path: root/Windows/spice/examples/various
diff options
authorrahulp132020-03-03 05:31:58 +0530
committerrahulp132020-03-03 05:31:58 +0530
commitdfc268e0863c913a1b8726cd54eea3b40caf7c67 (patch)
tree1cd82634684da5ae86b558d44756189e080545d4 /Windows/spice/examples/various
parentfd62c52150c7d1f81da8060b2f5db6b94d174ccf (diff)
upgrade ngspice to v31
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/various')
17 files changed, 911 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/3d_loop.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/various/3d_loop.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f64efd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/3d_loop.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+testing loops
+*variables are global
+*vector reside only in the plot where they where created
+.param rr = 10k
+R1 r2 0 r = {rr + 40*TEMPER}
+V1 r2 0 1
+*create a new plot as our base plot
+setplot new
+set curplottitle = "crossplot"
+set plotname=$curplot
+let aa = 5
+let bb = 3
+let cc = 6
+set aa="$&aa"
+set bb="$&bb"
+set cc="$&cc"
+* generate vector with all (here 90) elements
+let result=vector(90)
+settype current result
+* reshape vector to format 5 x 3 x 6
+*reshape result [5][3][6]
+reshape result [$aa][$bb][$cc]
+* vector to store temperature
+let tvect=vector(5)
+* vector to store voltage
+let vvect=vector(6)
+* vector to store parameter values
+let pvect=vector(3)
+*index for storing in vectors tvect and result
+let indexp = 0
+foreach pvar 9.5k 10k 10.5k
+ let indexv = 0
+ alterparam rr = $pvar
+ let pvect[indexp] = $pvar
+ mc_source
+ foreach var -40 -20 0 20 40
+ set temp = $var
+ dc v1 0 5 1
+ *store name of the actual dc plot
+ set dcplotname = $curplot
+ * back to the base plot
+ setplot $plotname
+ let result[indexv][indexp] = {$dcplotname}.v1#branch
+ let tvect[indexv] = $var
+ if indexv = 0
+ let vvect = {$dcplotname}.r2
+ end
+ let indexv = indexv + 1
+* destroy $dcplotname
+ end
+ let indexp = indexp + 1
+ remcirc
+settype voltage vvect
+setscale vvect
+let indexplot = 0
+while indexplot < indexp
+*plot result[0][indexplot] result[1][indexplot] result[2][indexplot] result[3][indexplot] result[4][indexplot]
+let indexplot = indexplot + 1
++result[0][0] result[1][0] result[2][0] result[3][0] result[4][0]
++result[0][1] result[1][1] result[2][1] result[3][1] result[4][1]
++result[0][2] result[1][2] result[2][2] result[3][2] result[4][2]
+write 3d_loop_i_vs_v.out
++result[0][0] result[1][0] result[2][0] result[3][0] result[4][0]
++result[0][1] result[1][1] result[2][1] result[3][1] result[4][1]
++result[0][2] result[1][2] result[2][2] result[3][2] result[4][2]
+*transpoe a 3D vector
+let aai = 0
+let bbi = 0
+let cci = 0
+let result1 = vector(90)
+settype current result1
+* reshape vector to format 3 x 6 x 5
+reshape result1 [$bb][$cc][$aa]
+* shift from vector format 5 x 3 x 6 to 3 x 6 x 5
+*echo test output > resultout.txt
+while aai < aa
+ let bbi = 0
+ while bbi < bb
+ let cci = 0
+ while cci < cc
+ let result1[bbi][cci][aai] = result[aai][bbi][cci]
+* print bbi cci aai >> resultout.txt
+* print result1[bbi][cci][aai] >> resultout.txt
+ let cci = cci + 1
+ end
+ let bbi = bbi + 1
+ end
+ let aai = aai + 1
+settype temp-sweep tvect
+setscale tvect
+* current through v1 versus temperature
++result1[0][0] result1[1][0] result1[2][0]
++result1[0][1] result1[1][1] result1[2][1]
++result1[0][2] result1[1][2] result1[2][2]
++result1[0][3] result1[1][3] result1[2][3]
++result1[0][4] result1[1][4] result1[2][4]
++result1[0][5] result1[1][5] result1[2][5]
+write 3d_loop_i_vs_t.out
++result1[0][0] result1[1][0] result1[2][0]
++result1[0][1] result1[1][1] result1[2][1]
++result1[0][2] result1[1][2] result1[2][2]
++result1[0][3] result1[1][3] result1[2][3]
++result1[0][4] result1[1][4] result1[2][4]
++result1[0][5] result1[1][5] result1[2][5]
+*plot result1
+*transpoe a 3D vector
+let aai = 0
