diff options
authoranjalijaiswal082019-05-28 23:32:51 +0530
committernilshah982019-06-13 12:15:09 +0530
commitd620109c1255aa4af35aa8f86f0e147b709d9b9c (patch)
parentf1389bed602bd41b094c8d0e31da9a151f99b1dc (diff)
frontEnd/Application documentation added
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontEnd/ b/src/frontEnd/
index 19fe17ef..b440902f 100755
--- a/src/frontEnd/
+++ b/src/frontEnd/
@@ -32,16 +32,14 @@ import sys
import os
+# Its our main window of application.
class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+ """This class initializes all objects used in this file("""
global project_name
- """
- Its our main window of application
- """
def __init__(self, *args):
- """
- Initialize main Application window
- """
+ """Initialize main Application window."""
# Calling __init__ of super class
QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args)
@@ -67,9 +65,16 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+ # This function initializes Tool Bars
def initToolBar(self):
- This function initialize Tool Bar
+ In this function we are setting icons, short-cuts,and
+ defining functonality for:.
+ a)Top-tool-bar (New project, Open project, Close
+ project, Help option )
+ b)Left-tool-bar (Open Schematic, Convert KiCad to
+ NgSpice, Simuation, Model Editor, Subcircuit, NGHDL,
+ Modelica Converter, OM Optimisation )
# Top Tool bar
self.newproj = QtGui.QAction(
@@ -106,6 +111,8 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+ # This part is setting fossee logo to the right
+ # corner in the application window.
self.spacer = QtGui.QWidget()
@@ -186,7 +193,23 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.lefttoolbar.setIconSize(QSize(40, 40))
+ # This function closes the ongoing program(process).
def closeEvent(self, event):
+ '''
+ When exit button is pressed a Message box pops out with
+ exit message and buttons 'Yes', 'No'.
+ 1. If 'Yes' is pressed:.
+ a)it checks that program(process) in procThread_list
+ (list made in
+ a.1) if available it terminates that program
+ a.2) if the program(process) is not available,
+ it checks for it in process_obj (list made in
+ if found it closes the program.
+ 2. If 'No' is pressed:
+ a)the program just continues as it was doing earlier.
+ '''
exit_msg = "Are you sure you want to exit the program\
? All unsaved data will be lost."
reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(
@@ -219,7 +242,16 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
elif reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.No:
+ # This function closes the saved project.
def close_project(self):
+ """
+ This function first checks whether project(file) is present in list.
+ a)If present:
+ :-it first kills that process-id.
+ :-closes that file.
+ :-Shows message "Current project <path of file> is closed"
+ b)If not present:- pass
+ """
print("Function : Close Project")
current_project = self.obj_appconfig.current_project['ProjectName']
if current_project is None:
@@ -239,10 +271,8 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
os.path.basename(current_project) +
' is Closed.')
+ # This function call New Project Info class.
def new_project(self):
- """
- This function call New Project Info class.
- """
text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(
self, 'New Project Info', 'Enter Project Name:')
if ok:
@@ -263,10 +293,8 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
except BaseException:
+ # This project call Open Project Info class
def open_project(self):
- """
- This project call Open Project Info class
- """
print("Function : Open Project")
self.project = OpenProjectInfo()
@@ -277,17 +305,21 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
except BaseException:
+ # This page opens usermanual in dockarea.
def help_project(self):
+ """
+ 1)It prints the message ""Function : Help""
+ 2)Uses print_info() method of class Appconfig
+ form Configuration/ file.
+ 3)Call method usermanual() from ./
+ """
print("Function : Help")
self.obj_appconfig.print_info('Help is called')
print("Current Project is : ", self.obj_appconfig.current_project)
+ # This Function execute ngspice on current project.
def open_ngspice(self):
- """
- This Function execute ngspice on current project
- """
self.projDir = self.obj_appconfig.current_project["ProjectName"]
if self.projDir is not None:
@@ -311,12 +343,29 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
create new project or open existing project')
self.msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message")
+ # This function opens 'subcircuit' option in left-tool-bar.
def open_subcircuit(self):
+ """
+ When 'subcircuit' icon is clicked wich is present in
+ left-tool-bar of main page:
+ a) Meassge shown on screen "Subcircuit editor is called".
+ b) 'subcircuiteditor()'' function is called using object
+ 'obj_dockarea' of class 'Mainview'.
