from django.shortcuts import render from django.http import HttpResponse from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, redirect from django.template import RequestContext from certificate.models import Drupal_WS, Osdag_WS, eSim_WS, Internship_participant,Internship16_participant, Scilab_participant, Certificate, Event, Scilab_speaker, Scilab_workshop, Question, Answer, FeedBack, Scipy_participant, Scipy_speaker, Drupal_camp, Tbc_freeeda, Dwsim_participant, Scilab_arduino, Esim_faculty, Scipy_participant_2015, Scipy_speaker_2015, OpenFOAM_Symposium_participant_2016, OpenFOAM_Symposium_speaker_2016 import subprocess import os from string import Template import hashlib from certificate.forms import FeedBackForm from collections import OrderedDict # Create your views here. def index(request): return render_to_response('index.html') def download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/certificate_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': paper = request.POST.get('paper', None) workshop = request.POST.get('workshop', None) email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type') if type == 'P': user = Scilab_participant.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] elif type == 'A': if paper: user = Scilab_speaker.objects.filter(email=email, paper=paper) if user: user = [user[0]] else: user = Scilab_speaker.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('download.html', context, context_instance=ci) if len(user) > 1: context['user_papers'] = user context['v'] = 'paper' return render_to_response('download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] paper = user.paper elif type == 'W': if workshop: user = Scilab_workshop.objects.filter(email=email, workshops=workshop) if user: user = [user[0]] else: user = Scilab_workshop.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('download.html', context, context_instance=ci) if len(user) > 1: context['workshops'] = user context['v'] = 'workshop' return render_to_response('download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] workshop = user.workshops name = purpose = user.purpose year = '14' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) qrcode = 'NAME: {0}; SERIAL-NO: {1}; '.format(name, serial_no) file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) certificate = create_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: certificate = create_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('download.html', context, ci) def verification(serial, _type): context = {} if _type == 'key': try: certificate = Certificate.objects.get(short_key=serial) name = paper = certificate.paper workshop = certificate.workshop serial_no = certificate.serial_no certificate.verified += 1 purpose, year, type = _get_detail(serial_no) if type == 'P': if purpose == 'DWSIM Workshop': dwsim_user = Dwsim_participant.objects.get( detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose), ('Days', '29 - 30 May'), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'Scilab Arduino Workshop': arduino_user = Scilab_arduino.objects.get( detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose), ('Days', '3 - 4 July'), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'eSim Faculty Meet': faculty = Esim_faculty.objects.get( detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose), ('Days', '22 August'), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'Osdag Workshop': faculty = Osdag_WS.objects.get( detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose), ('Days', '4 June'), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'Drupal Workshop': faculty = Drupal_WS.objects.get( detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose), ('Days', '30 July'), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'eSim Workshop': faculty = eSim_WS.objects.get( detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose), ('Days', '11 June'), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'SciPy India': detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose), ('Days', '14 - 16 December'), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'OpenFOAM Symposium': detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose), ('Days', '27 February'), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'DrupalCamp Mumbai': drupal_user = Drupal_camp.objects.get( DAY = drupal_user.attendance if DAY == 1: day = 'Day 1' elif DAY == 2: day = 'Day 2' elif DAY == 3: day = 'Day 1 and Day 2' detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Attended', day), ('Event', purpose), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'FreeEDA Textbook Companion': user_books = Tbc_freeeda.objects.filter('book') books = [ book[0] for book in user_books ] detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Participant', 'Yes'), ('Project', 'FreeEDA Textbook Companion'), ('Books completed', ','.join(books))]) else: detail = '{0} had attended {1} {2}'.format(name, purpose, year) elif type == 'A': detail = '{0} had presented paper on {3} in the {1} {2}'.format\ (name, purpose, year, paper) if purpose == 'SciPy India': detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose), ('paper', paper), ('Days', '14 - 16 December'), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'OpenFOAM Symposium': detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose), ('paper', paper), ('Days', '27 February'), ('Year', year)]) elif purpose == 'FOSSEE Internship': intership_detail = Internship_participant.objects.get( user_project_title = Internship_participant.objects.filter( context['intern_ship'] = True detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Internship Completed', 'Yes'), ('Project', intership_detail.project_title), ('Internship Duration', intership_detail.internship_project_duration), ('Superviser Name', intership_detail.superviser_name_detail)]) elif purpose == 'FOSSEE Internship 2016': intership_detail = Internship16_participant.objects.get( user_project_title = Internship16_participant.objects.filter( context['intern_ship'] = True detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Internship Completed', 'Yes'), ('Project', intership_detail.project_title), ('Internship