clc disp("Example 15.9") printf("\n") s=%s; printf("Given") disp("L1=0.2H L2=0.1H") disp("M=0.1H R=10ohm") disp("v1=u(t) a unit step function") L1=0.2;L2=0.1 M=0.1;R=10; v1=1; w=100; //Let Input impedance be Z1 and can be calculated as //From the equations in 15.10 disp("Z1(s)=L1*s-((M*s)^2)/(R+L2*s)") Z1=L1*s-(((M*s)^2)/(R+L2*s)) //Proper rearranging of co-efficients Num=Z1('num')/0.01 Den=Z1('den')*100 disp(Num/Den,"Z1(s)") Y1=1/Z1 disp(Den/Num,"Y1(s)") //As the input is unit step function the value is 1V for t>0 //In exponential form the value is represented as exp(s*t) with s=0 as the pole of Y1(s) //Therefore forced response k=1/L1; printf("Forced response i1,f=(%d*t) (A)\n",k);