+ """
print("Function : Subcircuit editor")
self.obj_appconfig.print_info('Subcircuit editor is called')
+ # This function calls NGHDl option in left-tool-bar.
def open_nghdl(self):
+ """
+ This function uses validateTool() method from
+ a) If 'nghdl' is present in executables list then
+ it adds passes command 'nghdl -e' to WorkerThread class of
+ b) If 'nghdl' not present then it shows error message.
+ """
print("Function : Nghdl")
self.obj_appconfig.print_info('Nghdl is called')
@@ -333,16 +382,22 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
Please make sure nghdl is installed')
self.msg.setWindowTitle('nghdl Error Message')
+ # This function opens model editor option in left-tool-bar.
def open_modelEditor(self):
+ """
+ When model editor icon is clicked wich is present in
+ left-tool-bar of main page:
+ a) Meassge shown on screen "Model editor is called".
+ b) 'modeleditor()'' function is called using object
+ 'obj_dockarea' of class 'Mainview'.
+ """
print("Function : Model editor")
self.obj_appconfig.print_info('Model editor is called')
+ # This function call ngspice to OM edit converter
+ # and then launch OM edit.
def open_OMedit(self):
- """
- This function call ngspice to OM edit converter
- and then launch OM edit.
- """
self.obj_appconfig.print_info('OM edit is called')
self.projDir = self.obj_appconfig.current_project["ProjectName"]
@@ -353,52 +408,6 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.projDir, self.projName + ".cir.out")
self.modelicaNetlist = os.path.join(
self.projDir, self.projName + ".mo")
- """
- try:
- # Creating a command for Ngspice to Modelica converter
- self.cmd1 = "
- python ../ngspicetoModelica/ "\
- +self.ngspiceNetlist
- self.obj_workThread1 = Worker.WorkerThread(self.cmd1)
- self.obj_workThread1.start()
- if self.obj_validation.validateTool("OMEdit"):
- # Creating command to run OMEdit
- self.cmd2 = "OMEdit "+self.modelicaNetlist
- self.obj_workThread2 = Worker.WorkerThread(self.cmd2)
- self.obj_workThread2.start()
- else:
- self.msg = QtGui.QMessageBox()
- self.msgContent = "There was an error while
- opening OMEdit.<br/>\
- Please make sure OpenModelica is installed in your\
- system. <br/>\
- To install it on Linux : Go to\
- <a href=\
- download-linux>OpenModelica Linux</a> and \
- install nigthly build release.<br/>\
- To install it on Windows : Go to\
- <a href=\
- download-windows>OpenModelica Windows</a>\
- and install latest version.<br/>"
- self.msg.setTextFormat(QtCore.Qt.RichText)
- self.msg.setText(self.msgContent)
- self.msg.setWindowTitle("Missing OpenModelica")
- self.obj_appconfig.print_info(self.msgContent)
- self.msg.exec_()
- except Exception as e:
- self.msg = QtGui.QErrorMessage()
- self.msg.showMessage(
- 'Unable to convert NgSpice netlist to\
- Modelica netlist :'+str(e))
- self.msg.setWindowTitle(
- "Ngspice to Modelica conversion error")
- self.obj_appconfig.print_error(str(e))
- """
@@ -415,7 +424,17 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
or open existing project')
self.msg.setWindowTitle("Error Message")
+ # sdf
def open_OMoptim(self):
+ """
+ This function uses validateTool() method from
+ a) If 'OMOptim' is present in executables list then
+ it adds passes command 'OMOptim' to WorkerThread class of
+ b) If 'OMOptim' not present then it shows error message with
+ link to download it on Linux and Windows.
+ """
print("Function : OM Optim")
self.obj_appconfig.print_info('OM Optim is called')
# Check if OMOptim is installed
@@ -441,9 +460,17 @@ class Application(QtGui.QMainWindow):
+# This class initialize the Main View of Application
class MainView(QtGui.QWidget):
- This class initialize the Main View of Application
+ This class defines whole view and style of main page:
+ a)Position of tool bars:
+ :-Top tool bar.
+ :-Left tool bar.
+ b) Project explorer Area.
+ c) Dock area.
+ d)Console area.
def __init__(self, *args):
@@ -497,9 +524,11 @@ class MainView(QtGui.QWidget):
+# It is main function of the module.It starts the application
def main(args):
- It is main function of the module.It starts the application
+ The splash screen opened at the starting of screen is performed
+ by this function.
print("Starting eSim......")
app = QtGui.QApplication(args)