path: root/Windows/spice/doc/NEWS
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authorrahulp132020-03-03 05:31:58 +0530
committerrahulp132020-03-03 05:31:58 +0530
commitdfc268e0863c913a1b8726cd54eea3b40caf7c67 (patch)
tree1cd82634684da5ae86b558d44756189e080545d4 /Windows/spice/doc/NEWS
parentfd62c52150c7d1f81da8060b2f5db6b94d174ccf (diff)
upgrade ngspice to v31
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/doc/NEWS')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 578 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/doc/NEWS b/Windows/spice/doc/NEWS
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index dcbf695a..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/doc/NEWS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-Ngspice-26, Jan 4th, 2014
-- New features:
- + fft command may (optionally) use fftw3 library
- + add nint() rounding function
- + usage of 'temper' in behavioral devices
- + check for soa (safe operating area) in several device models
- + library processing rewritten completely to enhance ngspice
- compatibility (.lib)
- + include file processing rewritten to allow nesting and various
- absolute and relative path names (.inc)
- + asinh, acosh, atanh functions
- + shared ngspice option added: ngspice optionally compiles as
- a shared object or dynamic link library
- + use a hash table to massively speed up parsing the netlist
- + implement a very basic .if/.else block
- + implement a signed power function `pwr' for controlled sources
- + implement multiplier `m' in F, G source
- + apply Area Calculation Method (ACM) to the bsim3v3.3 model
- + implement `tc1', `tc2' instance parameters
-- Bug fixes:
- + many, many ... please see
- and check the 'history' button on the upper right.
- + removed memory leaks
-Ngspice-25, Jan 4th, 2013
-- New features:
- + add temperature coefficients for B source
- + commands "mdump", "mrdump" to dump matrix to file
- + allow `time', `temper', and `hertz' in expressions with behavioral R, L, C
- + Enable ctrl-c to interrupt a simulation also for Windows GUI
- + tests/bsim4: use the standard CMC model qa check
- + implement exit code for command "quit"
- + .nodeset all = value
- + memristor code model in extradev
- + new scalable diode model including tunnel component
- + variable xtrtol may override the XSPICE reduction of trtol
- + XSPICE example: delta-sigma converter
- + XSPICE: new d_source model
- + new option noopac
- + bsim3: make additonal parameters accessible with @mxx[par]
- + enable Mac OS X compilation
- + option reseries = val
- + commands "snsave", "snload"
- + update hisim to version 2.7.0, new qa tests
- + hisimhv update to version 1.2.3, new qa tests
- + allow Ctrl-d to quit
- + jfet model temperature extension, tcv and bex parameter
- + speed up vector handling by hash table for vector address storage and retrieval
- + update PSS code
-- Bug fixes:
- + many, many ... please see
- + remove memory leaks
- + update tclspice for MS Windows
- + adms3 removed due to licensing issues
-Ngspice-24, Jan 29th, 2012
-- New features:
- + .csparam allows to tranfer a param into a vector in .control ... .endc
- + functions floor and ceil
- + syntax Gxxx n1 n2 TABLE {expression} = (x0, y0) (x1, y1) (x2, y2)
- + syntax Gxxx n1 n2 value={equation} or Exxx n1 n2 value={equation}
- + variable strict_errorhandling to exit ngspice with exit code 1
- if any error occurs during circuit parsing
- + command altermod allows reading from file
- + command "devhelp" to show available devices and describe device parameters
- + command "inventory" to print the number of istances of each device.
