//Example 3.16 DC Motor Transfer Function. xdel(winsid())//close all graphics Windows clear; clc; //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Coefficients of numerator and denominator of the transfer function numb=[100]; denb=[0 101 10.1 1]; // Transfer function Ns=poly(numb,'s','coeff'); Ds=poly(denb,'s','coeff'); sysb=syslin('c',Ns/Ds); //gain (K) pole (P) and zeros (Z) of the system temp=polfact(Ns); Z=roots(Ns); //locations of zeros P=roots(Ds); //locations of poles K=temp(1); //first entry is always gain disp( K,"Gain", P, "Poles",Z,"Zeros",) //Transient response of DC Motor (consider velocity as output) s=%s; t=linspace(0,5,501); y=csim('step',t,sysb*s) plot(t,y) exec .\fig_settings.sci; //custom script for setting figure properties title('Transient response of DC Motor','fontsize',3) xlabel('$Time\,\, t(sec.)$','fontsize',3) ylabel('$\omega\,\,(rad/sec)$','fontsize',3) //------------------------------------------------------------------