diff options
authorFahim2016-05-18 17:10:32 +0530
committerFahim2016-05-18 17:10:32 +0530
commit916c3c35b41e297e600903d54ecf1c802ac0b390 (patch)
parent0f8aeccc1377126f7bde0228a9b4033e0c8147e0 (diff)
parent703b45855189130cb65f8fabf9d2fe5a54910e16 (diff)
Merge pull request #56 from FOSSEE/modelica
2 files changed, 855 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/src/ngspicetoModelica/Mapping.json b/src/ngspicetoModelica/Mapping.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e254d66a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ngspicetoModelica/Mapping.json
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ "Components":{
+ "R" : "Analog.Basic.Resistor",
+ "C" : "Analog.Basic.Capacitor",
+ "L" : "Analog.Basic.Inductor",
+ "e" : "Analog.Basic.VCV",
+ "g" : "Analog.Basic.VCC",
+ "f" : "Analog.Basic.CCC",
+ "h" : "Analog.Basic.CCV",
+ "0" : "Analog.Basic.Ground",
+ "gnd" : "Analog.Basic.Ground"
+ },
+ "Sources":{
+ "v":{
+ "pulse":"Analog.Sources.TrapezoidVoltage",
+ "sine":"Analog.Sources.SineVoltage",
+ "pwl" : "Analog.Sources.TableVoltage",
+ "dc" : "Analog.Sources.ConstantVoltage"
+ },
+ "i":{
+ "dc":"Analog.Sources.ConstantCurrent"
+ }
+ },
+ "Devices":{
+ "d":{
+ "import":"Analog.Semiconductors.Diode",
+ "mapping":{
+ "is":"Ids"
+ },
+ "default":{
+ "Ids":"880.5e-18",
+ "Vt":"0.025",
+ "R":"1e12"
+ }
+ },
+ "m":{
+ "import":"BondLib.Electrical.Analog.Spice",
+ "mapping":{
+ "tnom":"Tnom",
+ "vto":"VT0",
+ "gamma":"GAMMA",
+ "phi":"PHI",
+ "ld":"LD",
+ "uo":"U0",
+ "lambda":"LAMBDA",
+ "tox":"TOX",
+ "pb":"PB",
+ "cj":"CJ",
+ "cjsw":"CJSW",
+ "mj":"MJ",
+ "mjsw":"MJSW",
+ "cgdo":"CGD0",
+ "js":"JS",
+ "cgbo":"CGB0",
+ "cgso":"CGS0"
+ },
+ "default":{
+ "Tnom":"300",
+ "VT0":"0",
+ "GAMMA":"0",
+ "PHI":"0",
+ "LD":"0",
+ "U0":"0",
+ "LAMBDA":"0",
+ "TOX":"3e-9",
+ "PB":"0.8",
+ "CJ":"0",
+ "CJSW":"1e-9",
+ "MJ":"0.33",
+ "MJSW":"0.33",
+ "CGD0":"0",
+ "JS":"0",
+ "CGB0":"0",
+ "CGS0":"0"
+ }
+ },
+ "q":{
+ "import":"Analog.Semiconductors",
+ "mapping":{
+ "bf":"Bf",
+ "br":"Br",
+ "is":"Is",
+ "vak":"Vak",
+ "tf":"Tauf",
+ "tr":"Taur",
+ "cjs":"Ccs",
+ "cje":"Cje",
+ "cjc":"Cjc",
+ "vje":"Phie",
+ "mje":"Me",
+ "vjc":"Phic",
+ "mjc":"Mc"
+ },
+ "default":{
+ "Bf":"50",
+ "Br":"0.1",
+ "Is":"1e-16",
+ "Tauf":"1.2e-10",
+ "Taur":"5e-9",
+ "Vak":"0.02",
+ "Ccs":"1e-12",
+ "Cje":"4e-12",
+ "Cjc":"5e-13",
+ "Phie":"0.8",
+ "Me":"0.4",
+ "Phic":"0.8",
+ "Mc":"0.333"
+ }
+ },
+ "j":{
+ "import":"Spice3.Internal.JFET",
+ "mapping":{
+ "kf":"KF",
+ "rs":"RS",
+ "is":"IS",
+ "cgd":"CGD",
+ "vto":"VTO",
+ "rd":"RD",
+ "pb":"PB",
+ "beta":"BETA",
+ "fc":"FC",
+ "af":"AF",
+ "cgs":"CGS",
+ "lambda":"LAMBDA",
+ "b" : "B"
+ },
+ "default":{
+ "KF":"0",
+ "RS":"0",
+ "IS":"1e-14",
+ "CGD":"0",
+ "VTO":"-2",
+ "RD":"0",
+ "PB":"1",
+ "BETA":"1e-4",
+ "FC":"0.5",
+ "AF":"1",
+ "CGS":"0",
+ "LAMBDA":"0",
+ "B":"1"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Models":{
+ "zener":{
+ "import":"Analog.Semiconductors.ZDiode",
+ "mapping":{
+ "v_breakdown":"Bv",
+ "i_breakdown":"Ibv",
+ "i_sat":"Ids",
+ "n_forward":"Nbv"
+ },
+ "default":{
+ "Ids":"880.5e-18",
+ "Vt":"0.025",
+ "R":"1e12",
+ "Bv":"8.1",
+ "Ibv":"0.020245",
+ "Nbv":"1.6989"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "Units":{
+ "k":"e3",
+ "u":"e-6",
+ "p":"e-12",
+ "t":"e12",
+ "f":"e-15",
+ "g":"e9",
+ "m":"e-3",
+ "meg":"e6",
+ "n":"e-9",
+ "v":"",
+ "a":"",
+ "s":"",
+ "hz":"",
+ "ohm":"",
+ "mho":"",
+ "h":"",
+ "kv":"e3",
+ "ka":"e3",
+ "ks":"e3",
+ "khz":"e3",
+ "kohm":"e3",
+ "kmho":"e3",
+ "kh":"e3",
+ "uv":"e-06",
+ "ua":"e-06",
+ "us":"e-06",
+ "uhz":"e-06",
+ "uohm":"e-06",
+ "umho":"e-06",
+ "uh":"e-06",
+ "pv":"e-12",
+ "pa":"e-12",
+ "ps":"e-12",
+ "phz":"e-12",
+ "pohm":"e-12",
+ "pmho":"e-12",
+ "ph":"e-12",
+ "tv":"e12",
+ "ta":"e12",
+ "ts":"e12",
+ "thz":"e12",
+ "tohm":"e12",
+ "tmho":"e12",
+ "th":"e12",
+ "gv":"e9",
+ "ga":"e9",
+ "gs":"e9",
+ "ghz":"e9",
+ "gohm":"e9",
+ "gmho":"e9",
+ "gh":"e9",
+ "mv":"e-03",
+ "ma":"e-03",
+ "ms":"e-03",
+ "mhz":"e-03",
+ "mohm":"e-03",
+ "mmho":"e-03",
+ "mh":"e-03",
+ "megv":"e06",
+ "mega":"e06",
+ "megs":"e06",
+ "meghz":"e06",
+ "megohm":"e06",
+ "megmho":"e06",
+ "megh":"e06",
+ "nv":"e-09",
+ "na":"e-09",
+ "ns":"e-09",
+ "nhz":"e-09",
+ "nohm":"e-09",
+ "nmho":"e-09",
+ "nh":"e-09"
+ }
diff --git a/src/ngspicetoModelica/ b/src/ngspicetoModelica/
index 95f991bd..e9855e03 100644
--- a/src/ngspicetoModelica/
+++ b/src/ngspicetoModelica/
@@ -1,16 +1,33 @@
import sys
import os
import re
+import json
from string import maketrans
class NgMoConverter:
def __init__(self):
- pass
+ #Loading JSON file which hold the mapping information between ngspice and Modelica.
