% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/preprocess.R
\title{Remove offsets and linear trends}
detrend(x, type = 0)
\item{x}{an object of class \code{idframe}}

\item{type}{argument indicating the type of trend to be removed (Default=\code{0})
  \item type=\code{0}: Subtracts mean value from each signal
  \item type=\code{1}: Subtracts a linear trend (least-squres fit)
  \item type=\code{trInfo} object: Subtracts a trend specified by the object
A list containing two objects: the detrended data and the trend information
Removes offsets or trends from data
\code{R} by default doesn't allow return of multiple objects. The \code{\%=\%}
operator and \code{g} function in this package facillitate this behaviour. See 
the examples section for more information.
datatrain <- dataSlice(cstr,end=4500)
datatest <- dataSlice(cstr,4501)
g(Ztrain,tr) \%=\% detrend(datatrain) # Remove means
g(Ztest) \%=\% detrend(datatest,tr)
