# Custom Modules Developed for Drupal 8 # --Pre Requisites: --Dupal Console Or Drush # --To Install the Module(s): --Place the required Content Type Module(s) in The Custom Folder of Modules of your Drupal Directory(./modules/custom) # --Intsalling with Drupal Console : -->In the Terminal navigate to root directory of your Project. -->Run the Command:$ drupal modules:install module_name. -->Example if module is 'artcle' then run: $ drupal module:install article. # --Installing with Drush : -->In the Terminal navigate to root directory of your Project. -->Run the Command:$ drush en module_name -->Example if module is 'artcle' then run: $ drush en article # --I'd love it if you could Contribute to my Modules: -->Fork my Repository -->Work with your fork and commit your changes to your Repo. -->Create a Pull Request. -->We’ll analyse your changes and Merge it.