l1 4 2 5uH
+re 3 6 4.65k
+vee 6 0 dc -10 pwl 0 0 1e-9 -10
+*.tran 30n 12u
+.pss 3.1e6 500e-6 3 256 10 50 5e-3
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/pss/compl_cross_quad_osc_pss.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/compl_cross_quad_osc_pss.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b45e730d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/compl_cross_quad_osc_pss.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Complimentary Cross Quad CMOS Oscillator
+* Predicted frequency is 5.61224e+08 Hz.
+* PLOT i1
+* Supply
+vdd vdd gnd 1.2 pwl 0 1.2 1e-9 1.2
+rdd vdd vdd_ana 70m
+rgnd gnd gnd_ana 70m
+* Cross quad
+mpsx v_plus v_minus vdd_ana vdd_ana pch w=10u l=0.1u
+mnsx v_plus v_minus gnd_ana gnd_ana nch w=10u l=0.1u
+mpdx v_minus v_plus vdd_ana vdd_ana pch w=10u l=0.1u
+mndx v_minus v_plus gnd_ana gnd_ana nch w=10u l=0.1u
+* Lumped elements model of real inductor
+ls v_plus i1 19.462n ic=0.06
+rs i1 v_minus 7.789
+cs v_plus v_minus 443f
+coxs v_plus is 2.178p
+coxd v_minus id 2.178p
+rsis is gnd_ana 308
+rsid id gnd_ana 308
+csis is gnd_ana 51f
+csid id gnd_ana 51f
+* Parallel capacitor to determine leading resonance
+cp v_plus v_minus 3.4p
+.model nch nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model pch pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+*.tran 0.05n 1u uic
+.pss 500e6 1u 1 1024 10 10 5e-3 uic
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/pss/hartley_osc_pss.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/hartley_osc_pss.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd1eef3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/hartley_osc_pss.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Hartley's Oscillator Circuit
+* Hartley is an harmonic oscillator (LC based) which use
+* an inductive partition of resonator to feed the single
+* active device. Output is taken on node 2.
+* Prediceted frequency is about 121.176 Hz.
+* PLOT V(3)
+* Models:
+.model qnl npn(level=1 bf=80 rb=100 ccs=2pf tf=0.3ns tr=6ns cje=3pf cjc=2pf va=50)
+vcc 1 0 5 pwl 0 0 1e-5 5
+r1 1 2 0.2k
+q1 2 3 0 qnl
+c1 3 4 633n
+l1 3 0 1.5
+l2 0 4 500m
+r2 4 2 100
+*.tran 300n 50m
+.pss 50 200e-3 2 1024 11 10 5e-3 uic
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/pss/ring_osc_pss.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/ring_osc_pss.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2649605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/ring_osc_pss.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Ring CMOS Oscillator
+* Oscillation is taken on node "bout".
+* Predicted frequency is 3.8e+09 Hz.
+* PLOT bout
+* Supply
+vdd vdd gnd 1.2 pwl 0 1.2 1e-9 1.2
+rdd vdd vdd_ana 70m
+rgnd gnd gnd_ana 70m
+* Inverter
+mp1 inv1 inv3 vdd_ana vdd_ana pch w=10u l=0.18u
+mn1 inv1 inv3 gnd_ana gnd_ana nch w=10u l=0.18u
+mp2 inv2 inv1 vdd_ana vdd_ana pch w=10u l=0.18u
+mn2 inv2 inv1 gnd_ana gnd_ana nch w=10u l=0.18u
+mp3 inv3 inv2 vdd_ana vdd_ana pch w=10u l=0.18u
+mn3 inv3 inv2 gnd_ana gnd_ana nch w=10u l=0.18u
+* Buffer out
+mp4 bout inv3 vdd_ana vdd_ana pch w=10u l=0.18u
+mn4 bout inv3 gnd_ana gnd_ana nch w=10u l=0.18u
+.model nch nmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+.model pch pmos ( version=4.4 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
+*.tran 0.005n 100n
+*.plot tran v(4)
+.pss 624e6 500n 1 1024 10 5 5e-3 uic
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/pss/vackar_osc_pss.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/vackar_osc_pss.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13ce1a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/vackar_osc_pss.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Vackar's Oscillator Circuit
+* Vackar is a derivation of Colpitt's oscillator (LC based).
+* Oscillation is taken on node 4.
+* Predicted frequency is 1.91803e+06Hz.
+* Models:
+.model qnl npn(level=1 bf=80 rb=100 ccs=2pf tf=0.3ns tr=6ns cje=3pf cjc=2pf va=50)
+vcc 1 0 5 pwl 0 10 1e-9 5
+lrfc 1 2 100u
+cdec 2 0 7n
+q1 3 2 0 qnl
+rb 3 0 4700
+c1 3 4 100p
+c2 3 0 600p
+c0 4 0 1n
+l1 4 1 6.2u
+*.tran 30n 12u
+*.plot tran v(4)
+.pss 1e6 10e-6 4 1024 10 50 5e-3 uic
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/pss/vdp_osc_pss.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/vdp_osc_pss.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4e66815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/pss/vdp_osc_pss.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Van Der Pol Oscillator
+* Prediceted frequency is about 4.54167e+06 Hz.
+* Third harmonic is high as the first one
+Ba gib 0 I=-1e-2*v(gib,0)+1e-2*v(gib,0)^3
+* Q is about 10
+La gib 0 1.2e-6
+Ra gib 0 158.113
+Ca gib 0 1e-9 ic=0.5
+*La gib 0 1e-9
+*Ra gib 0 474.6
+*Ca gib 0 1e-9 ic=0.5
+* Ghost node... Test for my PSS!
+Rb bad 0 1k
+*.tran 1e-9 150e-6 uic
+.pss 0.8e6 130e-6 1 50 10 50 5e-3 uic
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/snapshot/adder_mos.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/snapshot/adder_mos.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..603f1f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/snapshot/adder_mos.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ Example: snsave
+* load a circuit (including transistor models and .tran command)
+* starts transient simulation until stop point
+* store intermediate data to file
+* begin with editing the file location
+* to be run with 'ngspice adder_mos.cir'
+.include adder_mos_circ.cir
+*cd to where all files are located
+cd D:\Spice_general\ngspice\examples\snapshot
+set noaskquit
+unset ngdebug
+set noinit
+save vcc#branch 10
+iplot v(10)
+*interrupt condition for the simulation
+stop when time > 500n
+* simulate
+* store snapshot to file
+snsave adder500.snap
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/snapshot/adder_mos_circ.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/snapshot/adder_mos_circ.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0a591e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/snapshot/adder_mos_circ.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+.SUBCKT NAND in1 in2 out VDD
+M1 out in2 Vdd Vdd p1 W=3u L=1u
+M2 net.1 in2 0 0 n1 W=3u L=2u
+M3 out in1 Vdd Vdd p1 W=3u L=1u
+M4 out in1 net.1 0 n1 W=3u L=2u
+.SUBCKT ONEBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6
+X1 1 2 7 6 NAND
+X2 1 7 8 6 NAND
+X3 2 7 9 6 NAND
+X4 8 9 10 6 NAND
+X5 3 10 11 6 NAND
+X6 3 11 12 6 NAND
+X7 10 11 13 6 NAND
+X8 12 13 4 6 NAND
+X9 11 7 5 6 NAND
+.SUBCKT TWOBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+* NODES: INPUT - BIT0(2) / BIT1(2), OUTPUT - BIT0 / BIT1,
+X1 1 2 7 5 10 9 ONEBIT
+X2 3 4 10 6 8 9 ONEBIT
+.SUBCKT FOURBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
+* NODES: INPUT - BIT0(2) / BIT1(2) / BIT2(2) / BIT3(2),
+X1 1 2 3 4 9 10 13 16 15 TWOBIT
+X2 5 6 7 8 11 12 16 14 15 TWOBIT
+VCC 99 0 DC 3.3V
+VIN1A 1 0 PULSE(0 3 0 10NS 10NS 10NS 50NS)
+VIN1B 2 0 PULSE(0 3 0 10NS 10NS 20NS 100NS)
+VIN2A 3 0 PULSE(0 3 0 10NS 10NS 40NS 200NS)
+VIN2B 4 0 PULSE(0 3 0 10NS 10NS 80NS 400NS)
+VIN3A 5 0 PULSE(0 3 0 10NS 10NS 160NS 800NS)
+VIN3B 6 0 PULSE(0 3 0 10NS 10NS 320NS 1600NS)
+VIN4A 7 0 PULSE(0 3 0 10NS 10NS 640NS 3200NS)
+VIN4B 8 0 PULSE(0 3 0 10NS 10NS 1280NS 6400NS)
+X1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 13 99 FOURBIT
+*RBIT0 9 0 100K
+*RBIT1 10 0 100K
+*RBIT2 11 0 100K
+*RBIT3 12 0 100K
+*RCOUT 13 0 100K
+.TRAN 1NS 1000NS
+.model n1 nmos level=8 version=3.3.0
+.model p1 pmos level=8 version=3.3.0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/snapshot/adder_snload.script b/Windows/spice/examples/snapshot/adder_snload.script
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5556347
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/snapshot/adder_snload.script
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+* script to reload circuit and continue the simulation
+* begin with editing the file location
+* to be started with 'ngspice adder_snload.script'
+* cd to where all files are located
+cd D:\Spice_general\ngspice\examples\snapshot
+* load circuit and snpashot file
+snload adder_mos_circ.cir adder500.snap
+* continue simulation
+* plot some node voltages
+plot v(10) v(11) v(12)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/README b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce9d4105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/README
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+* noi-ring51-demo
+ring oszillator with one noisy inverter
+(requires 45min on a i7 860)
+* noi-sc-tr
+noise source sampled
+* noise_vnoi
+just a few 1/f and white noise sources
+* shot_ng
+emulation of shot noise in a diode
+* rts-1.cir
+random telegraph signals noise
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/modelcard.nmos b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/modelcard.nmos
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..83ca9849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/modelcard.nmos
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+*model = bsim3v3
+*Berkeley Spice Compatibility
+* Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
+.model N1 NMOS
++Level= 8 version=3.3.0
++Nch= 2.498E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=9.36e-8 Wint=1.47e-7
++Vth0= .6322 K1= .756 K2= -3.83e-2 K3= -2.612
++Dvt0= 2.812 Dvt1= 0.462 Dvt2=-9.17e-2
++Nlx= 3.52291E-08 W0= 1.163e-6
++K3b= 2.233
++Vsat= 86301.58 Ua= 6.47e-9 Ub= 4.23e-18 Uc=-4.706281E-11
++Rdsw= 650 U0= 388.3203 wr=1
++A0= .3496967 Ags=.1 B0=0.546 B1= 1
++ Dwg = -6.0E-09 Dwb = -3.56E-09 Prwb = -.213
++Keta=-3.605872E-02 A1= 2.778747E-02 A2= .9
++Voff=-6.735529E-02 NFactor= 1.139926 Cit= 1.622527E-04
++Cdscb= 0 Dvt0w = 0 Dvt1w = 0 Dvt2w = 0
++ Cdscd = 0 Prwg = 0
++Eta0= 1.0281729E-02 Etab=-5.042203E-03
++Dsub= .31871233
++Pclm= 1.114846 Pdiblc1= 2.45357E-03 Pdiblc2= 6.406289E-03
++Drout= .31871233 Pscbe1= 5000000 Pscbe2= 5E-09 Pdiblcb = -.234
++Pvag= 0 delta=0.01
++ Wl = 0 Ww = -1.420242E-09 Wwl = 0
++ Wln = 0 Wwn = .2613948 Ll = 1.300902E-10
++ Lw = 0 Lwl = 0 Lln = .316394
++ Lwn = 0
++kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051
++At= 22400
++Ua1= 3.31E-10 Ub1= 2.61E-19 Uc1= -3.42e-10
++Kt1l=0 Prt=764.3
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/modelcard.pmos b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/modelcard.pmos
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f50fe0a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/modelcard.pmos
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+.model P1 PMOS
++Level= 8 version=3.3.0
++Nch= 3.533024E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=6.23e-8 Wint=1.22e-7
++Vth0=-.6732829 K1= .8362093 K2=-8.606622E-02 K3= 1.82
++Dvt0= 1.903801 Dvt1= .5333922 Dvt2=-.1862677
++Nlx= 1.28e-8 W0= 2.1e-6
++K3b= -0.24 Prwg=-0.001 Prwb=-0.323
++Vsat= 103503.2 Ua= 1.39995E-09 Ub= 1.e-19 Uc=-2.73e-11
++ Rdsw= 460 U0= 138.7609
++A0= .4716551 Ags=0.12
++Keta=-1.871516E-03 A1= .3417965 A2= 0.83
++Voff=-.074182 NFactor= 1.54389 Cit=-1.015667E-03
++Cdsc= 8.937517E-04
++Cdscb= 1.45e-4 Cdscd=1.04e-4
++ Dvt0w=0.232 Dvt1w=4.5e6 Dvt2w=-0.0023
++Eta0= 6.024776E-02 Etab=-4.64593E-03
++Dsub= .23222404
++Pclm= .989 Pdiblc1= 2.07418E-02 Pdiblc2= 1.33813E-3
++Drout= .3222404 Pscbe1= 118000 Pscbe2= 1E-09
++Pvag= 0
++kt1= -0.25 kt2= -0.032 prt=64.5
++At= 33000
++Ute= -1.5
++Ua1= 4.312e-9 Ub1= 6.65e-19 Uc1= 0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noi-ring51-demo.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noi-ring51-demo.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bc6f6ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noi-ring51-demo.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+* 51 stage Ring-Osc. BSIM3, transient noise
+* will need 45 min on a i7 860 with 4 threads
+* closes the loop between inverters xinv1 and xinv5
+vin in out dc 0.5 pulse 0.5 0 0.1n 5n 1 1 1
+vdd dd 0 dc 0 pulse 0 2.2 0 1n 1 1 1
+vss ss 0 dc 0
+ve sub 0 dc 0
+vpe well 0 2.2
+* noisy inverters
+xiinv2 dd ss sub well out25 out50 inv253
+xiinv1 dd ss sub well in out25 inv253
+*very noisy inverter
+xiinv5 dd ss sub well out50 out inv1_2
+*output amplifier
+xiinv11 dd ss sub well out25 bufout inv1
+cout bufout ss 0.2pF
+.option itl1=500 gmin=1e-15 itl4=10 noacct
+* .dc vdd 0 2 0.01
+.tran 0.01n 500n
+ in bufout v(t1)
+.include modelcard.nmos
+.include modelcard.pmos
+.include noilib-demo.h
+unset ngdebug
+* first run
+save bufout $ needed for restricting memory usage
+tran 8p 10000n
+plot bufout xlimit 90n 95n
+fft bufout
+* next run
+save bufout
+alter @v.xiinv5.vn1[trnoise] = [ 0 0 0 0 ] $ no noise
+tran 8p 10000n
+plot bufout xlimit 90n 95n
+fft bufout
+plot mag(bufout) mag(sp2.bufout) xlimit 0 2G ylimit 1e-11 0.1 ylog
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noi-sc-tr.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noi-sc-tr.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19c738b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noi-sc-tr.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+* simple sample & hold, transient noise
+* switch control
+vgate1 ga1 0 dc 0 pulse (0 1 0 10n 10n 90n 200n)
