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authorfahim-oscad2016-03-29 11:51:32 +0530
committerfahim-oscad2016-03-29 11:51:32 +0530
commitdc5ea0f98eeb95f9cfd3d8110eb0ae987c77da89 (patch)
parent8084cd3300be5d7237039b61b840e8c6195f000e (diff)
Modified MOSFET functionality according to new code
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/ngspicetoModelica/ b/src/ngspicetoModelica/
index f4402b80..86c96bc1 100644
--- a/src/ngspicetoModelica/
+++ b/src/ngspicetoModelica/
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ class NgMoConverter:
elif eachline[0] in self.deviceList:
if eachline[0]=='m' or eachline[0]=='M':
self.ifMOS = True
- schematicInfo.append(eachline)
+ #schematicInfo.append(eachline)
elif eachline[0]=='v' or eachline[0]=='V':
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ class NgMoConverter:
return keyval
- def compInit(self,compInfo, node, modelInfo, subcktName,dir_name):
+ def compInit(self,compInfo, node, modelInfo, subcktName,dir_name,transInfo):
For each component in the netlist initialize it according to Modelica format
@@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ class NgMoConverter:
#### initial processing to check if MOs is present. If so, library to be used is BondLib
modelicaCompInit = []
numNodesSub = {}
+ mosInfo = {}
IfMOS = '0'
for eachline in compInfo:
#words = eachline.split()
@@ -371,7 +372,6 @@ class NgMoConverter:
elif eachline[0]=='q' or eachline[0]=='Q':
- print "Starting Transistor"
if words[4]=='npn':
start = 'Analog.Semiconductors.NPN '
elif words[4]=='pnp':
@@ -394,6 +394,63 @@ class NgMoConverter:
mjc = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,4, 'mjc', 0.333)
stat = start + words[0] +'(Bf = ' + bf + ', Br = ' + br + ', Is = ' +Is+ ', Vak = ' + vak + ', Tauf = ' +tf+ ', Taur = ' +tr+ ', Ccs = ' +cjs+ ', Cje = ' +cje+ ', Cjc = ' +cjc+ ', Phie = ' + vje + ', Me = ' + mje + ', Phic = ' + vjc + ', Mc = ' + mjc + ');'
+ elif eachline[0]=='m' or eachline[0]=="M":
+ print "Starting Mosfet"
+ eachline = eachline.split(words[5])
+ eachline = eachline[1]
+ eachline = eachline.strip()
+ eachline = eachline.replace(' = ', '=').replace('= ','=').replace(' =','=').replace(' * ', '*').replace(' + ', '+').replace(' { ', '').replace(' } ', '')
+ eachline = eachline.split()
+ mosInfo[words[0]] = {}
+ for each in eachline:
+ if len(each) > 1:
+ each = each.split('=')
+ mosInfo[words[0]][each[0]] = each[1]
+ trans = transInfo[words[5]]
+ if trans == 'nmos':
+ start = 'BondLib.Electrical.Analog.Spice.Mn '
+ else:
+ start = 'BondLib.Electrical.Analog.Spice.Mp '
+ vto = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5,'vto',0)
+ gam = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5,'gamma',0)
+ phi = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5, 'phi', 0)
+ ld = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5,'ld',0)
+ uo = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5,'uo',0)
+ lam = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5,'lambda',0)
+ tox = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5,'tox',3e-9)
+ pb = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5, 'pb',0.8)
+ cj = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5, 'cj',0)
+ cjsw = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5, 'cjsw',1e-9)
+ mj = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5, 'mj',0.33)
+ mjsw = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5, 'mjsw',0.33)
+ cgdo = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5, 'cgdo',0)
+ js = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5, 'js',0)
