% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/readData.R \name{read.xls.idframe} \alias{read.xls.idframe} \title{Read the contents of a worksheet into a idframe object} \usage{ read.xls.idframe(file, sheetName, header = TRUE, ninputs = 0, Ts = 1, unit = c("seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days")[1], ...) } \arguments{ \item{file}{the path to the file to read} \item{sheetName}{a character string with the sheet name} \item{ninputs}{the number of input columns. (Default: 0)} \item{Ts}{sampling interval (Default: 1)} \item{unit}{Time Unit (Default: "seconds")} \item{...}{additional arguments to be passed to the \code{\link[xlsx]{read.xlsx2}} function} } \value{ an idframe object } \description{ Read the contents of an excel worksheet into a \code{idframe} object. } \details{ The \code{read.xlsx.idframe} function uses the \code{\link[xlsx]{read.xlsx2}} function, provided by the \pkg{xlsx} package, to read data from an excel file and then calls the \code{\link{read.idframe}} function to read the data into a idframe object The function requires the java runtime to be installed on the system (Requirement of the \pkg{xlsx} package). } \examples{ library(xlsx) dataMatrix <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(1000),ncol=5)) colnames(dataMatrix) <- c("u1","u2","y1","y2","y3") write.xlsx2(dataMatrix,file="test.xlsx",row.names=FALSE) data <- read.xls.idframe("test.xlsx","Sheet1",ninputs=2,unit="minutes") } \seealso{ \code{\link[xlsx]{read.xlsx2}} }