+Switch1 1 2 ga1 0 smodel1
+* noisy input
+* rms value white, time step, exponent < 2, rms value 1/f
+vin 1 0 dc 0 trnoise 0.1m 0.2n 1 0.1m
+*vin 1 0 dc 0 trnoise 0.1m 0.2n 0 0.1m
+* output
+c2 2 0 10p
+* second S&H
+vgate2 ga2 0 dc 0 pulse (0 1 140n 10n 10n 30n 200n)
+e1 4 0 2 0 1
+Switch2 4 3 ga2 0 smodel2
+c3 3 0 10p
+.option itl1=500 gmin=1e-15 itl4=10 acct
+.model smodel1 sw vt=0.5 ron=100
+.model smodel2 sw vt=0.5 ron=100
+.tran 0.4n 100u
+unset ngdebug
+set filetype=ascii
+rusage all
+write noi_test.out v(1)
+plot v(2) v(3) xlimit 4u 5u
+plot v(ga1) v(ga2) xlimit 4u 5u
+*rms v(1)
+fft v(3)
+plot mag(v(3)) loglog xlimit 1e4 1e8 ylimit 1e-10 1e-4
+setplot tran1
+psd 101 v(3)
+plot mag(v(3)) xlimit 0 3e7 ylimit 0 10u
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noilib-demo.h b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noilib-demo.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84e119d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noilib-demo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+* standard inverter made noisy
+*.subckt inv1 dd ss sub well in out
+*vn1 out outi dc 0 noise 0.1 0.3n 1.0 0.1
+*mn1 outi in ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.25u AS=3p AD=3p PS=4u PD=4u
+*mp1 outi in dd well p1 w=4u l=0.25u AS=7p AD=7p PS=6u PD=6u
+*.ends inv1
+* standard inverter
+.subckt inv1 dd ss sub well in out
+mn1 out in ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.25u AS=3p AD=3p PS=4u PD=4u
+mp1 out in dd well p1 w=4u l=0.25u AS=7p AD=7p PS=6u PD=6u
+.ends inv1
+* very noisy inverter (noise on vdd and well)
+.subckt inv1_1 dd ss sub well in out
+vn1 dd idd dc 0 trnoise 0.05 0.05n 1 0.05
+vn2 well iwell dc 0 trnoise 0.05 0.05n 1 0.05
+mn1 out in ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.25u AS=3p AD=3p PS=4u PD=4u
+mp1 out in idd iwell p1 w=4u l=0.25u AS=7p AD=7p PS=6u PD=6u
+*Cout out 0 0.1p
+.ends inv1_1
+* another very noisy inverter
+.subckt inv1_2 dd ss sub well in out
+vn1 out outi dc 0 trnoise 0.05 8p 1.0 0.001
+mn1 outi in ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.25u AS=3p AD=3p PS=4u PD=4u
+mp1 outi in dd well p1 w=4u l=0.25u AS=7p AD=7p PS=6u PD=6u
+*Cout out 0 0.1p
+.ends inv1_2
+* another very noisy inverter with current souces parallel to transistor
+.subckt inv13 dd ss sub well in outi
+in1 ss outi dc 0 noise 200u 0.05n 1.0 50u
+mn1 outi in ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.25u AS=3p AD=3p PS=4u PD=4u
+in2 dd outi dc 0 noise 200u 0.05n 1.0 50u
+mp1 outi in dd well p1 w=4u l=0.25u AS=7p AD=7p PS=6u PD=6u
+*Cout out 0 0.1p
+.ends inv13
+.subckt inv53 dd ss sub well in out
+xinv1 dd ss sub well in 1 inv1
+xinv2 dd ss sub well 1 2 inv1
+xinv3 dd ss sub well 2 3 inv1
+xinv4 dd ss sub well 3 4 inv1
+xinv5 dd ss sub well 4 out inv1
+.ends inv53
+.subckt inv253 dd ss sub well in out
+xinv1 dd ss sub well in 1 inv53
+xinv2 dd ss sub well 1 2 inv53
+xinv3 dd ss sub well 2 3 inv53
+xinv4 dd ss sub well 3 4 inv53
+xinv5 dd ss sub well 4 out inv53
+.ends inv253
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noise_vnoi.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noise_vnoi.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a589d1a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/noise_vnoi.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+* Random noise test
+* internal noise source
+* one over f
+VNOI1 1 0 DC 0 TRNOISE(0n 1n 1.7 1n)
+VNOI2 2 0 DC 0 TRNOISE(0n 1n 1.4 1n)
+VNOI3 3 0 DC 0 TRNOISE(0n 1n 1.0 1n)
+VNOI4 4 0 DC 0 TRNOISE(0n 1n 0.5 1n)
+* white
+VNOI5 5 0 DC 0 TRNOISE(1n 1n 0 0)
+* both
+VNOI6 6 0 DC 0 TRNOISE(1n 1n 1 1n)
+* 250000 sample points
+.tran 1n 250u
+plot v(1) v(2) v(3) v(4) v(5) v(6)
+plot v(1) v(2) v(3) v(4) v(5) v(6) xlimit 102.0u 102.01u ylimit -3n 3n
+meas tran vavg5 AVG v(5) from=0 to=250u
+meas tran vpp5 PP v(5) from=0 to=250u
+meas tran vrms5 RMS v(5) from=0 to=250u
+fft v(1) v(2) v(3) v(4) v(5) v(6)
+plot mag(v(1)) mag(v(2)) mag(v(3)) mag(v(4)) mag(v(5)) loglog xlimit 1e3 1e9
+plot mag(v(6)) loglog xlimit 1e3 1e9
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/rts-1.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/rts-1.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f35256dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/rts-1.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* white noise, 1/f noise, RTS noise
+* voltage source
+VRTS2 13 12 DC 0 trnoise(0 0 0 0 5m 18u 30u)
+VRTS3 11 0 DC 0 trnoise(0 0 0 0 10m 20u 40u)
+VALL 12 11 DC 0 trnoise(1m 1u 1.0 0.1m 15m 22u 50u)
+VW1of 21 0 DC trnoise(1m 1u 1.0 0.1m)
+* current source
+IRTS2 10 0 DC 0 trnoise(0 0 0 0 5m 18u 30u)
+IRTS3 10 0 DC 0 trnoise(0 0 0 0 10m 20u 40u)
+IALL 10 0 DC 0 trnoise(1m 1u 1.0 0.1m 15m 22u 50u)
+R10 10 0 1
+IW1of 9 0 DC trnoise(1m 1u 1.0 0.1m)
+Rall 9 0 1
+* 500000 sample points
+.tran 1u 500u
+plot v(13) v(21)
+plot v(10) v(9)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/shot_ng.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/shot_ng.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ed06c81c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/transient-noise/shot_ng.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* Shot noise test with B source, diode
+* voltage on device (diode, forward)
+Vdev out 0 DC 0 PULSE(0.4 0.45 10u)
+* diode, forward direction, to be modeled with noise
+D1 mess 0 DMOD
+.model DMOD D IS=1e-14 N=1
+X1 0 mess out ishot
+* device between 1 and 2
+* new output terminals of device including noise: 1 and 3
+.subckt ishot 1 2 3
+* white noise source with rms 1V
+VNG 0 11 DC 0 TRNOISE(1 1n 0 0)
+*measure the current i(v1)
+V1 2 3 DC 0
+* calculate the shot noise
+* sqrt(2*current*q*bandwidth)
+BI 1 3 I=sqrt(2*abs(i(v1))*1.6e-19*1e7)*v(11)
+.ends ishot
+* 20000 sample points
+.tran 1n 20u
+plot (-1)*i(vdev)
+meas tran vdev_rms avg i(vdev) from=0u to=9.9u
+meas tran vdev_rms avg i(vdev) from=10.1u to=20u
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_Leakage.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_Leakage.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2bcfb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_Leakage.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+VTime VTime 0 DC 0 PWL( 0 0 1 1)
+Vfreq Vfreq 0 DC 5.5k
+BVAC IN 0 V = sin( 6.283185307179586*V(VFreq)*V(VTime))
+tran 1u .999m 0 1u
+set pensize = 2
+let numb2 = length(in)
+print numb2
+let ac = in +j(0)
+let ac_fft=fft(ac)
+let numb_f2 = (numb2)/2 -1
+compose freq start = 1 stop = $&numb_f2 step =1
+compose vreal start = 1 stop = $&numb_f2 step =1
+compose vimag start = 1 stop = $&numb_f2 step =1
+let j = 0
+repeat $&numb_f2
+let freq[j] = freq[j]
+let vreal[j] = 2*real(ac_fft[j+1])
+let vimag[j] = 2*imag(ac_fft[j+1])
+let j = j +1
+plot dB(abs(vreal+1f)) dB(abs(vimag+1f)) vs freq xlog
+let funBin = 5k/1000
+let unvect = unitvec(numb2)
+let fundspec = unvect*0 +j(0)
+let fundspec[funBin] = real(ac_fft[funBin]) +j(imag(ac_fft[funBin] ))
+let fundspec[numb2-funBin] = real(ac_fft[numb2-funBin]) +j(imag(ac_fft[numb2-funBin] ))
+let fund = ifft(fundspec)
+let dc_ofset = real(ac_fft[0])
+let thdspec = ac_fft
+let thdspec[0] = 0 +j(0)
+let thdspec[funBin] = 0 +j(0)
+let thdspec[numb2-funBin] = 0 +j(0)
+let thd = ifft(thdspec)
+plot norm(in) norm(fund) norm(thd)/2
+let rms_Fund = sqrt(mean(fund*fund))
+let rms_THD = sqrt(mean(thd*thd))
+let THD_percent = 100*rms_THD/rms_Fund
+let FREQ_Hz = VFreq[0]
+echo "Freq_Hz=$&FREQ_Hz THD_percent=$&THD_percent Fund_rms=$&rms_Fund THD_rms=$&rms_THD "
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_tests.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_tests.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7ede5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_tests.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+set units=degrees
+let a = vector(16)
+*plot a vs a
+set pensize = 2
+let ac = a+j(0)
+print a ac
+*plot fft(a) vs a
+*plot real(fft(ac)) imag(fft(ac)) vs a
+* fft(a) fft(ac)
+let b = unitvec(16)
+let bc = b+j(0)
+*plot fft(b) vs a title DC_WORKS
+*print fft(b) fft(bc)
+let numb = length(b)
+print numb
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= cos(indx*360/8)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+plot real(fftac) imag(fftac) vs a title DC_Plus_COS
+let fftac[2]=(0,0)
+let fftac[14]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifftac ac vs a title COS_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= cos(indx*360/8)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+let fftac[0]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifftac ac vs a title COS_With_DC_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= sin(indx*360/8)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+plot real(fftac) imag(fftac) vs a title DC_Plus_SIN
+let fftac[2]=(0,0)
+let fftac[14]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifft(fftac) ac vs a title SIN_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= sin(indx*360/8)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+let fftac[0]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifft(fftac) ac vs a title SIN_With_DC_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= cos(indx*360/2)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+plot ac vs a title Nyq_COS
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+plot real(fftac) imag(fftac) vs a title Nyq_FREQ_COS
+let fftac[0]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifft(fftac) ac vs a title COS_With_DC_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= sin(indx*360/2)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+plot ac vs a title Nyq_SIN
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+plot real(fftac) imag(fftac) vs a title Nyq_FREQ_SIN
+let fftac[0]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifft(fftac) ac vs a title COS_With_DC_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= cos(indx*360/8)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+let fftac[2]=(0,0)
+plot real(fftac) imag(fftac) vs a title DC_Plus_Cos
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifft(fftac) ac vs a title ONE_BIN_REMOVED
+plot real(ifft(fftac)) imag(ifft(fftac)) vs a title ONE_BIN_REMOVED
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/adder_mos.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/adder_mos.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b85e093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/adder_mos.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+.SUBCKT NAND in1 in2 out VDD
+M1 out in2 Vdd Vdd p1 W=7.5u L=0.35u pd=13.5u ad=22.5p ps=13.5u as=22.5p
+M2 net.1 in2 0 0 n1 W=3u L=0.35u pd=9u ad=9p ps=9u as=9p
+M3 out in1 Vdd Vdd p1 W=7.5u L=0.35u pd=13.5u ad=22.5p ps=13.5u as=22.5p
+M4 out in1 net.1 0 n1 W=3u L=0.35u pd=9u ad=9p ps=9u as=9p
+.SUBCKT ONEBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6
+X1 1 2 7 6 NAND
+X2 1 7 8 6 NAND
+X3 2 7 9 6 NAND
+X4 8 9 10 6 NAND
+X5 3 10 11 6 NAND
+X6 3 11 12 6 NAND
+X7 10 11 13 6 NAND
+X8 12 13 4 6 NAND
+X9 11 7 5 6 NAND
+.SUBCKT TWOBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+* NODES: INPUT - BIT0(2) / BIT1(2), OUTPUT - BIT0 / BIT1,
+X1 1 2 7 5 10 9 ONEBIT
+X2 3 4 10 6 8 9 ONEBIT
+.SUBCKT FOURBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
+* NODES: INPUT - BIT0(2) / BIT1(2) / BIT2(2) / BIT3(2),
+X1 1 2 3 4 9 10 13 16 15 TWOBIT
+X2 5 6 7 8 11 12 16 14 15 TWOBIT
+*** POWER
+VCC 99 0 DC 3.3V
+VIN1A 1 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 20NS 50NS)
+VIN1B 2 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 30NS 100NS)
+VIN2A 3 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 50NS 200NS)
+VIN2B 4 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 90NS 400NS)
+VIN3A 5 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 170NS 800NS)
+VIN3B 6 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 330NS 1600NS)
+VIN4A 7 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 650NS 3200NS)
+VIN4B 8 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 1290NS 6400NS)
+X1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 13 99 FOURBIT
+.option noinit acct
+.TRAN 500p 6400NS
+* save inputs V(1) V(2) V(3) V(4) V(5) V(6) V(7) V(8)
+* use BSIM3 model with default parameters
+.model n1 nmos level=49 version=3.3.0
+.model p1 pmos level=49 version=3.3.0
+*.include ./Modelcards/modelcard32.nmos
+*.include ./Modelcards/modelcard32.pmos
+pre_set strict_errorhandling
+unset ngdebug
+*save outputs and specials
+save x1.x1.x1.7 V(9) V(10) V(11) V(12) V(13)
+* plot the inputs, use offset to plot on top of each other
+plot v(1) v(2)+4 v(3)+8 v(4)+12 v(5)+16 v(6)+20 v(7)+24 v(8)+28
+* plot the outputs, use offset to plot on top of each other
+plot v(9) v(10)+4 v(11)+8 v(12)+12 v(13)+16
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/agauss_test.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/agauss_test.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2532751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/agauss_test.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+* agauss test in ngspice
+* generate a sequence of gaussian distributed random numbers.
