path: root/Windows/spice/examples/various
diff options
authorrahulp132020-02-28 11:38:58 +0530
committerrahulp132020-02-28 11:38:58 +0530
commit246319682f60293b132fca1ce6e24689c6682617 (patch)
tree6871b758a17869efecfd617f5513e31f9a933f4a /Windows/spice/examples/various
parentd9ab84106cac311d953f344386fef1c1e2bca1cf (diff)
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/various')
9 files changed, 468 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_Leakage.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_Leakage.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2bcfb7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_Leakage.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+VTime VTime 0 DC 0 PWL( 0 0 1 1)
+Vfreq Vfreq 0 DC 5.5k
+BVAC IN 0 V = sin( 6.283185307179586*V(VFreq)*V(VTime))
+tran 1u .999m 0 1u
+set pensize = 2
+let numb2 = length(in)
+print numb2
+let ac = in +j(0)
+let ac_fft=fft(ac)
+let numb_f2 = (numb2)/2 -1
+compose freq start = 1 stop = $&numb_f2 step =1
+compose vreal start = 1 stop = $&numb_f2 step =1
+compose vimag start = 1 stop = $&numb_f2 step =1
+let j = 0
+repeat $&numb_f2
+let freq[j] = freq[j]
+let vreal[j] = 2*real(ac_fft[j+1])
+let vimag[j] = 2*imag(ac_fft[j+1])
+let j = j +1
+plot dB(abs(vreal+1f)) dB(abs(vimag+1f)) vs freq xlog
+let funBin = 5k/1000
+let unvect = unitvec(numb2)
+let fundspec = unvect*0 +j(0)
+let fundspec[funBin] = real(ac_fft[funBin]) +j(imag(ac_fft[funBin] ))
+let fundspec[numb2-funBin] = real(ac_fft[numb2-funBin]) +j(imag(ac_fft[numb2-funBin] ))
+let fund = ifft(fundspec)
+let dc_ofset = real(ac_fft[0])
+let thdspec = ac_fft
+let thdspec[0] = 0 +j(0)
+let thdspec[funBin] = 0 +j(0)
+let thdspec[numb2-funBin] = 0 +j(0)
+let thd = ifft(thdspec)
+plot norm(in) norm(fund) norm(thd)/2
+let rms_Fund = sqrt(mean(fund*fund))
+let rms_THD = sqrt(mean(thd*thd))
+let THD_percent = 100*rms_THD/rms_Fund
+let FREQ_Hz = VFreq[0]
+echo "Freq_Hz=$&FREQ_Hz THD_percent=$&THD_percent Fund_rms=$&rms_Fund THD_rms=$&rms_THD "
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_tests.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_tests.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7ede5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/FFT_tests.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+set units=degrees
+let a = vector(16)
+*plot a vs a
+set pensize = 2
+let ac = a+j(0)
+print a ac
+*plot fft(a) vs a
+*plot real(fft(ac)) imag(fft(ac)) vs a
+* fft(a) fft(ac)
+let b = unitvec(16)
+let bc = b+j(0)
+*plot fft(b) vs a title DC_WORKS
+*print fft(b) fft(bc)
+let numb = length(b)
+print numb
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= cos(indx*360/8)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+plot real(fftac) imag(fftac) vs a title DC_Plus_COS
+let fftac[2]=(0,0)
+let fftac[14]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifftac ac vs a title COS_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= cos(indx*360/8)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+let fftac[0]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifftac ac vs a title COS_With_DC_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= sin(indx*360/8)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+plot real(fftac) imag(fftac) vs a title DC_Plus_SIN
+let fftac[2]=(0,0)
+let fftac[14]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifft(fftac) ac vs a title SIN_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= sin(indx*360/8)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+let fftac[0]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifft(fftac) ac vs a title SIN_With_DC_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= cos(indx*360/2)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+plot ac vs a title Nyq_COS
