path: root/certificate
diff options
authorFOSSEE2016-05-30 14:02:41 +0530
committerFOSSEE2016-05-30 14:02:41 +0530
commitd1b6559b21d5bba3d533d1eecc0c3cc282e36601 (patch)
tree28454aa01c02eb3a1b2233de4cf7d35581b93561 /certificate
parent0e14dbf6eccc17691b27377d9a066fcb9ec256bf (diff)
Osdag prelaunch certificates implemented
Diffstat (limited to 'certificate')
-rw-r--r--certificate/osdag_workshop_template/certi_1.pngbin0 -> 13783 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xcertificate/osdag_workshop_template/esim_logo.pngbin0 -> 15765 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xcertificate/osdag_workshop_template/fossee-logo.pngbin0 -> 79661 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xcertificate/osdag_workshop_template/iitb-logo.pngbin0 -> 50099 bytes
-rw-r--r--certificate/osdag_workshop_template/osdag_logo.pngbin0 -> 7134 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xcertificate/osdag_workshop_template/siddharatha-sign.pngbin0 -> 79661 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xcertificate/osdag_workshop_template/text.pngbin0 -> 27082 bytes
14 files changed, 727 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/certificate/ b/certificate/
index 2337e37..667d4b9 100755
--- a/certificate/
+++ b/certificate/
@@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ events = (
('STC', 'Scilab Textbook Companion'),
('DCM', 'DrupalCamp Mumbai'),
('FET', 'FreeEda Textbook Companion'),
- ('OFC', 'OpenFOAM Symposium'),
- ('FIC', 'Fossee Internship'),
+ ('OFC', 'OpenFOAM Symposium'),
+ ('FIC', 'Fossee Internship'),
+ ('OWS', 'Osdag Workshop')
class Profile(models.Model):
@@ -151,6 +152,10 @@ class Esim_faculty(models.Model):
email = models.EmailField()
purpose = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='ESM')
+class Osdag_WS(models.Model):
+ name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
+ email = models.EmailField()
+ purpose = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='OWS')
class Scipy_participant_2015(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50, null=True, blank=True)
@@ -187,4 +192,4 @@ class Internship_participant(models.Model):
project_title = models.CharField(max_length=1000)
internship_project_duration = models.CharField(max_length=500, null=True, blank=True)
purpose = models.CharField(max_length=10, default='FIC')
+ # year = models.CharField(max_length = 4)
diff --git a/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/Makefile b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e4bd966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Makefile for Certificate
+# bashful package available @
+# pst-barcode package available @
+# target is not a real file
+.PHONY: help certificate clean
+# following line is because on server texlive is not installed system-wide
+export PATH := /usr/local/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-linux:$(PATH)
+# default help
+ @echo "current make version is: "$(MAKE_VERSION)
+ @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
+ @echo ""
+ @echo "participant_cert file_name=xyz Generate certificate."
+ @echo "clean clean all tmp and pdf files."
+ @echo "help Show this help."
+ @echo ""
+name = $(file_name)
+# certificate
+participant_cert: $(name).tex fossee-logo.png bashful.sty
+ pdflatex -shell-escape $(name).tex
+ @echo "removing all tmp+pdf files"
+ -rm -rvf $(name)*.pdf *~ $(name).aux $(name).log $(name).tex *.vrb *.out *.toc *.nav *.snm
+ -rm -rvf *.std* *.sh
diff --git a/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/bashful.sty b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/bashful.sty
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..21b6f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/bashful.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2011,2012 by Yossi Gil
+% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+% LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3 of this license or
+% (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all
+% distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Yossi Gil.
+% This work consists of the files bashful.tex and bashful.sty and the derived
+% bashful.pdf
+% Auxiliary identification information
+\newcommand\version@bashful{V 0.93}%
+\newcommand\author@bashful{Yossi Gil}%
+ bashful \version@bashful{} by
+ \author@bashful{} \mail@bashful
+% Identify this package
+\ProvidesPackage{bashful}[\date@bashful{} \signature@bashful:
+ Write and execute a bash script within LaTeX, with, or
+ without displaying the script and/or its output.
