#' Estimate parameters of ARX recursively #' #' Estimates the parameters of a single-output ARX model of the #' specified order from data using the recursive weighted least-squares #' algorithm. #' #' @param x an object of class \code{idframe} #' @param order Specification of the orders: the three integer components #' (na,nb,nk) are the order of polynolnomial A, (order of polynomial B + 1) and #' the input-output delay #' @param lambda Forgetting factor(Default=\code{0.95}) #' #' @return #' A list containing the following objects #' \describe{ #' \item{theta}{Estimated parameters of the model. The \eqn{k^{th}} #' row contains the parameters associated with the \eqn{k^{th}} #' sample. Each row in \code{theta} has the following format: \cr #' theta[i,:]=[a1,a2,...,ana,b1,...bnb] #' } #' \item{yhat}{Predicted value of the output, according to the #' current model - parameters based on all past data} #' } #' #' @references #' Arun K. Tangirala (2015), \emph{Principles of System Identification: #' Theory and Practice}, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Section 25.1.3 #' #' Lennart Ljung (1999), \emph{System Identification: Theory for the User}, #' 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, New York. Section 11.2 #' @examples #' Gp1 <- idpoly(c(1,-0.9,0.2),2,ioDelay=2,noiseVar = 0.1) #' Gp2 <- idpoly(c(1,-1.2,0.35),2.5,ioDelay=2,noiseVar = 0.1) #' uk = idinput(2044,'prbs',c(0,1/4)); N = length(uk); #' N1 = round(0.35*N); N2 = round(0.4*N); N3 = N-N1-N2; #' yk1 <- sim(Gp1,uk[1:N1],addNoise = T) #' yk2 <- sim(Gp2,uk[N1+1:N2],addNoise = T) #' yk3 <- sim(Gp1,uk[N1+N2+1:N3],addNoise = T) #' yk <- c(yk1,yk2,yk3) #' z <- idframe(yk,uk,1) #' g(theta,yhat) %=% rarx(z,c(2,1,2)) #' #' @export rarx <- function(x,order=c(1,1,1),lambda=0.95){ y <- outputData(x); u <- inputData(x) N <- dim(y)[1] na <- order[1];nb <- order[2]; nk <- order[3] nb1 <- nb+nk-1 ; n <- max(na,nb1); df <- N-na-nb yout <- apply(y,2,padZeros,n=n) uout <- apply(u,2,padZeros,n=n) uindex <- nk:nb1 if(na!=0) yindex <- 1:na reg <- function(i) { # regressor temp <- numeric(0) if(na!=0) temp <- c(temp,-yout[i-yindex,]) phi <- c(temp,uout[i-uindex,]) phi } # R0 <- reg(n+1)%*%t(reg(n+1)) # Plast <- solve(R0) Plast <- 10^4*diag(na+nb) theta <- matrix(0,N+1,na+nb) yhat <- y for(i in 1:N){ temp <- reg(n+i) yhat[i,] <- t(temp)%*%t(theta[i,,drop=FALSE]) eps_i <- y[i,,drop=FALSE] - yhat[i,,drop=FALSE] kappa_i <- Plast%*%temp/(lambda+t(temp)%*%Plast%*%temp)[1] theta[i+1,] <- t(t(theta[i,,drop=F])+eps_i[1]*kappa_i) Plast <- (diag(na+nb)-kappa_i%*%t(temp))%*%Plast/lambda } list(theta=theta[1+1:N,],yhat=yhat) }