path: root/certificate/templates
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-08-04Drupal Workshop Certificate TemplateFOSSEE
2016-06-17Feedback form for eSim workshop 2016FOSSEE
2016-06-17esim workshop 2016 certificateFOSSEE
2016-06-06Osdag feedback template yearchanged to 2016FOSSEE
2016-06-06Osdag feedback questions addedFOSSEE
2016-05-30html templates for osdagFOSSEE
2016-05-30Osdag prelaunch certificates implementedFOSSEE
2016-03-16added internship certificateprashant
2016-03-14added openFoam Symposium 2016 certificate templateprashant
2015-12-17Changed feedback form to google formprathamesh
2015-12-16SciPy India 2015 certificate implementationprathamesh
2015-09-12 added feedback for esimprathamesh
2015-09-09Implemented certificates for eSim faculty meetprathamesh
2015-07-09Changed the order of events.prathamesh
Latest event first.
2015-07-08Changes to the arduino certificate as per requirementsprathamesh
2015-07-03Made feedback interface responsiveprathamesh
2015-07-03Scilab arduino workshop certificates implementationprathamesh
2015-06-04DWSIM workshop certificate implemented.prathamesh
2015-04-27Added interface for freeeda textbook companion certificate download.prathamesh
2015-04-10Changes made to improve the interface.prathamesh
2015-04-06Certificates for Drupal Mumbai Camp 2015prathamesh
Implemented certificate generator for Drupal Mumbai Camp. Made changes to the method of QR code generation. - hexadecimal hash is generated. - first few characters of hash are considered as unique key. - If the key is not unique then an additional character is added to the key. - QR code now contains only the link with the key. - the link gets the data of the certificate holder. - in the absence of the QR code scanner, the key and link are provided below the QR code.
2014-12-10Interface to take SciPy India Conference feedback andprathamesh
give certificates.
2014-12-09Added text at the bottom of the certificate.prathamesh
Added javascript and modified view to handle multiple papers or workshop by one participant.
2014-12-08modified UIprathamesh
2014-12-06base html changedprathamesh
2014-12-06Changed UIprathamesh
2014-12-06commented fieldsprathamesh
2014-12-06minor UI changesprathamesh
2014-12-06Feedback form addedprathamesh
2014-12-05minor js changeprathamesh
2014-12-04minor changeprathamesh
2014-12-04UI changeshardythe1
2014-12-03Auto-generation of certificatesprathamesh
Currently, for scilab conference.
2014-12-03Participation certificate generationprathamesh
2014-12-02Initial commit, development stage.prathamesh
Auto generation of certificate for Scilab conference