+ cgbo = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5, 'cgbo',0)
+ cgso = self.tryExists(modelInfo,words,5,'cgso',0)
+ try:
+ l = mosInfo[words[0]]['l']
+ except KeyError:
+ l = '1e-6'
+ try:
+ w = mosInfo[words[0]]['w']
+ except KeyError:
+ w = '100e-6'
+ try:
+ As = mosInfo[words[0]]['as']
+ ad = mosInfo[words[0]]['ad']
+ except KeyError:
+ As = '0'
+ ad = '0'
+ try:
+ ps = mosInfo[words[0]]['ps']
+ pd = mosInfo[words[0]]['pd']
+ except KeyError:
+ ps = '0'
+ pd = '0'
+ stat = start + words[0] + '(Tnom = 300, VT0 = ' + vto + ', GAMMA = ' + gam + ', PHI = ' + phi + ', LD = ' +ld+ ', U0 = ' + str(float(uo)*0.0001) + ', LAMBDA = ' + lam + ', TOX = ' +tox+ ', PB = ' + pb + ', CJ = ' +cj+ ', CJSW = ' +cjsw+ ', MJ = ' + mj + ', MJSW = ' + mjsw + ', CGD0 = ' +cgdo+ ', JS = ' +js+ ', CGB0 = ' +cgbo+ ', CGS0 = ' +cgso+ ', L = ' +l+ ', W = ' + w + ', Level = 1' + ', AD = ' + ad + ', AS = ' + As + ', PD = ' + pd + ', PS = ' + ps + ');'
+ stat = stat.translate(maketrans('{}', ' '))
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
for eachline in compInfo:
@@ -422,33 +479,7 @@ class NgMoConverter:
elif eachline[0] == 'h':
stat = 'Analog.Basic.CCV ' + words[0] + '(transResistance = ' + self.splitIntoVal(words[4]) + ');'
- elif eachline[0] == 'm':
- line_l = words[7].split('=')
- line_w = words[8].split('=')
- line_pd = words[9].split('=')
- line_ps = words[10].split('=')
- line_ad = words[11].split('=')
- line_as = words[12].split('=')
- if words[5] == "mos_n" or words[5] == "mosfet_n":
- start = 'BondLib.Electrical.Analog.Spice.Mn '
- if words[5] == "mos_p" or words[5] == "mosfet_p":
- start = 'BondLib.Electrical.Analog.Spice.Mp '
- stat = start + words[0] + '(Tnom = 300, VT0 = ' + modelInfo[\
- words[5]]['vto'] + ', GAMMA = ' + modelInfo[words[5]]['gamma'] +\
- ', PHI = ' + modelInfo[words[5]]['phi'] + ', LD = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['ld'])\
- + ', U0 = ' + str(float(self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['uo']))*0.0001) + ', LAMBDA = ' \
- + modelInfo[words[5]]['lambda'] + ', TOX = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['tox']) \
- + ', PB = ' + modelInfo[words[5]]['pb'] + ', CJ = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['cj']) \
- + ', CJSW = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['cjsw']) + ', MJ = ' + modelInfo[words[5]]['mj'] \
- + ', MJSW = ' + modelInfo[words[5]]['mjsw'] + ', CGD0 = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['cgdo']) \
- + ', JS = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['js']) + ', CGB0 = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['cgbo']) \
- + ', CGS0 = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['cgso']) + ', L = ' + self.splitIntoVal(line_l[1]) + ', W = ' \
- + line_w[1] + ', Level = 1' + ', AD = ' + line_ad[1] + ', AS = ' + line_as[1] + ', PD = ' \
- + line_pd[1] + ', PS = ' + line_pd[1] + ');'
- stat = stat.translate(maketrans('{}', ' '))
- modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
elif eachline[0] == 'x':
temp_line = eachline.split()
temp = temp_line[0].split('x')
@@ -840,7 +871,7 @@ def main(args):
#print "PinInit-------------->",pinInit
#print "pinProtectedInit----------->",pinProtectedInit
- modelicaCompInit, numNodesSub = obj_NgMoConverter.compInit(compInfo,node, modelInfo, subcktName,dir_name)
+ modelicaCompInit, numNodesSub = obj_NgMoConverter.compInit(compInfo,node, modelInfo, subcktName,dir_name,transInfo)
print "ModelicaComponents : modelicaCompInit----------->",modelicaCompInit
print "SubcktNumNodes : numNodesSub---------------->",numNodesSub