% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/poly.R \name{idpoly} \alias{idpoly} \title{Polynomial model with identifiable parameters} \usage{ idpoly(A = 1, B = 1, C = 1, D = 1, F1 = 1, ioDelay = 0, Ts = 1) } \arguments{ \item{A}{Autoregressive coefficients} \item{B,F1}{Coefficients of the numerator and denominator respectively of the deterministic model between the input and output} \item{C,D}{Coefficients of the numerator and denominator respectively of the stochastic model} \item{ioDelay}{the delay in the input-output channel} \item{Ts}{sampling interval} } \description{ Creates a polynomial model with identifiable coefficients } \details{ Discrete-time polynomials are of the form \deqn{ A(q^{-1}) y[k] = \frac{B(q^{-1})}{F1(q^{-1})} u[k] + \frac{C(q^{-1})}{D(q^{-1})} e[k] } } \examples{ # define output-error model mod_oe <- idpoly(B=c(0.6,-0.2),F1=c(1,-0.5),ioDelay = 2,Ts=0.1) # define box-jenkins model B <- c(0.6,-0.2) C <- c(1,-0.3) D <- c(1,1.5,0.7) F1 <- c(1,-0.5) mod_bj <- idpoly(1,B,C,D,F1,ioDelay=1) }