+ with open('Mapping.json') as mappingFile:
+ self.mappingData = json.load(mappingFile)
+ self.ifMOS = False
+ self.sourceDetail = []
+ self.deviceDetail = []
+ self.subCktDetail = []
+ self.deviceList = ['d','D','j','J','q','Q','m','M']
+ self.sourceList = ['v','V','i','I']
def readNetlist(self,filename):
Read Ngspice Netlist
+ netlist = []
if os.path.exists(filename):
f = open(filename)
@@ -23,26 +40,54 @@ class NgMoConverter:
data =
- #data = data.translate(maketrans('\n+', ' '))
+ data = data.splitlines()
- return data.splitlines()
+ for eachline in data:
+ eachline=eachline.strip()
+ if len(eachline)>1:
+ if eachline[0]=='+':
+ netlist.append(netlist.pop()+eachline.replace('+',' ',1))
+ else:
+ netlist.append(eachline)
+ return netlist
- def separateNetlistInfo(self,data):
+ def separateNetlistInfo(self,netlist):
Separate schematic data and option data
optionInfo = []
schematicInfo = []
- for eachline in data:
+ for eachline in netlist:
if len(eachline) > 1:
- #if eachline[0] == '+':
- # eachline=eachline.translate(maketrans('\n+',' '))
if eachline[0]=='*':
elif eachline[0]=='.':
- optionInfo.append(eachline.lower())
+ optionInfo.append(eachline)
+ #optionInfo.append(eachline.lower())
+ elif eachline[0] in self.deviceList:
+ if eachline[0]=='m' or eachline[0]=='M':
+ self.ifMOS = True
+ schematicInfo.append(eachline)
+ self.deviceDetail.append(eachline)
+ elif eachline[0]=='x' or eachline[0]=='X':
+ schematicInfo.append(eachline)
+ self.subCktDetail.append(eachline)
+ elif eachline[0] in self.sourceList:
+ schematicInfo.append(eachline)
+ self.sourceDetail.append(eachline)
+ elif eachline[0]=='a' or eachline[0]=='A':
+ schematicInfo.append(eachline)
- schematicInfo.append(eachline.lower())
+ schematicInfo.append(eachline)
+ ##No need of making it lower case as netlist is already converted to ngspice
+ #schematicInfo.append(eachline.lower())
return optionInfo,schematicInfo
def addModel(self,optionInfo):
@@ -54,9 +99,9 @@ class NgMoConverter:
modelInfo = {}
subcktName = []
paramInfo = []
- inbuiltmodelName = []
- inbuiltmodelInfo = {}
- #modelInfo['paramInfo'] = {}
+ transInfo = {}
+ inbuiltModelDict = {}
for eachline in optionInfo:
words = eachline.split()
if words[0] == '.include':
@@ -68,16 +113,26 @@ class NgMoConverter:
elif words[0] == '.param':
elif words[0] == '.model':
- name = words[1]+':'+words[2].split('(')[0] #model_ref_name:actual_model_name
- inbuiltmodelName.append(name)
- inbuiltmodelInfo[name] = {}
- #Get all the data with () of .model line
- paramData = re.compile("\((.*)\)" ).search(eachline).group(1)
- info = paramData.split()
- for eachitem in info:
- eachitem = eachitem.split('=')
- inbuiltmodelInfo[name][eachitem[0]] = eachitem[1]
+ model = words[1]
+ modelInfo[model] = {}
+ eachline = eachline.replace(' = ','=').replace('= ','=').replace(' =','=')
+ eachline = eachline.split('(')
+ templine = eachline[0].split()
+ trans = templine[1]
+ transInfo[trans] = []
+ templine[2] = templine[2].lower()
+ if templine[2] in ['npn', 'pnp', 'pmos', 'nmos','njf','pjf']:
+ transInfo[trans] = templine[2]
+ else:
+ inbuiltModelDict[model]=templine[2]
+ eachline[1] = eachline[1].lower()
+ eachline = eachline[1].split()
+ for eachitem in eachline:
+ if len(eachitem) > 1:
+ eachitem = eachitem.replace(')','')
+ iteminfo = eachitem.split('=')
+ for each in iteminfo:
+ modelInfo[model][iteminfo[0]] = iteminfo[1]
#Adding details of model(external) and subckt into modelInfo and subcktInfo
for eachmodel in modelName:
@@ -92,23 +147,34 @@ class NgMoConverter:
print filename + " does not exist"
data =
- data = data.lower()
+ data = data.replace('+', '').replace('\n','').replace(' = ','=').replace('= ','=').replace(' =','=')
+ #data = data.lower() #Won't work if Reference model name is Upper Case
newdata = data.split('(')
- newdata = newdata[1].split()
- modelInfo[eachmodel] = {}
+ templine_f = newdata[0].split()
+ trans_f = templine_f[1]
+ transInfo[trans_f] = []
+ templine_f[2] = templine_f[2].lower()
+ if templine_f[2] in ['npn', 'pnp', 'pmos', 'nmos','njf','pjf']:
+ transInfo[trans_f] = templine_f[2]
+ refModelName = trans_f
+ newdata[1] = newdata[1].lower()
+ modelParameter = newdata[1].split()
+ modelInfo[refModelName] = {}
- for eachline in newdata:
+ for eachline in modelParameter:
if len(eachline) > 1:
+ eachline = eachline.replace(')','')
info = eachline.split('=')
- # modelInfo[eachmodel][info[0]] = {}
for eachitem in info:
- modelInfo[eachmodel][info[0]] = info[1] #dic within a dic
- #modelInfo[eachmodel] = modelInfo[eachmodel].split()
- # modelInfo[eachmodel] = modelInfo[eachmodel].lower()
+ modelInfo[refModelName][info[0]] = info[1]
- return modelName, modelInfo, subcktName, paramInfo,inbuiltmodelName,inbuiltmodelInfo
+ return modelName, modelInfo, subcktName, paramInfo ,transInfo,inbuiltModelDict
def processParam(self,paramInfo):
@@ -125,7 +191,6 @@ class NgMoConverter:
stat = 'parameter Real ' + final_line + ';'
stat = stat.translate(maketrans('{}', ' '))
- print "Modelica Parameter----------->",modelicaParam
return modelicaParam
@@ -162,50 +227,53 @@ class NgMoConverter:
sourceInfo[words_s[0]] = words_s[1:3]
return sourceInfo
- def splitIntoVal(self,val):
- """
- Split the number k,u,p,t,g etc into powers e3,e-6 etc
- """
- print "Val------------->",val
- for i in range(0,len(val),1):
- print "Val[i]----------------->",val[i]
- if val[i] in ['k','u','p','t','g','m','n','f']:
- newval = val.split(val[i])
- print "new Value------------>",newval
- if val[i] == 'k':
- value = newval[0] + 'e3'
- if val[i] == 'u':
- value = newval[0] + 'e-6'
- if val[i] == 'p':
- value = newval[0] + 'e-12'
- if val[i] == 't':
- value = newval[0] + 'e12'
- if val[i] == 'g':
- value = newval[0] + 'e9'
- if val[i] == 'm':
- if i != len(val)-1:
- if val[i+1] == 'e':
- value = newval[0] + 'e6'
- else:
- value = newval[0] +'e-3'
- if val[i] == 'n':
- value = newval[0] + 'e-9'
- if val[i] == 'f':
- value = newval[0] +'e-15'
+ def getUnitVal(self,compValue):
+ #regExp = re.compile("([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z]+)")
+ #Remove '(' and ')' if any
+ compValue = compValue.replace('(','').replace(')','')
+ compValue = compValue.lower()
+ #regExp = re.compile("([-])?([0-9]+)\.?([0-9]+)?([a-zA-Z])?")
