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\title{Estimate Impulse Response Coefficients}
impulseest(x, M = 30, K = NULL, regul = F, lambda = 1)
\item{x}{an object of class \code{idframe}}

\item{M}{Order of the FIR Model (Default:\code{30})}

\item{K}{Transport delay in the estimated impulse response 

\item{regul}{Parameter indicating whether regularization should be 
used. (Default:\code{FALSE})}

\item{lambda}{The value of the regularization parameter. Valid only if
\code{regul=TRUE}. (Default:\code{1})}
\code{impulseest} is used to estimate impulse response coefficients from 
the data
The IR Coefficients are estimated using linear least squares. Future 
Versions will provide support for multivariate data.
uk <- rnorm(1000,1)
yk <- filter (uk,c(0.9,-0.4),method="recursive") + rnorm(1000,1)
data <- idframe(output=data.frame(yk),input=data.frame(uk))
fit <- impulseest(data)

Arun K. Tangirala (2015), \emph{Principles of System Identification: 
Theory and Practice}, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Sections 17.4.11 and 20.2