//Chapter 10 //Example 10.2 //page no 390 //To draw sequence networks of the system clear;clc; //selecting generator rating as base in generator circuit mvab=25; kvGb=11; //base voltage for generator kvTLb=kvGb*(121/10.8); //base voltage for TL kvMb=kvTLb*(10.8/121); //base voltage for motors xG=%i*0.2; xT=%i*0.1; xTL=100; xM=%i*0.25; mvaG=25; mvaT=30; mvaM1=15; mvaM2=7.5; kvM=10; //converting all the reactances to PUs xT=xT*(mvab/mvaT)*(10.8/kvGb)^2; xTL=xTL*(mvab/(kvTLb)^2); xM1=xM*(mvab/mvaM1)*(kvM/kvMb)^2; xM2=xM*(mvab/mvaM2)*(kvM/kvMb)^2; //displaying the results printf('\n\nTransmission line voltage base = %0.1f kV',kvTLb); printf('\n\Motor voltage base = %d kV',kvMb); printf('\n\nTransformer reactance = %0.4f pu',abs(imag(xT))); printf('\nLine reactance = %0.3f pu',abs(xTL)); printf('\nReactance of motor 1 = %0.3f pu',abs(imag(xM1))); printf('\nReactance of motor 2 = %0.3f pu\n\n',abs(imag(xM2))); disp('Positive and Negative sequence diagram has been drawn using XCOS,simulation has not been done as it is not being asked in the problem');