+ regExp = re.compile("([-])?([0-9]+)\.?([0-9]+)?(\w+)?")
+ matchString = regExp.match(str(compValue)) #separating number and string
+ try:
+ signVal =
+ valBeforeDecimal =
+ valAfterDecimal =
+ unitValue =
+ modifiedcompValue = ""
+ if str(signVal)=='None':
+ pass
- value = val
- return value
- def compInit(self,compInfo, node, modelInfo, subcktName):
+ modifiedcompValue += signVal
+ modifiedcompValue += valBeforeDecimal
+ if str(valAfterDecimal)=='None':
+ pass
+ else:
+ modifiedcompValue += '.'+valAfterDecimal
+ if str(unitValue)=='None':
+ pass
+ else:
+ modifiedcompValue += self.mappingData["Units"][unitValue]
+ return modifiedcompValue
+ except:
+ return compValue
+ def compInit(self,compInfo, node, modelInfo, subcktName,dir_name,transInfo,inbuiltModelDict):
- For each component in the netlist initialise it acc to Modelica format
+ For each component in the netlist initialize it according to Modelica format
- print "CompInfo inside compInit function : compInit",compInfo
+ #print "CompInfo inside compInit function : compInit------->",compInfo
#### initial processing to check if MOs is present. If so, library to be used is BondLib
modelicaCompInit = []
numNodesSub = {}
+ mosInfo = {}
IfMOS = '0'
for eachline in compInfo:
#words = eachline.split()
if eachline[0] == 'm':
@@ -216,138 +284,356 @@ class NgMoConverter:
subSchemInfo = []
for eachsub in subcktName:
filename_tem = eachsub + '.sub'
+ filename_tem = os.path.join(dir_name, filename_tem)
data = self.readNetlist(filename_tem)
subOptionInfo, subSchemInfo = self.separateNetlistInfo(data)
for eachline in subSchemInfo:
#words = eachline.split()
if eachline[0] == 'm':
IfMOS = '1'
- for eachline in compInfo:
+ #Lets Start with Source details
+ for eachline in self.sourceDetail:
words = eachline.split()
- val = words[3]
- value = self.splitIntoVal(val)
- if eachline[0] == 'r':
- stat = 'Analog.Basic.Resistor ' + words[0] + '(R = ' + value + ');'
- modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- elif eachline[0] == 'c':
- stat = 'Analog.Basic.Capacitor ' + words[0] + '(C = ' + value + ');'
- modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- elif eachline[0] == 'l':
- stat = 'Analog.Basic.Inductor ' + words[0] + '(L = ' + value + ');'
- modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- elif eachline[0] == 'e':
- stat = 'Analog.Basic.VCV ' + words[0] + '(gain = ' + self.splitIntoVal(words[5]) + ');'
- modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- elif eachline[0] == 'g':
- stat = 'Analog.Basic.VCC ' + words[0] + '(transConductance = ' + self.splitIntoVal(words[5]) + ');'
- modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- elif eachline[0] == 'f':
- stat = 'Analog.Basic.CCC ' + words[0] + '(gain = ' + self.splitIntoVal(words[4]) + ');'
- modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- elif eachline[0] == 'h':
- stat = 'Analog.Basic.CCV ' + words[0] + '(transResistance = ' + self.splitIntoVal(words[4]) + ');'
- modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- elif eachline[0] == 'd':
- if len(words) > 3:
- n = float(modelInfo[words[3]]['n'])
- vt_temp = 0.025*n
- vt = str(vt_temp)
- stat = 'Analog.Semiconductors.Diode ' + words[0] + '(Ids = ' + modelInfo[words[3]]['is'] + ', Vt = ' + vt + ', R = 1e12' +');'
- else:
- stat = 'Analog.Semiconductors.Diode ' + words[0] +';'
- modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- elif eachline[0] == 'm':
- line_l = words[7].split('=')
- line_w = words[8].split('=')
- line_pd = words[9].split('=')
- line_ps = words[10].split('=')
- line_ad = words[11].split('=')
- line_as = words[12].split('=')
- if words[5] == "mos_n" or words[5] == "mosfet_n":
- start = 'BondLib.Electrical.Analog.Spice.Mn '
- if words[5] == "mos_p" or words[5] == "mosfet_p":
- start = 'BondLib.Electrical.Analog.Spice.Mp '
- stat = start + words[0] + '(Tnom = 300, VT0 = ' + modelInfo[\
- words[5]]['vto'] + ', GAMMA = ' + modelInfo[words[5]]['gamma'] +\
- ', PHI = ' + modelInfo[words[5]]['phi'] + ', LD = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['ld'])\
- + ', U0 = ' + str(float(self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['uo']))*0.0001) + ', LAMBDA = ' \
- + modelInfo[words[5]]['lambda'] + ', TOX = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['tox']) \
- + ', PB = ' + modelInfo[words[5]]['pb'] + ', CJ = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['cj']) \
- + ', CJSW = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['cjsw']) + ', MJ = ' + modelInfo[words[5]]['mj'] \
- + ', MJSW = ' + modelInfo[words[5]]['mjsw'] + ', CGD0 = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['cgdo']) \
- + ', JS = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['js']) + ', CGB0 = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['cgbo']) \
- + ', CGS0 = ' + self.splitIntoVal(modelInfo[words[5]]['cgso']) + ', L = ' + self.splitIntoVal(line_l[1]) + ', W = ' \
- + line_w[1] + ', Level = 1' + ', AD = ' + line_ad[1] + ', AS = ' + line_as[1] + ', PD = ' \
- + line_pd[1] + ', PS = ' + line_pd[1] + ');'
- stat = stat.translate(maketrans('{}', ' '))
- modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- elif eachline[0] == 'v':
- typ = words[3].split('(')
+ #Preserve component name from lower case function
+ compName = words[0]
+ #Now Lower case all other
+ words = eachline.lower().split()
+ words[0] = compName
+ typ = words[3].split('(')
+ sourceType = compName[0].lower()
+ if sourceType == 'v':
if typ[0] == "pulse":
per = words[9].split(')')
- #if IfMOS == '0':
- #stat = 'Spice3.Sources.V_pulse '+words[0]+'(TR = '+words[6]+', V2 = '+words[4]+', PW = '+words[8]+', PER = '+per[0]+', V1 = '+typ[1]+', TD = '+words[5]+', TF = '+words[7]+');'
- #elif IfMOS == '1':
- stat = 'Analog.Sources.TrapezoidVoltage '+words[0]+'(rising = '+words[6]+', V = '+words[4]\
- +', width = '+words[8]+', period = '+per[0]+', offset = '+typ[1]+', startTime = '+words[5]+', falling = '+words[7]+');'
+ stat = self.mappingData["Sources"][sourceType][typ[0]]+' '+compName+'(rising = '+self.getUnitVal(words[6])+', V = '+self.getUnitVal(words[4])\