+let bbi = 0
+let cci = 0
+let result2 = vector(90)
+settype current result2
+* reshape vector to format 6 x 5 x 3
+reshape result2 [$cc][$aa][$bb]
+* shift from vector format 3 x 6 x 5 to 6 x 5 x 3
+*echo test output > resultout.txt
+while aai < aa
+ let bbi = 0
+ while bbi < bb
+ let cci = 0
+ while cci < cc
+ let result2[cci][aai][bbi] = result1[bbi][cci][aai]
+* print cci aai bbi >> resultout.txt
+* print result2[cci][aai][bbi] >> resultout.txt
+ let cci = cci + 1
+ end
+ let bbi = bbi + 1
+ end
+ let aai = aai + 1
+settype impedance pvect
+setscale pvect
+* current through v1 versus parameter rr
++result2[0][0] result2[1][0] result2[2][0] result2[3][0] result2[4][0] result2[5][0]
++result2[0][1] result2[1][1] result2[2][1] result2[3][1] result2[4][1] result2[5][1]
++result2[0][2] result2[1][2] result2[2][2] result2[3][2] result2[4][2] result2[5][2]
++result2[0][3] result2[1][3] result2[2][3] result2[3][3] result2[4][3] result2[5][3]
++result2[0][4] result2[1][4] result2[2][4] result2[3][4] result2[4][4] result2[5][4]
+write 3d_loop_i_vs_para.out
++result2[0][0] result2[1][0] result2[2][0] result2[3][0] result2[4][0] result2[5][0]
++result2[0][1] result2[1][1] result2[2][1] result2[3][1] result2[4][1] result2[5][1]
++result2[0][2] result2[1][2] result2[2][2] result2[3][2] result2[4][2] result2[5][2]
++result2[0][3] result2[1][3] result2[2][3] result2[3][3] result2[4][3] result2[5][3]
++result2[0][4] result2[1][4] result2[2][4] result2[3][4] result2[4][4] result2[5][4]
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/alterparam.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/various/alterparam.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..663f73a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/alterparam.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+*test alterparam
+.param vv = 1
+.param rr = 'vv + 1'
+R1 1 0 {rr + 1}
+v1 1 0 1
+.subckt subr in out rint1 = 6
+ .param rint = 5
+ .param rint2 = 8
+ R0 in out 'rint'
+ R1 in out 'rint1'
+ R2 in out 'rint2'
+Xr 2 0 subr rint = 7 rint1 = 9
+v2 2 0 1
+print v1#branch v2#branch
+listing expand
+alterparam vv = 2
+print v1#branch v2#branch
+listing expand
+alterparam subr rint = 13
+alterparam subr rint1 = 15
+alterparam subr rint2 = 17
+print v1#branch v2#branch
+listing expand
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/bjt_ac_par.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/various/bjt_ac_par.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..048eb6f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/bjt_ac_par.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Plot inner small signal parameter
+v1 1 0 dc 10.0
+rc 1 c 2k
+vb b 0 dc 0.6
+q1 c b 0 bfs17
+.MODEL BFS17 NPN (level=1 IS=0.48F NF=1.008 BF=99.655 VAF=90.000 IKF=0.190
++ ISE=7.490F NE=1.762 NR=1.010 BR=38.400 VAR=7.000 IKR=93.200M
++ ISC=0.200F NC=1.042
++ RB=1.500 IRB=0.100M RBM=1.200
++ RE=0.500 RC=2.680
++ CJE=1.325P VJE=0.700 MJE=0.220 FC=0.890
++ CJC=1.050P VJC=0.610 MJC=0.240 XCJC=0.400
++ TF=56.940P TR=1.000N PTF=21.000
++ XTF=68.398 VTF=0.600 ITF=0.700
++ XTB=1.600 EG=1.110 XTI=3.000
++ KF=1.000F AF=1.000)
+save @q1[gm] @q1[pi] @q1[go]
+save @q1[qbe] @q1[qbc]
+save @q1[cmu] @q1[cpi]
+dc vb 0.4 1 0.01
+plot @q1[gm] @q1[gpi] @q1[go]
+plot @q1[qbe] @q1[qbc]
+plot @q1[cmu] @q1[cpi]
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/bjtnoise.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/bjtnoise.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..002c0d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/bjtnoise.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+BJT Noise Test
+vcc 4 0 50
+vin 1 0 ac 1
+ccouple 1 2 1
+ibias 0 2 100uA
+rload 4 3 1k
+q1 3 2 0 0 test
+.model test npn kf=1e-20 af=1 bf=100 rb=10 cjc=4e-12
+.noise v(3) vin dec 10 1k 100Meg 1
+setplot noise1
+plot ally
+plot inoise_spectrum onoise_spectrum
+setplot noise2
+print all