Duration', intership_detail.internship_project_duration)]) else: detail = '{0} had attended {1} {2}'.format(name, purpose, year) elif type == 'W': detail = '{0} had attended workshop on {3} in the {1} {2}'.format\ (name, purpose, year, workshop) context['serial_key'] = True except Certificate.DoesNotExist: detail = 'User does not exist' context["invalidserial"] = 1 context['detail'] = detail return context if _type == 'number': try: certificate = Certificate.objects.get(serial_no=serial) name = paper = certificate.paper workshop = certificate.workshop certificate.verified += 1 purpose, year, type = _get_detail(serial) if type == 'P': if purpose == 'DrupalCamp Mumbai': drupal_user = Drupal_camp.objects.get( DAY = drupal_user.attendance if DAY == 1: day = 'Day 1' elif DAY == 2: day = 'Day 2' elif DAY == 3: day = 'Day 1 and Day 2' detail = {} detail['Name'] = name detail['Attended'] = day detail['Event'] = purpose detail['Year'] = year else: detail = '{0} had attended {1} {2}'.format(name, purpose, year) elif type == 'A': detail = '{0} had presented paper on {3} in the {1} {2}'.format(name, purpose, year, paper) elif type == 'W': detail = '{0} had attended workshop on {3} in the {1} {2}'.format(name, purpose, year, workshop) context['detail'] = detail except Certificate.DoesNotExist: context["invalidserial"] = 1 return context def verify(request, serial_key=None): context = {} ci = RequestContext(request) detail = None if serial_key is not None: context = verification(serial_key, 'key') return render_to_response('verify.html', context, ci) if request.method == 'POST': serial_no = request.POST.get('serial_no').strip() context = verification(serial_no, 'number') if 'invalidserial' in context: context = verification(serial_no, 'key') return render_to_response('verify.html', context, ci) return render_to_response('verify.html',{}, ci) def _get_detail(serial_no): purpose = None if serial_no[0:3] == 'SLC': purpose = 'Scilab Conference' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'SPC': purpose = 'SciPy India' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'DCM': purpose = 'DrupalCamp Mumbai' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'FET': purpose = 'FreeEDA Textbook Companion' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'DWS': purpose = 'DWSIM Workshop' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'SCA': purpose = 'Scilab Arduino Workshop' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'ESM': purpose = 'eSim Faculty Meet' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'OWS': purpose = 'Osdag Workshop' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'DRP': purpose = 'Drupal Workshop' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'EWS': purpose = 'eSim Workshop' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'OFC': purpose = 'OpenFOAM Symposium' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'FIC': purpose = 'FOSSEE Internship' elif serial_no[0:3] == 'F16': purpose = 'FOSSEE Internship 2016' if serial_no[3:5] == '14': year = '2014' elif serial_no[3:5] == '15': year = '2015' elif serial_no[3:5] == '16': year = '2016' return purpose, year, serial_no[-1] def create_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None if type == 'P': template = 'template_SLC2014Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'SLC2014Pcertificate.pdf' elif type == 'A': template = 'template_SLC2014Acertificate' download_file_name = 'SLC2014Acertificate.pdf' elif type == 'W': template = 'template_SLC2014Wcertificate' download_file_name = 'SLC2014Wcertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() if type == 'P': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name.title(), qr_code=qrcode) elif type == 'A': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name.title(), qr_code=qrcode, paper=paper) elif type == 'W': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name.title(), qr_code=qrcode, workshop=workshop) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] def _clean_certificate_certificate(path, file_name): clean_process = subprocess.Popen('make -C {0} clean file_name={1}'.format(path, file_name), shell=True) clean_process.wait() def _make_certificate_certificate(path, type, file_name): if type == 'P': command = 'participant_cert' elif type == 'A': command = 'paper_cert' elif type == 'W': command = 'workshop_cert' process = subprocess.Popen('timeout 15 make -C {0} {1} file_name={2}'.format(path, command, file_name), stderr = subprocess.PIPE, shell = True) err = process.communicate()[1] return process.returncode, err def feedback(request): context = {} ci = RequestContext(request) form = FeedBackForm() questions = Question.objects.filter(purpose='SLC') if request.method == 'POST': form = FeedBackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data try: FeedBack.objects.get(email=data['email'].strip(), purpose='SLC') context['message'] = 'You have already submitted the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('download.html', context, ci) except FeedBack.DoesNotExist: feedback = FeedBack() = data['name'].strip() = data['email'].strip() feedback.submitted = True for question in questions: answered = request.POST.get('{0}'.format(, None) answer = Answer() answer.question = question answer.answer = answered.strip() feedback.answer.add(answer) context['message'] = 'Thank you for the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('download.html', context, ci) context['form'] = form context['questions'] = questions return render_to_response('feedback.html', context, ci) def scipy_feedback(request): context = {} ci = RequestContext(request) form = FeedBackForm() questions = Question.objects.filter(purpose='SPC') if request.method == 'POST': form = FeedBackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data try: FeedBack.objects.get(email=data['email'].strip(), purpose='SPC') context['message'] = 'You have already submitted the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('scipy_download.html', context, ci) except FeedBack.DoesNotExist: feedback = FeedBack() = data['name'].strip() = data['email'].strip() feedback.purpose = 'SPC' feedback.submitted = True for question in questions: answered = request.POST.get('{0}'.format(, None) answer = Answer() answer.question = question answer.answer = answered.strip() feedback.answer.add(answer) context['message'] = 'Thank you for the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('scipy_download.html', context, ci) context['form'] = form context['questions'] = questions return render_to_response('scipy_feedback.html', context, ci) def scipy_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/scipy_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': paper = request.POST.get('paper', None) workshop = None email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type') if type == 'P': user = Scipy_participant.