+ +', width = '+self.getUnitVal(words[8])+', period = '+self.getUnitVal(per[0])+', offset = '+self.getUnitVal(typ[1])+', startTime = '+self.getUnitVal(words[5])+', falling = '+self.getUnitVal(words[7])+');'
if typ[0] == "sine":
theta = words[7].split(')')
- #if IfMOS == '0':
- #stat = 'Spice3.Sources.V_sin '+words[0]+'(VO = '+typ[1]+', VA = '+words[4]+', FREQ = '+words[5]+', TD = '+words[6]+', THETA = '+theta[0]+');'
- #elif IfMOS == '1':
- stat = 'Analog.Sources.SineVoltage '+words[0]+'(offset = '+typ[1]+', V = '+words[4]+', freqHz = '+words[5]+', startTime = '+words[6]+', phase = '+theta[0]+');'
+ stat = self.mappingData["Sources"][sourceType][typ[0]]+' '+compName+'(offset = '+self.getUnitVal(typ[1])+', V = '+self.getUnitVal(words[4])+', freqHz = '+self.getUnitVal(words[5])+', startTime = '+self.getUnitVal(words[6])+', phase = '+self.getUnitVal(theta[0])+');'
if typ[0] == "pwl":
- #if IfMOS == '0':
- #keyw = 'Spice3.Sources.V_pwl '
- #elif IfMOS == '1':
- keyw = 'Analog.Sources.TableVoltage '
- stat = keyw + words[0] + '(table = [' + typ[1] + ',' + words[4] + ';'
+ keyw = self.mappingData["Sources"][sourceType][typ[0]]+' '
+ stat = keyw + compName + '(table = [' + self.getUnitVal(typ[1]) + ',' + self.getUnitVal(words[4]) + ';'
length = len(words);
for i in range(6,length,2):
if i == length-2:
w = words[i].split(')')
- stat = stat + words[i-1] + ',' + w[0]
+ stat = stat + self.getUnitVal(words[i-1]) + ',' + self.getUnitVal(w[0])
- stat = stat + words[i-1] + ',' + words[i] + ';'
+ stat = stat + self.getUnitVal(words[i-1]) + ',' + self.getUnitVal(words[i]) + ';'
stat = stat + ']);'
if typ[0] == words[3] and typ[0] != "dc":
+ #It is DC constant but no dc keyword
val_temp = typ[0].split('v')
- #if IfMOS == '0':
- stat = 'Analog.Sources.ConstantVoltage ' + words[0] + '(V = ' + val_temp[0] + ');'
- #elif IfMOS == '1':
- #stat = 'Analog.Sources.ConstantVoltage ' + words[0] + '(V = ' + val_temp[0] + ');'
+ stat = self.mappingData["Sources"][sourceType]["dc"]+' ' + compName + '(V = ' + self.getUnitVal(val_temp[0]) + ');'
elif typ[0] == words[3] and typ[0] == "dc":
- #if IfMOS == '0':
- #stat = 'Spice3.Sources.V_constant ' + words[0] + '(V = ' + words[4] + ');' ### check this
- #elif IfMOS == '1':
- stat = 'Analog.Sources.ConstantVoltage ' + words[0] + '(V = ' + words[4] + ');' ### check this
+ stat = self.mappingData["Sources"][sourceType][typ[0]]+' ' + compName + '(V = ' + self.getUnitVal(words[4]) + ');' ### check this
+ elif sourceType=='i':
+ stat = self.mappingData["Sources"][sourceType]["dc"]+' '+compName+'(I='+self.getUnitVal(words[3])+');'
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ #Now empty the source list as it may be used by subcircuit
+ self.sourceDetail[:] = []
+ #print "Source Detail after processing-------->",self.sourceDetail
+ #Lets start for device
+ for eachline in self.deviceDetail:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ deviceName = eachline[0].lower()
+ if deviceName=='d':
+ if len(words)>3:
+ if modelInfo[words[3]].has_key('n'):
+ n = float(modelInfo[words[3]]['n'])
+ else:
+ n = 1.0
+ vt = str(float(0.025*n))
+ #stat = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["import"]+' '+ words[0] + '(Ids = ' + modelInfo[words[3]]['is'] + ', Vt = ' + vt + ', R = 1e12' +');'
+ start = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["import"]
+ stat = start+" "+words[0]+"("
+ tempstatList=[]
+ userDeviceParamList=[]
+ refName = words[-1]
+ for key in modelInfo[refName]:
+ #If parameter is not mapped then it will just pass
+ try:
+ actualModelicaParam = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["mapping"][key]
+ tempstatList.append(actualModelicaParam+"="+self.getUnitVal(modelInfo[refName][key])+" ")
+ userDeviceParamList.append(str(actualModelicaParam))
+ except:
+ pass
+ #Adding Vt and R
+ userDeviceParamList.append("Vt")
+ tempstatList.append("Vt="+vt)
+ #Running loop over default parameter of OpenModelica
+ for default in self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["default"]:
+ if default in userDeviceParamList:
+ continue
+ else:
+ defaultValue = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["default"][default]
+ tempstatList.append(default+"="+self.getUnitVal(defaultValue)+" ")
+ stat += ",".join(str(item) for item in tempstatList)+");"
+ else:
+ stat = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["import"]+" "+ words[0] +";"
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ elif deviceName=='q':
+ trans = transInfo[words[4]]
+ if trans == 'npn':
+ start = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["import"]+".NPN"
+ elif trans == 'pnp':
+ start = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["import"]+".PNP"
+ else:
+ print "Transistor "+str(trans)+" Not found"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ stat = start+" "+words[0]+"("
+ tempstatList=[]
+ userDeviceParamList=[]
+ refName = words[4]
+ for key in modelInfo[refName]:
+ #If parameter is not mapped then it will just pass
+ try:
+ if key=="vaf":
+ inv_vak = float(self.getUnitVal(modelInfo[refName][key]))
+ vak_temp = 1/inv_vak
+ vak = str(vak_temp)
+ tempstatList.append("Vak="+vak+" ")
+ userDeviceParamList.append(str("Vak"))
+ else:
+ actualModelicaParam = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["mapping"][key]
+ tempstatList.append(actualModelicaParam+"="+self.getUnitVal(modelInfo[refName][key])+" ")
+ userDeviceParamList.append(str(actualModelicaParam))
+ except:
+ pass
+ #Running loop over default parameter of OpenModelica
+ for default in self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["default"]:
+ if default in userDeviceParamList:
+ continue
+ else:
+ defaultValue = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["default"][default]
+ tempstatList.append(default+"="+self.getUnitVal(defaultValue)+" ")
+ stat += ",".join(str(item) for item in tempstatList)+");"
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ elif deviceName=='m':
+ eachline = eachline.split(words[5])
+ eachline = eachline[1]
+ eachline = eachline.strip()
+ eachline = eachline.replace(' = ', '=').replace('= ','=').replace(' =','=').replace(' * ', '*').replace(' + ', '+').replace(' { ', '').replace(' } ', '')