+\PackageInfo{bashful}{This is bashful, \signature@bashful}%
+\RequirePackage{xkeyval} % Use xkeyval for retrieving parameters
+\RequirePackage{textcomp} % For upquote
+% If true, all activities take place in a designated directory.
+% \if@unique@BL@ is a Boolean flag, telling us whether unique names should be
+% generated for the auxiliary files (, XX.stdout, XX.stderr and
+% XX.exitCode) in each invocation of the \bash command.
+\def\unique@BL{\if@unique@BL@ @\the\inputlineno\fi}
+% This is the default name for a directory in which processing should
+% take place if \@hide@BL@true.
+% Use listing to display bash scripts.
+ % listings style for the script, can be redefined by client
+ \lstdefinestyle{bashfulScript}{
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ keywords={},
+ upquote=true,
+ showstringspaces=false}%
+ % listings style for the standard output file, can be redefined by client
+ \lstdefinestyle{bashfulStdout}{
+ basicstyle=\sl\ttfamily,
+ keywords={},
+ upquote=true,
+ showstringspaces=false
+ }%
+ % listings style for the standard error file, can be redefined by client
+ \lstdefinestyle{bashfulStderr}{
+ basicstyle=\sl\ttfamily\color{red},
+ keywords={},
+ upquote=true,
+ showstringspaces=false
+ }%
+% Keys generating file names in alphabetical order:
+% dir: String = \directory@BL: Name of directory in which execution is going
+% to take place
+% exitCodeFile: String = \BL@exitCodeFile: In which file should the exit code
+% be stored if it is not zero.
+% scriptFile: String = \BL@scriptFile: In which file should the script be
+% saved?
+% stderrFile: String = \BL@stderrFile: In which file should the standard
+% error stream be saved?
+% stdoutFile: String = \BL@stdoutFile: In which file should the standard
+% output stream be saved?
+% List configuration boolean keys
+% list: Boolean = \ifBL@script: Should we list the script we generate?
+% stdout: Boolean = \ifBL@stderr: Should we list the standard error?
+% stdout: Boolean = \ifBL@stdout: Should we list the standard output?
+% Error checking Boolean keys.
+% stdout: Boolean = \ifBL@ignoreExitCode: Should we ignore the exit
+% code?
+% stdout: Boolean = \ifBL@ignoreStderr: Should we ignore the exit
+% code?
+% Miscelaneous keys
+% environment: String = \BL@environment: Which environment should we wrap
+% the listings
+\newenvironment{none@BL}{}{} % Default, empty environment for wrapping
+ % the listings
+% prefix: String = \BL@prefix: What prefix should be printed before a listing.
+% shell: String = \BL@shell: Which shell should be used for execution?
+% verbose: Boolean = \ifBL@verbose: Log every step we do
+% The "unique" package flag that tells the package to generated unique names
+% for the auxiliary files. If true the generated files (, XX.stdout,
+% XX.stderr and XX.exitCode) are given unique names in each invocation of the
+% \bash command. Unique names are generated by the pattern JOB@LINE.EXTENSION,
+% where JOB is the job's name, LINE is the number of the line in the input in
+% which the \bash command was invoked, and EXTENSION is one of "sh", "stdout",
+% "stderr" and "exitCode".
+\DeclareOptionX{unique} {\@unique@BL@true}
+\DeclareOptionX{hide} {\@hide@BL@true}
+\DeclareOptionX{dir} {\@hide@BL@true\def\directory@BL{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{verbose} {\BL@verbosetrue}
+% \bash: the main command we define. It chains to \bashI which chains to
+% \bashII, etc.
+ %\where@BL
+ \catcode`\^^M\active%
+ \gdef\bash{%
+ \logBL{Beginning a group so that all cat code changes are local}%
+ \begingroup%
+ \logBL{Making \^\^M a true newline}%
+ \catcode`\^^M\active%
+ \def^^M{^^J}%
+ \logBL{Checking for optional arguments}%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\bashI}{\bashI[]}%
+ }%
+% \bashI: Process the optional arguments and continue
+% \bashII: Set category codes of all characters to special, and proceed.