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('scipy_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] elif type == 'A': if paper: user = Scipy_speaker.objects.filter(email=email, paper=paper) if user: user = [user[0]] else: user = Scipy_speaker.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('scipy_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) if len(user) > 1: context['user_papers'] = user context['v'] = 'paper' return render_to_response('scipy_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] paper = user.paper name = purpose = user.purpose year = '14' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) qrcode = 'NAME: {0}; SERIAL-NO: {1}; '.format(name, serial_no) file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) certificate = create_scipy_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: certificate = create_scipy_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('scipy_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = 'You can download the certificate' return render_to_response('scipy_download.html', context, ci) def create_scipy_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None if type == 'P': template = 'template_SPC2014Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'SPC2014Pcertificate.pdf' elif type == 'A': template = 'template_SPC2014Acertificate' download_file_name = 'SPC2014Acertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() if type == 'P': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name.title(), qr_code=qrcode) elif type == 'A': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name.title(), qr_code=qrcode, paper=paper) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] def drupal_feedback(request): context = {} ci = RequestContext(request) form = FeedBackForm() questions = Question.objects.filter(purpose='DMC') if request.method == 'POST': form = FeedBackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data try: FeedBack.objects.get(email=data['email'].strip(), purpose='DMC') context['message'] = 'You have already submitted the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('drupal_download.html', context, ci) except FeedBack.DoesNotExist: feedback = FeedBack() = data['name'].strip() = data['email'].strip() feedback.purpose = 'DMC' feedback.submitted = True for question in questions: answered = request.POST.get('{0}'.format(, None) answer = Answer() answer.question = question answer.answer = answered.strip() feedback.answer.add(answer) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('drupal_download.html', context, ci) context['form'] = form context['questions'] = questions return render_to_response('drupal_feedback.html', context, ci) def drupal_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/drupal_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type', 'P') paper = None workshop = None if type == 'P': user = Drupal_camp.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('drupal_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] fname = user.firstname lname = user.lastname name = '{0} {1}'.format(fname, lname) purpose = user.purpose DAY = user.attendance if DAY == 1: day = 'Day 1' elif DAY == 2: day = 'Day 2' elif DAY == 3: day = 'Day 1 and Day 2' else: context['notregistered'] = 2 return render_to_response('drupal_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) year = '15' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'day': day, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_drupal_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'day': day, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_drupal_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('drupal_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('drupal_download.html', context, ci) def create_drupal_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None template = 'template_DCM2015Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'DCM2015Pcertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), day=name['day'], serial_key = name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] def tbc_freeeda_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/tbc_freeeda_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type', 'P') paper = None workshop = None if type == 'P': user = Tbc_freeeda.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('tbc_freeeda_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] name = college = book = author purpose = user.purpose year = '15' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'book': book, 'college': college, 'author': author, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_freeeda_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'book': book, 'college': college, 'author': author, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_freeeda_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('tbc_freeeda_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('tbc_freeeda_download.html', context, ci) def create_freeeda_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None template = 'template_FET2015Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'FET2015Pcertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), book=name['book'], author=name['author'], college=name['college'], serial_key=name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] def dwsim_feedback(request): context = {} ci = RequestContext(request) form = FeedBackForm() questions = Question.objects.filter(purpose='DWS') if