+print inoise_total onoise_total
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/compose-examples.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/compose-examples.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..25206cee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/compose-examples.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+compose examples
+compose vec1 values (-3) (-5) 4 6
+echo $&vec1
+compose vec2 values (-3) (-5*PI) 4 6*e
+echo $&vec2
+compose vec3 start=-3 stop=7 step = 2
+echo $&vec3
+compose vec4 start=-3 stop=7 step = 2 lin=19
+*warning, step is ignored
+echo $&vec4
+compose vec5 dec=3 start=0.1 stop=10
+echo $&vec5
+compose vec6 dec=3 start=-0.1 stop=10
+*error, value is negative
+echo $&vec6
+compose vec7 log=3 start=0.1 stop=10
+echo $&vec7
+compose vec8 gauss=10 mean=1 sd=0.2
+echo $&vec8
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/dc_loop.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/various/dc_loop.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19511593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/dc_loop.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+testing loops
+*variables are global
+*vector reside only in the plot where they where created
+R1 r2 0 r = {5k + 50*TEMPER}
+V1 r2 0 1
+*create a new plot as our base plot
+setplot new
+set curplottitle = "crossplot"
+set plotname=$curplot
+* generate vector with all (here 30) elements
+let result=vector(30)
+* reshape vector to format 5 x 6
+reshape result [5][6]
+* vector to store temperature
+let tvect=vector(5)
+*index for storing in vectors tvect and result
+let index = 0
+foreach var -40 -20 0 20 40
+ set temp = $var
+ dc v1 0 5 1
+ *store name of the actual dc plot
+ set dcplotname = $curplot
+ * back to the base plot
+ setplot $plotname
+ let result[index] = {$dcplotname}.v1#branch
+ let tvect[index] = $var
+ settype current result
+ let index = index + 1
+ destroy $dcplotname
+settype temp-sweep tvect
+setscale tvect
+transpose result
+plot result
+write dc_loop.out result[0] result[1] result[2] result[3] result[4] result[5]
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/diode_ac_par.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/various/diode_ac_par.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2d53631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/diode_ac_par.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+Plot inner small signal parameter
+v1 1 0 dc 0
+d1 1 0 myd
+.model myd D(IS = 1.50E-07
++ N = 1.0
++ RS = 9
++ TT = 100n
++ CJ0 = 1.01p
++ VJ = 0.44
++ M = 0.5
++ EG = 1.11
++ XTI = 3
++ KF = 0
++ AF = 1
++ FC = 0.5
++ BV = 22
++ IBV = 10u)
+save @d1[gd] @d1[cd] @d1[qd]
+dc v1 -5 .1 0.01
+plot @d1[gd]
+plot @d1[cd]
+plot @d1[qd]
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/i(xxx)_tests.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/i(xxx)_tests.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bbd3c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/i(xxx)_tests.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+i(XXX) test
+* Restrictions of function i(device):
+* O.K. when device and i(device) are at top level.
+* O.K. when device and i(device) are in the same
+* subcircuit at first subcircuit level.
+* O.K. when device and i(device) are in the same
+* subcircuit at some deeper subcircuit level.
+* source at top level, function i(XXX) at top level
+R1 1 0 1
+V1 1 0 1
+R2 2 0 '5 * i(R1)'
+V2 2 0 1
+* source at top level, function i(XXX) at subckt level
+* geht nicht!
+*.subckt contr1 n1 n2
+*RS1 n1 n2 '6 * i(R1)'
+*XR1 3 0 contr1
+*V3 3 0 1
+* source at subckt level, function i(XXX) at same subckt
+* o.k.
+.subckt contr2 n1 n2
+RS1 n1 n2 '6 * i(RS2)'
+RS2 1 0 1
+V1 1 0 1
+XR2 4 0 contr2
+V4 4 0 1
+* source at subckt level, function i(XXX) at same subckt level
+* but different subcircuit: should not do!
+* does not do!