- + function cph(vec) delivers phase from a vector without jumps at +-PI
- + enable 64 bit compilation in MS Visual Studio
- + --adms3 flag to compile with (experimental) adms code
- + still very experimental pss code
- + command 'remcirc' to remove a circuit from the list
- + command 'wrdata' aknowledges appendwrite and prints complex variables
- + allow comment lines inside of command files
- + path variable NGSPICE_INPUT
- + 'Filesource' code model
-- Bug fixes:
- + More on prototypes, type casts, reordering of functions, compiler warnings
- + fix a numerical problem in the hisim2 and hisimhv models
- + plot i(vdd) from a loaded rawfile
- + fix the guard for device generated internal nodes (via CKTmkVolt())
- + reduce memory leaks for command 'reset'
- + parameter processing for nested .subckt
- + bsim4/b4noi.c: correct init the correlated noise slot in noiseDens and lnNdens vector
- + Many small bugs
-Ngspice-23, June 5th, 2011
-- New features:
- + Reduction of trtol to 1 only if 'A' devices in the circuit and xspice is enabled
- + command wrs2p to write a s-parameter file using Touchstone vers. 1 format
- + d_source d_state d_ram, test cases for those xspice codemodels
- + transient noise simulation added to independent voltage and current sources
- + Random telegraph noise added to independent voltage and current sources
- + 'time = nnn' in stop command added
- + random voltage generator option trrandom to independent voltage and current sources
- + ngspice build possible in a separate directory (e.g. in ng-spice-rework/release)
- + update FIND .. WHEN measurements
- + diode & bjt temperature model update with tlev and tlevc
- + merge bsim3v1a code with bsim3v0 and bsim3v1s code with bsim3v1
- + bjt2: removed - all GP extensions of this model are now in the bjt model
- + HiSIM_HV model vers. 1.2.1 added
- + bsim3v32: delvto and mulu0 as instance parameters
- + Replace HiSIM1 by HiSIM_2.5.1_Release_20110407
-- Bug fixes:
- + More on prototypes, type casts, reordering of functions, compiler warnings
- + allow models like 2N2904 or 2SK136 also in subcircuits
- + fix sensitvity calculation (for the dc-2+.cir testcase)
- + allow multiple call to setup w/ correct node collapsing
- + Many small bugs
-Ngspice-22, Sept 26th, 2010
-- New features:
- + OpenMP multicore support for BSIM3, BSIM4, and BSIMSOI4
- + reinstate {$var} expansion in interactive interpreter
- + .TITLE line added
- + update to 'spectrum' script
- + par('expression') in .four, .plot, .print, .meas, .save commands
- + command 'option' for use in spinit, .spiceinit, and in scripts
- + adms procedure updated
- + new random number generator, random functions sunif() and sgauss()
- + ngspice manual updated
-- Bug fixes:
- + Major code cleanup to reduce compiler/linker warnings: ansi function prototypes,
- void/char pointers to named pointers, explicit type casts and many more
- + Many small bugs
-Ng-spice-rework-21, Jun3, 13th 2010
-- Updated Devices: BSIMSOI 4.3.1
-- New features:
- + Compatibility: C, L, R, devices and E, G sources with expressions
- Variables HERTZ, TIME, TEMPER added
- + E, G sources with pwl function
- + New manual
- + Plotting with Gnuplot,
- + Writing wrdata for simple text table to file
- + .measure improved
- + transmission line models improved
-- Bug fixes:
- + Many small bugs, memory leaks, memory overflows
-Ng-spice-rework-20, November, 16th 2009
-Ngspice release 20 is the second release of the simulator in 2009.
-- Fixes: model names starting with a number (1n4001) are now correctly parsed.
- The .global command has been reinstated (it was previously disabled) and
- error messages now display the corresponding line numberin the input deck.
-- New Features: .measure command for transient, ac and dc analyses (still not
- complete, e.g. DERIV is missing).
-- Devices: Updated BISM4 model to revision 4.6.5. Added PWL (PieceWise Linear)
- functionality for B (arbitrary generator) sources.
-Ng-spice-rework-19, April, 23rd 2009
-Ngspice release 19 came early after release 18. It reveals an important work
-in compile scripts, many bug fixes in memory management, interface, and work in device models.
-- Compile scripts: tclspice and ADMS compiling fixes. Architecture compiling
- fixes for SunOS, MS Visual Studio, MINGW, Cygwin.