request.method == 'POST': form = FeedBackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data try: FeedBack.objects.get(email=data['email'].strip(), purpose='DWS') context['message'] = 'You have already submitted the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('dwsim_download.html', context, ci) except FeedBack.DoesNotExist: feedback = FeedBack() = data['name'].strip() = data['email'].strip() feedback.purpose = 'DWS' feedback.submitted = True for question in questions: answered = request.POST.get('{0}'.format(, None) answer = Answer() answer.question = question answer.answer = answered.strip() feedback.answer.add(answer) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('dwsim_download.html', context, ci) context['form'] = form context['questions'] = questions return render_to_response('dwsim_feedback.html', context, ci) def dwsim_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/dwsim_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type', 'P') paper = None workshop = None if type == 'P': user = Dwsim_participant.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('dwsim_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] name = purpose = user.purpose year = '15' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_dwsim_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_dwsim_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('dwsim_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('dwsim_download.html', context, ci) def create_dwsim_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None template = 'template_DWS2015Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'DWS2015Pcertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key = name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] def arduino_google_feedback(request): return render_to_response('arduino_google_feedback.html') def arduino_feedback(request): context = {} ci = RequestContext(request) form = FeedBackForm() questions = Question.objects.filter(purpose='SCA') if request.method == 'POST': form = FeedBackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data try: FeedBack.objects.get(email=data['email'].strip(), purpose='SCA') context['message'] = 'You have already submitted the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('arduino_download.html', context, ci) except FeedBack.DoesNotExist: feedback = FeedBack() = data['name'].strip() = data['email'].strip() feedback.purpose = 'SCA' feedback.submitted = True for question in questions: answered = request.POST.get('{0}'.format(, None) answer = Answer() answer.question = question answer.answer = answered.strip() feedback.answer.add(answer) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('arduino_download.html', context, ci) context['form'] = form context['questions'] = questions return render_to_response('arduino_feedback.html', context, ci) def arduino_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/scilab_arduino_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type', 'P') paper = None workshop = None if type == 'P': user = Scilab_arduino.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('arduino_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] name = purpose = user.purpose year = '15' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_arduino_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_arduino_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('arduino_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('arduino_download.html', context, ci) def create_arduino_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None template = 'template_SCA2015Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'SCA2015Pcertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key = name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] def osdag_workshop_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/osdag_workshop_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type', 'P') paper = None workshop = None if type == 'P': user = Osdag_WS.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('osdag_workshop_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] name = purpose = user.purpose year = '16' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_osdag_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_osdag_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('osdag_workshop_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('osdag_workshop_download.html', context, ci) def osdag_workshop_feedback(request): context = {} ci = RequestContext(request) form = FeedBackForm() questions = Question.objects.filter(purpose='OWS') if request.method == 'POST': form = FeedBackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data try: FeedBack.objects.get(email=data['email'].strip(), purpose='OWS') context['message'] = 'You have already submitted the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('osdag_workshop_download.html', context, ci) except FeedBack.DoesNotExist: feedback = FeedBack() = data['name'].strip() = data['email'].strip() feedback.purpose = 'OWS' feedback.submitted = True for question in questions: answered = request.POST.get('{0}'.format(, None) answer = Answer() answer.question = question answer.answer = answered.strip() feedback.answer.add(answer) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('osdag_workshop_download.html', context, ci) context['form'] = form context['questions'] = questions return render_to_response('osdag_workshop_feedback.html', context, ci) def create_osdag_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None template = 'template_OWS2016Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'OWS2016Pcertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key = name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] def drupal_workshop_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/drupal_workshop_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type', 'P') paper = None workshop = None if type == 'P': user = Drupal_WS.