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+plot real(fftac) imag(fftac) vs a title Nyq_FREQ_COS
+let fftac[0]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifft(fftac) ac vs a title COS_With_DC_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= sin(indx*360/2)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+plot ac vs a title Nyq_SIN
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+plot real(fftac) imag(fftac) vs a title Nyq_FREQ_SIN
+let fftac[0]=(0,0)
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifft(fftac) ac vs a title COS_With_DC_REMOVED
+let indx = 0
+repeat $&numb
+let ac[indx]= cos(indx*360/8)+1 +j(0)
+let indx = indx +1
+let fftac=fft(ac)
+let fftac[2]=(0,0)
+plot real(fftac) imag(fftac) vs a title DC_Plus_Cos
+let ifftac = ifft(fftac)
+plot ifft(fftac) ac vs a title ONE_BIN_REMOVED
+plot real(ifft(fftac)) imag(ifft(fftac)) vs a title ONE_BIN_REMOVED
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/adder_mos.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/adder_mos.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b85e093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/adder_mos.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+.SUBCKT NAND in1 in2 out VDD
+M1 out in2 Vdd Vdd p1 W=7.5u L=0.35u pd=13.5u ad=22.5p ps=13.5u as=22.5p
+M2 net.1 in2 0 0 n1 W=3u L=0.35u pd=9u ad=9p ps=9u as=9p
+M3 out in1 Vdd Vdd p1 W=7.5u L=0.35u pd=13.5u ad=22.5p ps=13.5u as=22.5p
+M4 out in1 net.1 0 n1 W=3u L=0.35u pd=9u ad=9p ps=9u as=9p
+.SUBCKT ONEBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6
+X1 1 2 7 6 NAND
+X2 1 7 8 6 NAND
+X3 2 7 9 6 NAND
+X4 8 9 10 6 NAND
+X5 3 10 11 6 NAND
+X6 3 11 12 6 NAND
+X7 10 11 13 6 NAND
+X8 12 13 4 6 NAND
+X9 11 7 5 6 NAND
+.SUBCKT TWOBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
+* NODES: INPUT - BIT0(2) / BIT1(2), OUTPUT - BIT0 / BIT1,
+X1 1 2 7 5 10 9 ONEBIT
+X2 3 4 10 6 8 9 ONEBIT
+.SUBCKT FOURBIT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
+* NODES: INPUT - BIT0(2) / BIT1(2) / BIT2(2) / BIT3(2),
+X1 1 2 3 4 9 10 13 16 15 TWOBIT
+X2 5 6 7 8 11 12 16 14 15 TWOBIT
+*** POWER
+VCC 99 0 DC 3.3V
+VIN1A 1 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 20NS 50NS)
+VIN1B 2 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 30NS 100NS)
+VIN2A 3 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 50NS 200NS)
+VIN2B 4 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 90NS 400NS)
+VIN3A 5 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 170NS 800NS)
+VIN3B 6 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 330NS 1600NS)
+VIN4A 7 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 650NS 3200NS)
+VIN4B 8 0 DC 0 PULSE(0 3 0 5NS 5NS 1290NS 6400NS)
+X1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 13 99 FOURBIT
+.option noinit acct
+.TRAN 500p 6400NS
+* save inputs V(1) V(2) V(3) V(4) V(5) V(6) V(7) V(8)
+* use BSIM3 model with default parameters
+.model n1 nmos level=49 version=3.3.0
+.model p1 pmos level=49 version=3.3.0
+*.include ./Modelcards/modelcard32.nmos
+*.include ./Modelcards/modelcard32.pmos
+pre_set strict_errorhandling
+unset ngdebug
+*save outputs and specials
+save x1.x1.x1.7 V(9) V(10) V(11) V(12) V(13)
+* plot the inputs, use offset to plot on top of each other
+plot v(1) v(2)+4 v(3)+8 v(4)+12 v(5)+16 v(6)+20 v(7)+24 v(8)+28
+* plot the outputs, use offset to plot on top of each other
+plot v(9) v(10)+4 v(11)+8 v(12)+12 v(13)+16
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/agauss_test.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/agauss_test.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2532751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/agauss_test.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+* agauss test in ngspice
+* generate a sequence of gaussian distributed random numbers.
