From 476705d693c7122d34f9b049fa79b935405c9b49 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: prashantsinalkar
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 10:19:27 +0530
Subject: Initial commit

 .../8-Many_Electron_Atoms.ipynb                    | 177 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 177 insertions(+)
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(limited to 'Modern_Physics_by_K_S_Krane/8-Many_Electron_Atoms.ipynb')

diff --git a/Modern_Physics_by_K_S_Krane/8-Many_Electron_Atoms.ipynb b/Modern_Physics_by_K_S_Krane/8-Many_Electron_Atoms.ipynb
new file mode 100644
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+       "# Chapter 8: Many Electron Atoms"
+	   ]
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+		   "source": [
+			"## Example 8.1: Energy_of_Ka_X_ray_of_sodium.sce"
+		   ]
+		  },
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+	   "metadata": {
+	    "collapsed": true
+	   },
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+"source": [
+"clear  \n",
+"hc=1240*10^-9;Rinfi=1.097*10^7;Z=11;  //for sodium atom;and other constants in MeV\n",
+"delE=3*hc*Rinfi*(Z-1)^2/4              //change in energy\n",
+"printf('The energy of the Ka x-ray of the sodium atom is %.3f KeV.',delE/10^3);"
+   ]
+   }
+		   "cell_type": "markdown",
+		   "metadata": {},
+		   "source": [
+			"## Example 8.2: Solution_for_a_and_b.sce"
+		   ]
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+	   "execution_count": null,
+	   "metadata": {
+	    "collapsed": true
+	   },
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+"source": [
+"clear    \n",
+"EKa=21.990;EKb=25.145;EK=25.514                                      //all the values are in KeV\n",
+"ELo=EKb-EKa;printf('The enrgy of La of X-ray is %.3fKeV.\n',ELo);             //Energy of La X-ray\n",
+"EL=-EK+EKa;printf('Hence the binding energy of the L electon is %.3fKeV.',EL); // for electron L electron\n",
+   ]
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+		   "source": [
+			"## Example 8.3: Total_orbital_and_spin_quantum_numbers_of_carbon.sce"
+		   ]
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+	   "execution_count": null,
+	   "metadata": {
+	    "collapsed": true
+	   },
+	   "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"clear     \n",
+"disp('Exa-8.3'); // theoretical\n",
+"l=1; Lmax=l+l;Lmin=l-l;printf('Value of L ranges from %d to %d i.e %d %d %d\n.',Lmin,Lmax,Lmin,1,Lmax);\n",
+"s=1/2; Smax=s+s;Smin=s-s;printf('Values of S are %d &%d',Smax,Smin);"
+   ]
+   }
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+		   "source": [
+			"## Example 8.4: Total_orbital_and_spin_quantum_numbers_of_nitrogen.sce"
+		   ]
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+	   "execution_count": null,
+	   "metadata": {
+	    "collapsed": true
+	   },
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+"source": [
+"clear \n",
+"l=1; Lmax=l+l;Lmin=l-l;printf('Considering any two electrons,Value of L2e ranges from %d to %d i.e %d %d %d.\n',Lmin,Lmax,Lmin,1,Lmax);\n",
+"printf('Adding the angular momentum of the third electron to L2emax gives the maximum  whole angular momentum as 2+1=3; and subtracting it from L2e=1 gives 0\n')\n",
+"s=1/2; Smax=s+s;Smin=s-s;printf('Values of S2e are %d &%d.\n',Smax,Smin);\n",
+"printf('Adding and subtracting the spin of third to S2e=1 and S2e=0 respectively gives the spins 3/2 and 1/2 for the 3 electron system.');"
+   ]
+   }
+		   "cell_type": "markdown",
+		   "metadata": {},
+		   "source": [
+			"## Example 8.5: Hunds_rule_to_find_ground_state_quantum_numbers_of_nitrogen.sce"
+		   ]
+		  },
+  {
+"cell_type": "code",
+	   "execution_count": null,
+	   "metadata": {
+	    "collapsed": true
+	   },
+	   "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"clear    \n",
+"disp('The nitrogen atom has a configuration of 1s2,2s2,2p3.');\n",
+"disp('Let us maximize the net spin of all the 3 electrons by assigning a spin of 1/2 to each of them. Hence S=3/2.');\n",
+"disp('To maximize Ml,the consistent values of L for the 3 electrons left are 1 -1 and 0.Thus L=0 & S=3/2 are the ground state quantum numbers for nitrogen.');"
+   ]
+   }
+		   "cell_type": "markdown",
+		   "metadata": {},
+		   "source": [
+			"## Example 8.6: Ground_state_L_and_S_of_oxygen.sce"
+		   ]
+		  },
+  {
+"cell_type": "code",
+	   "execution_count": null,
+	   "metadata": {
+	    "collapsed": true
+	   },
+	   "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"clear    \n",
+"disp('The Oxygen atom has a configuration of 1s2,2s2,2p4. 4 electrons in the outer most shell.');\n",
+"disp('Let us maximize the net spin  by assigning a spin of 1/2 to 3 of them but the fourth should have spin of -1/3. Hence S=3/2-1/2=1.');\n",
+"disp('The consistent values of L for the 3 electrons are 1 -1 and 0.To maximize Ml, assign a L 0f +1 to the fourth electron.Thus L=1 & S=1 are the ground state quantum numbers for Oxygen.');"
+   ]
+   }
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