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('drupal_workshop_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] name = purpose = user.purpose year = '16' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_drupal_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_drupal_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('drupal_workshop_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('drupal_workshop_download.html', context, ci) def create_drupal_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None template = 'template_DWS2016Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'DWS2016Pcertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key = name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] def esim_workshop_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/esim_workshop_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type', 'P') paper = None workshop = None if type == 'P': user = eSim_WS.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('esim_workshop_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] name = purpose = user.purpose year = '16' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_esim_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_esim_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('esim_workshop_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('esim_workshop_download.html', context, ci) def esim_workshop_feedback(request): context = {} ci = RequestContext(request) form = FeedBackForm() questions = Question.objects.filter(purpose='EWS') if request.method == 'POST': form = FeedBackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data try: FeedBack.objects.get(email=data['email'].strip(), purpose='EWS') context['message'] = 'You have already submitted the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('esim_workshop_download.html', context, ci) except FeedBack.DoesNotExist: feedback = FeedBack() = data['name'].strip() = data['email'].strip() feedback.purpose = 'EWS' feedback.submitted = True for question in questions: answered = request.POST.get('{0}'.format(, None) answer = Answer() answer.question = question answer.answer = answered.strip() feedback.answer.add(answer) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('esim_workshop_download.html', context, ci) context['form'] = form context['questions'] = questions return render_to_response('esim_workshop_feedback.html', context, ci) def create_esim_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None template = 'template_EWS2016Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'EWS2016Pcertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key = name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] def esim_google_feedback(request): return render_to_response('esim_google_feedback.html') def esim_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/esim_faculty_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type', 'P') paper = None workshop = None if type == 'P': user = Esim_faculty.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('esim_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] name = purpose = user.purpose year = '15' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_esim_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_esim_certificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('esim_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('esim_download.html', context, ci) def create_esim_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None template = 'template_ESM2015Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'ESM2015Pcertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key = name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] ############################################################################### # SciPy 2015 ############################################################################### def scipy_feedback_2015(request): context = {} ci = RequestContext(request) form = FeedBackForm() questions = Question.objects.filter(purpose='SPC2015') if request.method == 'POST': form = FeedBackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data try: FeedBack.objects.get(email=data['email'].strip(), purpose='SPC2015') context['message'] = 'You have already submitted the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('scipy_download_2015.html', context, ci) except FeedBack.DoesNotExist: feedback = FeedBack() = data['name'].strip() = data['email'].strip() feedback.purpose = 'SPC2015' feedback.submitted = True for question in questions: answered = request.POST.get('{0}'.format(, None) answer = Answer() answer.question = question answer.answer = answered.strip() feedback.answer.add(answer) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('scipy_download_2015.html', context, ci) context['form'] = form context['questions'] = questions return render_to_response('scipy_feedback_2015.html', context, ci) def scipy_download_2015(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/scipy_template_2015/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': paper = request.POST.get('paper', None) workshop = None email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type') if type == 'P': user = Scipy_participant_2015.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('scipy_download_2015.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] elif type == 'A': if paper: user = Scipy_speaker_2015.objects.filter(email=email, paper=paper) if user: user = [user[0]] else: user = Scipy_speaker_2015.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('scipy_download_2015.html', context, context_instance=ci) if len(user) > 1: context['user_papers'] = user context['v'] = 'paper' return render_to_response('scipy_download_2015.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] paper = user.paper name = purpose = user.purpose year = '15' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_scipy_certificate_2015(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_scipy_certificate_2015(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('scipy_download_2015.