+ \catcode`\^^M\active%
+ \gdef\bashII{%
+ \logBL{bashII: Making \^\^M a true new line}%
+ \catcode`\^^M\active%
+ \def^^M{^^J}%
+ \logBL{bashII: Making all characters other}%
+ \let\do\@makeother%
+ \dospecials%
+ \bashIII}%
+% \bashIII: Consume all tokens until \END (but ignoring the preceding and
+% terminating newline), and proceed.
+ \catcode`\@=0\relax
+ \catcode`\^^M\active
+ @catcode`@\=12@relax%
+ @gdef@bashIII^^M#1^^M%
+ \END{@bashIV{#1}@bashV{#1}@logBL{bashV: Done!}@endgroup}@endgroup
+% \bashIV: Process the tokens by storing them in a script file, and executing
+% this file,
+ \logBL{BashIV: begin}%
+ \makeDirectory@BL
+ \generateScriptFile@BL{#1}\relax
+ \executeScriptFile@BL
+ \logBL{BashIV: done}%
+% \logBL: record a log message in verbose mode
+\newcommand\logBL[1]{\ifBL@verbose\typeout{L\the\inputlineno: #1}\fi}
+% A macro to create a new directory
+ \if@hide@BL@
+ \logBL{Making directory \directory@BL}%
+ \immediate\write18{mkdir -p \directory@BL}%
+ \else
+ \logBL{Using current directory}%
+ \fi
+ \bashIV{#1}%
+ \expandFileName@BL{\BL@stdoutFile}%
+ \CatchFileDef{\BL@file@contents}{\BL@stdoutFile}{\relax}%
+ \ignorespaces\BL@file@contents\unskip
+% listing the script file if required, and presenting the standard output and
+% standard error files if required.
+ \logBL{Wrapping up after execution}%
+ \storeToFile@BL{\BL@prefix#1}{\BL@scriptFile}%
+ \expandFileName@BL\BL@scriptFile
+ \expandFileName@BL\BL@stdoutFile
+ \expandFileName@BL\BL@stderrFile
+ \logBL{Files are: \BL@scriptFile, \BL@stdoutFile, and \BL@stderrFile}%
+ \checkScriptErrors@BL
+ \listEverything@BL
+ \defineMacros@BL
+ \logBL{Wrap up done}}
+ \logBL{Setting, if necessary, correct path of \noexpand#1 }%
+ \if@hide@BL@
+ \logBL{Prepending path (\directory@BL) to #1}%
+ \edef#1{\directory@BL/#1}%
+ \logBL{Obtained #1}%
+ \fi
+ \logBL{Processing key=val pairs in options string [#1]}\relax
+ \setkeys{bashful}{#1}%
+% Store the list of tokens in the first argument into our script file
+ \logBL{Generating script file \BL@scriptFile}
+ \storeToFile@BL{#1}{\BL@scriptFile}%
+% Store the list of tokens in the first argument into the file given
+% in the second argument; prepend directory if necessary
+ \logBL{ #2 :=^^J#1^^J}%
+ \if@hide@BL@
+ \logBL{File #2 will be created in \directory@BL}%
+ \storeToFileI@BL{#1}{\directory@BL/#2}
+ \else
+ \logBL{File #2 will be created in current directory}%
+ \storeToFileI@BL{#1}{#2}%
+ \fi
+ \logBL{Writing done!}%
+% Store the list of tokens in the first argument into the file given
+% in the second argument; the second argument could be qualified with
+% a directory name.
+ \logBL{Writing to file #2...}%
+ \immediate\openout\writer@BL#2%
+ \immediate\write\writer@BL{#1}%
+ \immediate\closeout\writer@BL
+% Execute the content of our script file.