+*.subckt contr3 n1 n2
+*RS1 n1 n2 '6 * i(RS2)'
+*XR3 5 0 contr3
+*V5 5 0 1
+* source at subckt level, function i(XXX) at top level
+* geht nicht!
+*.subckt contr4 n1 n2
+*RS41 n1 n2 7
+*VS41 n1 n2 1
+*XR4 6 0 contr4
+*R6 7 0 '10*i(r.xr4.rs41)'
+*V6 7 0 1
+* source at second subckt level, function i(XXX) at same subckt
+* o.k.
+.subckt contr5 n1 n2
+XR2 n1 n2 contr2
+XR8 8 0 contr5
+V8 8 0 1
+* MOS device, first node only
+vd d 0 1
+vg g 0 1
+vb b 0 0
+vs s 0 0
+m1 d g s b n1 W=10u L=1u
+RM 10 0 '1E6 * i(M1)'
+VRM 10 0 1
+* reuse i(M1)
+BMM 11 0 V='1E6 * i(M1)'
+RMM 11 0 1
+.include modelcard.nmos
+print i(V1) i(V2) i(V4) i(V8) i(VRM) i(BMM)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/model-name-check.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/model-name-check.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..248f5ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/model-name-check.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+* model name check
+V1 1 0 1
+R1 1 2 1k
+D1 2 0 DMOD
+.model DMOD D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* o.k.
+D2 2 0 _DMOD
+.model _DMOD D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* o.k.
+D3 2 0 1n4001
+.model 1n4001 D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* o.k.
+D4 2 0 22N4
+.model 22N4 D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* o.k.
+D5 2 0 1e34
+.model 1e34 D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* not o.k.
+D6 2 0 74ls4444
+.model 74ls4444 D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* o.k.
+D7 2 0 ^274ls4444
+.model ^274ls4444 D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* not o.k.
+D8 2 0 74!4444
+.model 74!4444 D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* o.k.
+D9 2 0 12p4444
+.model 12p4444 D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* o.k.
+D10 2 0 17n
+.model 17n D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* not o.k.
+D11 2 0 17nB
+.model 17nB D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* o.k.
+D12 2 0 17e12n
+.model 17e12n D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* not o.k.
+D13 2 0 17e12Meg
+.model 17e12Meg D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* not o.k.
+D14 2 0 17e12Megg
+.model 17e12Megg D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* o.k.
+D15 2 0 20.5pF
+.model 20.5pF D (is=1e-13 bv=50)
+* not o.k.
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.nmos b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.nmos
index 9a9bd56c..9512b41d 100644
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.nmos
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.nmos
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
.model N1 NMOS
+Level= 8 version=3.3.0
-+Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
+Nch= 2.498E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
+Lint=9.36e-8 Wint=1.47e-7
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.pmos b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.pmos
index 1f67f274..e64c8cee 100644
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.pmos
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/modelcard.pmos
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
.model P1 PMOS
+Level= 8 version=3.3.0
-+Lmin= .35 Lmax= 20 Wmin= .6 Wmax= 20
+Nch= 3.533024E+17 Tox=9E-09 Xj=1.00000E-07
+Lint=6.23e-8 Wint=1.22e-7
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/nmos_pmos_BSIM330.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/various/nmos_pmos_BSIM330.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20b266e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/nmos_pmos_BSIM330.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+*****Single NMOS and PMOS Transistor For BSIM3 threshold voltage check (Id-Vgs) (Id-Vds) ***
+M1 2 1 3 4 n1 W=1u L=0.35u Pd=1.5u Ps=1.5u ad=1.5p as=1.5p
+vgs 1 0 3.5
+vds 2 0 0.1
+vss 3 0 0
+vbs 4 0 0
+M2 22 11 33 44 p1 W=2.5u L=0.35u Pd=3u Ps=3u ad=2.5p as=2.5p
+vgsp 11 0 -3.5
+vdsp 22 0 -0.1
+vssp 33 0 0
+vbsp 44 0 0
+.options Temp=27.0
+* BSIM3v3.3.0 model with modified default parameters 0.18µm
+.model n1 nmos level=49 version=3.3.0 tox=3.5n nch=2.4e17 nsub=5e16 vth0=0.15
+.model p1 pmos level=49 version=3.3.0 tox=3.5n nch=2.5e17 nsub=5e16 vth0=-0.15
+*.include ./Modelcards/modelcard.nmos $ Berkeley model cards limited to L >= 0.35µm
+*.include ./Modelcards/modelcard.pmos $ Berkeley model cards limited to L >= 0.35µm
+* update of the default parameters required
+*.model n1 NMOS level=49 version=3.3.0 $ nearly no current due to VT > 2 V ?