+ eachline = eachline.split()
+ mosInfo[words[0]] = {}
+ for each in eachline:
+ if len(each) > 1:
+ each = each.split('=')
+ mosInfo[words[0]][each[0]] = each[1]
+ trans = transInfo[words[5]]
+ if trans == 'nmos':
+ start = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["import"]+".Mn"
+ elif trans=='pmos' :
+ start = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["import"]+".Mp"
+ else:
+ print "MOSFET "+str(trans)+" not found"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ stat = start+" "+words[0]+"("
+ tempstatList=[]
+ userDeviceParamList=[]
+ refName = words[5]
+ for key in modelInfo[refName]:
+ #If parameter is not mapped then it will just pass
+ try:
+ if key=="uo":
+ U0 = str(float(self.getUnitVal(modelInfo[refName][key]))*0.0001)
+ tempstatList.append("U0="+U0+" ")
+ userDeviceParamList.append(str("U0"))
+ else:
+ actualModelicaParam = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["mapping"][key]
+ tempstatList.append(actualModelicaParam+"="+self.getUnitVal(modelInfo[refName][key])+" ")
+ userDeviceParamList.append(str(actualModelicaParam))
+ except Exception as err:
+ print str(err)
+ #Running loop over default parameter of OpenModelica
+ for default in self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["default"]:
+ if default in userDeviceParamList:
+ continue
+ else:
+ defaultValue = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["default"][default]
+ tempstatList.append(default+"="+self.getUnitVal(defaultValue)+" ")
+ #Adding LEVEL(This is constant not the device level)
+ tempstatList.append("Level=1"+" ")
+ try:
+ l = mosInfo[words[0]]['l']
+ tempstatList.append("L="+self.getUnitVal(l)+" ")
+ except KeyError:
+ tempstatList.append("L=1e-6"+" ")
+ try:
+ w = mosInfo[words[0]]['w']
+ tempstatList.append("W="+self.getUnitVal(w)+" ")
+ except KeyError:
+ tempstatList.append("W=100e-6"+" ")
+ try:
+ As = mosInfo[words[0]]['as']
+ ad = mosInfo[words[0]]['ad']
+ tempstatList.append("AS="+self.getUnitVal(As)+" ")
+ tempstatList.append("AD="+self.getUnitVal(ad)+" ")
+ except KeyError:
+ tempstatList.append("AS=0"+" ")
+ tempstatList.append("AD=0"+" ")
+ try:
+ ps = mosInfo[words[0]]['ps']
+ pd = mosInfo[words[0]]['pd']
+ tempstatList.append("PS="+self.getUnitVal(ps)+" ")
+ tempstatList.append("PD="+self.getUnitVal(pd)+" ")
+ except KeyError:
+ tempstatList.append("PS=0"+" ")
+ tempstatList.append("PD=0"+" ")
+ stat += ",".join(str(item) for item in tempstatList)+");"
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- elif eachline[0] == 'x':
- temp_line = eachline.split()
- temp = temp_line[0].split('x')
- index = temp[1]
- for i in range(0,len(temp_line),1):
- if temp_line[i] in subcktName:
- subname = temp_line[i]
- numNodesSub[subname] = i - 1
- point = i
- if len(temp_line) > point + 1:
- rem = temp_line[point+1:len(temp_line)]
- rem_new = ','.join(rem)
- stat = subname + ' ' + subname +'_instance' + index + '(' + rem_new + ');'
+ elif deviceName=='j':
+ trans = transInfo[words[4]]
+ """
+ if trans == 'njf':
+ start = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["import"]+".J_NJFJFET"
+ elif trans == 'pjf':
+ start = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["import"]+".J_PJFJFET"
- stat = subname + ' ' + subname +'_instance' + index + ';'
+ print "JFET "+str(trans)+" Not found"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ """
+ start = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["import"]
+ stat = start+" "+words[0]+"(modelcard("
+ tempstatList=[]
+ userDeviceParamList=[]
+ refName = words[4]
+ for key in modelInfo[refName]:
+ #If parameter is not mapped then it will just pass
+ try:
+ actualModelicaParam = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["mapping"][key]
+ tempstatList.append(actualModelicaParam+"="+self.getUnitVal(modelInfo[refName][key])+" ")
+ userDeviceParamList.append(str(actualModelicaParam))
+ except:
+ pass
+ #Running loop over default parameter of OpenModelica
+ for default in self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["default"]:
+ if default in userDeviceParamList:
+ continue
+ else:
+ defaultValue = self.mappingData["Devices"][deviceName]["default"][default]
+ tempstatList.append(default+"="+self.getUnitVal(defaultValue)+" ")
+ stat += ",".join(str(item) for item in tempstatList)+"));"
+ #Empty device details as well
+ self.deviceDetail[:]=[]
+ #Lets start for Subcircuit
+ for eachline in self.subCktDetail:
+ global point
+ global subname
+ temp_line = eachline.split()
+ temp = temp_line[0].split('x')
+ index = temp[1]
+ for i in range(0,len(temp_line),1):
+ if temp_line[i] in subcktName:
+ subname = temp_line[i]
+ numNodesSub[subname] = i - 1
+ point = i
+ if len(temp_line) > point + 1:
+ rem = temp_line[point+1:len(temp_line)]
+ rem_new = ','.join(rem)
+ stat = subname + ' ' + subname +'_instance' + index + '(' + rem_new + ');'
- continue
+ stat = subname + ' ' + subname +'_instance' + index + ';'
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ #Empty Sub Circuit Detail
+ self.subCktDetail[:] = []
+ #Lets start for inbuilt model of ngspice
+ for eachline in compInfo:
+ words=eachline.split()
+ value = self.getUnitVal(words[-1])
+ if eachline[0] == 'a' or eachline[0] == 'A':
+ userModelParamList = []
+ refName = words[-1]
+ actualModelName = inbuiltModelDict[refName]
+ start = self.mappingData["Models"][actualModelName]["import"]
+ stat = start +" "+ words[0]+"("
+ tempstatList=[]
+ for key in modelInfo[refName]:
+ #If parameter is not mapped then it will just pass
+ try:
+ actualModelicaParam = self.mappingData["Models"][actualModelName]["mapping"][key]
+ tempstatList.append(actualModelicaParam+"="+self.getUnitVal(modelInfo[refName][key])+" ")
+ userModelParamList.append(str(actualModelicaParam))
+ except:
+ pass
+ #Running loop over default parameter of OpenModelica
+ for default in self.mappingData["Models"][actualModelName]["default"]:
+ if default in userModelParamList:
+ continue
+ else:
+ defaultValue = self.mappingData["Models"][actualModelName]["default"][default]
+ tempstatList.append(default+"="+self.getUnitVal(defaultValue)+" ")
+ stat += ",".join(str(item) for item in tempstatList)+");"