-- Memory management: fixed memory leaks, modifies memory management for
- MS Windows, integration of espice bugfixes and enhancements, bug fixes in
- plots and cli interface.
-- Rework of BSim models, integration of EPFL-EKV model V2.63, ADMS models
- mextram, hicum0, hicum2.
-Rework-18 is introduces several new features into ngspice. This is a major
-release that comes after more than three years. During the silent years
-ngspice developers worked in CVS to stabilize and introduce new features
-into the simulator.
-- Tclspice simulator library has been merged with ngspice. Now you can
- compile ngapice or tclspice by asserting a configure switch. See README.tcl
-- New options have been introduced: brief, listing, autostop and scale
-- Support for .lib file has been introduced. This allows the use of
- third party model libraries in ngspice.
-- .measure statements: avg, integ, rms, max, min, delay, param
-- .global statements t support for global nodes whose name is not expanded
- when flattening the netlist.
-- .func macros for inlining functions into netlists.
-- Improved the numparam library to support fully parametrized netlists.
-- BSIM model binning.
-- new multi-input gate VCVS using XSPICE extensions.
-This is a bug fix release. Previous release tarball did not included
-an include file necessary for compiling numparam library.
-Rework-16 comes out after almost one year of CVS development (from
-15-fixedRC3). This release improves ngspice in three ways:
-- Bug fixing: most of the bugs that affected rework-15 have been fixed,
- thus ngspice is more stable, especially the xspice extension, the
- subcircuit (X devices) handling and the numparam library.
-- New features: netlist syntax has been expandend allowing for end-of-line
- comments. A ".global" card has beed added to define global nodes, i.e.
- nodes that are not expanded in subcircuits. It is possible to define TC
- for resistors on the instance line. The editline library can be used
- instead of readline (no more GPL license violation).
-- Porting: ngspice now works (with xspice extension) on Windows using
-Rework-15 release is a giant leap forward for ngspice. It incorporates
-many (read most) of the improvements implemented in tclspice during the
-two years long "sleep" of ngspice and adds many others. The incomplete
-list of new features incorporated are:
- - Xspice simulator (with codemodel dynamic loading support):
- a mixed signal simulator built upon spice3.
- - Cider simulator:
- a mixed level simulator built upon spice3.
- - Numparam library:
- a library that allows for parameter substitution at netlist level.
- - Improved models:
- Diode model includes periphery effects and high level of injection effects,
- BJT and BJT2 enhanced.
- BSIM3 now includes ACM.
- BSIM4 implementation corrected.
- -New models:
- VBIC (3 Terminals, no excess phase and thermal network),
- HiSIM.
- - Frontend leaks closed.
- Now frontend works as it should.
- - Many new example file.
- - Xgraph plotting program included.
-This is a major release in terms of bug-fixes. Some enhancements
-have been included: BSIM4 model and support for EKV model. The
-source code for the latter must be obtained from EKV web site
-(see DEVICE for more info). To enable EKV support you have
-to obtain the code first and then use the configure switch
-The spice code contains an option to debug frontend code, now
-this is available in configure as "--enable-ftedebug".
-This is a major release in terms of fixes and enhancements.
-A garbage collector support has been added. If the configuration
-script detects that you have installed GC (Bohem-Weiser conservative
-garbage collector), it will use it. Some memory leaks have been
-fixed too.
-Enhancements to the code comes from Alan's contribute code, a
-description of improvements follows (extracted form Alan's mail):
-Output File Format Changes -
- (NOTE: Do not rely on this, we may revert to the old format
- in the next release).
- Text mode .OP results even though "rawfile" written.
- Internal device nodes are not saved to "rawfile" (reduces
- file size). Optionally, these internal nodes can be replaced
- by device currents and saved.
-DC Convergence Enhancements -
- "Source-Stepping" algorithm modified with a "Dynamic" step size.