+* test the distribution by sorting the numbers into
+* a histogram (buckets)
+* chapt. 17.8.6
+ define agauss(nom, avar, sig) (nom + avar/sig * sgauss(0))
+ let mc_runs = 200
+ let run = 0
+ let no_buck = 8 $ number of buckets
+ let bucket = unitvec(no_buck) $ each element contains 1
+ let delta = 3e-11 $ width of each bucket, depends
+ $ on avar and sig
+ let lolimit = 1e-09 - 3*delta
+ let hilimit = 1e-09 + 3*delta
+ dowhile run < mc_runs
+ let val = agauss(1e-09, 1e-10, 3) $ get the random number
+ if (val < lolimit)
+ let bucket[0] = bucket[0] + 1 $ 'lowest' bucket
+ end
+ let part = 1
+ dowhile part < (no_buck - 1)
+ if ((val < (lolimit + part*delta)) &
++ (val > (lolimit + (part-1)*delta)))
+ let bucket[part] = bucket[part] + 1
+ break
+ end
+ let part = part + 1
+ end
+ if (val > hilimit)
+* 'highest' bucket
+ let bucket[no_buck - 1] = bucket[no_buck - 1] + 1
+ end
+ let run = run + 1
+ end
+ let part = 0
+ dowhile part < no_buck
+ let value = bucket[part] - 1
+ set value = "$&value"
+* print the buckets' contents
+ echo $value
+ let part = part + 1
+ end
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/gain_stage.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/gain_stage.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..adc22bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/gain_stage.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+** MOSFET Gain Stage (AC): Benchmarking Implementation of BSIM4.0.0
+** by Weidong Liu 5/16/2000.
+** output redirection into file
+** chapter 17.8.8
+M1 3 2 0 0 N1 L=1u W=4u
+Rsource 1 2 100k
+Rload 3 vdd 25k
+Vdd vdd 0 1.8
+Vin 1 0 1.2 ac 0.1
+ac dec 10 100 1000Meg
+plot v(2) v(3)
+let flen = length(frequency) $ length of the vector
+let loopcounter = 0
+echo output test > text.txt $ start new file test.txt
+* loop
+while loopcounter lt flen
+ let vout2 = v(2)[loopcounter] $ generate a single point complex vector
+ let vout2re = real(vout2) $ generate a single point real vector
+ let vout2im = imag(vout2) $ generate a single point imaginary vector
+ let vout3 = v(3)[loopcounter] $ generate a single point complex vector
+ let vout3re = real(vout3) $ generate a single point real vector
+ let vout3im = imag(vout3) $ generate a single point imaginary vector
+ let freq = frequency[loopcounter] $ generate a single point vector
+ echo bbb "$&freq" "$&vout2re" "$&vout2im" "$&vout3re" "$&vout3im" >>
++text.txt $ append text and data to file (continued fromm line above)
+ let loopcounter = loopcounter + 1
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.nmos b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.nmos
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a9bd56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.nmos
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+.model N1 NMOS
++Level= 8 version=3.3.0
++Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
++Nch= 2.498E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=9.36e-8 Wint=1.47e-7
++Vth0= .6322 K1= .756 K2= -3.83e-2 K3= -2.612
++Dvt0= 2.812 Dvt1= 0.462 Dvt2=-9.17e-2
++Nlx= 3.52291E-08 W0= 1.163e-6
++K3b= 2.233
++Vsat= 86301.58 Ua= 6.47e-9 Ub= 4.23e-18 Uc=-4.706281E-11
++Rdsw= 650 U0= 388.3203 wr=1
++A0= .3496967 Ags=.1 B0=0.546 B1= 1
++Dwg = -6.0E-09 Dwb = -3.56E-09 Prwb = -.213
++Keta=-3.605872E-02 A1= 2.778747E-02 A2= .9
++Voff=-6.735529E-02 NFactor= 1.139926 Cit= 1.622527E-04
++Cdscb= 0 Dvt0w = 0 Dvt1w = 0 Dvt2w = 0
++Cdscd = 0 Prwg = 0
++Eta0= 1.0281729E-02 Etab=-5.042203E-03
++Dsub= .31871233
++Pclm= 1.114846 Pdiblc1= 2.45357E-03 Pdiblc2= 6.406289E-03
++Drout= .31871233 Pscbe1= 5000000 Pscbe2= 5E-09 Pdiblcb = -.234
++Pvag= 0 delta=0.01
++Wl = 0 Ww = -1.420242E-09 Wwl = 0
++Wln = 0 Wwn = .2613948 Ll = 1.300902E-10
++Lw = 0 Lwl = 0 Lln = .316394
++Lwn = 0
++kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051
++At= 22400
++Ua1= 3.31E-10 Ub1= 2.61E-19 Uc1= -3.42e-10
++Kt1l=0 Prt=764.3
++vgs_max=4 vds_max=4 vbs_max=4
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.pmos b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.pmos
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f67f274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.pmos
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.model P1 PMOS
++Level= 8 version=3.3.0
++Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
++Nch= 3.533024E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=6.23e-8 Wint=1.22e-7
++Vth0=-.6732829 K1= .8362093 K2=-8.606622E-02 K3= 1.82
++Dvt0= 1.903801 Dvt1= .5333922 Dvt2=-.1862677
++Nlx= 1.28e-8 W0= 2.1e-6
++K3b= -0.24 Prwg=-0.001 Prwb=-0.323
++Vsat= 103503.2 Ua= 1.39995E-09 Ub= 1.e-19 Uc=-2.73e-11
++Rdsw= 460 U0= 138.7609
++A0= .4716551 Ags=0.12
++Keta=-1.871516E-03 A1= .3417965 A2= 0.83
++Voff=-.074182 NFactor= 1.54389 Cit=-1.015667E-03
++Cdsc= 8.937517E-04
++Cdscb= 1.45e-4 Cdscd=1.04e-4
++Dvt0w=0.232 Dvt1w=4.5e6 Dvt2w=-0.0023
++Eta0= 6.024776E-02 Etab=-4.64593E-03
++Dsub= .23222404
++Pclm= .989 Pdiblc1= 2.07418E-02 Pdiblc2= 1.33813E-3
++Drout= .3222404 Pscbe1= 118000 Pscbe2= 1E-09
++Pvag= 0
++kt1= -0.25 kt2= -0.032 prt=64.5
++At= 33000
++Ute= -1.5
++Ua1= 4.312e-9 Ub1= 6.65e-19 Uc1= 0
++vgs_max=4 vds_max=4 vbs_max=4
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/nic_soa.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/nic_soa.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5752d99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/nic_soa.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+.subckt osc_cmos ib_osz lc ra vdd vss
+m16 ib_osz ib_osz vss vss n1 w=20u l=1u m=8
+m15 ra ib_osz vss vss n1 w=20u l=1u m=2
+m8 net99 net95 ra ra n1 w=20u l=1u m=2
+m1 net95 net95 net93 net93 n1 w=20u l=1u m=2
+m25 net99 net99 vdd vdd p1 w=3.3u l=0.5u m=1
+m5 net99 net99 vdd vdd p1 w=20u l=1u m=5
+m4 net95 net99 vdd vdd p1 w=20u l=1u m=5
+r23 net99 vss r=38K
+r18 net93 lc r=10
+.ends osc_cmos
+.subckt psens LC
+R1 LC P001 40K
+L1 LC P002 14.9u
+R2 P002 0 0.55
+L2 P001 0 1.4m
+.ends psens
+xi36 bias lc ra vdd 0 osc_cmos
+v39 vdd 0 dc=3.5 pulse ( 0 3.5 10u 10n 10n 1 2 )
+r4 ra 0 3.972K
+c23 lc 0 1.8n
+i37 vdd bias dc=1u
+xi18 lc psens
+.option warn=1
+tran 1u 1m 0 50n
+plot v(LC)
+.include modelcard.nmos
+.include modelcard.pmos
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/param_sweep.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/param_sweep.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79d5869e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/param_sweep.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+parameter sweep
+* resistive divider, R1 swept from start_r to stop_r
+* replaces .STEP R1 1k 10k 1k
+* chapter
+R1 1 2 1k
+R2 2 0 1k
+VDD 1 0 DC 1
+.dc VDD 0 1 .1
+let start_r = 1k
+let stop_r = 10k
+let delta_r = 1k
+let r_act = start_r
+* loop
+while r_act le stop_r
+ alter r1 r_act
+ run
+ write dc-sweep.out v(2)
+ set appendwrite
+ let r_act = r_act + delta_r
+plot dc1.v(2) dc2.v(2) dc3.v(2) dc4.v(2) dc5.v(2)
++ dc6.v(2) dc7.v(2) dc8.v(2) dc9.v(2) dc10.v(2)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/analog_models1_transient.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/analog_models1_transient.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a74bd6ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/analog_models1_transient.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Code Model Test - Transient: gain, summer, mult, divide, pwl
+*** analysis type ***
+tran .1s 10s
+plot v(1) v(10) v(20) v(30) v(40) v(50)
+*** input sources ***
+v1 1 0 DC PWL(0 0 10 10)
+v2 2 0 DC 2
+*** gain block ***
+a1 1 10 gain1
+.model gain1 gain (in_offset=0.0 gain=2.0 out_offset=0.0)
+*** summer block ***
+a2 [1 2] 20 summer1
+.model summer1 summer (in_offset=[0.0 0.0] in_gain=[1.0 1.0]
++ out_gain=1.0 out_offset=0.0)
+*** mult block ***
+a3 [1 1] 30 mult1
+.model mult1 mult (in_offset=[0.0 0.0] in_gain=[1.0 1.0]
++ out_gain=0.1 out_offset=0.0)
+*** divider block ***
+a4 2 1 40 divide1
+.model divide1 divide (num_offset=0.0 num_gain=1.0 den_offset=0.0 den_gain=1.0
++ den_lower_limit=0.1 den_domain=1.0e-16
++ fraction=false out_gain=1.0 out_offset=0.0)
+*** pwl block ***
+a5 1 50 pwl1
+.model pwl1 pwl (x_array=[-1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0]
++ y_array=[ 0.0 0.0 1.0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.0]
++ input_domain=0.01 fraction=TRUE)
+*** resistors to ground ***
+r1 1 0 1k
+r2 2 0 1k
+r3 3 0 1k
+r10 10 0 1k
+r20 20 0 1k
+r30 30 0 1k
+r40 40 0 1k
+r50 50 0 1k
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/README b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ce6ce63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/README
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+A simple delta sigma converter using XSPICE
+according to
+Schreier, Temes: Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, 2005
+Fig. 2.13, p. 31; Fig. 2.27, p.58
+converter complete, tested against sine input
+first order modulator
+consists of analog continuous time integrator and
+digitally latched comparator
+contains subcircuits of
+10 bit digital latch
+10 bit counter, non-revolving, saturating
+simple 10 bit DAC with analog B source
+test of modulator with sine input, shows noise shaping 20dB/decade
+simple test with reset
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/count-latch-dac.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/count-latch-dac.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a8c7d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/count-latch-dac.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+* counter, latch DAC
+* 10 bit synchronous digital counter
+* inhibit at overflow, no revolving
+.subckt count10 din dinb dclk drs dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9 dout10
+* j k clk set reset out nout
+ajk1 din dinb diclk ds1 drs dout1 dnout1 jkflop
+ajk2 dout1 dout1 diclk ds2 drs dout2 dnout2 jkflop
+ajk3 djk3 djk3 diclk ds3 drs dout3 dnout3 jkflop
+ajk4 djk4 djk4 diclk ds4 drs dout4 dnout4 jkflop
+ajk5 djk5 djk5 diclk ds1 drs dout5 dnout5 jkflop
+ajk6 djk6 djk6 diclk ds2 drs dout6 dnout6 jkflop
+ajk7 djk7 djk7 diclk ds3 drs dout7 dnout8 jkflop
+ajk8 djk8 djk8 diclk ds4 drs dout8 dnout8 jkflop
+ajk9 djk9 djk9 diclk ds3 drs dout9 dnout9 jkflop
+ajk10 djk10 djk10 diclk ds4 drs dout10 dnout10 jkflop
+aand1 [dout1 dout2] djk3 and1
+aand2 [dout1 dout2 dout3] djk4 and1
+aand3 [dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4] djk5 and1
+aand4 [dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5] djk6 and1
+aand5 [dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6] djk7 and1
+aand6 [dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7] djk8 and1
+aand7 [dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8] djk9 and1
+aand8 [dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9] djk10 and1
+* inhibit revolving of counter, just let it saturate
+* (footnote p. 57)
+aand_all [dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9 dout10] dinhibit nand1
+aandclk [dclk dinhibit] diclk and1
+.model nand1 d_nand(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9
++ input_load = 0.5e-12)
+.model and1 d_and(rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9
++ input_load = 0.5e-12)
+.model jkflop d_jkff(clk_delay = 1.0e-9 set_delay = 1e-9
++ reset_delay = 1e-9 ic = 0 rise_delay = 1.0e-9
++ fall_delay = 1e-9)
+.ends count 10
+** 10 bit edge triggered latch
+.subckt latch10 din1 din2 din3 din4 din5 din6 din7 din8 din9 din10
++ dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9 dout10 dclk
+*data clk set reset out nout
+aff1 din1 dclk dzero dzero dout1 dnout1 flop1
+aff2 din2 dclk dzero dzero dout2 dnout2 flop1
+aff3 din3 dclk dzero dzero dout3 dnout3 flop1
+aff4 din4 dclk dzero dzero dout4 dnout4 flop1
+aff5 din5 dclk dzero dzero dout5 dnout5 flop1
+aff6 din6 dclk dzero dzero dout6 dnout6 flop1
+aff7 din7 dclk dzero dzero dout7 dnout7 flop1
+aff8 din8 dclk dzero dzero dout8 dnout8 flop1
+aff9 din9 dclk dzero dzero dout9 dnout9 flop1
+aff10 din10 dclk dzero dzero dout10 dnout10 flop1
+.model flop1 d_dff(clk_delay = 1e-9 set_delay = 0
++ reset_delay = 0 ic = 0 rise_delay = 1e-9
++ fall_delay = 1e-9)
+.ends latch10
+** emulation of 10 bit DAC
+.subckt dac10 din1 din2 din3 din4 din5 din6 din7 din8 din9 din10 aout
+.param vref=1
+abridge1 [din1 din2 din3 din4 din5 din6 din7 din8 din9 din10]
++ [ain1 ain2 ain3 ain4 ain5 ain6 ain7 ain8 ain9 ain10] dac1
+BVout aout 0 V = 'vref'*(v(ain10)/2 + v(ain9)/4 + v(ain8)/8 + v(ain7)/16 + v(ain6)/32 +
++ v(ain5)/64 + v(ain4)/128 + v(ain3)/256 + v(ain2)/512 + v(ain1)/1024)
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = 0 out_high = 1 out_undef = 0.5
++ input_load = 5.0e-12 t_rise = 1e-9
++ t_fall = 1e-9)
+.ends dac10
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/counter-test.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/counter-test.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bf2baf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/counter-test.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+* 10 bit synchronous digital counter
+* inhibit at overflow, no revolving
+* according to Schreier, Temes: Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, 2005
+* Fig. 2.27, p. 58
+* clock generation
+vclk aclk 0 dc 0 pulse(0 1 1u 2n 2n 1u 2u)
+* reset generation