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
- if '0' in node:
+ elif eachline[0] == 'r':
+ stat = 'Analog.Basic.Resistor ' + words[0] + '(R = ' + value + ');'
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ elif eachline[0] == 'c':
+ stat = 'Analog.Basic.Capacitor ' + words[0] + '(C = ' + value + ');'
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ elif eachline[0] == 'l':
+ stat = 'Analog.Basic.Inductor ' + words[0] + '(L = ' + value + ');'
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ elif eachline[0] == 'e':
+ stat = 'Analog.Basic.VCV ' + words[0] + '(gain = ' + self.getUnitVal(words[5]) + ');'
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ elif eachline[0] == 'g':
+ stat = 'Analog.Basic.VCC ' + words[0] + '(transConductance = ' + self.getUnitVal(words[5]) + ');'
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ elif eachline[0] == 'f':
+ stat = 'Analog.Basic.CCC ' + words[0] + '(gain = ' + self.getUnitVal(words[4]) + ');'
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ elif eachline[0] == 'h':
+ stat = 'Analog.Basic.CCV ' + words[0] + '(transResistance = ' + self.getUnitVal(words[4]) + ');'
+ modelicaCompInit.append(stat)
+ else:
+ continue
+ if '0' or 'gnd' in node:
modelicaCompInit.append('Analog.Basic.Ground g;')
return modelicaCompInit, numNodesSub
@@ -368,23 +654,22 @@ class NgMoConverter:
nodesInfoLine = intLine[0:newindex]
return nodesInfoLine
- def getSubParamLine(self,subname, numNodesSub, subParamInfo):
+ def getSubParamLine(self,subname, numNodesSub, subParamInfo,dir_name):
- Take subcircuit name and give the info related to parameters in the first line and initislise it in
+ Take subcircuit name and give the info related to parameters in the first line and initialize it in
#nodeSubInterface = []
subOptionInfo_p = []
subSchemInfo_p = []
filename_t = subname + '.sub'
+ filename_t = os.path.join(dir_name, filename_t)
data_p = self.readNetlist(filename_t)
subOptionInfo_p, subSchemInfo_p = self.separateNetlistInfo(data_p)
- print "subOptionInfo_p------------------------->",subOptionInfo_p
- print "subSchemInfo_p----------------------------->",subSchemInfo_p
if len(subOptionInfo_p) > 0:
newline = subOptionInfo_p[0]
newline = newline.split('.subckt '+ subname)
intLine = newline[1].split()
- print "numNodesSub Index---------->",numNodesSub
newindex = numNodesSub[subname]
appen_line = intLine[newindex:len(intLine)]
appen_param = ','.join(appen_line)
@@ -404,38 +689,45 @@ class NgMoConverter:
pinInit = 'Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin '
pinProtectedInit = 'Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.Pin '
protectedNode = []
- print "CompInfo coming to nodeSeparate function: compInfo",compInfo
+ #print "CompInfo coming to nodeSeparate function: compInfo",compInfo
#Removing '[' and ']' from compInfo for Digital node
for i in range(0,len(compInfo),1):
compInfo[i] = compInfo[i].replace("[","").replace("]","")
for eachline in compInfo:
words = eachline.split()
- if eachline[0] in ['m', 'e', 'g', 't']:
+ if eachline[0] in ['m', 'e', 'g', 't','M','E','G','T']:
- elif eachline[0] in ['q', 'j']:
+ elif eachline[0] in ['q', 'j','J','Q']:
- elif eachline[0] == 'x':
+ elif eachline[0]=='x' or eachline[0]=='X':
templine = eachline.split()
for i in range(0,len(templine),1):
if templine[i] in subcktName:
point = i
+ #print "Added in node----->",words[1:point]
+ #Replace hyphen '-' from node
for i in nodeTemp:
if i not in node:
+ i = i.replace("-","")
for i in range(0, len(node),1):
nodeDic[node[i]] = 'n' + node[i]
if ifSub == '0':
@@ -464,6 +756,10 @@ class NgMoConverter:
pinInit = pinInit + nodeDic[protectedNode[i]]
pinInit = pinInit + ';'
pinProtectedInit = pinProtectedInit + ';'
+ #print "Node---->",node
+ #print "nodeDic----->",nodeDic
+ #print "PinInit----->",pinInit
+ #print "pinProtectedinit--->",pinProtectedInit
return node, nodeDic, pinInit, pinProtectedInit
@@ -475,12 +771,32 @@ class NgMoConverter:
sourcesInfo = self.separateSource(compInfo)
for eachline in compInfo:
words = eachline.split()
- if eachline[0] == 'r' or eachline[0] == 'c' or eachline[0] == 'd' or eachline[0] == 'l' or eachline[0] == 'v':
+ #Remove '-' from compInfo
+ for i in range(0,len(words),1):
+ words[i] = words[i].replace("-","")
+ if eachline[0]=='r' or eachline[0]=='R' or eachline[0]=='c' or eachline[0]=='C' or eachline[0]=='d' or eachline[0]=='D' \
+ or eachline[0]=='l' or eachline[0]=='L' or eachline[0]=='v' or eachline[0]=='V' or eachline[0]=='i' or eachline[0]=='I':
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.p,' + nodeDic[words[1]] + ');'
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.n,' + nodeDic[words[2]] + ');'
- elif eachline[0] == 'm':
+ elif eachline[0]=='q' or eachline[0]=='Q':
+ conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.C,' + nodeDic[words[1]] + ');'
+ connInfo.append(conn)
+ conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.B,' + nodeDic[words[2]] + ');'
+ connInfo.append(conn)
+ conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.E,' + nodeDic[words[3]] + ');'
+ connInfo.append(conn)
+ elif eachline[0]=='j' or eachline[0]=='J':
+ conn = 'connect('+words[0]+'.D,' + nodeDic[words[1]]+');'
+ connInfo.append(conn)
+ conn = 'connect('+words[0]+'.G,' + nodeDic[words[2]]+');'
+ connInfo.append(conn)
+ conn = 'connect('+words[0]+'.S,' + nodeDic[words[3]]+');'
+ connInfo.append(conn)
+ elif eachline[0]=='m' or eachline[0]=='M':
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.D,' + nodeDic[words[1]] + ');'
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.G,' + nodeDic[words[2]] + ');'
@@ -489,10 +805,12 @@ class NgMoConverter:
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.B,' + nodeDic[words[4]] + ');'
- elif eachline[0] in ['f','h']:
+ elif eachline[0] in ['f','h','F','H']:
vsource = words[3]
sourceNodes = sourcesInfo[vsource]
- sourceNodes = sourceNodes.split()
+ #print "Source Nodes------>",sourceNodes
+ #print "Source Info------->",sourcesInfo
+ #sourceNodes = sourceNodes.split() #No need to split as it is in the form of list
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.p1,'+ nodeDic[sourceNodes[0]] + ');'