+*.model p1 PMOS level=49 version=3.3.0
+dc vgs 0 1.5 0.05 vbs 0 -2.5 -0.5
+plot vss#branch
+dc vds 0 2 0.05 vgs 0 2 0.4
+plot vss#branch
+dc vgsp 0 -1.5 -0.05 vbsp 0 2.5 0.5
+plot vssp#branch
+dc vdsp 0 -2 -0.05 vgsp 0 -2 -0.4
+plot vssp#branch
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/nmos_pmos_plotting.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/various/nmos_pmos_plotting.sp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ff61126
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/nmos_pmos_plotting.sp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+*****Single NMOS and PMOS Transistor For BSIM3 threshold voltage check (Id-Vgs) (Id-Vds) ***
+M1 2 1 3 4 n1 W=1u L=0.35u Pd=1.5u Ps=1.5u ad=1.5p as=1.5p
+vgs 1 0 3.5
+vds 2 0 0.1
+vss 3 0 0
+vbs 4 0 0
+M2 22 11 33 44 p1 W=2.5u L=0.35u Pd=3u Ps=3u ad=2.5p as=2.5p
+vgsp 11 0 -3.5
+vdsp 22 0 -0.1
+vssp 33 0 0
+vbsp 44 0 0
+.options Temp=27.0
+* BSIM3v3.3.0 model with modified default parameters 0.18µm
+.model n1 nmos level=49 version=3.3.0 tox=3.5n nch=2.4e17 nsub=5e16 vth0=0.15
+.model p1 pmos level=49 version=3.3.0 tox=3.5n nch=2.5e17 nsub=5e16 vth0=-0.15
+*.include ./Modelcards/modelcard.nmos $ Berkeley model cards limited to L >= 0.35µm
+*.include ./Modelcards/modelcard.pmos $ Berkeley model cards limited to L >= 0.35µm
+* update of the default parameters required
+*.model n1 NMOS level=49 version=3.3.0 $ nearly no current due to VT > 2 V ?
+*.model p1 PMOS level=49 version=3.3.0
+* various plot font sizes
+dc vgs 0 1.5 0.05 vbs 0 -2.5 -0.5
+plot vss#branch ylabel 'output current'
+set wfont_size=18
+dc vds 0 2 0.05 vgs 0 2 0.4
+plot vss#branch ylabel 'output current'
+set wfont_size=20
+dc vgsp 0 -1.5 -0.05 vbsp 0 2.5 0.5
+plot vssp#branch ylabel 'output current'
+set wfont=Times
+set wfont_size=18
+dc vdsp 0 -2 -0.05 vgsp 0 -2 -0.4
+plot vssp#branch ylabel 'output current'
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/ro_17_4.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/ro_17_4.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a4704f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/ro_17_4.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+*****************==== 17-Stage CMOS RO ====*******************
+*********** Benchmarking Implementation of BSIM4 by Jane Xi 11/05/2002.
