% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/nonparam.R \name{spa} \alias{spa} \title{Estimate frequency response} \usage{ spa(data, npad = 255) } \arguments{ \item{data}{an \code{idframe} object} \item{npad}{an integer representing the total length of each time series to analyze after padding with zeros. This argument allows the user to control the spectral resolution of the SDF estimates: the normalized frequency interval is deltaf=1/npad. (Default: 255)} } \value{ an \code{idfrd} object containing the estimated frequency response } \description{ Estimates Frequency Response with fixed frequency resolution using spectral analysis } \details{ The function calls the \code{SDF} function in the \code{sapa} package to compute the cross-spectral densities. The method used is \strong{Welch's Overlapped Segment Averaging} with a normalized \strong{Hanning} window. The overlap used is 50%. } \examples{ data(frf) frf <- spa(data) } \references{ Arun K. Tangirala (2015), \emph{Principles of System Identification: Theory and Practice}, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Sections 16.5 and 20.4 } \seealso{ \code{\link[sapa]{SDF}} }