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.n1,'+ nodeDic[sourceNodes[1]] + ');'
@@ -501,7 +819,7 @@ class NgMoConverter:
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.n2,'+ nodeDic[words[2]] + ');'
- elif eachline[0] in ['g','e']:
+ elif eachline[0] in ['g','e','G','E']:
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.p1,'+ nodeDic[words[3]] + ');'
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.n1,'+ nodeDic[words[4]] + ');'
@@ -510,17 +828,15 @@ class NgMoConverter:
conn = 'connect(' + words[0] + '.n2,'+ nodeDic[words[2]] + ');'
- elif eachline[0] == 'x':
+ elif eachline[0]=='x' or eachline[0]=='X':
templine = eachline.split()
temp = templine[0].split('x')
index = temp[1]
for i in range(0,len(templine),1):
- print "Test------------------>"
- if templine[i] in subcktName: #Ask Manas Added subcktName in function Call
+ if templine[i] in subcktName:
subname = templine[i]
nodeNumInfo = self.getSubInterface(subname, numNodesSub)
for i in range(0, numNodesSub[subname], 1):
- #conn = 'connect(' + subname + '_instance' + index + '.' + nodeDic[nodeNumInfo[i]] + ',' + nodeDic[words[i+1]] + ');'
conn = 'connect(' + subname + '_instance' + index + '.' + 'n'+ nodeNumInfo[i] + ',' + nodeDic[words[i+1]] + ');'
@@ -528,11 +844,17 @@ class NgMoConverter:
if '0' in node:
conn = 'connect(g.p,n0);'
+ elif 'gnd' in node:
+ conn = 'connect(g.p,ngnd);'
+ connInfo.append(conn)
return connInfo
- def procesSubckt(self,subcktName,numNodesSub):
+ def procesSubckt(self,subcktName,numNodesSub,dir_name):
#Process the subcircuit file .sub in the project folder
@@ -543,22 +865,21 @@ class NgMoConverter:
subModelInfo = {}
subsubName = []
subParamInfo = []
- subinbuiltmodelName = []
- subinbuiltmodelInfo = {}
nodeSubInterface = []
nodeSub = []
nodeDicSub = {}
pinInitsub = []
connSubInfo = []
- print "subcktName------------------>",subcktName
if len(subcktName) > 0:
for eachsub in subcktName:
filename = eachsub + '.sub'
+ basename = filename
+ filename = os.path.join(dir_name, filename)
data = self.readNetlist(filename)
- print "Data-------------------->",data
+ #print "Data-------------------->",data
subOptionInfo, subSchemInfo = self.separateNetlistInfo(data)
- print "SubOptionInfo------------------->",subOptionInfo
- print "SubSchemInfo-------------------->",subSchemInfo
+ #print "SubOptionInfo------------------->",subOptionInfo
+ #print "SubSchemInfo-------------------->",subSchemInfo
if len(subOptionInfo) > 0:
newline = subOptionInfo[0]
subInitLine = newline
@@ -567,11 +888,14 @@ class NgMoConverter:
for i in range(0,len(intLine),1):
- subModel, subModelInfo, subsubName, subParamInfo,subinbuiltmodelName, subinbuiltmodelInfo = self.addModel(subOptionInfo)
- print "Sub Model------------------------------------>",subModel
- print "SubModelInfo---------------------------------->",subModelInfo
- print "subsubName------------------------------------->",subsubName
- print "subParamInfo----------------------------------->",subParamInfo
+ subModel, subModelInfo, subsubName, subParamInfo,subtransInfo,subInbuiltModelDict = self.addModel(subOptionInfo)
+ #print "Sub Model------------------------------------>",subModel
+ #print "SubModelInfo---------------------------------->",subModelInfo
+ #print "subsubName------------------------------------->",subsubName
+ #print "subParamInfo----------------------------------->",subParamInfo
+ #print "subtransInfo----------------------------------->",subtransInfo
+ #print "subInbuiltModel----------------------------------->",subInbuiltModelDict
IfMOSsub = '0'
for eachline in subSchemInfo:
#words = eachline.split()
@@ -584,7 +908,8 @@ class NgMoConverter:
#subsubOptionInfo = []
#subsubSchemInfo = []
for eachsub in subsubName:
- filename_stemp = eachsub + '.sub'
+ filename_st = eachsub + '.sub'
+ filename_stemp = os.path.join(dir_name, filename_st)
data = self.readNetlist(filename_stemp)
subsubOptionInfo, subsubSchemInfo = self.separateNetlistInfo(data)
for eachline in subsubSchemInfo:
@@ -592,27 +917,29 @@ class NgMoConverter:
if eachline[0] == 'm':
IfMOSsub = '1'
- print "subsubOptionInfo-------------------------->",subsubOptionInfo
- print "subsubSchemInfo-------------------------->",subsubSchemInfo
+ #print "subsubOptionInfo-------------------------->",subsubOptionInfo
+ #print "subsubSchemInfo-------------------------->",subsubSchemInfo
modelicaSubParam = self.processParam(subParamInfo)
- print "modelicaSubParam------------------->",modelicaSubParam
+ #print "modelicaSubParam------------------->",modelicaSubParam
nodeSub, nodeDicSub, pinInitSub, pinProtectedInitSub = self.nodeSeparate(subSchemInfo, '1', eachsub, subsubName,numNodesSub)
- print "NodeSub------------------------->",nodeSub
- print "NodeDicSub-------------------------->",nodeDicSub
- print "PinInitSub-------------------------->",pinInitSub
- print "PinProtectedInitSub------------------->",pinProtectedInitSub
- modelicaSubCompInit, numNodesSubsub = self.compInit(subSchemInfo, nodeSub, subModelInfo, subsubName)
- print "modelicaSubCompInit--------------------->",modelicaSubCompInit
- print "numNodesSubsub-------------------------->",numNodesSubsub
- modelicaSubParamNew = self.getSubParamLine(eachsub, numNodesSub, modelicaSubParam) ###Ask Manas
- print "modelicaSubParamNew----------------->",modelicaSubParamNew
+ #print "NodeSub------------------------->",nodeSub
+ #print "NodeDicSub-------------------------->",nodeDicSub
+ #print "PinInitSub-------------------------->",pinInitSub
+ #print "PinProtectedInitSub------------------->",pinProtectedInitSub
+ modelicaSubCompInit, numNodesSubsub = self.compInit(subSchemInfo, nodeSub, subModelInfo, subsubName,dir_name,subtransInfo,subInbuiltModelDict)
+ #print "modelicaSubCompInit--------------------->",modelicaSubCompInit
+ #print "numNodesSubsub-------------------------->",numNodesSubsub
+ modelicaSubParamNew = self.getSubParamLine(eachsub, numNodesSub, modelicaSubParam,dir_name) ###Ask Manas
+ #print "modelicaSubParamNew----------------->",modelicaSubParamNew
connSubInfo = self.connectInfo(subSchemInfo, nodeSub, nodeDicSub, numNodesSubsub,subcktName)
- newname = filename.split('.')