+* single pulse, actual value stored in latch and read by DAC
+vres ars 0 dc 0 pulse(0 1 1.1m 2n 2n 1u 2.2m)
+vone aone 0 dc 1
+vzero azero 0 dc 0
+* digital one
+* digital zero
+abridge1 [aone azero] [done dzero] adc_buff
+.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+* digital clock
+* digital reset
+abridge2 [aclk ars] [dclk dreset] adc_buff
+.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+XCounter done done dclk dreset dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9 dout10 count10
+Xlatch dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9 dout10
++ dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10 dreset
++ latch10
+Xdac dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10 adacout dac10
+.include count-latch-dac.cir
+tran 1u 2.5m
+eprint dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9 dout10 > digi4b.txt
+eprint dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10 >> digi4b.txt
+plot adacout
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/delta-sigma-1.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/delta-sigma-1.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08322260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/delta-sigma-1.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+* delta sigma A/D converter 9 bit
+* first-order continuous time delta sigma modulator
+* sinc filter with counter
+* according to Schreier, Temes: Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, 2005
+* Fig. 2.13, p. 31; Fig. 2.27, p.58
+** sine input signal parameters
+.param infreq=500 inampl=0.5
+** clock
+.param clkfreq=5Meg
+** simulation time
+.param simtime = 2m
+.csparam simtime = 'simtime'
+** sample clock cycles
+.param samples=500
+ dzero done
+** input signal
+vin inp inm dc 0 sin(0 'inampl' 'infreq' 0 0)
+* steps from -0.5 to 0.4
+*vin inp inm dc 0 pwl(0 -0.5 0.2m -0.5 0.201m -0.4 0.4m -0.4 0.401m -0.3 0.6m -0.3
+*+ 0.601m -0.2 0.8m -0.2 0.801m -0.1 1.0m -0.1 1.001m 0.0 1.2m 0.0 1.201m 0.1 1.4m 0.1
+*+ 1.401m 0.2 1.6m 0.2 1.601m 0.3 1.8m 0.3 1.801m 0.4 2m 0.4)
+** clock and constant logic levels
+vclk aclk 0 dc 0 pulse(0 1 0.1u 2n 2n '1/clkfreq/2' '1/clkfreq')
+* digital one
+* digital zero
+vone aone 0 dc 1
+vzero azero 0 dc 0
+abridge1 [aone azero] [done dzero] adc_buff
+.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+* digital clock
+abridge2 [aclk] [dclk] adc_buff
+.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+****** delta-sigma converter****************************************************************
+* modulator
+* inp inm: analog in + -
+* dclk digital clock in
+* dv, dvb: modulator non-inverting/inverting out
+Xmod inp inm dclk dv dvb mod1
+* sinc filter, decimator
+* dlout1 ..dlout10: converter 10 bit digital out
+xsinc dv dvb dclk dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10 sinc1
+** DACs for measuring and plotting
+* converter output
+Xdac_latch dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10 adaclout dac10
+* counter inside of sinc filter
+Xdac_counter xsinc.dout1 xsinc.dout2 xsinc.dout3 xsinc.dout4 xsinc.dout5
++ xsinc.dout6 xsinc.dout7 xsinc.dout8 xsinc.dout9 xsinc.dout10 adaccout dac10
+* load modulator mod1 subcircuit
+.include mod1-ct.cir
+* load counter, d-latch and 10 bit DAC
+.include count-latch-dac.cir
+** sinc filter 1st order subcircuit
+.subckt sinc1 din dinb dclk dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10
+XCounter din dinb dclk ddivndel2 dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9 dout10 count10
+Xlatch dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9 dout10
++ dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10 ddivndel1
++ latch10
+* digital divider dclk/samples
+adivn dclk ddivn divider
+.model divider d_fdiv(div_factor = 'samples' high_cycles = 1
++ i_count = 0 rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9)
+* clock delays
+adelay ddivn ddivndel1 buff1 ; set latch
+adelay2 ddivndel1 ddivndel2 buff1 ; reset counter
+.model buff1 d_buffer(rise_delay = '1/clkfreq/8' fall_delay = '1/clkfreq/8'
++ input_load = 0.5e-12)
+.ends sinc1
+** for plotting
+abridge22 [dclk xsinc.ddivndel1 xsinc.ddivndel2 dv] [acclk acset acres acin] dac1
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = 0 out_high = 1 out_undef = 0.5
++ input_load = 5.0e-12 t_rise = 1e-9
++ t_fall = 1e-9)
+save inp inm adaclout adaccout ; save memory space
+tran 0.1u $&simtime
+* analog out, scaled 'manually'; sinc filter counter; analog differential in
+plot 4.1*(adaclout-0.486) adaccout v(inp)-v(inm) ylimit -0.6 0.6
+* modulator dig out
+* eprint dv > digi1.txt
+*eprint dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10
+*+ xsinc.dout1 xsinc.dout2 xsinc.dout3 xsinc.dout4 xsinc.dout5
+*+ xsinc.dout6 xsinc.dout7 xsinc.dout8 xsinc.dout9 xsinc.dout10 > digi4b.txt
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/delta-sigma-oc.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/delta-sigma-oc.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0418197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/delta-sigma-oc.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+* delta sigma A/D converter 9 bit
+* first-order continuous time delta sigma modulator
+* sinc filter with counter
+* according to Schreier, Temes: Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, 2005
+* Fig. 2.13, p. 31; Fig. 2.27, p.58
+** sine input signal parameters
+.param infreq=500 inampl=0.5
+** clock
+.param clkfreq=5Meg
+** simulation time
+.param simtime = 2m
+.csparam simtime = 'simtime'
+** sample clock cycles
+.param samples=500
+ dzero done
+** input signal
+vin inp inm dc 0 sin(0 'inampl' 'infreq' 0 0)
+* steps from -0.5 to 0.4
+*vin inp inm dc 0 pwl(0 -0.5 0.2m -0.5 0.201m -0.4 0.4m -0.4 0.401m -0.3 0.6m -0.3
+*+ 0.601m -0.2 0.8m -0.2 0.801m -0.1 1.0m -0.1 1.001m 0.0 1.2m 0.0 1.201m 0.1 1.4m 0.1
+*+ 1.401m 0.2 1.6m 0.2 1.601m 0.3 1.8m 0.3 1.801m 0.4 2m 0.4)
+** clock and constant logic levels
+vclk aclk 0 dc 0 pulse(0 1 0.1u 2n 2n '1/clkfreq/2' '1/clkfreq')
+* digital one
+* digital zero
+vone aone 0 dc 1
+vzero azero 0 dc 0
+abridge1 [aone azero] [done dzero] adc_buff
+.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+* digital clock
+abridge2 [aclk] [dclk] adc_buff
+.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+****** delta-sigma converter****************************************************************
+* modulator
+* inp inm: analog in + -
+* dclk digital clock in
+* dv, dvb: modulator non-inverting/inverting out
+Xmod inp inm dclk dv dvb mod1
+* sinc filter, decimator
+* dlout1 ..dlout10: converter 10 bit digital out
+xsinc dv dvb dclk dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10 sinc1
+** DACs for measuring and plotting
+* converter output
+Xdac_latch dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10 adaclout dac10
+* counter inside of sinc filter
+Xdac_counter xsinc.dout1 xsinc.dout2 xsinc.dout3 xsinc.dout4 xsinc.dout5
++ xsinc.dout6 xsinc.dout7 xsinc.dout8 xsinc.dout9 xsinc.dout10 adaccout dac10
+* load modulator mod1 subcircuit
+.include mod1-ct.cir
+* load counter, d-latch and 10 bit DAC
+.include count-latch-dac.cir
+** sinc filter 1st order subcircuit
+.subckt sinc1 din dinb dclk dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10
+XCounter din dinb dclk ddivndel2 dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9 dout10 count10
+Xlatch dout1 dout2 dout3 dout4 dout5 dout6 dout7 dout8 dout9 dout10
++ dlout1 dlout2 dlout3 dlout4 dlout5 dlout6 dlout7 dlout8 dlout9 dlout10 ddivndel1
++ latch10
+* digital divider dclk/samples
+adivn dclk ddivn divider
+.model divider d_fdiv(div_factor = 'samples' high_cycles = 1
++ i_count = 0 rise_delay = 1e-9 fall_delay = 1e-9)
+* clock delays
+adelay ddivn ddivndel1 buff1 ; set latch
+adelay2 ddivndel1 ddivndel2 buff1 ; reset counter
+.model buff1 d_buffer(rise_delay = '1/clkfreq/8' fall_delay = '1/clkfreq/8'
++ input_load = 0.5e-12)
+.ends sinc1
+** for plotting
+abridge22 [dclk xsinc.ddivndel1 xsinc.ddivndel2 dv] [acclk acset acres acin] dac1
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = 0 out_high = 1 out_undef = 0.5
++ input_load = 5.0e-12 t_rise = 1e-9
++ t_fall = 1e-9)
+ inp inm adaclout adaccout ; save memory space
+.tran 0.1u 2m
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/mod1-ct-test.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/mod1-ct-test.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7ce7b0d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/mod1-ct-test.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+* first-order delta sigma modulator
+* continuous time
+* according to Schreier, Temes: Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters, 2005
+* Fig. 2.13, p. 31
+** signal
+.param infreq=13k inampl=0.3
+** clock
+.param clkfreq=5Meg
+** simulation time
+.param simtime = 5m
+.csparam simtime = 'simtime'
+** input signal
+vin in+ in- dc 0 sin(0 'inampl' 'infreq' 0 0)
+* clock generation
+vclk aclk 0 dc 0 pulse(0 1 0.1u 2n 2n '1/clkfreq/2' '1/clkfreq')
+* digital one
+* digital zero
+vone aone 0 dc 1
+vzero azero 0 dc 0
+abridge1 [aone azero] [done dzero] adc_buff
+.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+* digital clock
+abridge2 [aclk] [dclk] adc_buff
+.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+Xmod in+ in- dclk dv dvb mod1
+* load mod1 subcircuit
+.include mod1-ct.cir
+save xmod.adffq in+ in- xmod.outintp xmod.outintn
+tran 0.01u $&simtime
+* digit density vs input
+plot xmod.adffq "v(in+) - v(in-)" xlimit 0.1m 0.2m
+* modulator integrator out, digital out
+plot xmod.outintp-xmod.outintn xmod.adffq xlimit 0.140m 0.148m
+*eprint dv dclk > digi1.txt
+linearize xmod.adffq
+fft xmod.adffq
+* noise shaping 20dB/decade
+plot db(xmod.adffq) xlimit 10k 1Meg xlog ylimit -20 -120
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/mod1-ct.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/mod1-ct.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf3129b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/delta-sigma/mod1-ct.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+* delta sigma modulator
+* first order, continuous time
+.subckt mod1 ainp ainn dclk ddffq ddffqb
+* integrator and summer
+Ri1 ainn inintn 500
+Rf1 adffq inintn 500
+Cint1 outintp inintn 1n
+.IC v(outintp) = 0 v(inintp) = 0
+Rshunt1 outintp 0 100Meg
+Rshunt2 initn 0 100Meg
+Ri2 ainp inintp 500
+Rf2 adffqb inintp 500
+Cint2 outintn inintp 1n
+.IC v(outintn) = 0 v(inintn) = 0
+Rshunt3 outintn 0 100Meg
+Rshunt4 inintp 0 100Meg
+aint %vd(inintp inintn) %vd(outintp outintn) amp
+.model amp gain ( in_offset =0.0 gain =100000
++ out_offset = 0)
+* latched comparator (code model or B source, analog in, digital out)
+*acomp %vd(outintp outintn) acompout limit5
+*.model limit5 limit(in_offset=0 gain=100000 out_lower_limit=-1.0
+*+ out_upper_limit=1.0 limit_range=0.10 fraction=FALSE)
+BComp acompout 0 V = (V(outintp) - V(outintn)) >= 0 ? 1 : -1
+abridge2 [acompout] [dcompout] adc_buff
+.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 0 in_high = 0)
+* D flip flop: data clk set reset out nout
+adff1 dcompout dclk ds drs ddffq ddffqb flop2
+.model flop2 d_dff(clk_delay = 1e-9 set_delay = 1.0e-9
++ reset_delay = 1.0e-9 ic = 0 rise_delay = 1.0e-9
++ fall_delay = 1e-9)
+abridge1 [ddffq ddffqb dclk] [adffq adffqb aclk] dac1
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = -1 out_high = 1 out_undef = 0
++ input_load = 5.0e-12
+.ends mod1
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/fstest.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/fstest.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0f552a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/fstest.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+* filesource Test
+* two differential ports 1 0 and 3 0 are used, so your input file
+* has to have three columns (time, port_value 1, portvalue 2)
+AFILESRC %vd([1 0 3 0]) filesrc
+.model filesrc filesource (file="sine.m" amploffset=[0 0] amplscale=[1 1] timerelative=false amplstep=false)
+V2 2 0 0.0 SIN(0 1 1MEG 0 0 0.0)
+V4 4 0 0.0 SIN(0 1 1MEG 0 0 90.0)
+.tran 1n 1.0u
+*listing param
+wrdata vspice V(1) V(2) V(3) V(4)
+plot V(1) V(2) V(3) V(4)
+* error between interpolation and sine source
+* should be less than 1mV up to 1us
+plot V(1,2) V(3,4)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/README b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f5c38b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/README
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+This directory contains a mixed mode pll, combining
+ngspice and XSPICE circuit blocks.
+The pll consists of the following blocks:
+** voltage controlled oscillator:
+ 7 stage ring oscillator with gain cells, CMOS devices
+ vco made from code model d_osc, cntl_array/freq_array data
+ are gained by running test-vco.cir with vco_sub.cir
+** digital divider and frequency reference:
+** phase frequency detector:
+** loop filter:
+ switched current sources as charge pump, 2nd order
+ passive RC filter
+ transistors as switches for charge pump, 2nd or 3rd
+ order passive RC filters
+** main simulation control:
+Two test files are included:
+test-vco.cir simulates vco frequency versus control voltage
+test-f-p-det.cir simulates the phase frequency detector and the loop filter.
+The main building blocks are organised as subcircuits.