+* this variant improves current memeasurement
+* by setting 'xmu'
+vdd 1 0 2.0
+mp1 3 2 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn1 3 2 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp2 4 3 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn2 4 3 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp3 5 4 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn3 5 4 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp4 6 5 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn4 6 5 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp5 7 6 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn5 7 6 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp6 8 7 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn6 8 7 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp7 9 8 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn7 9 8 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp8 10 9 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn8 10 9 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp9 11 10 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn9 11 10 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp10 12 11 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn10 12 11 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp11 13 12 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn11 13 12 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp12 14 13 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn12 14 13 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp13 15 14 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn13 15 14 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp14 16 15 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn14 16 15 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp15 17 16 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn15 17 16 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp16 18 17 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn16 18 17 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mp17 2 18 1 1 p1 l=0.1u w=10u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+mn17 2 18 0 0 n1 l=0.1u w=5u ad=5p pd=6u as=5p ps=6u
+c1 18 0 .1p
+* .ic v(2)=1.0 v(3)=1.0 v(4)=1.0
+* .ic v(2)=2.0 v(3)=0.0 v(4)=2.0
+* .ic v(2)=2.0 v(3)=0.0 v(4)=2.0 v(5)=0.0 v(6)=2.0
+* .ic v(7)=0.0 v(8)=2.0 v(9)=0.0 v(10)=2.0 v(11)=0.0 v(12)=2.0
+* .ic v(13)=0.0 v(14)=2.0 v(15)=0.0 v(16)=2.0 v(17)=0.0 v(18)=2.0
+* .ic V(10)=5 v(2)=5 v(3)=5 v(4)=5 v(5)=5 v(6)=5
+* .ic v(18)=1
+.tran .1ns 150ns uic
+* .option xmu = 0.49
+* .print tran v(5)
+* reduce current ringing
+option xmu = 0.49
+* set xmu=0.49
+set num_threads=4
+set noinit
+* current and output in a single plot
+plot v(18) 1000*(-I(vdd)) ylimit -1 6
+* Short channel models from CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation,
+* 50nm BSIM4 models VDD=1V, see
+.model N1 nmos level = 54 version = 4.5.0
++binunit = 1 paramchk= 1 mobmod = 0
++capmod = 2 igcmod = 1 igbmod = 1 geomod = 0
++diomod = 1 rdsmod = 0 rbodymod= 1 rgatemod= 1
++permod = 1 acnqsmod= 0 trnqsmod= 0
++tnom = 27 toxe = 1.4e-009 toxp = 7e-010 toxm = 1.4e-009
++epsrox = 3.9 wint = 5e-009 lint = 1.2e-008
++ll = 0 wl = 0 lln = 1 wln = 1
++lw = 0 ww = 0 lwn = 1 wwn = 1
++lwl = 0 wwl = 0 xpart = 0 toxref = 1.4e-009
++vth0 = 0.22 k1 = 0.35 k2 = 0.05 k3 = 0
++k3b = 0 w0 = 2.5e-006 dvt0 = 2.8 dvt1 = 0.52
++dvt2 = -0.032 dvt0w = 0 dvt1w = 0 dvt2w = 0
++dsub = 2 minv = 0.05 voffl = 0 dvtp0 = 1e-007
