AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-04-02commits from dwaita=Parth Buch
2012-04-02commit from dwaitaParth Buch
2012-04-02linked the about pagePrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02added check for dd numberPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02added time stamp to mailPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02removed duplicate email portPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02Added about pagePrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02Merge Pappachan
2012-04-02removed the registration number from the urlsPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02ignored .tar filesPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02ignored csv and txt filesPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02hiding SEBC checkbox for all other categories except OBCparth
2012-04-02Merge branch 'master' of
2012-04-02changed the email codeparth
2012-04-02passing the category status as contextPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02added fields for sebc category, dd noPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02Added the check box for sebcPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02Merge Pappachan
2012-04-02changed download pdf link to a variable in settingsparth
2012-04-02restricted robots entry using robots.txtparth
2012-04-02added image filesparth
2012-04-02removed .png from ignoreparth
2012-04-02added browser checking codeparth
2012-04-02fixed the sorting errorPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02Removed southPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02Added form fields for DD details and validation checksPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-31change in phoneno model and form fieldPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-31Changed the text of generated pdfPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-31extended range of birth yearsPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-30sending mails working by shellPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-30added dumpcsv commandparth
2012-03-30added production configparth
2012-03-30made modification to email_port so blank does not failparth
2012-03-30added 404 and 500 filedparth
2012-03-29Merge branch 'master' of
2012-03-29added email settingsparth
2012-03-29Added exam codes to Application PagePrimal Pappachan
2012-03-29added a function to remove duplicates appearing among common optionsPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-29now only one option can be selected among common optionsparth
2012-03-29Made the changes in text according to the suggestions from JAM office and add...Primal Pappachan
2012-03-28Added the id for select menusPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-28added demo user details fileparth
2012-03-28Moved static inside aloha project folderPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-28Merge Pappachan
2012-03-28base ulr redirects to login pagePrimal Pappachan
2012-03-28merged branchesparth
2012-03-28minor changes, included crispy forms and reptolabparth
2012-03-28changed jquery to work with multiple optionsparth
2012-03-28added docs folder with demo csv filesparth
2012-03-28normalized the csv reader, added opt_locationparth