#' Data input into a idframe object #' #' Read the contents of a \code{data.frame} object into a \code{idframe} object. #' #' @param data a \code{data.frame} object #' @param freqData a logical value indicating whether the file contains the list of #' frequencies. If \code{TRUE}, they need to be present in the first column. #' (Default: \code{idframe}) #' @param ninputs the number of input columns. (Default: 1) #' @param type indicates the domain of the data (Default:\code{"time"}) #' @param Ts sampling interval (Default: 1) #' @param tUnit Time Unit (Default: "seconds") #' #' @details #' #' If \code{type="freq"} and \code{freqData = TRUE}, then the first column in the file #' should contain the frequencies. #' #' @return an idframe object #' @examples #' data(cstr) #' data <- read.idframe(cstrData,ninputs=1,type="time",Ts= 1,tUnit="min") #' #' @export read.idframe <- function(data,freqData=FALSE,ninputs=1, type=c("time","freq")[1],Ts = 1,tUnit="sec"){ if((type=="freq") && (freqData)){ frequencies <- data[,1] # the first column must contain frequencies inputs <- data[,seq(2,length.out=ninputs,by=1)] outputs <- data[,seq((ninputs+2),dim(data)[2],by=1)] out <- idframe(output=outputs,input=inputs,type=type,Ts=Ts, frequencies=frequencies,tUnit=tUnit) } else{ inputs <- data[,1:ninputs] outputs <- data[,seq(ninputs+1,dim(data)[2],by=1)] out <- idframe(output=outputs,input=inputs,type=type,Ts=Ts,tUnit=tUnit) } return(out) } #' Data input into a idframe object #' #' Read the contents of an file in table format into a \code{idframe} object. #' #' @param file the path to the file to read #' @param sep the field separator character. Values on each line of the file are #' separated by this character. (Default: \code{","}) #' @param header a logical value indicating whether the first row corresponding to #' the first element of the rowIndex vector contains the names of the variables. #' (Default: \code{TRUE}) #' @param ninputs the number of input columns. (Default: 1) #' @param type indicates the domain of the data (Default:\code{"time"}) #' @param Ts sampling interval (Default: 1) #' @param freqData a logical value indicating whether the file contains the list of #' frequencies. If \code{TRUE}, they need to be present in the first column. #' (Default: \code{idframe}) #' @param tUnit Time Unit (Default: "seconds") #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the \code{\link[utils]{read.table}} function #' #' @details #' #' The \code{readxlsx.idframe} function uses the \code{\link[utils]{read.table}} function, #' provided by the \pkg{xlsx} package, to read data from an excel file and then calls the #' \code{\link{read.idframe}} function to read the data into a idframe object #' #' #' If \code{type="freq"} and \code{freqData = TRUE}, then the first column in the file #' should contain the frequencies. #' #' @return an idframe object #' @examples #' dataMatrix <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(1000),ncol=5)) #' colnames(dataMatrix) <- c("u1","u2","y1","y2","y3") #' write.csv(dataMatrix,file="test.csv",row.names=F) #' #' data <- read.table.idframe("test.csv",ninputs=2,tUnit="min") #' #' @seealso \code{\link[utils]{read.table}} #' @export read.table.idframe <- function(file,header=TRUE,sep=",",ninputs=1, type=c("time","freq")[1],Ts = 1,freqData=FALSE, tUnit="sec",...){ # Read from file (default: csv file) dat <- read.table(file=file,header=header,sep=sep,...) # read from dataframe and return idframe object out <- read.idframe(dat,ninputs=ninputs,type=type,Ts = Ts, freqData=freqData,tUnit=tUnit) return(out) } #' Read the contents of a worksheet into a idframe object #' #' Read the contents of an excel worksheet into a \code{idframe} object. #' #' @param file the path to the file to read #' @param sheetName a character string with the sheet name #' @param header a logical value indicating whether the first row corresponding to #' the first element of the rowIndex vector contains the names of the variables. #' (Default: \code{TRUE}) #' @param ninputs the number of input columns. (Default: 1) #' @param type indicates the domain of the data (Default:\code{"time"}) #' @param Ts sampling interval (Default: 1) #' @param freqData a logical value indicating whether the file contains the list of #' frequencies. If \code{TRUE}, they need to be present in the first column. #' (Default: \code{idframe}) #' @param tUnit Time Unit (Default: "seconds") #' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to the \code{\link[xlsx]{read.xlsx2}} function #' #' @details #' #' The \code{read.xlsx.idframe} function uses the \code{\link[xlsx]{read.xlsx2}} function, #' provided by the \pkg{xlsx} package, to read data from an excel file and then calls the #' \code{\link{read.idframe}} function to read the data into a idframe object #' #' #' If \code{type="freq"} and \code{freqData = TRUE}, then the first column in the file #' should contain the frequencies. #' #' #' The function requires the java runtime to be installed on the system (Requirement of #' the \pkg{xlsx} package). #' #' @return an idframe object #' @examples #' library(xlsx) #' dataMatrix <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(1000),ncol=5)) #' colnames(dataMatrix) <- c("u1","u2","y1","y2","y3") #' write.xlsx2(dataMatrix,file="test.xlsx",row.names=F) #' #' data <- read.xls.idframe("test.xlsx","Sheet1",ninputs=2,tUnit="min") #' #' @seealso \code{\link[xlsx]{read.xlsx2}} #' @export read.xls.idframe <- function(file,sheetName,header=TRUE,ninputs=1, type=c("time","freq")[1],Ts = 1,freqData=FALSE,tUnit="time", ...){ require(xlsx) # Read from file into an R data.frame dat <- read.xlsx2(file=file,sheetName=sheetName,header=header,...) l <- as.list(dat) dat <- as.data.frame(l,as.numeric) # read from dataframe and return idframe object out <- read.idframe(dat,ninputs=ninputs,type=type,Ts = Ts, freqData=freqData,tUnit=tUnit) return(out) }