{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# Chapter 11: Impulse and Reaction Turbines" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Example 11.1: Estimation_of_maximum_number_of_stages_required.sce" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "clc;\n", "p02=6; // Inlet pressure in bar\n", "T02=900; // Inlet temperature in kelvin\n", "p0fs=1; // Outlet pressure in bar\n", "eff_isenT=0.85; // insentropic efficiency of turbine\n", "alpha_2=75; // Nozzle outlet angle in degree\n", "u=250; // Mean blade velocity in m/s\n", "Cp=1.15*10^3; // Specific heat in J/ kg K\n", "r=1.333; // Specific heat ratio\n", "\n", "T0fs=T02/(p02/p0fs)^((r-1)/r); // Isentropic temperature at the exit of the final stage\n", "Del_Toverall=eff_isenT*(T02-T0fs); // Actual overall temperature drop\n", "c2=2*u/sind (alpha_2); // absolute velocity\n", "c3= c2*cosd (alpha_2);// absolute velocity\n", "c1=c3; // From velocity triangles\n", "Del_Tstage=(c2^2-c1^2)/(2*Cp); // Stage temperature drop\n", "n=Del_Toverall/Del_Tstage; // Number of stages\n", "\n", "disp (round (n),'Number of stages n =');" ] } , { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Example 11.2: Determination_of_output_power_developed_by_the_turbine_shaft.sce" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "clc;\n", "N=10000; // Speed of gas turbine in rpm\n", "T01=700+273.15; // Total head temperature at nozzle entry in kelvin\n", "P01=4.5; //Total head pressure at nozzle entry in bar\n", "P02=2.6; // Outlet pressure from nozzle in bar\n", "p3=1.5;// Pressure at trbine outlet annulus in bar\n", "M=0.5; // Mach number at outlet\n", "alpha_2=70; // outlet nozzle angle in degrees\n", "D=64; // Blade mean diameter in cm\n", "m=22.5; // Mass flow rate in kg/s\n", "eff_T=0.99; // turbine mechanical efficiency\n", "Cp=1.147; // Specific heat in kJ/kg K\n", "r=1.33; // Specific heat ratio\n", "fl=0.03; // frictional loss\n", "R=284.6; // characteristic gas constant in J/kg K\n", "\n", "eff_N=1-fl; // Nozzle efficiency\n", "T_02=(P02/P01)^((r-1)/r)*T01; // Isentropic temperature after expansion\n", "T02=T01-eff_N*(T01-T_02); // Actual temperature after expansion\n", "c2=sqrt (2*Cp*10^3*(T01-T02)); // Absolute velocity\n", "u=(3.14*D*10^-2*N)/60; // Mean blade velocity\n", "// From velocity triangles\n", "wt2=c2*sind (alpha_2)-u;\n", "ca=c2*cosd (alpha_2);\n", "beta_2=atand((wt2)/ca);\n", "T3=T02/(P02/p3)^((r-1)/r); // Assuming rotor losses are negligible\n", "c3=M*sqrt (r*R*T3); // Absolute velocity\n", "beta_3=atand(u/c3);\n", "ct2=c2*sind(alpha_2);\n", "P=eff_T*m*(ct2)*u/1000; // Power developed\n", "\n", "disp ('degree',beta_3,'Gas angle at exit = ','degree',beta_2,'Gas angle at entry','(i).');\n", "disp ('kW (roundoff error)',P,'Power developed = ','(ii).');" ] } , { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Example 11.3: Estimation_of_the_blade_angle_and_power_produced.sce" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "clc;\n", "alpha_2=65; // Nozzle discharge angle in degree\n", "c3=300; // Absolute velocity in m/s\n", "alpha_3=30; // in degrees\n", "\n", "ca2=c3*cosd (alpha_3); // Axial velocity\n", "c2=ca2/cosd(alpha_2); // Absolute velocity\n", "// ca3=ca2=ca and equal blade angles then\n", "ca=ca2;\n", "beta_2=atand((c2*sind(alpha_2)+c3*sind(alpha_3))/(2*ca)); // Blade angle\n", "beta_3=beta_2; // equal blade angles\n", "u=c2*sind(alpha_2)-ca2*tand(beta_2); // Mean blade velocity\n", "// From velocity triangles\n", "ct2=c2*sind(alpha_2);\n", "ct3=c3*sind(alpha_3);\n", "WT=u*(ct2+ct3)/1000; // Work done\n", "sigma=u/c2; // optimum speed ratio\n", "eff_B=4*(sigma*sind(alpha_2)-sigma^2);\n", "\n", "disp ('degree',beta_2,'Blade angle = beta_2= beta_3 = ');\n", "disp ('kJ/kg (roundoff error)',WT,'Power Produced = ');\n", "disp ('%',eff_B*100,'Blade efficiency = ');" ] } , { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Example 11.4: Calculation_of_blade_angle_used_and_the_mass_flow_rate_required.sce" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "clc;\n", "P01=7; // Pressure at inlet in bar\n", "T01=300+273.15; // Temperature at inlet in kelvin\n", "P02=3; // Pressure at outlet in bar\n", "alpha_2=70; // Nozzle angle in degree\n", "eff_N=0.9; // Isentropic efficiency of nozzle\n", "WT=75; // Power Produced in kW\n", "Cp=1.15; // Specific heat in kJ/kg K\n", "r=1.33; // Specific heat ratio\n", "\n", "T_02=T01*(P02/P01)^((r-1)/r); // Isentropic temperature after expansion\n", "T02=T01-eff_N*(T01-T_02); // Actual temperature after expansion\n", "c2=sqrt (2*Cp*10^3*(T01-T02)); // Absolute velocity\n", "// For optimum blade speed ratio\n", "u=(c2*sind (alpha_2)/2); // Mean blade velocity\n", "beta_2=atand((c2*sind(alpha_2)-u)/(c2*cosd(alpha_2))); // Blade angle\n", "// From velocity triangles\n", "ct2=c2*sind(alpha_2);\n", "w2=c2*cosd(alpha_2)/cosd(beta_2);\n", "w3=w2; // Equal inlet and outlet angles\n", "beta_3=54; // in degrees\n", "ct3=w3*sind(beta_3)-u;\n", "m=(WT*10^3)/(u*(ct2+ct3)); // Gas mass flow rate\n", "\n", "disp ('degree',beta_2,'Blade angle = ');\n", "disp ('kg/s',m,'Gas Mass Flow Rate = ');" ] } , { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Example 11.5: EX11_5.sce" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "clc;\n", "P01=4.6; // Total head inlet pressure in bar\n", "T01=700+273.15; // Total head inlet temperature in kelvin\n", "P2=1.6; // Static head pressure at mean radius in bar\n", "Dm_h=10; // Mean blade diameter/blade height\n", "lc=0.1; // Nozzle losses coefficient\n", "alpha_2=60; // Nozzle outlet angle in degree\n", "Cp=1.147; // Specific heat in kJ/kg K\n", "r=1.33; // Specific heat ratio\n", "m=20; // Mass flow rate in kg/s\n", "R=284.6; // characteristic gas constant in J/kg K\n", "\n", "T_2=T01*(P2/P01)^((r-1)/r); // Isentropic temperature after expansion\n", "T2=(lc*T01+T_2)/(1+lc); // Actual temperature after expansion\n", "c2=sqrt(2*Cp*10^3*(T01-T2)); // Absolute velocity\n", "// From velocity triangles\n", "ca=c2*cosd(alpha_2);\n", "row=P2*10^5/(R*T2); // Density of gas\n", "A=m/(ca*row); // Area\n", "Dm=sqrt (A*Dm_h/3.14); // Mean Diameter\n", "h=Dm/10; // Blade height\n", "rm=Dm/2; // Mean radius\n", "// At root\n", "r_root=(Dm-h)/2;\n", "//At the tip\n", "r_tip=(Dm+h)/2;\n", "// Free vorte flow\n", "ct_mean=c2*sind (alpha_2);\n", "// At the root\n", "ct2_root=(ct_mean*rm)/r_root;\n", "alpha2_root=atand(ct2_root/ca);\n", "c2_root=ct2_root/sind (alpha2_root);\n", "T2_root=T01-c2_root^2/(2*Cp*10^3);\n", "// At the tip\n", "ct2_tip=ct_mean*rm/r_tip;\n", "alpha2_tip = atand (ct2_tip/ca);\n", "c2_tip=ct2_tip/sind(alpha2_tip);\n", "T2_tip=T01-c2_tip^2/(2*Cp*10^3);\n", "\n", "disp ('degree',alpha2_root,'Discharge angle at the root = ','m/s',c2_root,'Gas velocity at the root = ','K',T2_root,'Gas Temperature at the root = ','A the Root');\n", "disp ('degree',alpha2_tip,'Discharge angle at the tip = ','m/s',c2_tip,'Gas velocity at the tip = ','K',T2_tip,'Gas Temperature at the tip = ','A the tip');" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Scilab", "language": "scilab", "name": "scilab" }, "language_info": { "file_extension": ".sce", "help_links": [ { "text": "MetaKernel Magics", "url": "https://github.com/calysto/metakernel/blob/master/metakernel/magics/README.md" } ], "mimetype": "text/x-octave", "name": "scilab", "version": "0.7.1" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0 }