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('scipy_download_2015.html', context, ci) def create_scipy_certificate_2015(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None if type == 'P': template = 'template_SPC2015Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'SPC2015Pcertificate.pdf' elif type == 'A': template = 'template_SPC2015Acertificate' download_file_name = 'SPC2015Acertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() if type == 'P': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key=name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) elif type == 'A': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key=name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode, paper=paper) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] ############################################################################### # OpenFOAM Symposium 2016 ############################################################################### def openfoam_symposium_feedback_2016(request): context = {} ci = RequestContext(request) form = FeedBackForm() questions = Question.objects.filter(purpose='OFSC2016') if request.method == 'POST': form = FeedBackForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): data = form.cleaned_data try: FeedBack.objects.get(email=data['email'].strip(), purpose='OFSC2016') context['message'] = 'You have already submitted the feedback. You can download your certificate.' return render_to_response('openfoam_symposium_download_2016.html', context, ci) except FeedBack.DoesNotExist: feedback = FeedBack() = data['name'].strip() = data['email'].strip() feedback.purpose = 'OFSC2016' feedback.submitted = True for question in questions: answered = request.POST.get('{0}'.format(, None) answer = Answer() answer.question = question answer.answer = answered.strip() feedback.answer.add(answer) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('openfoam_symposium_download_2016.html', context, ci) context['form'] = form context['questions'] = questions return render_to_response('openfoam_symposium_feedback_2016.html', context, ci) def openfoam_symposium_download_2016(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/openfoam_symposium_template_2016/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': paper = request.POST.get('paper', None) workshop = None email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type') if type == 'P': user = OpenFOAM_Symposium_participant_2016.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('openfoam_symposium_download_2016.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] elif type == 'A': if paper: user = OpenFOAM_Symposium_speaker_2016.objects.filter(email=email, paper=paper) if user: user = [user[0]] else: user = OpenFOAM_Symposium_speaker_2016.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('openfoam_symposium_download_2016.html', context, context_instance=ci) if len(user) > 1: context['user_papers'] = user context['v'] = 'paper' return render_to_response('openfoam_symposium_download_2016.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] paper = user.paper name = purpose = user.purpose year = '16' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_openfoam_symposium_certificate_2016(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_openfoam_symposium_certificate_2016(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('openfoam_symposium_download_2016.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('openfoam_symposium_download_2016.html', context, ci) def create_openfoam_symposium_certificate_2016(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None if type == 'P': template = 'template_OFSC2016Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'OFSC2016Pcertificate.pdf' elif type == 'A': template = 'template_OFSC2016Acertificate' download_file_name = 'OFSC2016Acertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() if type == 'P': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key=name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) elif type == 'A': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key=name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode, paper=paper) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] ############################################################################### # Scilab Internship Certificate ############################################################################### def fossee_internship_cerificate_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/fossee_internship_cerificate_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': paper = request.POST.get('project_title', None) workshop = None email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type') if type == 'P': user = Internship_participant.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('fossee_internship_cerificate_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] elif type == 'A': if paper: user = Internship_participant.objects.filter(email=email, paper=project_title, internship_project_duration=internship_project_duration, student_edu_detail=student_edu_detail, student_institute_detail=student_institute_detail, superviser_name_detail=superviser_name_detail) if user: user = [user[0]] else: user = Internship_participant.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('fossee_internship_cerificate_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) if len(user) > 1: context['user_papers'] = user context['v'] = 'paper' return render_to_response('fossee_internship_cerificate_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] paper = user.project_title name = purpose = user.purpose internship_project_duration = user.internship_project_duration student_edu_detail = user.student_edu_detail student_institute_detail=user.student_institute_detail superviser_name_detail=user.superviser_name_detail year = '16' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_fossee_internship_cerificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, internship_project_duration, student_edu_detail, student_institute_detail, superviser_name_detail, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_fossee_internship_cerificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, internship_project_duration, student_edu_detail, student_institute_detail, superviser_name_detail, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('fossee_internship_cerificate_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('fossee_internship_cerificate_download.html', context, ci) def