+ #print "connSubInfo----------------->",connSubInfo
+ newname = basename.split('.')
newfilename = newname[0]
outfilename = newfilename+ ".mo"
+ outfilename = os.path.join(dir_name, outfilename)
out = open(outfilename,"w")
- out.writelines('model ' + os.path.basename(newfilename))
+ out.writelines('model ' + newfilename)
if IfMOSsub == '0':
out.writelines('import Modelica.Electrical.*;')
@@ -647,7 +974,7 @@ class NgMoConverter:
- out.writelines('end '+ os.path.basename(newfilename) + ';')
+ out.writelines('end '+ newfilename + ';')
@@ -666,28 +993,30 @@ def main(args):
print "USAGE:"
print "python <filename>"
+ dir_name = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(filename))
+ file_basename = os.path.basename(filename)
obj_NgMoConverter = NgMoConverter()
#Getting all the require information
lines = obj_NgMoConverter.readNetlist(filename)
#print "Complete Lines of Ngspice netlist :lines ---------------->",lines
- optionInfo, schematicInfo=obj_NgMoConverter.separateNetlistInfo(lines)
+ optionInfo, schematicInfo = obj_NgMoConverter.separateNetlistInfo(lines)
#print "All option details like analysis,subckt,.ic,.model : OptionInfo------------------->",optionInfo
#print "Schematic connection info :schematicInfo",schematicInfo
- modelName, modelInfo, subcktName, paramInfo, inbuiltmodelName, inbuiltmodelInfo = obj_NgMoConverter.addModel(optionInfo)
- print "Name of Model : modelName-------------------->",modelName
- print "Model Information :modelInfo--------------------->",modelInfo
- print "Subcircuit Name :subcktName------------------------>",subcktName
- print "Parameter Information :paramInfo---------------------->",paramInfo
- print "Ngspice inbuiltmodelName :inbuiltmodelName---------------------->",inbuiltmodelName
- print "Ngspice inbuiltmodelInfo :inbuiltmodelInfo----------------------->",inbuiltmodelInfo
+ modelName, modelInfo, subcktName, paramInfo,transInfo,inbuiltModelDict = obj_NgMoConverter.addModel(optionInfo)
+ #print "Name of Model : modelName-------------------->",modelName
+ #print "Model Information :modelInfo--------------------->",modelInfo
+ #print "Subcircuit Name :subcktName------------------------>",subcktName
+ #print "Parameter Information :paramInfo---------------------->",paramInfo
+ #print "InBuilt Model ---------------------->",inbuiltModelDict
modelicaParamInit = obj_NgMoConverter.processParam(paramInfo)
- #print "Make modelicaParamInit from paramInfo :processParamInit------------->",modelicaParamInit
+ #print "Make modelicaParamInit from paramInfo : processParamInit------------->",modelicaParamInit
compInfo, plotInfo = obj_NgMoConverter.separatePlot(schematicInfo)
- #print "Info like run etc : CompInfo----------------->",compInfo
#print "Plot info like plot,print etc :plotInfo",plotInfo
IfMOS = '0'
@@ -696,6 +1025,7 @@ def main(args):
if eachline[0] == 'm':
IfMOS = '1'
subOptionInfo = []
subSchemInfo = []
if len(subcktName) > 0:
@@ -704,6 +1034,7 @@ def main(args):
for eachsub in subcktName:
filename_temp = eachsub + '.sub'
data = obj_NgMoConverter.readNetlist(filename_temp)
+ #print "Data---------->",data
subOptionInfo, subSchemInfo = obj_NgMoConverter.separateNetlistInfo(data)
for eachline in subSchemInfo:
words = eachline.split()
@@ -712,26 +1043,26 @@ def main(args):
#print "Subcircuit OptionInfo : subOptionInfo------------------->",subOptionInfo
#print "Subcircuit Schematic Info :subSchemInfo-------------------->",subSchemInfo
node, nodeDic, pinInit, pinProtectedInit = obj_NgMoConverter.nodeSeparate(compInfo, '0', [], subcktName,[])
- print "All nodes in the netlist :node---------------->",node
- print "NodeDic which will be used for modelica : nodeDic------------->",nodeDic
- print "PinInit-------------->",pinInit
- print "pinProtectedInit----------->",pinProtectedInit
+ #print "All nodes in the netlist :node---------------->",node
+ #print "NodeDic which will be used for modelica : nodeDic------------->",nodeDic
+ #print "PinInit-------------->",pinInit
+ #print "pinProtectedInit----------->",pinProtectedInit
- modelicaCompInit, numNodesSub = obj_NgMoConverter.compInit(compInfo,node, modelInfo, subcktName)
- print "ModelicaComponents : modelicaCompInit----------->",modelicaCompInit
- print "SubcktNumNodes : numNodesSub---------------->",numNodesSub
+ modelicaCompInit, numNodesSub = obj_NgMoConverter.compInit(compInfo,node, modelInfo, subcktName,dir_name,transInfo,inbuiltModelDict)
+ #print "ModelicaComponents : modelicaCompInit----------->",modelicaCompInit
+ #print "SubcktNumNodes : numNodesSub---------------->",numNodesSub
connInfo = obj_NgMoConverter.connectInfo(compInfo, node, nodeDic, numNodesSub,subcktName)
- print "ConnInfo------------------>",connInfo
+ #print "ConnInfo------------------>",connInfo
###After Sub Ckt Func
if len(subcktName) > 0:
data, subOptionInfo, subSchemInfo, subModel, subModelInfo, subsubName,subParamInfo, modelicaSubCompInit, modelicaSubParam,\
- nodeSubInterface,nodeSub, nodeDicSub, pinInitSub, connSubInfo = obj_NgMoConverter.procesSubckt(subcktName,numNodesSub) #Adding 'numNodesSub' by Fahim
+ nodeSubInterface,nodeSub, nodeDicSub, pinInitSub, connSubInfo = obj_NgMoConverter.procesSubckt(subcktName,numNodesSub,dir_name) #Adding 'numNodesSub' by Fahim
#Creating Final Output file
newfile = filename.split('.')
@@ -783,4 +1114,4 @@ def main(args):
# Call main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv) \ No newline at end of file
+ main(sys.argv)