+* test the distribution by sorting the numbers into
+* a histogram (buckets)
+* chapt. 17.8.6
+ define agauss(nom, avar, sig) (nom + avar/sig * sgauss(0))
+ let mc_runs = 200
+ let run = 0
+ let no_buck = 8 $ number of buckets
+ let bucket = unitvec(no_buck) $ each element contains 1
+ let delta = 3e-11 $ width of each bucket, depends
+ $ on avar and sig
+ let lolimit = 1e-09 - 3*delta
+ let hilimit = 1e-09 + 3*delta
+ dowhile run < mc_runs
+ let val = agauss(1e-09, 1e-10, 3) $ get the random number
+ if (val < lolimit)
+ let bucket[0] = bucket[0] + 1 $ 'lowest' bucket
+ end
+ let part = 1
+ dowhile part < (no_buck - 1)
+ if ((val < (lolimit + part*delta)) &
++ (val > (lolimit + (part-1)*delta)))
+ let bucket[part] = bucket[part] + 1
+ break
+ end
+ let part = part + 1
+ end
+ if (val > hilimit)
+* 'highest' bucket
+ let bucket[no_buck - 1] = bucket[no_buck - 1] + 1
+ end
+ let run = run + 1
+ end
+ let part = 0
+ dowhile part < no_buck
+ let value = bucket[part] - 1
+ set value = "$&value"
+* print the buckets' contents
+ echo $value
+ let part = part + 1
+ end
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/gain_stage.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/gain_stage.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..adc22bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/gain_stage.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+** MOSFET Gain Stage (AC): Benchmarking Implementation of BSIM4.0.0
+** by Weidong Liu 5/16/2000.
+** output redirection into file
+** chapter 17.8.8
+M1 3 2 0 0 N1 L=1u W=4u
+Rsource 1 2 100k
+Rload 3 vdd 25k
+Vdd vdd 0 1.8
+Vin 1 0 1.2 ac 0.1
+ac dec 10 100 1000Meg
+plot v(2) v(3)
+let flen = length(frequency) $ length of the vector
+let loopcounter = 0
+echo output test > text.txt $ start new file test.txt
+* loop
+while loopcounter lt flen
+ let vout2 = v(2)[loopcounter] $ generate a single point complex vector
+ let vout2re = real(vout2) $ generate a single point real vector
+ let vout2im = imag(vout2) $ generate a single point imaginary vector
+ let vout3 = v(3)[loopcounter] $ generate a single point complex vector
+ let vout3re = real(vout3) $ generate a single point real vector
+ let vout3im = imag(vout3) $ generate a single point imaginary vector
+ let freq = frequency[loopcounter] $ generate a single point vector
+ echo bbb "$&freq" "$&vout2re" "$&vout2im" "$&vout3re" "$&vout3im" >>
++text.txt $ append text and data to file (continued fromm line above)
+ let loopcounter = loopcounter + 1
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.nmos b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.nmos
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a9bd56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.nmos
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+.model N1 NMOS
++Level= 8 version=3.3.0
++Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
++Nch= 2.498E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=9.36e-8 Wint=1.47e-7
++Vth0= .6322 K1= .756 K2= -3.83e-2 K3= -2.612
++Dvt0= 2.812 Dvt1= 0.462 Dvt2=-9.17e-2
++Nlx= 3.52291E-08 W0= 1.163e-6
++K3b= 2.233
++Vsat= 86301.58 Ua= 6.47e-9 Ub= 4.23e-18 Uc=-4.706281E-11
++Rdsw= 650 U0= 388.3203 wr=1
++A0= .3496967 Ags=.1 B0=0.546 B1= 1
++Dwg = -6.0E-09 Dwb = -3.56E-09 Prwb = -.213
++Keta=-3.605872E-02 A1= 2.778747E-02 A2= .9
++Voff=-6.735529E-02 NFactor= 1.139926 Cit= 1.622527E-04
++Cdscb= 0 Dvt0w = 0 Dvt1w = 0 Dvt2w = 0
++Cdscd = 0 Prwg = 0
++Eta0= 1.0281729E-02 Etab=-5.042203E-03