+ \edef\command@BL{\BL@shell \space \BL@scriptFile}%
+ \if@hide@BL@
+ \logBL{Adding a "cd command"}%
+ \edef\command@BL{cd \directory@BL;\command@BL}
+ \fi%
+ \edef\command@BL{\command@BL \space >\BL@stdoutFile \space 2>\BL@stderrFile}%
+ \edef\command@BL{\command@BL \space || echo $? >\BL@exitCodeFile}%
+ \edef\command@BL{\BL@shell\space -c "\command@BL"}%
+ \logBL{Executing:^^J \command@BL}%
+ \immediate\write18{\command@BL}%
+% Issue an error message if errors found during execution
+ \logBL{Checking for script errors}%
+% \begingroup
+ \newif\ifErrorsFound@\ErrorsFound@false
+ \checkExitCodeFile@BL
+ \ifdefined\exitCode@BL
+ \logBL{Non zero exit code found (\exitCode@BL), and I was not instructed to
+ ignore it}
+ \ErrorsFound@true
+ \fi
+ \def\eoln{\par}
+ \def\firstErrorLine{\par}
+ \checkStderrFile@BL
+ \logBL{I will now print the contents of file \BL@stderrFile\space (if found)}
+ \ifx\firstErrorLine\eoln
+ \relax
+ \else
+ \logBL{Standard error was not empty, and I was not instructed to ignore it}
+ \message{Standard error not empty. Here is how
+ ^^Jfile \BL@stderrFile\space begins:
+ ^^J>>>>\firstErrorLine
+ ^^J>>>>\space
+ ^^Jbut, you really ought to examine this file yourself!}
+ \ErrorsFound@true
+ \fi
+ \ifErrorsFound@
+ \logBL{Issuing an error message since \BL@stderrFile\space was not empty}%
+ \errmessage{Your shell script failed...}%
+ \BL@verbosetrue
+ \logBL{Switching to verbose mode}%
+ \else
+ \logBL{File \BL@stderrFile\space was empty}%
+ \logBL{Proceeding as usual}%
+ \fi
+% \endgroup
+ \logBL{Considering \BL@exitCodeFile}%
+ \ifBL@ignoreExitCode
+ \logBL{Ignoring \BL@exitCodeFile, as per command flag}%
+ \else
+ \logBL{Opening \BL@exitCodeFile}%
+ \openin\reader@BL=\BL@exitCodeFile
+ \ifeof\reader@BL
+ \logBL{File \BL@exitCodeFile\space is missing, exit code was probably 0}
+ \closein\reader@BL
+ \else
+ \logBL{File \BL@exitCodeFile\space exists, let's get the exit code}%
+ \logBL{Reading first line of \BL@exitCodeFile}%
+ \catcode`\^^M=5
+ \read\reader@BL to \exitCode@BL
+ \closein\reader@BL
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifBL@stderr
+ \logBL{Will be listing \BL@stderrFile, so erroneous content is ignored}%
+ \else
+ \ifBL@ignoreStderr
+ \logBL{Ignoring \BL@stderrFile, as per command flag}%
+ \else
+ \checkStderrFileI@BL
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \logBL{Opening \BL@stderrFile}%
+ \openin\reader@BL=\BL@stderrFile\relax
+ \ifeof\reader@BL
+ \logBL{Hmm... \BL@stderrFile\space does not exist (probably a package bug)}%
+ \logBL{Switching to verbose mode}%
+ \BL@verbosetrue
+ \else
+ \logBL{Reading first line of \BL@stderrFile}%
+ \catcode`\^^M=5
+ \read\reader@BL to \firstErrorLine
+ \ifeof\reader@BL
+ \ifx\firstErrorLine\eoln
+ \logBL{File \BL@stderrFile\space is empty}
+ \else
+ \logBL{File \BL@stderrFile\space has one line [\firstErrorLine]}%
+ \ErrorsFound@true
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \logBL{File \BL@stderrFile\space has two lines or more}%
+ \ErrorsFound@true
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \closein\reader@BL
+% List the contents of the script, stdout and stderr, as per the flags.