+main simulation control with three reference frequencies:
+ simulates two steps of the reference in one simulation run
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/f-p-det-d-sub.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/f-p-det-d-sub.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cdd5af9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/f-p-det-d-sub.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+* frequency-phase detector according to
+.subckt f-p-det d_R d_V d_U d_U_ d_D d_D_
+aa1 [d_U d_D] d_rset and1
+.model and1 d_and(rise_delay = 1e-10 fall_delay = 0.1e-9
++ input_load = 0.5e-12)
+ad1 d_d1 d_R d_d0 d_rset d_U d_U_ flop1
+ad2 d_d1 d_V d_d0 d_rset d_D d_D_ flop1
+.model flop1 d_dff(clk_delay = 1.0e-10 set_delay = 1.0e-10
++ reset_delay = 1.0e-10 ic = 2 rise_delay = 1.0e-10
++ fall_delay = 1e-10)
+.ends f-p-det
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/loop-filter-2.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/loop-filter-2.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d093167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/loop-filter-2.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+* loop filter for pll
+* in: d_up d_down digital data
+* out: vout, vco control voltage
+* using transistors to switch current
+* according to
+* digital input d_Un d_D
+* anlog output vout
+.subckt loopf d_Un d_D vout
+.param initcond=2.5
+vdd dd 0 dc 'vcc'
+vss ss 0 dc 0
+* "driver" circuit, digital in, analog out
+abridge-f1 [d_Un d_D] [u1n d1] dac1
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = 0 out_high = 'vcc' out_undef = 'vcc/2'
++ input_load = 5.0e-12 t_rise = 1e-10
++ t_fall = 1e-10)
+* uses BSIM3 model parameters from pll-xspice_2.cir
+* transistors as switches
+mnd dra d1 ss ss n1 w=12u l=0.35u AS=24p AD=24p PS=28u PD=28u
+mpd dra u1n dd dd p1 w=24u l=0.35u AS=48p AD=48p PS=52u PD=52u
+*** passive filter elements ***
+*third order filter
+*parameters absolutely _not_ optimised
+*better check
+*to do so
+.ic v(vout)='initcond' v(c1)='initcond' v(dra)='initcond' v(int1)='initcond' v(u1n)='vcc' v(d1)=0
+R1 dra int1 300
+R2 int1 c1 200
+C1 c1 0 10n
+C2 int1 0 5n
+R3 int1 vout 50
+C3 vout 0 0.5n
+*second order filter
+*parameters not optimized
+*.ic v(vout)='initcond' v(c1)='initcond' v(dra)='initcond' v(u1n)='vcc' v(d1)=0
+*R1 dra vout 300
+*R2 vout c1 200
+*C1 c1 0 10n
+*C2 vout 0 5n
+.ends loopf
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/loop-filter.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/loop-filter.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a83ebb7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/loop-filter.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+* loop filter for pll
+* in: d_up d_down digital data
+* out: vout, vco control voltage
+* according to
+.subckt loopfe d_U d_D vout
+.param loadcur=5m
+.param initcond=2.5
+v1 vtop 0 1
+v2 vbot 0 -1
+abridge-f1 [d_U d_D] [u1 d1] dac1
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = 0 out_high = 1 out_undef = 0.5
++ input_load = 5.0e-12 t_rise = 1e-10
++ t_fall = 1e-10)
+*top switched current source
+Gtop vtop vout cur='loadcur*v(u1)'
+*bottom switched current source
+Gbot vout vbot cur='loadcur*v(d1)'
+*passive filter elements
+.ic v(vout)='initcond' v(c1)='initcond'
+R2 vout c1 200
+C1 c1 0 5n
+C2 vout 0 5n
+Rshunt vout 0 10000k
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/pll-xspice-fstep.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/pll-xspice-fstep.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c79e152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/pll-xspice-fstep.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+* pll circuit using xspice code models
+* three frequencies generate steps in control voltage v(cont)
+.param vcc=3.3
+.param divisor=40
+.param fref=10e6
+.param fref2=9e6
+.param fref3=11e6
+.csparam simtime=45u
+.csparam f2='fref2'
+.csparam f3='fref3'
+* digital zero and one d_d0 d_d1
+vdd dd 0 dc 'vcc'
+* 10 MHz reference frequency
+vref ref 0 dc 0 pulse(0 'vcc' 10n 1n 1n '1/fref/2' '1/fref')
+abridgeref [ref] [d_ref] adc_vbuf
+.model adc_vbuf adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+*digital zero
+vzero z 0 dc 0
+abridgev3 [z] [d_d0] adc_vbuf
+.model adc_vbuf adc_bridge(in_low = 'vcc*0.5' in_high = 'vcc*0.5')
+*digital one
+ainv1 d_d0 d_d1 invd1
+.model invd1 d_inverter(rise_delay = 1e-10 fall_delay = 1e-10)
+* vco
+* buf: analog out
+* d_digout: digital out
+* cont: analog control voltage
+* dd: analog supply voltage
+*.include vco_sub.cir
+*xvco buf d_digout cont dd ro_vco
+.include vco_sub_new.cir
+xvco buf d_digout cont dd d_osc_vco
+* digital divider
+adiv1 d_digout d_divout divider
+.model divider d_fdiv(div_factor = 'divisor' high_cycles = 'divisor/2'
++ i_count = 4 rise_delay = 1e-10
++ fall_delay = 1e-10)
+* frequency phase detector
+.include f-p-det-d-sub.cir
+Xfpdet d_divout d_ref d_U d_Un d_D d_Dn f-p-det
+* loop filter
+*2nd or 3rd order, transistors as switches
+.include loop-filter-2.cir
+Xlf d_Un d_D cont loopf
+* 2nd order, Exxxx voltage controlled current sources as 'switches'
+* loop filter current sources as charge pump
+*.include loop-filter.cir
+*Xlf d_U d_D cont loopfe
+* d to a for plotting
+abridge-w1 [d_divout d_ref d_Un d_D] [s1 s2 u1 d1] dac1 ; change to d_u or d_Un
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = 0 out_high = 1 out_undef = 0.5
++ input_load = 5.0e-12 t_rise = 1e-10
++ t_fall = 1e-10)
+save cont s1 s2 u1 d1
+iplot cont
+* calculate breakpoint for switching frequency
+let t1_3 = simtime/3
+set ti1_3 ="$&t1_3"
+let t2_3 = simtime/3*2
+set ti2_3 ="$&t2_3"
+stop when time=$ti1_3
+stop when time=$ti2_3
+* calculate new periods for f2
+let per2=1/f2
+let pw2 = per2/2
+let per3=1/f3
+let pw3 = per3/2
+tran 0.1n $&simtime uic
+*change frequency after stopping
+* first pair of [] without spaces, second pair with spaces
+alter @vref[pulse] = [ 0 3.3 10n 1n 1n $&pw2 $&per2 ]
+*another change after second stop
+alter @vref[pulse] = [ 0 3.3 10n 1n 1n $&pw3 $&per3 ]
+plot cont s1 s2+1.2 u1+2.4 d1+3.6 xlimit 15u 16u
+*plot cont
+*model = bsim3v3
+*Berkeley Spice Compatibility
+* Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
+.model N1 NMOS
+*+version = 3.2.4
++version = 3.3.0
++Level= 8
++Nch= 2.498E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=9.36e-8 Wint=1.47e-7
++Vth0= .6322 K1= .756 K2= -3.83e-2 K3= -2.612
++Dvt0= 2.812 Dvt1= 0.462 Dvt2=-9.17e-2
++Nlx= 3.52291E-08 W0= 1.163e-6
++K3b= 2.233
++Vsat= 86301.58 Ua= 6.47e-9 Ub= 4.23e-18 Uc=-4.706281E-11
++Rdsw= 650 U0= 388.3203 wr=1
++A0= .3496967 Ags=.1 B0=0.546 B1= 1
++ Dwg = -6.0E-09 Dwb = -3.56E-09 Prwb = -.213
++Keta=-3.605872E-02 A1= 2.778747E-02 A2= .9
++Voff=-6.735529E-02 NFactor= 1.139926 Cit= 1.622527E-04
++Cdscb= 0 Dvt0w = 0 Dvt1w = 0 Dvt2w = 0
++ Cdscd = 0 Prwg = 0
++Eta0= 1.0281729E-02 Etab=-5.042203E-03
++Dsub= .31871233
++Pclm= 1.114846 Pdiblc1= 2.45357E-03 Pdiblc2= 6.406289E-03
++Drout= .31871233 Pscbe1= 5000000 Pscbe2= 5E-09 Pdiblcb = -.234
++Pvag= 0 delta=0.01
++ Wl = 0 Ww = -1.420242E-09 Wwl = 0
++ Wln = 0 Wwn = .2613948 Ll = 1.300902E-10
++ Lw = 0 Lwl = 0 Lln = .316394
++ Lwn = 0
++kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051
++At= 22400
++Ua1= 3.31E-10 Ub1= 2.61E-19 Uc1= -3.42e-10
++Kt1l=0 Prt=764.3
+.model P1 PMOS
+*+version = 3.2.4
++version = 3.3.0
++Level= 8
++Nch= 3.533024E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=6.23e-8 Wint=1.22e-7
++Vth0=-.6732829 K1= .8362093 K2=-8.606622E-02 K3= 1.82
++Dvt0= 1.903801 Dvt1= .5333922 Dvt2=-.1862677
++Nlx= 1.28e-8 W0= 2.1e-6
++K3b= -0.24 Prwg=-0.001 Prwb=-0.323
++Vsat= 103503.2 Ua= 1.39995E-09 Ub= 1.e-19 Uc=-2.73e-11
++ Rdsw= 460 U0= 138.7609
++A0= .4716551 Ags=0.12
++Keta=-1.871516E-03 A1= .3417965 A2= 0.83
++Voff=-.074182 NFactor= 1.54389 Cit=-1.015667E-03
++Cdsc= 8.937517E-04
++Cdscb= 1.45e-4 Cdscd=1.04e-4
++ Dvt0w=0.232 Dvt1w=4.5e6 Dvt2w=-0.0023
++Eta0= 6.024776E-02 Etab=-4.64593E-03
++Dsub= .23222404
++Pclm= .989 Pdiblc1= 2.07418E-02 Pdiblc2= 1.33813E-3
++Drout= .3222404 Pscbe1= 118000 Pscbe2= 1E-09
++Pvag= 0
++kt1= -0.25 kt2= -0.032 prt=64.5
++At= 33000
++Ute= -1.5
++Ua1= 4.312e-9 Ub1= 6.65e-19 Uc1= 0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/pll-xspice.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/pll-xspice.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d14368d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/pll-xspice.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+* pll circuit using xspice code models
+* output frequency 400 MHz
+* locked to a 1 or 10 MHz reference
+.param vcc=3.3
+.param divisor=40
+.param fref=10e6
+.csparam simtime=25u
+ d_d0 d_d1
+vdd dd 0 dc 'vcc'
+*vco cont 0 dc 1.9
+* reference frequency selected by param fref
+vref ref 0 dc 0 pulse(0 'vcc' 10n 1n 1n '1/fref/2' '1/fref')
+abridgeref [ref] [d_ref] adc_vbuf
+.model adc_vbuf adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+*digital zero
+vzero z 0 dc 0
+abridgev3 [z] [d_d0] adc_vbuf
+.model adc_vbuf adc_bridge(in_low = 'vcc*0.5' in_high = 'vcc*0.5')
+*digital one
+ainv1 d_d0 d_d1 invd1
+.model invd1 d_inverter(rise_delay = 1e-10 fall_delay = 1e-10)
+* vco
+* buf: analog out
+* d_digout: digital out
+* cont: analog control voltage
+* dd: analog supply voltage
+*.include vco_sub.cir
+*xvco buf d_digout cont dd ro_vco
+.include vco_sub_new.cir
+xvco buf d_digout cont dd d_osc_vco
+* digital divider
+adiv1 d_digout d_divout divider
+.model divider d_fdiv(div_factor = 'divisor' high_cycles = 'divisor/2'
++ i_count = 4 rise_delay = 1e-10
++ fall_delay = 1e-10)
+* frequency phase detector
+.include f-p-det-d-sub.cir
+Xfpdet d_divout d_ref d_U d_Un d_D d_Dn f-p-det
+* loop filters
+*2nd or 3rd order, transistors as switches
+.include loop-filter-2.cir
+Xlf d_Un d_D cont loopf
+* 2nd order, Exxxx voltage controlled current sources as 'switches'
+* loop filter current sources as charge pump
+*.include loop-filter.cir
+*Xlf d_U d_D cont loopfe
+* d to a for plotting
+abridge-w1 [d_divout d_ref d_Un d_D] [s1 s2 u1n d1] dac1 ; change to d_u or d_Un
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = 0 out_high = 1 out_undef = 0.5
++ input_load = 5.0e-12 t_rise = 1e-10
++ t_fall = 1e-10)
+save cont s1 s2 u1n d1 v.xlf.vdd#branch; to save memory
+iplot cont
+tran 0.1n $&simtime uic
+plot cont s1 s2+1.2 u1n+2.4 d1+3.6 xlimit 4u 5u
+plot v.xlf.vdd#branch xlimit 4u 5u ylimit -8m 2m
+*plot cont
+*model = bsim3v3
+*Berkeley Spice Compatibility
+* Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
+.model N1 NMOS
+*+version = 3.2.4
++version = 3.3.0
++Level= 8
++Nch= 2.498E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=9.36e-8 Wint=1.47e-7
++Vth0= .6322 K1= .756 K2= -3.83e-2 K3= -2.612
++Dvt0= 2.812 Dvt1= 0.462 Dvt2=-9.17e-2
++Nlx= 3.52291E-08 W0= 1.163e-6
++K3b= 2.233
++Vsat= 86301.58 Ua= 6.47e-9 Ub= 4.23e-18 Uc=-4.706281E-11
++Rdsw= 650 U0= 388.3203 wr=1
++A0= .3496967 Ags=.1 B0=0.546 B1= 1
++ Dwg = -6.0E-09 Dwb = -3.56E-09 Prwb = -.213
++Keta=-3.605872E-02 A1= 2.778747E-02 A2= .9
++Voff=-6.735529E-02 NFactor= 1.139926 Cit= 1.622527E-04
++Cdscb= 0 Dvt0w = 0 Dvt1w = 0 Dvt2w = 0
++ Cdscd = 0 Prwg = 0
++Eta0= 1.0281729E-02 Etab=-5.042203E-03
++Dsub= .31871233
++Pclm= 1.114846 Pdiblc1= 2.45357E-03 Pdiblc2= 6.406289E-03
++Drout= .31871233 Pscbe1= 5000000 Pscbe2= 5E-09 Pdiblcb = -.234
++Pvag= 0 delta=0.01
++ Wl = 0 Ww = -1.420242E-09 Wwl = 0
++ Wln = 0 Wwn = .2613948 Ll = 1.300902E-10
++ Lw = 0 Lwl = 0 Lln = .316394
++ Lwn = 0
++kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051
++At= 22400
++Ua1= 3.31E-10 Ub1= 2.61E-19 Uc1= -3.42e-10
++Kt1l=0 Prt=764.3
+.model P1 PMOS
+*+version = 3.2.4
++version = 3.3.0
++Level= 8
++Nch= 3.533024E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=6.23e-8 Wint=1.22e-7
