% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/estUtil.R \name{optimOptions} \alias{optimOptions} \title{Create optimization options} \usage{ optimOptions(tol = 0.01, maxIter = 20, LMinit = 0.01, LMstep = 2, display = c("off", "on")[1]) } \arguments{ \item{tol}{Minimum 2-norm of the gradient (Default: \code{1e-2})} \item{maxIter}{Maximum number of iterations to be performed} \item{LMinit}{Starting value of search-direction length in the Levenberg-Marquardt method (Default: \code{0.01})} \item{LMstep}{Size of the Levenberg-Marquardt step (Default: \code{2})} \item{display}{Argument whether to display iteration details or not (Default: \code{"off"})} } \description{ Specify optimization options that are to be passed to the numerical estimation routines }