+ \logBL{Checking whether any listings are required}%
+ \newif\if@listSomething@BL@
+ \ifBL@script\@listSomething@BL@true\fi
+ \ifBL@stdout\@listSomething@BL@true\fi
+ \ifBL@stderr\@listSomething@BL@true\fi
+ \if@listSomething@BL@
+ \beginWrappingEnvironment@BL
+ \listEverythingWithinEnvironment@BL
+ \endWrappingEnvironment@BL
+ \else
+ \logBL{Nothing has to be listed}%
+ \fi
+% Auxiliary macro to list the contents of the script, stdout and stderr, as per
+% the flags.
+ \logBL{Laying out the correct \noexpand\lstinputlisting commands}%1
+ \ifBL@script\listScript@BL\BL@scriptFile\fi
+ \ifBL@stdout\listStdout@BL\BL@stdoutFile\fi
+ \ifBL@stderr\listStderr@BL\BL@stderrFile\fi
+ \logBL{Listing script: #1}
+ \def\flags@BL{style=bashfulScript}
+ \logBL{Initial flags for listing #1 are \flags@BL}
+ \ifBL@stdout\edef\flags@BL{\flags@BL, belowskip=0pt}\fi
+ \ifBL@stderr\edef\flags@BL{\flags@BL, belowskip=0pt}\fi
+ \doList@BL#1\flags@BL
+ \logBL{Listing stdout: #1}
+ \edef\flags@BL{style=bashfulStdout}
+ \logBL{Initial flags for listing stdout file are \flags@BL}
+ \ifBL@script\edef\flags@BL{\flags@BL, aboveskip=0pt}\fi
+ \ifBL@stderr\edef\flags@BL{\flags@BL, belowskip=0pt}\fi
+ \doList@BL#1\flags@BL
+ \logBL{Listing stderr: #1}%
+ \def\flags@BL{style=bashfulStderr}%
+ \logBL{Initial flags for listing stderr file are \flags@BL}
+ \ifBL@script\edef\flags@BL{\flags@BL, aboveskip=0pt}\fi
+ \ifBL@stdout\edef\flags@BL{\flags@BL, aboveskip=0pt}\fi
+ \doList@BL#1\flags@BL
+ \logBL{Flags for listing #1 are #2}%
+ \expandafter\lstset\expandafter{#2}%
+ \lstinputlisting{#1}%
+ }%
+ \logBL{Beginning environment \BL@environment}%
+ \expandafter\csname\BL@environment\endcsname
+ \forceLTR@BL
+ \fixPolyglossiaBug@BL
+ \expandafter\csname end\BL@environment\endcsname
+% Define the \bashStdout and \bashStderr macro.
+ \logBL{Defining macro for the contents of the standard output file}%
+ \immediate\openin\reader@BL=\BL@stdoutFile
+ \logBL{Opened file \BL@stdoutFile}%
+ \begingroup
+ \endlinechar=-1%
+ \ifeof\reader@BL
+ \logBL{File \BL@stdoutFile was empty}%
+ \global\let\bashStdout\relax
+ \else
+ \logBL{Reading contents of \BL@stdoutFile}%
+ \immediate\read\reader@BL to \BL@temp
+ \global\let\bashStdout\BL@temp
+ \fi
+ \typeout{after EOF}%
+ \logBL{bashStdout :=^^J\bashStdout^^J}%
+ \endgroup
+ \logBL{Closing file \BL@stdoutFile}%
+ \immediate\closein\reader@BL
+ \logBL{Defining macro for the contents of the standard error file}%
+ \immediate\openin\reader@BL=\BL@stderrFile
+ \logBL{Opened file \BL@stderrFile}%
+ \begingroup
+ \endlinechar=-1%
+ \ifeof\reader@BL
+ \logBL{File \BL@stdoutFile was empty}%
+ \global\let\bashStdout\relax
+ \else
+ \logBL{Reading contents of \BL@stderrFile}%
+ \immediate\read\reader@BL to \BL@temp
+ \global\let\bashStderr\BL@temp
+ \fi
+ \logBL{bashStderr :=^^J\bashStderr^^J}%
+ \endgroup
+ \logBL{Closing file \BL@stderrFile}%
+ \immediate\closein\reader@BL
+ \logBL{Trying to fix a Polyglossia package bug}%
+ \ifdefined\ttfamilylatin
+ \logBL{Replacing \noexpand\ttfamily with \noexpand\ttfamilylatin}%
+ \let\ttfamily=\ttfamilylatin
+ \logBL{Replacing \noexpand\rmfamily with \noexpand\rmfamilylatin}%
+ \let\rmfamily=\rmfamilylatin
+ \logBL{Replacing \noexpand\sffamily with \noexpand\sffamilylatin}%
+ \let\sffamily=\sffamilylatin
+ \logBL{Replacing \noexpand\normalfont with \noexpand\normalfontlatin}%
+ \let\normalfont=\normalfontlatin
+ \else
+ \logBL{Polyglossia package probably not loaded}%
+ \relax
+ \fi
+ \logBL{Making sure we are not in right-to-left mode}%
+ \ifdefined\setLTR
+ \logBL{Command \noexpand\setLTR is defined, invoking it}%
+ \setLTR
+ \else
+ \logBL{Command \noexpand\setLTR is not defined, we are probably LTR}%
+ \relax
+ \fi