++dvtp1 = 0.05 lpe0 = 5.75e-008 lpeb = 2.3e-010 xj = 2e-008
++ngate = 5e+020 ndep = 2.8e+018 nsd = 1e+020 phin = 0
++cdsc = 0.0002 cdscb = 0 cdscd = 0 cit = 0
++voff = -0.15 nfactor = 1.2 eta0 = 0.15 etab = 0
++vfb = -0.55 u0 = 0.032 ua = 1.6e-010 ub = 1.1e-017
++uc = -3e-011 vsat = 1.1e+005 a0 = 2 ags = 1e-020
++a1 = 0 a2 = 1 b0 = -1e-020 b1 = 0
++keta = 0.04 dwg = 0 dwb = 0 pclm = 0.18
++pdiblc1 = 0.028 pdiblc2 = 0.022 pdiblcb = -0.005 drout = 0.45
++pvag = 1e-020 delta = 0.01 pscbe1 = 8.14e+008 pscbe2 = 1e-007
++fprout = 0.2 pdits = 0.2 pditsd = 0.23 pditsl = 2.3e+006
++rsh = 3 rdsw = 150 rsw = 150 rdw = 150
++rdswmin = 0 rdwmin = 0 rswmin = 0 prwg = 0
++prwb = 6.8e-011 wr = 1 alpha0 = 0.074 alpha1 = 0.005
++beta0 = 30 agidl = 0.0002 bgidl = 2.1e+009 cgidl = 0.0002
++egidl = 0.8
++aigbacc = 0.012 bigbacc = 0.0028 cigbacc = 0.002
++nigbacc = 1 aigbinv = 0.014 bigbinv = 0.004 cigbinv = 0.004
++eigbinv = 1.1 nigbinv = 3 aigc = 0.017 bigc = 0.0028
++cigc = 0.002 aigsd = 0.017 bigsd = 0.0028 cigsd = 0.002
++nigc = 1 poxedge = 1 pigcd = 1 ntox = 1
++xrcrg1 = 12 xrcrg2 = 5
++cgso = 6.238e-010 cgdo = 6.238e-010 cgbo = 2.56e-011 cgdl = 2.495e-10
++cgsl = 2.495e-10 ckappas = 0.02 ckappad = 0.02 acde = 1
++moin = 15 noff = 0.9 voffcv = 0.02
++kt1 = -0.21 kt1l = 0.0 kt2 = -0.042 ute = -1.5
++ua1 = 1e-009 ub1 = -3.5e-019 uc1 = 0 prt = 0
++at = 53000
++fnoimod = 1 tnoimod = 0
++jss = 0.0001 jsws = 1e-011 jswgs = 1e-010 njs = 1
++ijthsfwd= 0.01 ijthsrev= 0.001 bvs = 10 xjbvs = 1
++jsd = 0.0001 jswd = 1e-011 jswgd = 1e-010 njd = 1
++ijthdfwd= 0.01 ijthdrev= 0.001 bvd = 10 xjbvd = 1
++pbs = 1 cjs = 0.0005 mjs = 0.5 pbsws = 1
++cjsws = 5e-010 mjsws = 0.33 pbswgs = 1 cjswgs = 5e-010
++mjswgs = 0.33 pbd = 1 cjd = 0.0005 mjd = 0.5
++pbswd = 1 cjswd = 5e-010 mjswd = 0.33 pbswgd = 1
++cjswgd = 5e-010 mjswgd = 0.33 tpb = 0.005 tcj = 0.001
++tpbsw = 0.005 tcjsw = 0.001 tpbswg = 0.005 tcjswg = 0.001
++xtis = 3 xtid = 3
++dmcg = 0e-006 dmci = 0e-006 dmdg = 0e-006 dmcgt = 0e-007
++dwj = 0e-008 xgw = 0e-007 xgl = 0e-008
++rshg = 0.4 gbmin = 1e-010 rbpb = 5 rbpd = 15
++rbps = 15 rbdb = 15 rbsb = 15 ngcon = 1
+.model P1 pmos level = 54 version = 4.5.0
++binunit = 1 paramchk= 1 mobmod = 0
++capmod = 2 igcmod = 1 igbmod = 1 geomod = 0
++diomod = 1 rdsmod = 0 rbodymod= 1 rgatemod= 1
++permod = 1 acnqsmod= 0 trnqsmod= 0
++tnom = 27 toxe = 1.4e-009 toxp = 7e-010 toxm = 1.4e-009
++epsrox = 3.9 wint = 5e-009 lint = 1.2e-008
++ll = 0 wl = 0 lln = 1 wln = 1
++lw = 0 ww = 0 lwn = 1 wwn = 1
++lwl = 0 wwl = 0 xpart = 0 toxref = 1.4e-009
++vth0 = -0.22 k1 = 0.39 k2 = 0.05 k3 = 0
++k3b = 0 w0 = 2.5e-006 dvt0 = 3.9 dvt1 = 0.635
++dvt2 = -0.032 dvt0w = 0 dvt1w = 0 dvt2w = 0
++dsub = 0.7 minv = 0.05 voffl = 0 dvtp0 = 0.5e-008
++dvtp1 = 0.05 lpe0 = 5.75e-008 lpeb = 2.3e-010 xj = 2e-008
++ngate = 5e+020 ndep = 2.8e+018 nsd = 1e+020 phin = 0
++cdsc = 0.000258 cdscb = 0 cdscd = 6.1e-008 cit = 0
++voff = -0.15 nfactor = 2 eta0 = 0.15 etab = 0
++vfb = 0.55 u0 = 0.0095 ua = 1.6e-009 ub = 8e-018
++uc = 4.6e-013 vsat = 90000 a0 = 1.2 ags = 1e-020
++a1 = 0 a2 = 1 b0 = -1e-020 b1 = 0
++keta = -0.047 dwg = 0 dwb = 0 pclm = 0.55
++pdiblc1 = 0.03 pdiblc2 = 0.0055 pdiblcb = 3.4e-008 drout = 0.56
++pvag = 1e-020 delta = 0.014 pscbe1 = 8.14e+008 pscbe2 = 9.58e-007
++fprout = 0.2 pdits = 0.2 pditsd = 0.23 pditsl = 2.3e+006
++rsh = 3 rdsw = 250 rsw = 160 rdw = 160
++rdswmin = 0 rdwmin = 0 rswmin = 0 prwg = 3.22e-008
