<?php require('../fpdf.php'); class PDF extends FPDF { var $B; var $I; var $U; var $HREF; function PDF($orientation='P', $unit='mm', $size='A4') { // Call parent constructor $this->FPDF($orientation,$unit,$size); // Initialization $this->B = 0; $this->I = 0; $this->U = 0; $this->HREF = ''; } function WriteHTML($html) { // HTML parser $html = str_replace("\n",' ',$html); $a = preg_split('/<(.*)>/U',$html,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach($a as $i=>$e) { if($i%2==0) { // Text if($this->HREF) $this->PutLink($this->HREF,$e); else $this->Write(5,$e); } else { // Tag if($e[0]=='/') $this->CloseTag(strtoupper(substr($e,1))); else { // Extract attributes $a2 = explode(' ',$e); $tag = strtoupper(array_shift($a2)); $attr = array(); foreach($a2 as $v) { if(preg_match('/([^=]*)=["\']?([^"\']*)/',$v,$a3)) $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])] = $a3[2]; } $this->OpenTag($tag,$attr); } } } } function OpenTag($tag, $attr) { // Opening tag if($tag=='B' || $tag=='I' || $tag=='U') $this->SetStyle($tag,true); if($tag=='A') $this->HREF = $attr['HREF']; if($tag=='BR') $this->Ln(5); } function CloseTag($tag) { // Closing tag if($tag=='B' || $tag=='I' || $tag=='U') $this->SetStyle($tag,false); if($tag=='A') $this->HREF = ''; } function SetStyle($tag, $enable) { // Modify style and select corresponding font $this->$tag += ($enable ? 1 : -1); $style = ''; foreach(array('B', 'I', 'U') as $s) { if($this->$s>0) $style .= $s; } $this->SetFont('',$style); } function PutLink($URL, $txt) { // Put a hyperlink $this->SetTextColor(0,0,255); $this->SetStyle('U',true); $this->Write(5,$txt,$URL); $this->SetStyle('U',false); $this->SetTextColor(0); } } $html = 'You can now easily print text mixing different styles: <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>, <u>underlined</u>, or <b><i><u>all at once</u></i></b>!<br><br>You can also insert links on text, such as <a href="http://www.fpdf.org">www.fpdf.org</a>, or on an image: click on the logo.'; $pdf = new PDF(); // First page $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont('Arial','',20); $pdf->Write(5,"To find out what's new in this tutorial, click "); $pdf->SetFont('','U'); $link = $pdf->AddLink(); $pdf->Write(5,'here',$link); $pdf->SetFont(''); // Second page $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetLink($link); $pdf->Image('logo.png',10,12,30,0,'','http://www.fpdf.org'); $pdf->SetLeftMargin(45); $pdf->SetFontSize(14); $pdf->WriteHTML($html); $pdf->Output(); ?>