clc disp("Example 7.1") printf("\n") t1=-5:0.5:8 v1=cos (t1) figure a= gca (); plot(t1,v1) xtitle ('v1 vs t1','t1','v1 '); a. thickness = 2; //From the graph printf("Time period1= %3.3fs\n Frequency 1=%0.3fHz\n",6.2832,0.159) t2=-4:0.5:10 v2=sin (t2) figure a= gca (); plot(t2,v2) xtitle ('v2 vs t2','t2','v2 '); a. thickness = 2; //From the graph printf("Time period 2= %3.3fs\n Frequency 2=%0.3fHz\n",6.2832,0.159) t3=-1:0.05:1.5 v3=2*cos (2*%pi*t3) figure a= gca (); plot(t3,v3) xtitle ('v3 vs t3','t3','v3 '); a. thickness = 2; //From the graph printf("Time period 3= %ds\n Frequency 3=%dHz\n",1,1) t4=-5:0.5:12 v4=2*cos (%pi*t4/4-%pi/4) figure a= gca (); plot(t4,v4) xtitle ('v4 vs t4','t4','v4 '); a. thickness = 2; //From the graph printf("Time period 4= %ds\n Frequency 4=%0.3fHz\n",8,0.125) t5=-1:0.005:1 v5=5*cos (10*t5+%pi/3) figure a= gca (); plot(t5,v5) xtitle ('v5 vs t5','t5','v5 '); a. thickness = 2; //From the graph printf("Time period 5= %0.3fs\n Frequency 5=%3.2fHz\n",.62832,1.59)