path: root/Engineering_Physics_by_G_Aruldhas/13-DIELECTRIC_PROPERTIES_OF_MATERIALS.ipynb
diff options
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+ "## Example 13.1: Electronic_Polarizability_of_atom.sci"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"// Scilab Code Ex13.1: Electronic Polarizability of atom : Page-287 (2010)\n",
+"epsilon_0 = 8.854e-012; // Absolute electrical permittivity of free space, farad per metre\n",
+"R = 0.52e-010; // Radius of hydrogen atom, angstrom\n",
+"n = 9.7e+026; // Number density of hydrogen, per metre cube\n",
+"alpha_e = 4*%pi*epsilon_0*R^3; // Electronic polarizability of hydrogen atom, farad-metre square\n",
+"printf('\nThe electronic polarizability of hydrogen atom = %4.2e farad-metre square', alpha_e);\n",
+"// Result\n",
+"// The electronic polarizability of hydrogen atom = 1.56e-041 farad-metre square"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.2: Parallel_plate_capacitor.sci"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"// Scilab Code Ex13.2: Parallel plate capacitor: Page-287 (2010)\n",
+"epsilon_0 = 8.854e-012; // Absolute electrical permittivity of free space, farad per metre\n",
+"A = 100e-004; // Area of a plate of parallel plate capacitor, metre square\n",
+"d = 1e-002; // Distance between the plates of the capacitor, m\n",
+"V = 100; // Potential applied to the plates of the capacitor, volt\n",
+"C = epsilon_0*A/d; // Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor, farad\n",
+"Q = C/V; // Charge on the plates of the capacitor, coulomb\n",
+"printf('\nThe capacitance of parallel plate capacitor = %5.3e F', C);\n",
+"printf('\nThe charge on the plates of the capacitor = %5.3e C', Q);\n",
+"// Result\n",
+"// The capacitance of parallel plate capacitor = 8.854e-012 F\n",
+"// The charge on the plates of the capacitor = 8.854e-014 C"
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+ "## Example 13.3: Dielectric_displacement_of_medium.sci"
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+"source": [
+"// Scilab Code Ex13.3: Dielectric displacement of medium: Page-288 (2010)\n",
+"epsilon_0 = 8.854e-012; // Absolute electrical permittivity of free space, farad per metre\n",
+"epsilon_r = 5.0; // Dielectric constant of the material between the plates of capacitor\n",
+"V = 15; // Potential difference applied between the plates of the capacitor, volt\n",
+"d = 1.5e-003; // Separation between the plates of the capacitor, m\n",
+"// Electric displacement, D = epsilon_0*epsilon_r*E, as E = V/d, so \n",
+"D = epsilon_0*epsilon_r*V/d; // Dielectric displacement, coulomb per metre square\n",
+"printf('\nThe dielectric displacement = %5.3e coulomb per metre square', D);\n",
+"// Result\n",
+"// The dielectric displacement = 4.427e-007 coulomb per metre square "
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.4: Relative_dielectric_constant.sci"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"// Scilab Code Ex13.4: Relative dielectric constant : Page-288 (2010)\n",
+"epsilon_0 = 8.854e-012; // Absolute electrical permittivity of free space, farad per metre\n",
+"N = 3.0e+028; // Number density of solid elemental dielectric, atoms per metre cube\n",
+"alpha_e = 1e-040; // Electronic polarizability, farad metre square\n",
+"epsilon_r = 1 + N*alpha_e/epsilon_0; // Relative dielectric constant of the material\n",
+"printf('\nThe Relative dielectric constant of the material = %5.3f', epsilon_r);\n",
+"// Result\n",
+"// The Relative dielectric constant of the material = 1.339 "
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.5: Atomic_polarizability_of_sulphur.sci"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// Scilab Code Ex13.5: Atomic polarizability of sulphur : Page-288 (2010)\n",
+"N_A = 6.023e+023; // Avogadro's number, per mole\n",
+"epsilon_0 = 8.854e-012; // Absolute electrical permittivity of free space, farad per metre\n",
+"epsilon_r = 3.75; // Relative dielectric constant\n",
+"d = 2050; // Density of sulphur, kg per metre cube\n",
+"y = 1/3; // Internal field constant\n",
+"M = 32; // Atomic weight of sulphur, g/mol\n",
+"N = N_A*1e+03*d/M; // Number density of atoms of sulphur, per metre cube\n",
+"// Lorentz relation for local fields give\n",
+"// E_local = E + P/(3*epsilon_0) which gives\n",
+"// (epsilon_r - 1)/(epsilon_r + 2) = N*alpha_e/(3*epsilon_0), solving for alpha_e\n",
+"alpha_e = (epsilon_r - 1)/(epsilon_r + 2)*3*epsilon_0/N; // Electronic polarizability of sulphur, farad metre square\n",
+"printf('\nThe electronic polarizability of sulphur = %5.3e farad metre square', alpha_e);\n",
+"// Result\n",
+"// The electronic polarizability of sulphur = 3.292e-040 farad metre square"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.6: Electronic_polarizability_from_refractive_index.sci"
+ ]
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+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"// Scilab Code Ex13.6: Electronic polarizability from refractive index : Page-289 (2010)\n",
+"N = 3e+028; // Number density of atoms of dielectric material, per metre cube\n",
+"epsilon_0 = 8.854e-012; // Absolute electrical permittivity of free space, farad per metre\n",
+"n = 1.6; // Refractive index of dielectric material\n",
+"// As (n^2 - 1)/(n^2 + 2) = N*alpha_e/(3*epsilon_0), solving for alpha_e\n",
+"alpha_e = (n^2 - 1)/(n^2 + 2)*3*epsilon_0/N; // Electronic polarizability of dielectric material, farad metre square\n",
+"printf('\nThe electronic polarizability of dielectric material = %4.2e farad metre square', alpha_e);\n",
+"// Result\n",
+"// The electronic polarizability of dielectric material = 3.03e-040 farad metre square "
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.7: Ratio_of_electronic_polarizability_to_ionic_polarizability.sci"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"// Scilab Code Ex13.7: Ratio of electronic polarizability to ionic polarizability: Page-289 (2010)\n",
+"epsilon_r = 4.9; // Absolute relative dielectric constant of material, farad per metre\n",
+"n = 1.6; // Refractive index of dielectric material\n",
+"// As (n^2 - 1)/(n^2 + 2)*(alpha_e + alpha_i)/alpha_e = N*(alpha_e + alpha_i)/(3*epsilon_0) = (epsilon_r - 1)/(epsilon_r + 2), solving for alpha_i/alpha_e\n",
+"alpha_ratio = ((epsilon_r - 1)/(epsilon_r + 2)*(n^2 + 2)/(n^2 - 1) - 1)^(-1); // Ratio of electronic polarizability to ionic polarizability\n",
+"printf('\nThe ratio of electronic polarizability to ionic polarizability = %4.2f', alpha_ratio);\n",
+"// Result\n",
+"// The ratio of electronic polarizability to ionic polarizability = 1.53 "
+ ]
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