path: root/Examples/Mixed_Mode/PWM_Incremental/PWM_Incremental.sch
diff options
authorRahul P2020-08-08 19:16:28 +0530
committerGitHub2020-08-08 19:16:28 +0530
commit8255c72075ab3541e8b6cfa7facb4e016157a905 (patch)
treee86226cc6a609e54133b527ad71912996360722b /Examples/Mixed_Mode/PWM_Incremental/PWM_Incremental.sch
parent175208c2553bde875968a9bc53176b6039ba9360 (diff)
parent7871e58975d75eb2b02928f7a48d29113bebeb2b (diff)
Merge pull request #156 from rahulp13/master
ported GUI to PyQt5; platform independent paths; launch ngspice through mintty on Win OS
Diffstat (limited to 'Examples/Mixed_Mode/PWM_Incremental/PWM_Incremental.sch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 435 deletions
diff --git a/Examples/Mixed_Mode/PWM_Incremental/PWM_Incremental.sch b/Examples/Mixed_Mode/PWM_Incremental/PWM_Incremental.sch
deleted file mode 100644
index dbb48d87..00000000
--- a/Examples/Mixed_Mode/PWM_Incremental/PWM_Incremental.sch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-EESchema Schematic File Version 2
-$Descr A4 11693 8268
-encoding utf-8
-Sheet 1 1
-Title ""
-Date ""
-Rev ""
-Comp ""
-Comment1 ""
-Comment2 ""
-Comment3 ""
-Comment4 ""
-L DC v2
-U 1 1 5DCD8FFA
-P 3250 3200
-F 0 "v2" H 3050 3300 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "9v" H 3050 3150 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "R1" H 2950 3200 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3250 3200 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 3250 3200
- 0 1 1 0
-L plot_v1 U3
-U 1 1 5DCD8FFB
-P 5400 4200
-F 0 "U3" H 5400 4700 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "plot_v1" H 5600 4550 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 5400 4200 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 5400 4200 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 5400 4200
- 1 0 0 -1
-L eSim_GND #PWR3
-U 1 1 5DCD8FFC
-P 3300 5150
-F 0 "#PWR3" H 3300 4900 50 0001 C CNN
-F 1 "eSim_GND" H 3300 5000 50 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 3300 5150 50 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3300 5150 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 3300 5150
- 1 0 0 -1
-L eSim_GND #PWR2
-U 1 1 5DCD8FFD
-P 2700 3300
-F 0 "#PWR2" H 2700 3050 50 0001 C CNN
-F 1 "eSim_GND" H 2700 3150 50 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 2700 3300 50 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2700 3300 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 2700 3300
- 1 0 0 -1
-Text GLabel 5550 4300 2 60 Input ~ 0
-L lm_741 X1
-U 1 1 5DCD8FFE
-P 4450 4150
-F 0 "X1" H 4250 4150 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "lm_741" H 4350 3900 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 4450 4150 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 4450 4150 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 4450 4150
- 1 0 0 -1
-L eSim_GND #PWR1
-U 1 1 5DCD8FFF
-P 1600 3900
-F 0 "#PWR1" H 1600 3650 50 0001 C CNN
-F 1 "eSim_GND" H 1600 3750 50 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 1600 3900 50 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 1600 3900 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 1600 3900
- 1 0 0 -1
-L R R1
-U 1 1 5DCD9000
-P 6400 4450
-F 0 "R1" V 6480 4450 50 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "1k" V 6400 4450 50 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" V 6330 4450 50 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6400 4450 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 6400 4450
- 0 -1 -1 0
-L plot_v1 U7
-U 1 1 5DCD9001
-P 7050 4400