++prwb = 6.8e-011 wr = 1 alpha0 = 0.074 alpha1 = 0.005
++beta0 = 30 agidl = 0.0002 bgidl = 2.1e+009 cgidl = 0.0002
++egidl = 0.8
++aigbacc = 0.012 bigbacc = 0.0028 cigbacc = 0.002
++nigbacc = 1 aigbinv = 0.014 bigbinv = 0.004 cigbinv = 0.004
++eigbinv = 1.1 nigbinv = 3 aigc = 0.69 bigc = 0.0012
++cigc = 0.0008 aigsd = 0.0087 bigsd = 0.0012 cigsd = 0.0008
++nigc = 1 poxedge = 1 pigcd = 1 ntox = 1
++xrcrg1 = 12 xrcrg2 = 5
++cgso = 7.43e-010 cgdo = 7.43e-010 cgbo = 2.56e-011 cgdl = 1e-014
++cgsl = 1e-014 ckappas = 0.5 ckappad = 0.5 acde = 1
++moin = 15 noff = 0.9 voffcv = 0.02
++kt1 = -0.19 kt1l = 0 kt2 = -0.052 ute = -1.5
++ua1 = -1e-009 ub1 = 2e-018 uc1 = 0 prt = 0
++at = 33000
++fnoimod = 1 tnoimod = 0
++jss = 0.0001 jsws = 1e-011 jswgs = 1e-010 njs = 1
++ijthsfwd= 0.01 ijthsrev= 0.001 bvs = 10 xjbvs = 1
++jsd = 0.0001 jswd = 1e-011 jswgd = 1e-010 njd = 1
++ijthdfwd= 0.01 ijthdrev= 0.001 bvd = 10 xjbvd = 1
++pbs = 1 cjs = 0.0005 mjs = 0.5 pbsws = 1
++cjsws = 5e-010 mjsws = 0.33 pbswgs = 1 cjswgs = 5e-010
++mjswgs = 0.33 pbd = 1 cjd = 0.0005 mjd = 0.5
++pbswd = 1 cjswd = 5e-010 mjswd = 0.33 pbswgd = 1
++cjswgd = 5e-010 mjswgd = 0.33 tpb = 0.005 tcj = 0.001
++tpbsw = 0.005 tcjsw = 0.001 tpbswg = 0.005 tcjswg = 0.001
++xtis = 3 xtid = 3
++dmcg = 0e-006 dmci = 0e-006 dmdg = 0e-006 dmcgt = 0e-007
++dwj = 0e-008 xgw = 0e-007 xgl = 0e-008
++rshg = 0.4 gbmin = 1e-010 rbpb = 5 rbpd = 15
++rbps = 15 rbdb = 15 rbsb = 15 ngcon = 1
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/tmp-noise-2.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/tmp-noise-2.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8dbb8910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/tmp-noise-2.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* (exec-spice "ngspice %s" t)
+* actually not noise but temp coeff
+v1 1 0 dc 100 ac=1
+b2 2 0 i=v(1) tc1=0.001
+v2 0 2 0
+b3 3 0 v=v(1) tc1=0.001
+.temp 127.0
+let idc2=i(v2)
+let vdc3=v(3)
+print idc2 vdc3
+ac dec 1 1kHz 1kHz
+let iac2=i(v2)
+let vac3=v(3)
+print iac2 vac3
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/tmp-noise.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/tmp-noise.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b43e5694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/tmp-noise.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* (exec-spice "ngspice %s" t)
+v1 1 0 dc 2 ac 1
+v2 200 0 dc=1
+R1 1 2 1k
+R2 2 0 1k tc1=0.001 $ tc2=1e-5
+R10 1 20 1k
+R20 20 0 '1k*v(200)' tc1=0.001 $ tc2=1e-5
+.temp 127.0
+listing e
+let gold = 2/(1+1000/1100)
+print v(2) v(20) gold
+noise v(2) v1 dec 1 1kHz 1kHz
+let r = 1/(1/1000 + 1/1100)
+let gold = sqrt(4*boltz*(273.15+127.0)*r)
+print all gold
+noise v(20) v1 dec 1 1kHz 1kHz
+print all
+ac dec 1 1kHz 1kHz
+let gold = 1/(1+1000/1100)
+print v(2) v(20) gold
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/various/todo-temper-3.cir b/Windows/spice/examples/various/todo-temper-3.cir
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e62c89e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/various/todo-temper-3.cir
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+* try temper
+* (exec-spice "ngspice %s" t)
+.model dplain d is={temper >= 25 ? 1e-10 : (temper+1)*1e-11}
+.model dref d is=1e-10
+Iin 1 0 dc = -1mA
+Dref 1 0 dref
+e2 2 0 1 0 1
+D2 2 0 dplain
+e3 3 0 1 0 1
+D3 3 0 dref area={temper >= 25 ? (temper+100)/100 : 2 }
+dc temp 0 125 1.0
+plot e2#branch/@iin[dc]
+plot e3#branch/@iin[dc]
+*quit 0