++Vth0=-.6732829 K1= .8362093 K2=-8.606622E-02 K3= 1.82
++Dvt0= 1.903801 Dvt1= .5333922 Dvt2=-.1862677
++Nlx= 1.28e-8 W0= 2.1e-6
++K3b= -0.24 Prwg=-0.001 Prwb=-0.323
++Vsat= 103503.2 Ua= 1.39995E-09 Ub= 1.e-19 Uc=-2.73e-11
++ Rdsw= 460 U0= 138.7609
++A0= .4716551 Ags=0.12
++Keta=-1.871516E-03 A1= .3417965 A2= 0.83
++Voff=-.074182 NFactor= 1.54389 Cit=-1.015667E-03
++Cdsc= 8.937517E-04
++Cdscb= 1.45e-4 Cdscd=1.04e-4
++ Dvt0w=0.232 Dvt1w=4.5e6 Dvt2w=-0.0023
++Eta0= 6.024776E-02 Etab=-4.64593E-03
++Dsub= .23222404
++Pclm= .989 Pdiblc1= 2.07418E-02 Pdiblc2= 1.33813E-3
++Drout= .3222404 Pscbe1= 118000 Pscbe2= 1E-09
++Pvag= 0
++kt1= -0.25 kt2= -0.032 prt=64.5
++At= 33000
++Ute= -1.5
++Ua1= 4.312e-9 Ub1= 6.65e-19 Uc1= 0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/pll-xspice_oc.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/pll-xspice_oc.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2d235c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/pll-xspice_oc.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+* pll circuit using xspice code models
+* output frequency 400 MHz
+* locked to a 1 or 10 MHz reference
+.param vcc=3.3
+.param divisor=40
+.param fref=10e6
+.csparam simtime=25u
+pre_unset ngdebug
+set noinit
+ d_d0 d_d1
+vdd dd 0 dc 'vcc'
+*vco cont 0 dc 1.9
+* reference frequency selected by param fref
+vref ref 0 dc 0 pulse(0 'vcc' 10n 1n 1n '1/fref/2' '1/fref')
+abridgeref [ref] [d_ref] adc_vbuf
+.model adc_vbuf adc_bridge(in_low = 0.5 in_high = 0.5)
+*digital zero
+vzero z 0 dc 0
+abridgev3 [z] [d_d0] adc_vbuf
+.model adc_vbuf adc_bridge(in_low = 'vcc*0.5' in_high = 'vcc*0.5')
+*digital one
+ainv1 d_d0 d_d1 invd1
+.model invd1 d_inverter(rise_delay = 1e-10 fall_delay = 1e-10)
+* vco
+* buf: analog out
+* d_digout: digital out
+* cont: analog control voltage
+* dd: analog supply voltage
+*.include vco_sub.cir
+*xvco buf d_digout cont dd ro_vco
+.include vco_sub_new.cir
+xvco buf d_digout cont dd d_osc_vco
+* digital divider
+adiv1 d_digout d_divout divider
+.model divider d_fdiv(div_factor = 'divisor' high_cycles = 'divisor/2'
++ i_count = 4 rise_delay = 1e-10
++ fall_delay = 1e-10)
+* frequency phase detector
+.include f-p-det-d-sub.cir
+Xfpdet d_divout d_ref d_U d_Un d_D d_Dn f-p-det
+* loop filters
+*2nd or 3rd order, transistors as switches
+.include loop-filter-2.cir
+Xlf d_Un d_D cont loopf
+* 2nd order, Exxxx voltage controlled current sources as 'switches'
+* loop filter current sources as charge pump
+*.include loop-filter.cir
+*Xlf d_U d_D cont loopfe
+* d to a for plotting
+abridge-w1 [d_divout d_ref d_Un d_D] [s1 s2 u1n d1] dac1 ; change to d_u or d_Un
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = 0 out_high = 1 out_undef = 0.5
++ input_load = 5.0e-12 t_rise = 1e-10
++ t_fall = 1e-10)
+ cont s1 s2 u1n d1 v.xlf.vdd#branch; to save memory
+.tran 0.1n 10u uic
+*model = bsim3v3
+*Berkeley Spice Compatibility
+* Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
+.model N1 NMOS
+*+version = 3.2.4
++version = 3.3.0
++Level= 8
++Nch= 2.498E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=9.36e-8 Wint=1.47e-7
++Vth0= .6322 K1= .756 K2= -3.83e-2 K3= -2.612
++Dvt0= 2.812 Dvt1= 0.462 Dvt2=-9.17e-2
++Nlx= 3.52291E-08 W0= 1.163e-6
++K3b= 2.233
++Vsat= 86301.58 Ua= 6.47e-9 Ub= 4.23e-18 Uc=-4.706281E-11
++Rdsw= 650 U0= 388.3203 wr=1
++A0= .3496967 Ags=.1 B0=0.546 B1= 1
++ Dwg = -6.0E-09 Dwb = -3.56E-09 Prwb = -.213
++Keta=-3.605872E-02 A1= 2.778747E-02 A2= .9
++Voff=-6.735529E-02 NFactor= 1.139926 Cit= 1.622527E-04
++Cdscb= 0 Dvt0w = 0 Dvt1w = 0 Dvt2w = 0
++ Cdscd = 0 Prwg = 0
++Eta0= 1.0281729E-02 Etab=-5.042203E-03
++Dsub= .31871233
++Pclm= 1.114846 Pdiblc1= 2.45357E-03 Pdiblc2= 6.406289E-03
++Drout= .31871233 Pscbe1= 5000000 Pscbe2= 5E-09 Pdiblcb = -.234
++Pvag= 0 delta=0.01
++ Wl = 0 Ww = -1.420242E-09 Wwl = 0
++ Wln = 0 Wwn = .2613948 Ll = 1.300902E-10
++ Lw = 0 Lwl = 0 Lln = .316394
++ Lwn = 0
++kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051
++At= 22400
++Ua1= 3.31E-10 Ub1= 2.61E-19 Uc1= -3.42e-10
++Kt1l=0 Prt=764.3
+.model P1 PMOS
+*+version = 3.2.4
++version = 3.3.0
++Level= 8
++Nch= 3.533024E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=6.23e-8 Wint=1.22e-7
++Vth0=-.6732829 K1= .8362093 K2=-8.606622E-02 K3= 1.82
++Dvt0= 1.903801 Dvt1= .5333922 Dvt2=-.1862677
++Nlx= 1.28e-8 W0= 2.1e-6
++K3b= -0.24 Prwg=-0.001 Prwb=-0.323
++Vsat= 103503.2 Ua= 1.39995E-09 Ub= 1.e-19 Uc=-2.73e-11
++ Rdsw= 460 U0= 138.7609
++A0= .4716551 Ags=0.12
++Keta=-1.871516E-03 A1= .3417965 A2= 0.83
++Voff=-.074182 NFactor= 1.54389 Cit=-1.015667E-03
++Cdsc= 8.937517E-04
++Cdscb= 1.45e-4 Cdscd=1.04e-4
++ Dvt0w=0.232 Dvt1w=4.5e6 Dvt2w=-0.0023
++Eta0= 6.024776E-02 Etab=-4.64593E-03
++Dsub= .23222404
++Pclm= .989 Pdiblc1= 2.07418E-02 Pdiblc2= 1.33813E-3
++Drout= .3222404 Pscbe1= 118000 Pscbe2= 1E-09
++Pvag= 0
++kt1= -0.25 kt2= -0.032 prt=64.5
++At= 33000
++Ute= -1.5
++Ua1= 4.312e-9 Ub1= 6.65e-19 Uc1= 0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/test-f-p-det.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/test-f-p-det.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16060b9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/test-f-p-det.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+* test frequency-phase detector similar to 12040
+.param vcc=3.3 d_d0 d_d1
+v1 1 0 dc 0 pulse(0 'vcc' 10n 1n 1n 10n 20n)
+v2 2 0 dc 0 pulse(0 'vcc' 8n 1n 1n 10n 20n)
+*digital zero
+v3 3 0 dc 0
+abridgev1 [1 2 3] [d_sig1 d_sig2 d_d0] adc_vbuf
+.model adc_vbuf adc_bridge(in_low = 'vcc*0.5' in_high = 'vcc*0.5')
+*digital one
+ainv1 d_d0 d_d1 invd1
+.model invd1 d_inverter(rise_delay = 1e-10 fall_delay = 1e-10)
+Xfpdet d_sig1 d_sig2 d_U d_Un d_D d_Dn f-p-det
+*.include f-p-det-sub.cir
+.include f-p-det-d-sub.cir
+* d to a for plotting
+abridge-w1 [d_sig1 d_sig2 d_U d_D] [s1 s2 u1 d1] dac1
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = 0 out_high = 1 out_undef = 0.5
++ input_load = 5.0e-12 t_rise = 1e-10
++ t_fall = 1e-10)
+* loop filters
+*2nd or 3rd order, transistors as switches
+.include loop-filter-2.cir
+Xlf d_Un d_D cont loopf
+* 2nd order, Exxxx voltage controlled current sources as 'switches'
+* loop filter current sources as charge pump
+*.include loop-filter.cir
+*Xlf d_U d_D cont loopfe
+set xtrtol=2
+tran 0.1n 1000n
+plot s1 s2+1.2 u1+2.4 d1+3.6 xlimit 140n 200n
+*model = bsim3v3
+*Berkeley Spice Compatibility
+* Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
+.model N1 NMOS
+*+version = 3.2.4
++version = 3.3.0
++Level= 8
++Nch= 2.498E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=9.36e-8 Wint=1.47e-7
++Vth0= .6322 K1= .756 K2= -3.83e-2 K3= -2.612
++Dvt0= 2.812 Dvt1= 0.462 Dvt2=-9.17e-2
++Nlx= 3.52291E-08 W0= 1.163e-6
++K3b= 2.233
++Vsat= 86301.58 Ua= 6.47e-9 Ub= 4.23e-18 Uc=-4.706281E-11
++Rdsw= 650 U0= 388.3203 wr=1
++A0= .3496967 Ags=.1 B0=0.546 B1= 1
++ Dwg = -6.0E-09 Dwb = -3.56E-09 Prwb = -.213
++Keta=-3.605872E-02 A1= 2.778747E-02 A2= .9
++Voff=-6.735529E-02 NFactor= 1.139926 Cit= 1.622527E-04
++Cdscb= 0 Dvt0w = 0 Dvt1w = 0 Dvt2w = 0
++ Cdscd = 0 Prwg = 0
++Eta0= 1.0281729E-02 Etab=-5.042203E-03
++Dsub= .31871233
++Pclm= 1.114846 Pdiblc1= 2.45357E-03 Pdiblc2= 6.406289E-03
++Drout= .31871233 Pscbe1= 5000000 Pscbe2= 5E-09 Pdiblcb = -.234
++Pvag= 0 delta=0.01
++ Wl = 0 Ww = -1.420242E-09 Wwl = 0
++ Wln = 0 Wwn = .2613948 Ll = 1.300902E-10
++ Lw = 0 Lwl = 0 Lln = .316394
++ Lwn = 0
++kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051
++At= 22400
++Ua1= 3.31E-10 Ub1= 2.61E-19 Uc1= -3.42e-10
++Kt1l=0 Prt=764.3
+.model P1 PMOS
+*+version = 3.2.4
++version = 3.3.0
++Level= 8
++Nch= 3.533024E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=6.23e-8 Wint=1.22e-7
++Vth0=-.6732829 K1= .8362093 K2=-8.606622E-02 K3= 1.82
++Dvt0= 1.903801 Dvt1= .5333922 Dvt2=-.1862677
++Nlx= 1.28e-8 W0= 2.1e-6
++K3b= -0.24 Prwg=-0.001 Prwb=-0.323
++Vsat= 103503.2 Ua= 1.39995E-09 Ub= 1.e-19 Uc=-2.73e-11
++ Rdsw= 460 U0= 138.7609
++A0= .4716551 Ags=0.12
++Keta=-1.871516E-03 A1= .3417965 A2= 0.83
++Voff=-.074182 NFactor= 1.54389 Cit=-1.015667E-03
++Cdsc= 8.937517E-04
++Cdscb= 1.45e-4 Cdscd=1.04e-4
++ Dvt0w=0.232 Dvt1w=4.5e6 Dvt2w=-0.0023
++Eta0= 6.024776E-02 Etab=-4.64593E-03
++Dsub= .23222404
++Pclm= .989 Pdiblc1= 2.07418E-02 Pdiblc2= 1.33813E-3
++Drout= .3222404 Pscbe1= 118000 Pscbe2= 1E-09
++Pvag= 0
++kt1= -0.25 kt2= -0.032 prt=64.5
++At= 33000
++Ute= -1.5
++Ua1= 4.312e-9 Ub1= 6.65e-19 Uc1= 0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/test_vco.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/test_vco.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..522eac00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/test_vco.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+* Test of VCO: frequency versus control voltage
+* 7 stage Ring-Osc. made of gain cells BSIM3
+* P.-H. Hsieh, J. Maxey, C.-K. K. Yang, IEEE JSSC, Sept. 2009, pp. 2488 - 2495
+* alternatively use d_osc code model
+* measure frequency of R.O. by fft
+.param vcc=3.3
+.csparam simtime=500n
+vdd dd 0 dc 'vcc'
+vco cont 0 dc 2.5
+* vco
+* buf: analog out
+* d_digout: digital out
+* cont: analog control voltage
+* dd: analog supply voltage
+*.include vco_sub.cir
+*xvco buf d_digout cont dd ro_vco
+.include vco_sub_new.cir
+xvco buf d_digout cont dd d_osc_vco
+.option noacct
+set xtrtol=2
+set dt = $curplot
+set curplot = new
+set curplottitle = "Frequency versus voltage"
+set freq_volt = $curplot $ store its name to 'freq_volt'
+setplot $freq_volt
+let vcovec=vector(5)
+let foscvec=vector(5)
+setplot $dt
+alter vco 0.5
+tran 0.1n $&simtime 0
+let {$freq_volt}.vcovec[0]=v(cont)
+linearize buf
+fft buf
+* start meas at freq > 0 to skip large dc part
+meas sp fosc MAX_AT buf from=1e3 to=1e9
+let {$freq_volt}.foscvec[0]=fosc
+plot d_digout xlimit 140n 160n
+alter vco 1
+tran 0.1n $&simtime 0
+let {$freq_volt}.vcovec[1]=v(cont)
+linearize buf
+fft buf
+meas sp fosc MAX_AT buf from=1e3 to=1e9
+let {$freq_volt}.foscvec[1]=fosc
+plot d_digout xlimit 140n 160n
+alter vco 1.5
+tran 0.1n $&simtime 0
+let {$freq_volt}.vcovec[2]=v(cont)
+linearize buf
+fft buf
+meas sp fosc MAX_AT buf from=1e3 to=1e9
+let {$freq_volt}.foscvec[2]=fosc
+plot d_digout xlimit 140n 160n
+alter vco 2
+tran 0.1n $&simtime 0
+let {$freq_volt}.vcovec[3]=v(cont)
+linearize buf
+fft buf
+meas sp fosc MAX_AT buf from=1e3 to=1e9
+let {$freq_volt}.foscvec[3]=fosc
+plot d_digout xlimit 140n 160n
+alter vco 2.5
+tran 0.1n $&simtime 0
+let {$freq_volt}.vcovec[4]=v(cont)
+linearize buf
+fft buf
+meas sp fosc MAX_AT buf from=1e3 to=1e9
+let {$freq_volt}.foscvec[4]=fosc
+plot d_digout xlimit 140n 160n
+plot tran1.buf tran3.buf tran5.buf tran7.buf tran9.buf xlimit 140n 160n
+plot mag(sp2.buf) mag(sp4.buf) mag(sp6.buf) mag(sp8.buf) mag(sp10.buf) xlimit 100e6 1100e6
+setplot $freq_volt
+settype frequency foscvec
+settype voltage vcovec
+plot foscvec vs vcovec
+print vcovec foscvec
+*model = bsim3v3
+*Berkeley Spice Compatibility
+* Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
+.model N1 NMOS
+*+version = 3.2.4
++version = 3.3.0
++Level= 8
++Nch= 2.498E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=9.36e-8 Wint=1.47e-7
++Vth0= .6322 K1= .756 K2= -3.83e-2 K3= -2.612
++Dvt0= 2.812 Dvt1= 0.462 Dvt2=-9.17e-2
++Nlx= 3.52291E-08 W0= 1.163e-6
++K3b= 2.233
++Vsat= 86301.58 Ua= 6.47e-9 Ub= 4.23e-18 Uc=-4.706281E-11
++Rdsw= 650 U0= 388.3203 wr=1
++A0= .3496967 Ags=.1 B0=0.546 B1= 1
++ Dwg = -6.0E-09 Dwb = -3.56E-09 Prwb = -.213
++Keta=-3.605872E-02 A1= 2.778747E-02 A2= .9
++Voff=-6.735529E-02 NFactor= 1.139926 Cit= 1.622527E-04
++Cdscb= 0 Dvt0w = 0 Dvt1w = 0 Dvt2w = 0
++ Cdscd = 0 Prwg = 0
++Eta0= 1.0281729E-02 Etab=-5.042203E-03
++Dsub= .31871233
++Pclm= 1.114846 Pdiblc1= 2.45357E-03 Pdiblc2= 6.406289E-03
++Drout= .31871233 Pscbe1= 5000000 Pscbe2= 5E-09 Pdiblcb = -.234
++Pvag= 0 delta=0.01