-F 0 "U7" H 7050 4900 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "plot_v1" H 7250 4750 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 7050 4400 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 7050 4400 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 7050 4400
- 1 0 0 -1
-Text GLabel 7300 4450 2 60 Input ~ 0
-NoConn ~ 4400 3750
-NoConn ~ 4500 3800
-L C C1
-U 1 1 5DCD9002
-P 6850 4800
-F 0 "C1" H 6875 4900 50 0000 L CNN
-F 1 "1u" H 6875 4700 50 0000 L CNN
-F 2 "" H 6888 4650 50 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6850 4800 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 6850 4800
- -1 0 0 1
-L dac_bridge_1 U8
-U 1 1 5DCD9003
-P 8350 1900
-F 0 "U8" H 8350 1900 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "dac_bridge_1" H 8350 2050 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 8350 1900 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 8350 1900 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 8350 1900
- 1 0 0 -1
-L eSim_GND #PWR4
-U 1 1 5DCD9004
-P 4500 3150
-F 0 "#PWR4" H 4500 2900 50 0001 C CNN
-F 1 "eSim_GND" H 4500 3000 50 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 4500 3150 50 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 4500 3150 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 4500 3150
- 1 0 0 -1
-L plot_v1 U9
-U 1 1 5DCD9005
-P 9300 2050
-F 0 "U9" H 9300 2550 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "plot_v1" H 9500 2400 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 9300 2050 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 9300 2050 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 9300 2050
- 1 0 0 -1
-L plot_v1 U6
-U 1 1 5DCD9006
-P 6250 2350
-F 0 "U6" H 6250 2850 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "plot_v1" H 6450 2700 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 6250 2350 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6250 2350 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 6250 2350
- -1 0 0 1
-Text GLabel 9250 2350 2 60 Input ~ 0
-Text GLabel 6500 2500 2 60 Input ~ 0
-L eSim_GND #PWR5
-U 1 1 5DCD9007
-P 6850 5450
-F 0 "#PWR5" H 6850 5200 50 0001 C CNN
-F 1 "eSim_GND" H 6850 5300 50 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 6850 5450 50 0001 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6850 5450 50 0001 C CNN
- 1 6850 5450
- 1 0 0 -1
-L pulse v4
-U 1 1 5DCD9008
-P 4500 2700
-F 0 "v4" H 4300 2800 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "pulse" H 4300 2650 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "R1" H 4200 2700 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 4500 2700 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 4500 2700
- 1 0 0 -1
-L adc_bridge_1 U5
-U 1 1 5DCD9009
-P 5600 2250
-F 0 "U5" H 5600 2250 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "adc_bridge_1" H 5600 2400 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 5600 2250 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 5600 2250 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 5600 2250
- 1 0 0 -1
-L adc_bridge_1 U4
-U 1 1 5DCD900A
-P 5550 1900
-F 0 "U4" H 5550 1900 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "adc_bridge_1" H 5550 2050 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 5550 1900 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 5550 1900 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 5550 1900
- 1 0 0 -1
-L DC v3
-U 1 1 5DCD900B
-P 3750 5150
-F 0 "v3" H 3550 5250 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "-9v" H 3550 5100 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "R1" H 3450 5150 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 3750 5150 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 3750 5150
