path: root/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp
diff options
authorrahulp132021-01-07 07:55:48 +0530
committerrahulp132021-01-07 07:55:48 +0530
commit088203b088a02eabb4606dc734e901b81f237b11 (patch)
treeebe9109661a149c82fc66599a6ce8103637d0b4a /Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp
parentac223c4a69c701ad0a247401acdc48b8b6b6dba6 (diff)
removed outdated dependencies
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 236 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 466c2591..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
- BJTdriver -- 24inch lossy line TXL model -- DiodeCircuit
-* This unclassified circuit is from Raytheon, courtesy Gerry Marino.
-* It consists of a BJT driver connected by a 24 inch lossy line to a
-* passive load consisting mostly of diodes. Each inch
-* of the lossy line is modelled by 10 LRC lumps in the Raytheon
-* model.
-* The line parameters (derived from the Raytheon input file) are:
-* L = 9.13nH per inch
-* C = 3.65pF per inch
-* R = 0.2 ohms per inch
-* the circuit
-v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 4 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
-vcc 10 0 5v
-*rseries 1 2 5
-x1 1 2 10 bjtdrvr
-*t1 2 0 3 0 z0=50.0136 td=4.38119ns rel=10
-y2 2 0 3 0 ymod1
-*x2 2 3 oneinch
-*x2 100 101 twentyfourinch
-*x2 100 101 xtwentyfourinch
-vtest1 2 100 0
-vtest2 101 3 0
-x3 3 4 10 dioload
-*rl 3 0 5
-*dl 0 3 diod2
-.model ymod1 txl r=0.2 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 length=24
-.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
-.model dmod2 d
-.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
-.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
-.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
-.options acct
-+reltol=1e-3 abstol=1e-14
-tran 0.1ns 60ns 0 0.5ns
-plot v(1) v(2) v(3)
-* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
-* the Raytheon file
-.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
-q1 22 18 13 qmodn
-q2 18 16 13 qmodn
-qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
-q4 14 14 0 qmodn
-q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
-q5 8 13 17 qmodn
-q6 25 12 0 qmodn
-q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
-qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
-q8 7 11 10 qmodn
-q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
-*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
-q9 7 10 268 qmodn
-d1 0 19 dmod1
-d2 18 19 dmod2
-d3 13 19 dmod
-dq1 18 22 dmod
-dq2 16 18 dmod
-d502 9 21 dmod
-dq3 15 16 dmod
-d10 24 8 dmod
-d4 15 6 dmod
-dq6 12 25 dmod
-dq7 17 6 dmod
-dd1 17 10 dmod
-d7 11 6 dmod
-dd2 17 26 dmod
-d9 23 6 dmod
-dq8 11 7 dmod
-d501 17 268 dmod
-dq9 10 7 dmod
-d14 20 27 dmod
-d8 0 268 dmod
-r1 18 20 6k
-r2 22 20 2.2k
-r4 0 13 7k
-rd1 9 13 2k
-rd2 21 13 3k
-r3 16 20 10k
-r5 15 20 15k
-r9 0 17 4k
-r6 24 20 750
-r10 12 17 2k
-r12 24 11 1.5k
-r11 25 17 3k
-r15 23 20 10k
-r13 0 10 15k
-r14 7 27 12
-.ends bjtdrvr
-* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
-.subckt dioload 28 4 5
-*comment out everything in dioload except d5 and r503, and watch
-* the difference in results obtained between a tran 0.1ns 20ns and
-* a tran 0.01ns 20ns
-c1 28 0 5pF
-r503 0 4 5.55
-r4 0 28 120k
-r5 1 5 7.5k
-d5 4 28 diod2
-d1 1 28 diod1
-d4 2 0 diod1
-d3 3 2 diod1
-d2 1 3 diod1
-.ends dioload
-* subckt lump - one RLC lump of the lossy line
-*10 segments per inch
-.subckt lump 1 2
-*r1 1 3 0.02
-*c1 3 0 0.365pF
-*l1 3 2 0.913nH
-l1 1 3 0.913nH
-c1 2 0 0.365pF
-r1 3 2 0.02
-*r1 1 3 0.01
-*c1 3 0 0.1825pF
-*l1 3 4 0.4565nH
-*r2 4 5 0.01
-*c2 5 0 0.1825pF
-*l2 5 2 0.4565nH
-*c1 1 0 0.365pF
-*l1 1 2 0.913nH
-.ends lump
-.subckt oneinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump
-x2 3 4 lump
-x3 4 5 lump
-x4 5 6 lump
-x5 6 7 lump
-x6 7 8 lump
-x7 8 9 lump
-x8 9 10 lump
-x9 10 11 lump
-x10 11 2 lump
-.ends oneinch
-.subckt fourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 oneinch
-x2 3 4 oneinch
-x3 4 5 oneinch
-x4 5 2 oneinch
-.ends fourinch
-.subckt fiveinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 oneinch
-x2 3 4 oneinch
-x3 4 5 oneinch
-x4 5 6 oneinch
-x5 6 2 oneinch
-.ends fiveinch
-.subckt twentyfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 fiveinch
-x2 3 4 fiveinch
-x3 4 5 fiveinch
-x4 5 6 fiveinch
-x5 6 2 fourinch
-.ends twentyfourinch
-*modelling using R and lossless lines
-*5 segments per inch
-.model ymod2 txl r=0 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 length=0.2
-.subckt xlump 1 2
-y1 1 0 3 0 ymod2
-r1 2 3 0.04
-.ends xlump
-.subckt xoneinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump
-x2 3 4 xlump
-x3 4 5 xlump
-x4 5 6 xlump
-x5 6 2 xlump
-*x5 6 7 xlump
-*x6 7 8 xlump
-*x7 8 9 xlump
-*x8 9 10 xlump
-*x9 10 11 xlump
-*x10 11 2 xlump
-.ends xoneinch
-.subckt xfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xoneinch
-x2 3 4 xoneinch
-x3 4 5 xoneinch
-x4 5 2 xoneinch
-.ends xfourinch
-.subckt xfiveinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xoneinch
-x2 3 4 xoneinch
-x3 4 5 xoneinch
-x4 5 6 xoneinch
-x5 6 2 xoneinch
-.ends xfiveinch
-.subckt xtwentyfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xfiveinch
-x2 3 4 xfiveinch
-x3 4 5 xfiveinch
-x4 5 6 xfiveinch
-x5 6 2 xfourinch
-.ends xtwentyfourinch