create_fossee_internship_cerificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, internship_project_duration, student_edu_detail, student_institute_detail, superviser_name_detail, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None if type == 'P': template = 'template_FIC2016Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'FIC2016Pcertificate.pdf' elif type == 'A': template = 'template_FIC2016Acertificate' download_file_name = 'FIC2016Acertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() if type == 'P': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key=name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) elif type == 'A': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key=name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode, paper=paper, internship_project_duration=internship_project_duration, student_edu_detail=student_edu_detail, student_institute_detail=student_institute_detail, superviser_name_detail=superviser_name_detail) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error] def fossee_internship16_cerificate_download(request): context = {} err = "" ci = RequestContext(request) cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) certificate_path = '{0}/fossee_internship16_cerificate_template/'.format(cur_path) if request.method == 'POST': paper = request.POST.get('project_title', None) workshop = None email = request.POST.get('email').strip() type = request.POST.get('type') if type == 'P': user = Internship16_participant.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('fossee_internship16_cerificate_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] elif type == 'A': if paper: user = Internship16_participant.objects.filter(email=email, paper=project_title, internship_project_duration=internship_project_duration, student_edu_detail=student_edu_detail, student_institute_detail=student_institute_detail, superviser_name_detail=superviser_name_detail) if user: user = [user[0]] else: user = Internship16_participant.objects.filter(email=email) if not user: context["notregistered"] = 1 return render_to_response('fossee_internship16_cerificate_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) if len(user) > 1: context['user_papers'] = user context['v'] = 'paper' return render_to_response('fossee_internship16_cerificate_download.html', context, context_instance=ci) else: user = user[0] paper = user.project_title name = purpose = user.purpose internship_project_duration = user.internship_project_duration student_edu_detail = user.student_edu_detail student_institute_detail=user.student_institute_detail superviser_name_detail=user.superviser_name_detail year = '16' id = int( hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper() serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type) serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest() file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id) file_name = file_name.replace('.', '') try: old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no) qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key} certificate = create_fossee_internship_cerificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, internship_project_duration, student_edu_detail, student_institute_detail, superviser_name_detail, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1 return certificate[0] except Certificate.DoesNotExist: uniqueness = False num = 5 while not uniqueness: present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num]) if not present: short_key = serial_key[0:num] uniqueness = True else: num += 1 qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key) details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key} certificate = create_fossee_internship_cerificate(certificate_path, details, qrcode, type, paper, internship_project_duration, student_edu_detail, student_institute_detail, superviser_name_detail, workshop, file_name) if not certificate[1]: certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email, serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop, paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key) return certificate[0] if certificate[1]: _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) context['error'] = True return render_to_response('fossee_internship16_cerificate_download.html', context, ci) context['message'] = '' return render_to_response('fossee_internship16_cerificate_download.html', context, ci) def create_fossee_internship16_cerificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, internship_project_duration, student_edu_detail, student_institute_detail, superviser_name_detail, workshop, file_name): error = False try: download_file_name = None if type == 'P': template = 'template_FIC2016Pcertificate' download_file_name = 'FIC2016Pcertificate.pdf' elif type == 'A': template = 'template_FIC2016Acertificate' download_file_name = 'FIC2016Acertificate.pdf' template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\ (certificate_path, template), 'r') content = Template( template_file.close() if type == 'P': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key=name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode) elif type == 'A': content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(), serial_key=name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode, paper=paper, internship_project_duration=internship_project_duration, student_edu_detail=student_edu_detail, student_institute_detail=student_institute_detail, superviser_name_detail=superviser_name_detail) create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w') create_tex.write(content_tex) create_tex.close() return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, type, file_name) if return_value == 0: pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r') response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \ filename=%s' % (download_file_name) response.write( _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name) return [response, False] else: error = True except Exception, e: error = True return [None, error]