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Open Source Hardware Project


- Back in 2005, a group of students envisaged a world where they have affordable access to digital devices, that they can interact with the environment using sensors and microcontrollers. Fast forward 15 years and Arduino has become a household name in the community of not just students, but also novices, professionals and DIY makers. The formidable headway that was brought about has given courage and vision to all the opensource hardware projects henceforth. We at FOSSEE also became a part by adopting the platform, and using it to teach Electronics across India. The learning resources, both hardware and lectures, put together by the Opensource-hardware team of FOSSEE and Spoken-tutorial has already demonstrated effective learning. -


- Here, we are here providing you a platform for showcasing your ambitious projects, forming a community around the users and become part of our opensource-hardware activities. We are inviting proposals from you, those who have implemented projects using Arduino or are in the process, to contribute the documentation/DIY instructions of their projects. We promise to put together a well presented, shareable documentation of your project in our website. Every contributor can thus build an online portfolio which they can take pride in and may also land them a job one day! -


- Please signup and make a profile for proposal submission right away and become one of the first contributors! -


- Contribute first - -

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