- 0 1 1 0
-L plot_v1 U1
-U 1 1 5DCD900D
-P 2800 4100
-F 0 "U1" H 2800 4600 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "plot_v1" H 3000 4450 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 2800 4100 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2800 4100 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 2800 4100
- 1 0 0 -1
-Text GLabel 2800 3900 3 60 Input ~ 0
-L DC v1
-U 1 1 5DCD9113
-P 2050 3900
-F 0 "v1" H 1850 4000 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "3" H 1850 3850 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "R1" H 1750 3900 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 2050 3900 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 2050 3900
- 0 1 1 0
-Wire Wire Line
- 3700 3200 4300 3200
-Wire Wire Line
- 4300 3200 4300 3700
-Wire Wire Line
- 4300 4600 4300 5150
-Wire Wire Line
- 5000 4150 5150 4150
-Wire Wire Line
- 5400 4000 5400 4600
-Wire Wire Line
- 5550 4300 5400 4300
-Connection ~ 5400 4300
-Connection ~ 2800 3900
-Wire Wire Line
- 2500 3900 3050 3900
-Wire Wire Line
- 3050 3900 3050 4400
-Wire Wire Line
- 2700 3300 2700 3200
-Wire Wire Line
- 2700 3200 2800 3200
-Connection ~ 4300 5150
-Wire Wire Line
- 3150 4250 3900 4250
-Wire Wire Line
- 3550 4000 3900 4000
-Wire Wire Line
- 6550 4450 6850 4450
-Wire Wire Line
- 6850 4450 6850 4650
-Wire Wire Line
- 6250 4600 6250 4450
-Wire Wire Line
- 7050 4500 7050 4200
-Wire Wire Line
- 6850 4500 9300 4500
-Connection ~ 6850 4500
-Wire Wire Line
- 7300 4450 7050 4450
-Wire Wire Line
- 4300 5150 4200 5150
-Wire Wire Line
- 8900 1850 9300 1850
-Wire Wire Line
- 9050 1850 9050 3050
-Connection ~ 9050 1850
-Connection ~ 6100 4600
-Connection ~ 5150 4150
-Wire Wire Line
- 6250 1850 6250 2550
-Connection ~ 6250 2200
-Wire Wire Line
- 9250 2350 9200 2350
-Wire Wire Line
- 9200 2350 9200 1850
-Connection ~ 9200 1850
-Wire Wire Line
- 6500 2500 6250 2500
-Connection ~ 6250 2500
-Wire Wire Line
- 6100 1850 6400 1850
-Connection ~ 6250 1850
-Wire Wire Line
- 6400 1950 6150 1950
-Wire Wire Line
- 6150 1950 6150 2200
-Wire Notes Line
- 1200 5750 4850 5750
-Wire Notes Line
- 1200 5750 1200 2450
-Wire Notes Line
- 1200 2450 4150 2450
-Wire Notes Line
- 4150 2450 4150 3150
-Wire Notes Line
- 4150 3150 4850 3150
-Wire Notes Line
- 4850 3150 4850 5750
-Wire Notes Line
- 5950 3900 5950 5300
-Wire Notes Line
- 5950 5300 8050 5300
-Wire Notes Line
- 8050 5300 8050 3600
-Wire Notes Line
- 8050 3600 5900 3600
-Wire Notes Line
- 5900 3600 5900 3950
-Wire Notes Line
- 5900 3950 5950 3950
-Wire Wire Line
- 3150 4250 3150 4400
-Wire Wire Line
- 3150 4400 3050 4400
-Wire Wire Line
- 6850 4950 6850 5450
-Wire Wire Line
- 2650 3700 3550 3700
-Wire Wire Line
- 3550 3700 3550 4000
-Wire Wire Line
- 2650 3750 2650 3700
-Wire Wire Line
- 5150 2450 5150 4600
-Wire Wire Line
- 2550 6400 9300 6400
-Wire Wire Line
- 2550 6400 2550 3750
-Wire Wire Line
- 9050 3050 6100 3050
-Wire Wire Line
- 4500 1850 4950 1850
-Wire Wire Line
- 4750 2200 5000 2200
-Wire Wire Line
- 4750 2450 4750 2200
-Wire Wire Line
- 5150 2450 4750 2450
-Wire Wire Line
- 4500 1850 4500 2250
-Wire Wire Line
- 5150 4600 5400 4600
-Wire Wire Line
- 6100 3050 6100 4600
-Wire Wire Line
- 6100 4600 6250 4600
-Wire Wire Line
- 2550 3750 2650 3750
-Connection ~ 7050 4450
-Connection ~ 7050 4500
-Wire Wire Line
- 7400 1850 7750 1850
-Wire Wire Line
- 9300 6400 9300 4500
-L pwmincrement U2
-U 1 1 5DCD9189
-P 4050 3750
-F 0 "U2" H 6900 5550 60 0000 C CNN
-F 1 "pwmincrement" H 6900 5750 60 0000 C CNN
-F 2 "" H 6900 5700 60 0000 C CNN
-F 3 "" H 6900 5700 60 0000 C CNN
- 1 4050 3750
- 1 0 0 -1