- After each successful step, the node voltages are saved, the
- source-factor is increased by the step-factor, and the step-factor
- is increased (for the next step). If the step fails, i.e. the
- circuit does not converge, the source-factor is set to the value
- from the previous successful step, the previously stored node
- voltages are restored, the step-factor is reduced, the source
- factor is increased by this smaller step-factor, and convergence
- is attempted again.
- Same thing done for "Gmin-stepping" algorithm.
- "Gshunt" option added. This sets the "diagGmin" variable used in
- the gmin-stepping algorithm to a non-zero value for the final
- solution. (Normally this is set to zero for the final solution).
- This helps for circuits with floating nodes (and for some others
- too).
- The Gmin implementation across the substrate diodes of MOS1, MOS2,
- MOS3, MOS6 and BSIM3 devices, and across BJT base-emitter and
- base-collector diodes, was incorrect. Correcting this dramatically
- improved DC convergence. (I think this also affects BSIM1 and 2
- but I haven't fixed them yet !)
- The gm, gmb and gds calculations in the MOS3 model were all wrong.
- The device equations were fixed, leading to much improved
- convergence.
- The Vcrit value used for diode voltage limiting was calculated
- without taking into account the device area (and in some cases
- without using the temperature corrected saturation current).
- This could cause floating point overflows, especially in device
- models designed to be scaled by a small area, e.g. 2u by 2u diodes
- (area=4e-12). This is now fixed for Diode, BJT, MOS1, MOS2, and
- MOS3 models.
- The diode voltage limiting was modified to add negative voltage
- limiting. Negative diode voltages are now limited to 3*Vdp-10,
- where Vdp is the voltage from the previous iteration. If Vdp is
- positive, then the voltage is limited to -10V. This prevents some
- more floating point overflows. (Actually, I'm still playing with
- the best values for this).
- The Spice3 "fix" for the MOS3 gds discontinuity between the
- linear and saturated regions only works if the VMAX parameter
- is non-zero. A "tweak" has been added for the VMAX=0 case.
-Transient Convergence Enhancements -
- Temperature correction of various diode capacitances was implemented
- slightly incorrectly, leading to capacitance discontinuities in
- simulations at temperatures other than nominal. This affected the
- Diode and MOS3 models.
- A mistake in the implementation of the MOS3 source-bulk capacitance
- model resulted in a charge storage discontinuity. This has been fixed.
- The level 2 MOSFET model seems to calculate Von and Vth values for
- the threshold and subthreshold values respectively, but then uses
- Vbin to calculate the Vdsat voltage used to find the drain current.
- However, a jump statement uses Von to decide that the device is in
- the "cutoff" region, which means that when this jump allows the
- drain current to be calculated, Vdsat can already be well above
- zero. This leads to a discontinuity of drain current with respect
- to gate voltage. The code is now modified to use Vbin for the jump
- decision. It looks like the code should actually use Vth as the
- threshold voltage, but since other SPICE simulators follow the
- original Berkeley code, this was left alone.
-New Model Parameters -
- A device multiplier instance parameter "M" (i.e. M devices in
- parallel) was added to the MOS1,2,3 and BSIM3 mosfet models.
-Input Read-in and Checking -
- Numbers beginning with a + sign got the input routine confused.
- Fixed now.
- Attempts to nodeset (or .IC) non-existent nodes are flagged with a
- warning.
- PWL statements on Voltage or Current sources are now checked for
- "non-increasing" time-points at the start of the simulation.
- Previously each time-point was checked as it was reached during
- the simulation, which could be very annoying if you made a mistake
- which caused the simulation to fail after hours of run-time.
- A check which was performed at the end of each sub-circuit expansion
- was moved to the top level. This check makes sure that all sub-circuits
- have been defined, but in its original position, it meant that if a
- sub-circuit included ANY .MODEL statements at all, then ALL the models
- called in that sub-circuit must also be defined within that
- sub-circuit. Now SPICE behaves as expected, i.e. a subcircuit may
- define its own models, but may also use models defined at any level
- above.