++ Wl = 0 Ww = -1.420242E-09 Wwl = 0
++ Wln = 0 Wwn = .2613948 Ll = 1.300902E-10
++ Lw = 0 Lwl = 0 Lln = .316394
++ Lwn = 0
++kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051
++At= 22400
++Ua1= 3.31E-10 Ub1= 2.61E-19 Uc1= -3.42e-10
++Kt1l=0 Prt=764.3
+.model P1 PMOS
+*+version = 3.2.4
++version = 3.3.0
++Level= 8
++Nch= 3.533024E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=6.23e-8 Wint=1.22e-7
++Vth0=-.6732829 K1= .8362093 K2=-8.606622E-02 K3= 1.82
++Dvt0= 1.903801 Dvt1= .5333922 Dvt2=-.1862677
++Nlx= 1.28e-8 W0= 2.1e-6
++K3b= -0.24 Prwg=-0.001 Prwb=-0.323
++Vsat= 103503.2 Ua= 1.39995E-09 Ub= 1.e-19 Uc=-2.73e-11
++ Rdsw= 460 U0= 138.7609
++A0= .4716551 Ags=0.12
++Keta=-1.871516E-03 A1= .3417965 A2= 0.83
++Voff=-.074182 NFactor= 1.54389 Cit=-1.015667E-03
++Cdsc= 8.937517E-04
++Cdscb= 1.45e-4 Cdscd=1.04e-4
++ Dvt0w=0.232 Dvt1w=4.5e6 Dvt2w=-0.0023
++Eta0= 6.024776E-02 Etab=-4.64593E-03
++Dsub= .23222404
++Pclm= .989 Pdiblc1= 2.07418E-02 Pdiblc2= 1.33813E-3
++Drout= .3222404 Pscbe1= 118000 Pscbe2= 1E-09
++Pvag= 0
++kt1= -0.25 kt2= -0.032 prt=64.5
++At= 33000
++Ute= -1.5
++Ua1= 4.312e-9 Ub1= 6.65e-19 Uc1= 0
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/vco_sub.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/vco_sub.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77f87360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/vco_sub.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+* VCO: 7 stage Ring-Osc. made of gain cells BSIM3
+* P.-H. Hsieh, J. Maxey, C.-K. K. Yang, IEEE JSSC, Sept. 2009, pp. 2488 - 2495
+* 150 MHz to 900 MHz with control voltage 2.5 to 0.5 V at 3.3 V supply
+* BSIM 3 model data for transistors in main file pll-xspice.cir
+***** ring oscillator as voltage controlled oscillator ***************
+* name: ro_vco
+* aout analog out
+* dout digital out
+* cont control voltage
+* dd supply voltage
+.subckt ro_vco aout dout cont dd
+* ignition circuit (not needed)
+* feedback between in and out, pulse to help start oscillation
+vin inm1 outp7 dc 0
+*vin inm1 outp7 dc 2.5 pulse 2.5 0 0.1n 5n 1 1 1
+*vin2 inp1 outp7 dc -0.5 pulse -0.5 0 0.1n 5n 1 1 1
+vin2 inp1 outm7 dc 0
+vss ss 0 dc 0
+ve sub 0 dc 0
+vpe well 0 dc 3.3
+* gain cell
+.subckt gaincell dd ss sub well co in- in+ out- out+
+mn1 out- in+ ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.35u AS=3p AD=3p PS=4u PD=4u
+mn2 out- out+ ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.35u AS=3p AD=3p PS=4u PD=4u
+mn3 out+ out- ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.35u AS=3p AD=3p PS=4u PD=4u
+mn4 out+ in- ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.35u AS=3p AD=3p PS=4u PD=4u
+mp1 out- co dd well p1 w=4u l=0.35u AS=7p AD=7p PS=6u PD=6u
+mp2 out+ co dd well p1 w=4u l=0.35u AS=7p AD=7p PS=6u PD=6u
+.ends gaincell
+* inverter
+.subckt inv2 dd ss sub well in out
+mn1 out in ss sub n1 w=6u l=0.35u AS=12p AD=12p PS=16u PD=16u
+mp1 out in dd well p1 w=12u l=0.35u AS=24p AD=24p PS=28u PD=28u
+.ends inv2
+* inverter
+.subckt inv1 dd ss sub well in out
+mn1 out in ss sub n1 w=2u l=0.35u AS=3p AD=3p PS=4u PD=4u
+mp1 out in dd well p1 w=4u l=0.35u AS=7p AD=7p PS=6u PD=6u
+.ends inv1
+* chain of 25 inverters + output buffer
+xinv1 dd ss sub well cont inm1 inp1 outm1 outp1 gaincell
+xinv2 dd ss sub well cont outp1 outm1 outm2 outp2 gaincell
+xinv3 dd ss sub well cont outp2 outm2 outm3 outp3 gaincell
+xinv4 dd ss sub well cont outp3 outm3 outm4 outp4 gaincell
+xinv5 dd ss sub well cont outp4 outm4 outm5 outp5 gaincell
+xinv6 dd ss sub well cont outp5 outm5 outm6 outp6 gaincell
+xinv7 dd ss sub well cont outp6 outm6 outm7 outp7 gaincell
+* analog out (two stage buffer)
+xinv11 dd 0 sub well outm1 outm2 inv1
+xinv12 dd 0 sub well outm2 aout inv2
+cout aout 0 0.2pF
+*digital out
+abridge1 [aout] [dout] adc_buff
+.model adc_buff adc_bridge(in_low = 'vcc*0.5' in_high = 'vcc*0.5')
+.ends ro_vco
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/vco_sub_new.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/vco_sub_new.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..229ccf84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/pll/vco_sub_new.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+***** XSPICE digital controlled oscillator d_osc as vco ***************
+* 150 MHz to 900 MHz
+* name: d_osc_vco
+* aout analog out
+* dout digital out
+* cont control voltage
+* dd supply voltage
+.subckt d_osc_vco aout dout cont dd
+* curve fitting to ro_vco 'measured' data
+Bfit fitted 0 v = (-58256685.71*v(cont)*v(cont) - 186386142.9*v(cont) + 988722980)/10.
+*a5 fitted dout var_clock
+*.model var_clock d_osc(cntl_array = [1.0e7 5.0e7 9.0e7]
+*+ freq_array = [1.0e8 5.0e8 9.0e8]
+* linear interpolation, input data from measured ro vco
+a5 cont dout var_clock
+.model var_clock d_osc(cntl_array = [0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5]
++ freq_array = [8.790820e+008 7.472197e+008 5.799500e+008 3.772727e+008 1.611650e+008]
++ duty_cycle = 0.5 init_phase = 180.0
++ rise_delay = 1e-10 fall_delay=1e-10)
+*generate an analog output for plotting
+abridge-fit [dout] [aout] dac1
+.model dac1 dac_bridge(out_low = 0 out_high = 1 out_undef = 0.5
++ input_load = 5.0e-12 t_rise = 1e-10
++ t_fall = 1e-10)
+.ends d_osc_vco
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/sine.m b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/sine.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c01fbe9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/sine.m
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# Created by Octave 3.4.0, Mon Jun 06 10:16:19 2011 CEST <>
+# name: x
+# type: matrix
+# rows: 257
+# columns: 3
+ 0 0 1
+ 3.90625e-09 0.02454122852291229 0.9996988186962042
+ 7.8125e-09 0.04906767432741801 0.9987954562051724
+ 1.171875e-08 0.07356456359966743 0.9972904566786902
+ 1.5625e-08 0.0980171403295606 0.9951847266721969
+ 1.953125e-08 0.1224106751992162 0.99247953459871
+ 2.34375e-08 0.1467304744553617 0.989176509964781
+ 2.734375e-08 0.1709618887603012 0.9852776423889412
+ 3.125e-08 0.1950903220161282 0.9807852804032304
+ 3.515625e-08 0.2191012401568698 0.9757021300385286
+ 3.90625e-08 0.2429801799032639 0.970031253194544
+ 4.296875e-08 0.2667127574748984 0.9637760657954398
+ 4.6875e-08 0.2902846772544623 0.9569403357322088
+ 5.078125e-08 0.3136817403988915 0.9495281805930367
+ 5.46875e-08 0.3368898533922201 0.9415440651830208
+ 5.859374999999999e-08 0.3598950365349881 0.932992798834739
+ 6.25e-08 0.3826834323650898 0.9238795325112867
+ 6.640625e-08 0.4052413140049899 0.9142097557035307
+ 7.03125e-08 0.4275550934302821 0.9039892931234433
+ 7.421874999999999e-08 0.4496113296546065 0.8932243011955153
+ 7.812499999999999e-08 0.4713967368259976 0.881921264348355
+ 8.203125e-08 0.492898192229784 0.8700869911087115
+ 8.59375e-08 0.5141027441932217 0.8577286100002721
+ 8.984375e-08 0.5349976198870972 0.8448535652497071
+ 9.375e-08 0.5555702330196022 0.8314696123025452
+ 9.765624999999999e-08 0.5758081914178453 0.8175848131515837
+ 1.015625e-07 0.5956993044924334 0.8032075314806449
+ 1.0546875e-07 0.6152315905806268 0.7883464276266063
+ 1.09375e-07 0.6343932841636455 0.773010453362737
+ 1.1328125e-07 0.6531728429537768 0.7572088465064846
+ 1.171875e-07 0.6715589548470183 0.7409511253549591
+ 1.2109375e-07 0.6895405447370668 0.724247082951467
+ 1.25e-07 0.7071067811865475 0.7071067811865476
+ 1.2890625e-07 0.7242470829514669 0.6895405447370669
+ 1.328125e-07 0.7409511253549591 0.6715589548470183
+ 1.3671875e-07 0.7572088465064845 0.6531728429537768
+ 1.40625e-07 0.773010453362737 0.6343932841636455
+ 1.4453125e-07 0.7883464276266062 0.6152315905806268
+ 1.484375e-07 0.8032075314806448 0.5956993044924335
+ 1.5234375e-07 0.8175848131515837 0.5758081914178453
+ 1.5625e-07 0.8314696123025452 0.5555702330196023
+ 1.6015625e-07 0.844853565249707 0.5349976198870973
+ 1.640625e-07 0.8577286100002721 0.5141027441932217
+ 1.6796875e-07 0.8700869911087113 0.4928981922297841
+ 1.71875e-07 0.8819212643483549 0.4713967368259978
+ 1.7578125e-07 0.8932243011955153 0.4496113296546066
+ 1.796875e-07 0.9039892931234433 0.4275550934302822
+ 1.8359375e-07 0.9142097557035307 0.4052413140049899
+ 1.875e-07 0.9238795325112867 0.3826834323650898
+ 1.9140625e-07 0.9329927988347388 0.3598950365349883
+ 1.953125e-07 0.9415440651830208 0.3368898533922201
+ 1.9921875e-07 0.9495281805930367 0.3136817403988916
+ 2.03125e-07 0.9569403357322089 0.2902846772544623
+ 2.0703125e-07 0.9637760657954398 0.2667127574748984
+ 2.109375e-07 0.970031253194544 0.242980179903264
+ 2.1484375e-07 0.9757021300385286 0.2191012401568698
+ 2.1875e-07 0.9807852804032304 0.1950903220161283
+ 2.2265625e-07 0.9852776423889412 0.1709618887603014
+ 2.265625e-07 0.989176509964781 0.1467304744553617
+ 2.3046875e-07 0.99247953459871 0.1224106751992163
+ 2.34375e-07 0.9951847266721968 0.09801714032956077
+ 2.3828125e-07 0.9972904566786902 0.07356456359966745
+ 2.421875e-07 0.9987954562051724 0.04906767432741813
+ 2.4609375e-07 0.9996988186962042 0.02454122852291226
+ 2.5e-07 1 6.123233995736766e-17
+ 2.5390625e-07 0.9996988186962042 -0.02454122852291214
+ 2.578125e-07 0.9987954562051724 -0.04906767432741801
+ 2.6171875e-07 0.9972904566786902 -0.07356456359966733
+ 2.65625e-07 0.9951847266721969 -0.09801714032956065
+ 2.6953125e-07 0.99247953459871 -0.1224106751992162
+ 2.734375e-07 0.989176509964781 -0.1467304744553616
+ 2.7734375e-07 0.9852776423889412 -0.1709618887603012
+ 2.8125e-07 0.9807852804032304 -0.1950903220161282
+ 2.8515625e-07 0.9757021300385286 -0.2191012401568697
+ 2.890625e-07 0.970031253194544 -0.2429801799032639
+ 2.9296875e-07 0.9637760657954398 -0.2667127574748983
+ 2.96875e-07 0.9569403357322089 -0.2902846772544622
+ 3.0078125e-07 0.9495281805930367 -0.3136817403988914
+ 3.046875e-07 0.9415440651830208 -0.3368898533922199
+ 3.0859375e-07 0.9329927988347388 -0.3598950365349882
+ 3.125e-07 0.9238795325112867 -0.3826834323650897
+ 3.1640625e-07 0.9142097557035307 -0.4052413140049897
+ 3.203125e-07 0.9039892931234434 -0.4275550934302819
+ 3.2421875e-07 0.8932243011955152 -0.4496113296546067
+ 3.28125e-07 0.881921264348355 -0.4713967368259977
+ 3.3203125e-07 0.8700869911087115 -0.492898192229784
+ 3.359375e-07 0.8577286100002721 -0.5141027441932217
+ 3.3984375e-07 0.8448535652497072 -0.534997619887097
+ 3.4375e-07 0.8314696123025455 -0.555570233019602
+ 3.4765625e-07 0.8175848131515837 -0.5758081914178453
+ 3.515625e-07 0.8032075314806449 -0.5956993044924334
+ 3.5546875e-07 0.7883464276266063 -0.6152315905806267
+ 3.59375e-07 0.7730104533627371 -0.6343932841636454
+ 3.6328125e-07 0.7572088465064847 -0.6531728429537765
+ 3.671875e-07 0.740951125354959 -0.6715589548470184
+ 3.7109375e-07 0.7242470829514669 -0.6895405447370669
+ 3.75e-07 0.7071067811865476 -0.7071067811865475
+ 3.7890625e-07 0.6895405447370671 -0.7242470829514668
+ 3.828125e-07 0.6715589548470186 -0.7409511253549589
+ 3.8671875e-07 0.6531728429537766 -0.7572088465064846
+ 3.90625e-07 0.6343932841636455 -0.773010453362737
+ 3.9453125e-07 0.6152315905806269 -0.7883464276266062
+ 3.984375e-07 0.5956993044924335 -0.8032075314806448
+ 4.0234375e-07 0.5758081914178454 -0.8175848131515836
+ 4.0625e-07 0.5555702330196022 -0.8314696123025453
+ 4.1015625e-07 0.5349976198870972 -0.8448535652497071
+ 4.140625e-07 0.5141027441932218 -0.857728610000272
+ 4.1796875e-07 0.4928981922297841 -0.8700869911087113
+ 4.21875e-07 0.4713967368259979 -0.8819212643483549
+ 4.2578125e-07 0.4496113296546069 -0.8932243011955152
+ 4.296875e-07 0.427555093430282 -0.9039892931234433
+ 4.3359375e-07 0.4052413140049899 -0.9142097557035307
+ 4.375e-07 0.3826834323650899 -0.9238795325112867
+ 4.4140625e-07 0.3598950365349883 -0.9329927988347388
+ 4.453125e-07 0.3368898533922203 -0.9415440651830207
+ 4.4921875e-07 0.3136817403988914 -0.9495281805930367
