{% extends "base.html" %} {% load range_filter %} {% block title %}Application form {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Thank you for providing the details. You have been authenticated.

Welcome {{user.first_name.title}} {{user.last_name.title}}, to JAM 2012 allotment!

Choose the options as per your preference

You are in the merit list for {{first_paper}} {% comment %} Checking if there is second paper and displaying its name. {% endcomment %} {% if np == 2 %} and {{second_paper}} {% endif %}

For the paper(s) in which you are in the merit list, the following options are available to you. Please rank your choices.

Options will be given preference in the ascending order. Make sure it's None for all options after your last option so that it is not considered.

Number of Options {{ oafl }} Number of subjects {{np}}

{% comment %} Listing the options for first test paper. {% endcomment %}
{% csrf_token %} {% for option in options_available_first %}

{{ option.opt_name }}

{% for i in oafl|get_range %} {{i}}
{% endfor %} None
{% endfor %} {% comment %} Listing the options for second test paper if it exists. {% endcomment %} {% if np == 2 %} {% for option in options_available_second %}

{{ option.opt_name }}

{% for i in oafl|get_range %} {{i}}
{% endfor %} None
{% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endblock content %}