% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/estpoly.R \name{fitch} \alias{fitch} \title{Fit Characteristics} \usage{ fitch(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{the estimated model} } \value{ A list containing the following elements \item{MSE}{Mean Square Error measure of how well the response of the model fits the estimation data} \item{FPE}{Final Prediction Error} \item{FitPer}{Normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE) measure of how well the response of the model fits the estimation data, expressed as a percentage.} \item{AIC}{Raw Akaike Information Citeria (AIC) measure of model quality} \item{AICc}{Small sample-size corrected AIC} \item{nAIC}{Normalized AIC} \item{BIC}{Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC)} } \description{ Returns quantitative assessment of the estimated model as a list }