-Miscellaneous Fixes/Enhancements -
- MOS devices reported only half of the Meyer capacitances, and did not
- include overlap capacitances, when reporting to the .OP printout, or
- when storing device capacitances to the "rawfile".
- The ideal switch devices had no time-step control to stop their
- controlling voltages/currents overshooting the switching thresholds.
- The time-step control has been modified to use the last two time
- points to estimate if the next one will move the controlling
- voltage/current past a switching threshold. If this looks likely,
- then the time-step is reduced.
- The "rawfile" writing routines have been modified to print the
- "reference value" to the console during the simulation. This lets
- the user see exactly how far and how fast the simulation is
- proceeding.
- .OP printout tidied up a lot to make the printout clearer.
- Analysis order changed to fix a "feature" where, if you ask for
- a .OP and a .TRAN in the same simulation, the node voltages
- printed out correspond to the .OP, but the device data was from
- the last timepoint of the .TRAN
-Etc. -
- There are other minor bug fixes, and changes to reduce compiler
- warnings. There are probably some more significant fixes which
- I've forgotten :-)
-Arno did a great work this summer!
-The pole-zero analysis has been corrected. The error was introduced
-in an attempt to eliminate compiler warnings. The source has been
-reworked and info file have been updated. As you may see, a new dir
-called "spicelib" has been created, another step toward the separation
-of the simulator from the frontend.
-Resistor code (device) has been modified to conform to spice3 device
-coding standard.
-A new step function (U2) has been introduced.
-Documentation updated.
-Added BSIM4 model and closed a couple of serious bugs. Added DEVICES
-file to distribution. This file contains the status of device models
-in this simulator. Read it, this file can save you a lot of time.
-Thanks to Arno Peters now all device models are dynamically loaded on
-demand. They are linked as shared libraries. The next step is the
-dlopen() one which will make possible to link devices without any
-Applied Arno's patch.
-From his mail message:
-Hi Paolo,
-I have prepared a source cleaning patch.
- + patches don't get polluted with differences between automatically
- generated files. Usually these make up the biggest part
- of the patches. This allows me to read the patch on the mailing
- list instead of sifting through 90% redundant and irrelevant changes.
- + the shell script automatically regenerates the required
- files if the user has automake, autoconf and libtool installed.
- + this feature is only valuable to developers, not to end users.
-Usage of this patch, once incorporated:
- # create a working tree to work from
- cp -a ng-spice-rework-x ng-spice
- [ Changes made to ng-spice ]
- # clean up all the automatically generated files
- cd ng-spice; make maintainer-clean
- # extract the differences
- diff -ruN ng-spice-rework-x ng-spice > my.patch
- [ Patch sent to ng-spice mailing list or you ]
- # incorporate changes into the tree
- cd ng-spice-rework-x; patch -p1 < my.patch
- # update the automatically generated files
- cd ng-spice-rework-x; sh
-Ng-spice-rework-7 (22 Mar 2000)
-Bug fix release
-Ng-spice-rework-6 (29 Jan 2000)
-This porting includes:
-1) BSIM3V3.1 model as level 49. This is the version modified by Serban
-Popescu which understands the M parameter and implements HDIF.
-2) BSIM3V3.2 model al Level 50. This is the standard Berkeley version.
-3) Now the resistor model can accepts two different values for DC and
-AC resistance.
-Ng-spice-rework-5 and 5_2 (Jan 2000)
-Internal development release, buggy and not working.
-Ng-spice-rework-4 (22/12/99)
-This porting includes a new feature:
-1) dynamically loading of some device code as an experimental feature
-for the future GPL simulator. Thanks to Arno Peters and Manu Rouat.
-2) Patched the following bug (thanks to Andrew Tuckey for having
-supplied the patch).
- * Wsw (current controlled switch) in subckt, parsing bug.
- * scale factor in arbitrary source.
- * bug in noise analysis.
- * save segmentation faults.