diff --git a/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/certi_1.png b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/certi_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c5a6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/certi_1.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/esim_logo.png b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/esim_logo.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f3d5d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/esim_logo.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/fossee-logo.png b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/fossee-logo.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6feda2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/fossee-logo.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/iitb-logo.png b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/iitb-logo.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2915da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/iitb-logo.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/osdag_logo.png b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/osdag_logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbff316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/osdag_logo.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/siddharatha-sign.png b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/siddharatha-sign.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6feda2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/siddharatha-sign.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/template_OWS2016Pcertificate b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/template_OWS2016Pcertificate
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c040b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/template_OWS2016Pcertificate
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+* certificate template
+** Usage
+ - To generate a PDF file type,
+ #+BEGIN_SRC sh
+ make $command
+ #+END_SRC sh
+ - To clean the project
+ #+BEGIN_SRC sh
+ make clean
+ #+END_SRC sh
+** License
+ The tex file and all the images within this project are entirely
+ PRIVATE. It's usage outside the `Fossee Project` is an legal
+ offense and will be subject to suitable punishment by Indian law.
+** Website
+ [[]]
diff --git a/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/text.png b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/text.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2f181d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certificate/osdag_workshop_template/text.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/certificate/templates/index.html b/certificate/templates/index.html
index be98efb..51f5bd1 100755
--- a/certificate/templates/index.html
+++ b/certificate/templates/index.html
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
<div style="margin:auto; width:45%">
<p>Below links will take you to a feedback form.<br> Please fill the feedback form and download your <b>e-certificate</b>.</h5></p>
<ul class="nav nav-list">
+ <li><a href="{% url 'certificate:osdag_workshop_feedback' %}" >Osdag Workshop 2016</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'certificate:openfoam_symposium_feedback_2016' %}" >OpenFOAM Symposium 2016</a></li>
- <li><a href="{% url 'certificate:fossee_internship_cerificate_download' %}" >Internship Certificate</a></li>
+ <li><a href="{% url 'certificate:fossee_internship_cerificate_download' %}" >Internship Certificate 2016</a></li>
+ <li><a href="{% url 'certificate:fossee_internship_cerificate_download' %}" >Internship Certificate 2015</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'certificate:scipy_feedback_2015' %}" >SciPy India Conference 2015</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'certificate:esim_google_feedback' %}" >eSim Faculty Meet 2015</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'certificate:arduino_google_feedback' %}" >Scilab Arduino Workshop 2015</a></li>
@@ -16,7 +18,7 @@
<li><a href="{% url 'certificate:tbc_freeeda_download' %}" >FreeEDA Textbook Companion</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'certificate:drupal_feedback' %}" >Drupal Camp Mumbai 2015</a></li>