++Dsub= .31871233
++Pclm= 1.114846 Pdiblc1= 2.45357E-03 Pdiblc2= 6.406289E-03
++Drout= .31871233 Pscbe1= 5000000 Pscbe2= 5E-09 Pdiblcb = -.234
++Pvag= 0 delta=0.01
++Wl = 0 Ww = -1.420242E-09 Wwl = 0
++Wln = 0 Wwn = .2613948 Ll = 1.300902E-10
++Lw = 0 Lwl = 0 Lln = .316394
++Lwn = 0
++kt1=-.3 kt2=-.051
++At= 22400
++Ua1= 3.31E-10 Ub1= 2.61E-19 Uc1= -3.42e-10
++Kt1l=0 Prt=764.3
++vgs_max=4 vds_max=4 vbs_max=4
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.pmos b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.pmos
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f67f274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.pmos
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+.model P1 PMOS
++Level= 8 version=3.3.0
++Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
++Nch= 3.533024E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
++Lint=6.23e-8 Wint=1.22e-7
++Vth0=-.6732829 K1= .8362093 K2=-8.606622E-02 K3= 1.82
++Dvt0= 1.903801 Dvt1= .5333922 Dvt2=-.1862677
++Nlx= 1.28e-8 W0= 2.1e-6
++K3b= -0.24 Prwg=-0.001 Prwb=-0.323
++Vsat= 103503.2 Ua= 1.39995E-09 Ub= 1.e-19 Uc=-2.73e-11
++Rdsw= 460 U0= 138.7609
++A0= .4716551 Ags=0.12
++Keta=-1.871516E-03 A1= .3417965 A2= 0.83
++Voff=-.074182 NFactor= 1.54389 Cit=-1.015667E-03
++Cdsc= 8.937517E-04
++Cdscb= 1.45e-4 Cdscd=1.04e-4
++Dvt0w=0.232 Dvt1w=4.5e6 Dvt2w=-0.0023
++Eta0= 6.024776E-02 Etab=-4.64593E-03
++Dsub= .23222404
++Pclm= .989 Pdiblc1= 2.07418E-02 Pdiblc2= 1.33813E-3
++Drout= .3222404 Pscbe1= 118000 Pscbe2= 1E-09
++Pvag= 0
++kt1= -0.25 kt2= -0.032 prt=64.5
++At= 33000
++Ute= -1.5
++Ua1= 4.312e-9 Ub1= 6.65e-19 Uc1= 0
++vgs_max=4 vds_max=4 vbs_max=4
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/nic_soa.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/nic_soa.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5752d99d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/nic_soa.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+.subckt osc_cmos ib_osz lc ra vdd vss
+m16 ib_osz ib_osz vss vss n1 w=20u l=1u m=8
+m15 ra ib_osz vss vss n1 w=20u l=1u m=2
+m8 net99 net95 ra ra n1 w=20u l=1u m=2
+m1 net95 net95 net93 net93 n1 w=20u l=1u m=2
+m25 net99 net99 vdd vdd p1 w=3.3u l=0.5u m=1
+m5 net99 net99 vdd vdd p1 w=20u l=1u m=5
+m4 net95 net99 vdd vdd p1 w=20u l=1u m=5
+r23 net99 vss r=38K
+r18 net93 lc r=10
+.ends osc_cmos
+.subckt psens LC
+R1 LC P001 40K
+L1 LC P002 14.9u
+R2 P002 0 0.55
+L2 P001 0 1.4m
+.ends psens
+xi36 bias lc ra vdd 0 osc_cmos
+v39 vdd 0 dc=3.5 pulse ( 0 3.5 10u 10n 10n 1 2 )
+r4 ra 0 3.972K
+c23 lc 0 1.8n
+i37 vdd bias dc=1u
+xi18 lc psens
+.option warn=1
+tran 1u 1m 0 50n
+plot v(LC)
+.include modelcard.nmos
+.include modelcard.pmos
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/param_sweep.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/param_sweep.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79d5869e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/param_sweep.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+parameter sweep
+* resistive divider, R1 swept from start_r to stop_r
+* replaces .STEP R1 1k 10k 1k
+* chapter
+R1 1 2 1k
+R2 2 0 1k
+VDD 1 0 DC 1
+.dc VDD 0 1 .1
+let start_r = 1k
+let stop_r = 10k
+let delta_r = 1k
+let r_act = start_r
+* loop
+while r_act le stop_r
+ alter r1 r_act
+ run
+ write dc-sweep.out v(2)
+ set appendwrite
+ let r_act = r_act + delta_r
+plot dc1.v(2) dc2.v(2) dc3.v(2) dc4.v(2) dc5.v(2)
++ dc6.v(2) dc7.v(2) dc8.v(2) dc9.v(2) dc10.v(2)