% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/preprocess.R \name{detrend} \alias{detrend} \title{Remove linear trends} \usage{ detrend(data, type = c("constant", "linear")[2]) } \arguments{ \item{data}{an object of class \code{idframe}} \item{type}{trend type - "constant" or "linear". (Default: \code{"linear"})} } \value{ A list containing the following elements \tabular{ll}{ \code{fitted.values} \tab \code{idframe} object with detrended variables \cr \code{output.trend} \tab \code{list} containing trend fits for each output variable \cr \code{input.trend} \tab \code{list} containing trend fits for each input variable } } \description{ Removes the mean value or linear trends in each of the input and output matrices. } \examples{ data(cstr) fit <- detrend(cstr) # remove linear trends Zdetrend <- predict(fit) # get the detrended data demean <- detrend(cstr,type="constant") # remove mean values Zcent <- predict(demean) # get the centered data } \seealso{ \code{\link{predict.detrend}}, \code{\link[stats]{lm}} }