<li><a href="{% url 'certificate:scipy_feedback' %}" >SciPy India Conference 2014</a></li>
- <li ><a href="{% url 'certificate:feedback' %}" >Scilab India Conference 2014</a></li>
+ <li><a href="{% url 'certificate:feedback' %}" >Scilab India Conference 2014</a></li>
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/certificate/ b/certificate/
index 8db1a42..c82f472 100755
--- a/certificate/
+++ b/certificate/
@@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ urlpatterns = patterns('certificate.views',
url(r'^dwsim_feedback/$', 'dwsim_feedback', name='dwsim_feedback'),
url(r'^arduino_feedback/$', 'arduino_feedback', name='arduino_feedback'),
url(r'^arduino_google_feedback/$', 'arduino_google_feedback', name='arduino_google_feedback'),
- url(r'^esim_google_feedback/$', 'esim_google_feedback', name='esim_google_feedback'),
url(r'^scipy_download/$', 'scipy_download', name='scipy_download'),
url(r'^drupal_download/$', 'drupal_download', name='drupal_download'),
url(r'^tbc_freeeda_download/$', 'tbc_freeeda_download', name='tbc_freeeda_download'),
url(r'^dwsim_download/$', 'dwsim_download', name='dwsim_download'),
url(r'^arduino_download/$', 'arduino_download', name='arduino_download'),
url(r'^esim_download/$', 'esim_download', name='esim_download'),
+ url(r'^esim_google_feedback/$', 'esim_google_feedback', name='esim_google_feedback'),
+ url(r'^osdag_workshop_download/$', 'osdag_workshop_download', name='osdag_workshop_download'),
+ url(r'^osdag_workshop_feedback/$', 'osdag_workshop_feedback', name='osdag_workshop_feedback'),
url(r'^scipy_download_2015/$', 'scipy_download_2015', name='scipy_download_2015'),
url(r'^openfoam_symposium_download_2016/$', 'openfoam_symposium_download_2016', name='openfoam_symposium_download_2016'),
url(r'^openfoam_symposium_feedback_2016/$', 'openfoam_symposium_feedback_2016', name='openfoam_symposium_feedback_2016'),
diff --git a/certificate/ b/certificate/
index 6a0ffb6..4e5819f 100755
--- a/certificate/
+++ b/certificate/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, redirect
from django.template import RequestContext
-from certificate.models import Internship_participant, Scilab_participant, Certificate, Event, Scilab_speaker, Scilab_workshop, Question, Answer, FeedBack, Scipy_participant, Scipy_speaker, Drupal_camp, Tbc_freeeda, Dwsim_participant, Scilab_arduino, Esim_faculty, Scipy_participant_2015, Scipy_speaker_2015, OpenFOAM_Symposium_participant_2016, OpenFOAM_Symposium_speaker_2016
+from certificate.models import Osdag_WS, Internship_participant, Scilab_participant, Certificate, Event, Scilab_speaker, Scilab_workshop, Question, Answer, FeedBack, Scipy_participant, Scipy_speaker, Drupal_camp, Tbc_freeeda, Dwsim_participant, Scilab_arduino, Esim_faculty, Scipy_participant_2015, Scipy_speaker_2015, OpenFOAM_Symposium_participant_2016, OpenFOAM_Symposium_speaker_2016
import subprocess
import os
from string import Template
@@ -122,6 +122,10 @@ def verification(serial, _type):
faculty = Esim_faculty.objects.get(
detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose),
('Days', '22 August'), ('Year', year)])
+ elif purpose == 'Osdag Workshop':
+ faculty = Osdag_WS.objects.get(
+ detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose),
+ ('Days', '4 June'), ('Year', year)])
elif purpose == 'SciPy India':
detail = OrderedDict([('Name', name), ('Event', purpose),
('Days', '14 - 16 December'), ('Year', year)])
@@ -238,6 +242,8 @@ def _get_detail(serial_no):
purpose = 'Scilab Arduino Workshop'
elif serial_no[0:3] == 'ESM':
purpose = 'eSim Faculty Meet'
+ elif serial_no[0:3] == 'OWS':
+ purpose = 'Osdag Workshop'
elif serial_no[0:3] == 'OFC':
purpose = 'OpenFOAM Symposium'
elif serial_no[0:3] == 'FIC':
@@ -646,6 +652,7 @@ def create_drupal_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, works
return [None, error]
def tbc_freeeda_download(request):
context = {}
err = ""
