path: root/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-b4-2d.sp
diff options
authorrahulp132021-01-07 18:22:29 +0530
committerrahulp132021-01-07 18:22:29 +0530
commitd4fd47ecf77597595d3f4fa72fd5334a5fe7417b (patch)
tree28095229ec3035d15c569fbedac83cf5876aa196 /Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-b4-2d.sp
parent376e748df438933088721286402462dffd6367c0 (diff)
parent63e3156454f39732a3101c29d42b473a89ca68d2 (diff)
Merge windows installer updates with linux installer
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-b4-2d.sp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-b4-2d.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-b4-2d.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4c42a6..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/table/table-generator-b4-2d.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-** NMOSFET: table generator with BSIM4 2D (Vdrain, Vgate)
-* This file may be run by 'ngspice table-generator-b4-2d.sp'
-* It will generate a 2D data table by simulating the MOS drain current
-* as function of drain and gate voltages. The simulation uses
-* the ngspice BSIM4.6.1 MOS model and Berkeley model parameters.
-* This table is an input file for the XSPICE 2D table model.
-* You have to select NMOS or PMOS by manually editing this file: currently
-* PMOS is selected. For NMOS change '*' in column 1
-* for CSPARAM, m1, outfile, echo *table...
-* In addition you may change the step sizes vdstep vgstep vbstep in CSPARAM
-* to obtain the required resolution for the data.
-* These tables will contain pure dc data. For transient simulation you may
-* need to add some capacitors to the device model for a 'real world' simulation.
-*.csparam vdstart=-0.1
-*.csparam vdstop=1.8
-*.csparam vdstep=0.05
-*.csparam vgstart=-0.1
-*.csparam vgstop=1.8
-*.csparam vgstep=0.05
-.csparam vdstart=-1.8
-.csparam vdstop=0.1
-.csparam vdstep=0.01
-.csparam vgstart=-1.8
-.csparam vgstop=0.1
-.csparam vgstep=0.01
-** Circuit Description **
-*m1 2 1 3 0 nbsim4 L=0.13u W=10.0u rgeoMod=1
-m1 2 1 3 0 pbsim4 L=0.13u W=10.0u rgeoMod=1
-vgs 1 0 1.8
-vds 2 0 1.8
-vss 3 0 0
-** output file **
-*set outfile = "bsim4n-2d-1.table"
-set outfile = "bsim4p-2d-1.table"
-save i(vss)
-*echo *table for nmos bsim 4 > $outfile
-echo *table for pmos bsim 4 > $outfile
-let xcount = floor((vdstop-vdstart)/vdstep) + 1
-let ycount = floor((vgstop-vgstart)/vgstep) + 1
-echo *x >> $outfile
-echo $&xcount >> $outfile
-echo *y >> $outfile
-echo $&ycount >> $outfile
-let xvec = vector(xcount)
-let yvec = vector(ycount)
-let loopx = vdstart
-let lcx=0
-while lcx < xcount
- let xvec[lcx] = loopx
- let loopx = loopx + vdstep
- let lcx = lcx + 1
-echo *x row >> $outfile
-echo $&xvec >> $outfile
-let lcy=0
-let loopy = vgstart
-while lcy < ycount
- let yvec[lcy] = loopy
- let loopy = loopy + vgstep
- let lcy = lcy + 1
-echo *y column >> $outfile
-echo $&yvec >> $outfile
-let lcy=0
-let loopy = vgstart
-while lcy < ycount
- alter vgs loopy
- dc vds $&vdstart $&vdstop $&vdstep
-* let lcx=0
-* let loopx = vdstart
-* dowhile loopx le vdstop
-* alter vds loopx
-* op
-* let xvec[lcx] = i(vss)
-* destroy i(vss)
-* let loopx = loopx + vdstep
-* let lcx = lcx + 1
-* end
- let xvec = i(vss)
- echo $&xvec >> $outfile
- destroy dc1
- let loopy = loopy + vgstep
- let lcy = lcy + 1
-.include ./modelcards/modelcard.pmos
-.include ./modelcards/modelcard.nmos