+ 4.53125e-07 0.2902846772544624 -0.9569403357322088
+ 4.5703125e-07 0.2667127574748985 -0.9637760657954398
+ 4.609375e-07 0.2429801799032641 -0.970031253194544
+ 4.6484375e-07 0.21910124015687 -0.9757021300385285
+ 4.6875e-07 0.1950903220161286 -0.9807852804032304
+ 4.7265625e-07 0.1709618887603012 -0.9852776423889412
+ 4.765625e-07 0.1467304744553618 -0.989176509964781
+ 4.804687499999999e-07 0.1224106751992163 -0.99247953459871
+ 4.84375e-07 0.09801714032956083 -0.9951847266721968
+ 4.8828125e-07 0.07356456359966773 -0.9972904566786902
+ 4.921875e-07 0.04906767432741797 -0.9987954562051724
+ 4.9609375e-07 0.02454122852291233 -0.9996988186962042
+ 5e-07 1.224646799147353e-16 -1
+ 5.0390625e-07 -0.02454122852291208 -0.9996988186962042
+ 5.078125e-07 -0.04906767432741772 -0.9987954562051724
+ 5.117187499999999e-07 -0.0735645635996675 -0.9972904566786902
+ 5.156249999999999e-07 -0.09801714032956059 -0.9951847266721969
+ 5.1953125e-07 -0.1224106751992161 -0.99247953459871
+ 5.234375e-07 -0.1467304744553616 -0.989176509964781
+ 5.2734375e-07 -0.170961888760301 -0.9852776423889413
+ 5.3125e-07 -0.1950903220161284 -0.9807852804032304
+ 5.3515625e-07 -0.2191012401568698 -0.9757021300385286
+ 5.390625e-07 -0.2429801799032638 -0.970031253194544
+ 5.4296875e-07 -0.2667127574748983 -0.96377606579544
+ 5.46875e-07 -0.2902846772544621 -0.9569403357322089
+ 5.507812499999999e-07 -0.3136817403988912 -0.9495281805930368
+ 5.546874999999999e-07 -0.3368898533922201 -0.9415440651830208
+ 5.5859375e-07 -0.3598950365349881 -0.932992798834739
+ 5.625e-07 -0.3826834323650897 -0.9238795325112868
+ 5.6640625e-07 -0.4052413140049897 -0.9142097557035307
+ 5.703125e-07 -0.4275550934302818 -0.9039892931234434
+ 5.7421875e-07 -0.4496113296546067 -0.8932243011955153
+ 5.78125e-07 -0.4713967368259976 -0.881921264348355
+ 5.8203125e-07 -0.4928981922297839 -0.8700869911087115
+ 5.859374999999999e-07 -0.5141027441932216 -0.8577286100002721
+ 5.898437499999999e-07 -0.5349976198870969 -0.8448535652497072
+ 5.937499999999999e-07 -0.555570233019602 -0.8314696123025455
+ 5.9765625e-07 -0.5758081914178453 -0.8175848131515837
+ 6.015625e-07 -0.5956993044924332 -0.8032075314806449
+ 6.0546875e-07 -0.6152315905806267 -0.7883464276266063
+ 6.09375e-07 -0.6343932841636453 -0.7730104533627371
+ 6.1328125e-07 -0.6531728429537765 -0.7572088465064848
+ 6.171875e-07 -0.6715589548470184 -0.7409511253549591
+ 6.2109375e-07 -0.6895405447370668 -0.724247082951467
+ 6.249999999999999e-07 -0.7071067811865475 -0.7071067811865477
+ 6.289062499999999e-07 -0.7242470829514668 -0.6895405447370671
+ 6.328124999999999e-07 -0.7409511253549589 -0.6715589548470187
+ 6.3671875e-07 -0.7572088465064842 -0.6531728429537771
+ 6.40625e-07 -0.7730104533627367 -0.6343932841636459
+ 6.4453125e-07 -0.7883464276266059 -0.6152315905806273
+ 6.484375e-07 -0.8032075314806451 -0.5956993044924331
+ 6.5234375e-07 -0.8175848131515838 -0.5758081914178452
+ 6.5625e-07 -0.8314696123025452 -0.5555702330196022
+ 6.6015625e-07 -0.844853565249707 -0.5349976198870973
+ 6.640624999999999e-07 -0.857728610000272 -0.5141027441932218
+ 6.679687499999999e-07 -0.8700869911087113 -0.4928981922297842
+ 6.718749999999999e-07 -0.8819212643483549 -0.4713967368259979
+ 6.7578125e-07 -0.8932243011955152 -0.4496113296546069
+ 6.796875e-07 -0.9039892931234431 -0.4275550934302825
+ 6.8359375e-07 -0.9142097557035305 -0.4052413140049904
+ 6.875e-07 -0.9238795325112865 -0.3826834323650903
+ 6.9140625e-07 -0.932992798834739 -0.3598950365349879
+ 6.953125e-07 -0.9415440651830208 -0.3368898533922199
+ 6.992187499999999e-07 -0.9495281805930367 -0.3136817403988915
+ 7.031249999999999e-07 -0.9569403357322088 -0.2902846772544624
+ 7.070312499999999e-07 -0.9637760657954398 -0.2667127574748985
+ 7.109374999999999e-07 -0.970031253194544 -0.2429801799032641
+ 7.1484375e-07 -0.9757021300385285 -0.2191012401568701
+ 7.1875e-07 -0.9807852804032303 -0.1950903220161287
+ 7.2265625e-07 -0.9852776423889411 -0.1709618887603017
+ 7.265625e-07 -0.9891765099647809 -0.1467304744553623
+ 7.3046875e-07 -0.9924795345987101 -0.122410675199216
+ 7.34375e-07 -0.9951847266721969 -0.09801714032956045
+ 7.382812499999999e-07 -0.9972904566786902 -0.07356456359966736
+ 7.421874999999999e-07 -0.9987954562051724 -0.04906767432741803
+ 7.460937499999999e-07 -0.9996988186962042 -0.02454122852291239
+ 7.5e-07 -1 -1.83697019872103e-16
+ 7.5390625e-07 -0.9996988186962042 0.02454122852291202
+ 7.578125e-07 -0.9987954562051724 0.04906767432741766
+ 7.6171875e-07 -0.9972904566786902 0.07356456359966698
+ 7.65625e-07 -0.9951847266721969 0.09801714032956009
+ 7.6953125e-07 -0.9924795345987101 0.1224106751992156
+ 7.734375e-07 -0.9891765099647809 0.1467304744553619
+ 7.773437499999999e-07 -0.9852776423889412 0.1709618887603013
+ 7.812499999999999e-07 -0.9807852804032304 0.1950903220161283
+ 7.851562499999999e-07 -0.9757021300385286 0.2191012401568697
+ 7.890625e-07 -0.970031253194544 0.2429801799032638
+ 7.9296875e-07 -0.96377606579544 0.2667127574748982
+ 7.96875e-07 -0.9569403357322089 0.2902846772544621
+ 8.0078125e-07 -0.9495281805930368 0.3136817403988911
+ 8.046875e-07 -0.9415440651830209 0.3368898533922196
+ 8.0859375e-07 -0.9329927988347391 0.3598950365349876
+ 8.124999999999999e-07 -0.9238795325112866 0.38268343236509
+ 8.164062499999999e-07 -0.9142097557035306 0.40524131400499
+ 8.203124999999999e-07 -0.9039892931234433 0.4275550934302821
+ 8.242187499999999e-07 -0.8932243011955153 0.4496113296546066
+ 8.28125e-07 -0.881921264348355 0.4713967368259976
+ 8.3203125e-07 -0.8700869911087115 0.4928981922297839
+ 8.359375e-07 -0.8577286100002722 0.5141027441932216
+ 8.3984375e-07 -0.8448535652497072 0.5349976198870969
+ 8.4375e-07 -0.8314696123025455 0.5555702330196018
+ 8.4765625e-07 -0.817584813151584 0.5758081914178449
+ 8.515624999999999e-07 -0.8032075314806453 0.5956993044924329
+ 8.554687499999999e-07 -0.7883464276266061 0.615231590580627
+ 8.593749999999999e-07 -0.7730104533627369 0.6343932841636456
+ 8.632812499999999e-07 -0.7572088465064846 0.6531728429537768
+ 8.671875e-07 -0.7409511253549591 0.6715589548470183
+ 8.7109375e-07 -0.724247082951467 0.6895405447370668
+ 8.75e-07 -0.7071067811865477 0.7071067811865474
+ 8.7890625e-07 -0.6895405447370672 0.7242470829514667
+ 8.828125e-07 -0.6715589548470187 0.7409511253549589
+ 8.8671875e-07 -0.6531728429537771 0.7572088465064842
+ 8.906249999999999e-07 -0.6343932841636459 0.7730104533627367
+ 8.945312499999999e-07 -0.6152315905806274 0.7883464276266059
+ 8.984374999999999e-07 -0.5956993044924332 0.8032075314806451
+ 9.023437499999999e-07 -0.5758081914178452 0.8175848131515837
+ 9.0625e-07 -0.5555702330196022 0.8314696123025452
+ 9.1015625e-07 -0.5349976198870973 0.844853565249707
+ 9.140625e-07 -0.5141027441932219 0.857728610000272
+ 9.1796875e-07 -0.4928981922297843 0.8700869911087113
+ 9.21875e-07 -0.4713967368259979 0.8819212643483548
+ 9.2578125e-07 -0.449611329654607 0.8932243011955151
+ 9.296874999999999e-07 -0.4275550934302825 0.9039892931234431
+ 9.335937499999999e-07 -0.4052413140049904 0.9142097557035305
+ 9.374999999999999e-07 -0.3826834323650904 0.9238795325112865
+ 9.414062499999999e-07 -0.359895036534988 0.932992798834739
+ 9.453125e-07 -0.33688985339222 0.9415440651830208
+ 9.4921875e-07 -0.3136817403988915 0.9495281805930367
+ 9.53125e-07 -0.2902846772544625 0.9569403357322088
+ 9.5703125e-07 -0.2667127574748986 0.9637760657954398
+ 9.609374999999999e-07 -0.2429801799032642 0.970031253194544
+ 9.648437499999999e-07 -0.2191012401568702 0.9757021300385285
+ 9.6875e-07 -0.1950903220161287 0.9807852804032303
+ 9.726562499999999e-07 -0.1709618887603018 0.9852776423889411
+ 9.765625e-07 -0.1467304744553624 0.9891765099647809
+ 9.804687499999999e-07 -0.122410675199216 0.99247953459871
+ 9.84375e-07 -0.09801714032956051 0.9951847266721969
+ 9.882812499999999e-07 -0.07356456359966741 0.9972904566786902
+ 9.921875e-07 -0.04906767432741809 0.9987954562051724
+ 9.960937499999999e-07 -0.02454122852291245 0.9996988186962042
+ 1e-06 -2.449293598294706e-16 1
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/xspice_c1.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/xspice_c1.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..022d9138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/xspice_c1.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+A Berkeley SPICE3 compatible circuit
+* This circuit contains only Berkeley SPICE3 components.
+* The circuit is an AC coupled transistor amplifier with
+* a sinewave input at node "1", a gain of approximately -3.9,
+* and output on node "coll".
+.tran 1e-5 2e-3
+vcc vcc 0 12.0
+vin 1 0 0.0 ac 1.0 sin(0 1 1k)
+ccouple 1 base 10uF
+rbias1 vcc base 100k
+rbias2 base 0 24k
+q1 coll base emit generic
+rcollector vcc coll 3.9k
+remitter emit 0 1k
+.model generic npn
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/xspice_c2.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/xspice_c2.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c66bdd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/xspice_c2.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+A transistor amplifier circuit
+.tran 1e-5 2e-3
+vin 1 0 0.0 ac 1.0 sin(0 1 1k)
+ccouple 1 in 10uF
+rzin in 0 19.35k
+aamp in aout gain_block
+.model gain_block gain (gain = -3.9 out_offset = 7.003)
+rzout aout coll 3.9k
+rbig coll 0 1e12
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/xspice_c3.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/xspice_c3.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c536293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/xspice_c3.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Mixed IO types
+* This circuit contains a mixture of IO types, including
+* analog, digital, user-defined (real), and 'null'.
+* The circuit demonstrates the use of the digital and
+* user-defined node capability to model system-level designs
+* such as sampled-data filters. The simulated circuit
+* contains a digital oscillator enabled after 100us. The
+* square wave oscillator output is divided by 8 with a
+* ripple counter. The result is passed through a digital
+* filter to convert it to a sine wave.
+.tran 1e-5 1e-3 all
+v1 1 0 0.0 pulse(0 1 1e-4 1e-6)
+r1 1 0 1k
+abridge1 [1] [enable] atod
+.model atod adc_bridge
+aclk [enable clk] clk nand
+.model nand d_nand (rise_delay=1e-5 fall_delay=1e-5)
+adiv2 div2_out clk NULL NULL NULL div2_out dff
+adiv4 div4_out div2_out NULL NULL NULL div4_out dff
+adiv8 div8_out div4_out NULL NULL NULL div8_out dff
+.model dff d_dff
+abridge2 div8_out enable filt_in node_bridge2
+.model node_bridge2 d_to_real (zero=-1 one=1)
+xfilter filt_in clk filt_out dig_filter
+abridge3 filt_out a_out node_bridge3
+.model node_bridge3 real_to_v
+rlpf1 a_out oa_minus 10k
+xlpf 0 oa_minus lpf_out opamp
+rlpf2 oa_minus lpf_out 10k
+clpf lpf_out oa_minus 0.01uF
+.subckt dig_filter filt_in clk filt_out
+.model n0 real_gain (gain=1.0)
+.model n1 real_gain (gain=2.0)
+.model n2 real_gain (gain=1.0)
+.model g1 real_gain (gain=0.125)
+.model zm1 real_delay
+.model d0a real_gain (gain=-0.75)
+.model d1a real_gain (gain=0.5625)
+.model d0b real_gain (gain=-0.3438)
+.model d1b real_gain (gain=1.0)
+an0a filt_in x0a n0
+an1a filt_in x1a n1
+an2a filt_in x2a n2
+az0a x0a clk x1a zm1
+az1a x1a clk x2a zm1
+ad0a x2a x0a d0a
+ad1a x2a x1a d1a
+az2a x2a filt1_out g1
+az3a filt1_out clk filt2_in zm1
+an0b filt2_in x0b n0
+an1b filt2_in x1b n1
+an2b filt2_in x2b n2
+az0b x0b clk x1b zm1
+az1b x1b clk x2b zm1
+ad0 x2b x0b d0b
+ad1 x2b x1b d1b
+az2b x2b clk filt_out zm1
+.ends dig_filter
+.subckt opamp plus minus out
+r1 plus minus 300k
+a1 %vd (plus minus) outint lim
+.model lim limit (out_lower_limit = -12 out_upper_limit = 12
++ fraction = true limit_range = 0.2 gain=300e3)
+r3 outint out 50.0
+r2 out 0 1e12
+.ends opamp