@@ -1035,10 +1042,114 @@ def create_arduino_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, work
return [None, error]
+def osdag_workshop_download(request):
+ context = {}
+ err = ""
+ ci = RequestContext(request)
+ cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ certificate_path = '{0}/osdag_workshop_template/'.format(cur_path)
+ if request.method == 'POST':
+ email = request.POST.get('email').strip()
+ type = request.POST.get('type', 'P')
+ paper = None
+ workshop = None
+ if type == 'P':
+ user = Osdag_WS.objects.filter(email=email)
+ if not user:
+ context["notregistered"] = 1
+ return render_to_response('osdag_workshop_download.html',
+ context, context_instance=ci)
+ else:
+ user = user[0]
+ name =
+ purpose = user.purpose
+ year = '16'
+ id = int(
+ hexa = hex(id).replace('0x','').zfill(6).upper()
+ serial_no = '{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(purpose, year, hexa, type)
+ serial_key = (hashlib.sha1(serial_no)).hexdigest()
+ file_name = '{0}{1}'.format(email,id)
+ file_name = file_name.replace('.', '')
+ try:
+ old_user = Certificate.objects.get(email=email, serial_no=serial_no)
+ qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(old_user.short_key)
+ details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': old_user.short_key}
+ certificate = create_osdag_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, details,
+ qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name)
+ if not certificate[1]:
+ old_user.counter = old_user.counter + 1
+ return certificate[0]
+ except Certificate.DoesNotExist:
+ uniqueness = False
+ num = 5
+ while not uniqueness:
+ present = Certificate.objects.filter(short_key__startswith=serial_key[0:num])
+ if not present:
+ short_key = serial_key[0:num]
+ uniqueness = True
+ else:
+ num += 1
+ qrcode = 'Verify at:{0} '.format(short_key)
+ details = {'name': name, 'serial_key': short_key}
+ certificate = create_osdag_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, details,
+ qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name)
+ if not certificate[1]:
+ certi_obj = Certificate(name=name, email=email,
+ serial_no=serial_no, counter=1, workshop=workshop,
+ paper=paper, serial_key=serial_key, short_key=short_key)
+ return certificate[0]
+ if certificate[1]:
+ _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name)
+ context['error'] = True
+ return render_to_response('osdag_workshop_download.html', context, ci)
+ context['message'] = ''
+ return render_to_response('osdag_workshop_download.html', context, ci)
+def osdag_workshop_feedback(request):
+ return render_to_response('osdag_workshop_feedback.html')
+def create_osdag_workshop_certificate(certificate_path, name, qrcode, type, paper, workshop, file_name):
+ error = False
+ try:
+ download_file_name = None
+ template = 'template_OWS2016Pcertificate'
+ download_file_name = 'OWS2016Pcertificate.pdf'
+ template_file = open('{0}{1}'.format\
+ (certificate_path, template), 'r')
+ content = Template(
+ template_file.close()
+ content_tex = content.safe_substitute(name=name['name'].title(),
+ serial_key = name['serial_key'], qr_code=qrcode)
+ create_tex = open('{0}{1}.tex'.format\
+ (certificate_path, file_name), 'w')
+ create_tex.write(content_tex)
+ create_tex.close()
+ return_value, err = _make_certificate_certificate(certificate_path,
+ type, file_name)
+ if return_value == 0:
+ pdf = open('{0}{1}.pdf'.format(certificate_path, file_name) , 'r')
+ response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
+ response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; \
+ filename=%s' % (download_file_name)
+ response.write(
+ _clean_certificate_certificate(certificate_path, file_name)
+ return [response, False]
+ else:
+ error = True
+ except Exception, e:
+ error = True
+ return [None, error]
def esim_google_feedback(request):
return render_to_response('esim_google_feedback.html')
def esim_download(request):
context = {}
err = ""